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e-text LotR - Foreward, paragrpah one

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the softrat

May 10, 2000, 3:00:00 AM5/10/00

This tale grew in the telling, until it became a giant tome taxing
anyone's ability to remember the plot or all of the epicene
characters. It, like the Great War, rings in the themes of Life,
Death, and Mother Hubbard's Cupboard and other trivia of ancient
history which proceeded it. It began soon after my habit was acquired
and before regurgitation in 1949; but I did not go on, and on, and on,
and on, for I first wished to go on, and on, and on, ..., and on with
its prequel, the fantasies and meanderings of the Elder Days, which
had been disturbing my dope dreams for some years. I desired to do
this because my therapist so advised, and I knew that no one would
care the slightest about this phase of my recovery, especially since
it was like reading fortunes in overcooked linguini and was begun to
fabricate a fictitious 'history' for wagging tongues.

(to be continued)

the softrat
You asked for this. Aren't you sorry now?

the softrat
Let's jump off that bridge when we come to it.

Steuard Jensen

May 10, 2000, 3:00:00 AM5/10/00
Quoth the softrat <>:

> This tale grew in the telling, until it became a giant tome taxing

> fabricate a fictitious 'history' for wagging tongues.

> You asked for this. Aren't you sorry now?

No! :) Well done, and keep it up!
Steuard Jensen

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