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Ranma 1/2: (Mis)adventures of a Foreign Exchange Student (Pt 6)

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14. 7. 1993 9:26:3614.07.93
For those of you who don't receive rec.arts.anime.stories (and for that person
who took the time to repost it on r.a.a. :-)) I'm posting future segments of
my fanfic on both r.a.a and r.a.a.s. As usual, constructive criticism is
welcome and you can find the entire (to date, I'm not finished yet) story on (shameless plug :-)). It's under anime/FanFiction/ranma.
misadventure.Z. Enjoy!

[The next day, Sunday, Pat's about to stroll around town to see some sights,
dressed casually in a green jogging jacket, plaid shirt, and blue jeans.
Ranma and Genma are training outside while Kasumi's cooking in the kitchen.
He notices that Nabiki's also about to go out. She goes into Akane's room
upstairs. Without meaning to, he overhears snippets of a conversation.]

Nabiki: Hey, is it all right if I borrow your white blouse?

Akane: [somewhat hesitant] Well...all right, but don't get it dirty.

Nabiki: Don't worry. [she walks out with the blouse in her hand, goes into
her room and shuts the door. Pat decides to stick around for a bit. Several
minutes later, Nabiki comes out of her room wearing the blouse and some jeans.
Pat's idly looking through a magazine when he sees her coming down.] Hi, Pat.

Pat: [putting down the magazine] Hi.

Nabiki: [showing off her outfit] What do you think?

Pat: [looking her over] You look good.

Nabiki: [brightens] Thanks. Listen, I'm going to be doing a few...errands
around town. You want to come?

Pat: What're you doing? Collecting money from people?

Nabiki: [mischieviously] Maybe.

Pat: Hmm...tempting offer. But, I was thinking more about some sightseeing.

Nabiki: [a little disappointed] Oh. Well, maybe next time.

Pat: Maybe. See ya! [they both leave the house in separate directions.]

[Pat walks around town, enjoying the peaceful day. He sees Nabiki on the
opposite side of the street going into various shops. Coming out of a
clothing store, she's splattered with mud by a passing car. Cursing, she
goes back into the store.]

Pat: I'd better see if she's all right. [heads over to the store, but
doesn't enter. Nabiki comes out. Her blouse is absolutely ruined because of
the mud.] Hey, are you okay?

Nabiki: Pat, what're you doing here?

Pat: Well, I was just checking out the sights when... [she jerks him inside
the store] Whoa! [he notices that she's wearing another blouse. He also
notices that Akane's blouse is in her bag.]

Nabiki: I need to borrow your jacket.

Pat: My--? Sure, but why? [takes off his jacket and gives it to her]

Nabiki: I just need it. Don't worry, I'll give it back to you. [puts it on]
Thanks. [heads off somewhere]

Pat: .....

[later, at the Ucchan, Pat's finishing up a quick snack when Nabiki shows

Pat: [jokingly] Boy, it really is a small world. What brings you here?

Nabiki: [almost growling] Not now, Pat. I'm in a really bad mood.

Pat: [concerned] What's the matter?

Nabiki: Everything! First, I get this thing splattered with mud! Then, some
wiseguy thought it'd be funny to put oil on it. Then, it accidentally dropped
out of the bag onto a freshly painted fence.

Pat: Sounds like one heck of a day.

Nabiki: Yeah, just peachy. [orders an okonomiyaki, which Ukyo promptly
prepares and gives it to her. Nabiki pays her.] Thanks.

Ukyo: You're welcome. By the way, have either of you two seen Ran-chan
lately? [points a spatula at Pat] And not another crack from you, wiseguy!

Pat: [raising his hands in front of him] Okay, okay. No problem there.

Nabiki: Well, he's been keeping an eye on a certain someone. [leans over in
Pat's direction.]

Pat: [protesting] I don't need to be kept an eye on.

Nabiki: Uh-huh. [looks around for something] Now where's the mustard? Oh,
here it is. [picks up the bottle and tries to squeeze it. It doesn't work.
She tries again. Still no mustard.] C'mon!

Pat: Here, let me give it a try. [she gives him the bottle and he squeezes
it. A stream of mustard flows up from the table into Nabiki's bag.] Oh, no.
Listen, I'm really sorry...

Nabiki: [sighs] Don't worry about it. At least it's not mine.

Pat:....Jeez, this is a switch! Most girls I know would usually be crying
their eyes out right about now.

Nabiki: Switch...yeah, that's the ticket!

Pat: Huh?

Nabiki: [getting up to leave] Thanks, Pat! [leaves]

Pat: [looking at Nabiki, then at Ukyo] Did I just miss something, here?

Ukyo: Don't ask me, I just run the place.

[later, Nabiki is at another clothing store. We see that she's buying another
blouse just like Akane's. There's just one catch: It's a size smaller than
Akane's. Nabiki's hoping that she'll never notice. She even clips out the
label to cover her tracks.]

[cut to the Tendo house. Nabiki has returned from her "errands" and gives the
blouse to Akane.]

Nabiki: Here you go! Your blouse is safe and sound. [turns to leave, then
stops] Oh, by the way. I had it washed just now.

Akane: Thanks.

[A little later, Akane is trying on the blouse that Nabiki borrowed, but with
little luck. It seems to be too tight. She goes downstairs. Ranma, coming
in from practice, notices her discomfort.]

Ranma: Hey, what's with you?

Akane: It's this blouse. I don't get it. It fit just fine this morning.

Ranma: Maybe you're getting fat.

Akane: RANMA NO BAKA! [slaps him, leaving a very painful imprint on his
face. She then starts chasing after him.]

Pat: [just entering the house.] Hi, guys! Whoa! [barely sidesteps Ranma.
Akane stops chasing him, remembering what happened the last time. In the mean-
time, Ranma makes his getaway.] Okay, I give up. What went wrong now?

Akane: I was trying on this blouse. It seemed a little tighter than when I
last wore it. Then, Ranma said that I was getting fat.

Ranma: [peeking his head in the doorway.] She is getting fat!

Pat: [sighs to himself. It's going to be one of those days.] Hey, isn't
that the blouse that Nabiki borrowed from you?

Akane: Yes, so?

Pat: Did she say anything to you before you put it on?

Akane: Well, she did say that she put it in the wash.

Pat: And how much experience does she have with doing the laundry?

Akane: I don't know. Kasumi usually does it.

Pat: There you go. Nabiki probably accidentally shrank it. [to himself]
Although, I don't think anything can get out oil and paint. I wonder...

Akane: Thanks, Pat. [to Ranma] I told you I wasn't getting fat. [he sticks
out his tongue at her.]

[cut to that evening. Pat's typing his usual letter home.]

Pat: [voice over] Dear brother (yes, I know that sounds generic. Bear with
me!). Nothing much happened today, with the exception of it being one of
Nabiki's worst days. She borrowed one of Akane's blouses and, apparently,
got it all messed up. The next thing you know, she comes home and hands a
clean blouse back to Akane. The weird thing is that she got oil and paint on
it. That stuff just doesn't come off. I wonder...could she have switched
blouses on her little sister? It'd certainly explain why it was a size
smaller. Well, that's about it for today. See you later! Pat.

[the next day, at lunchtime. Pat and Ranma are walking around town. They
come to a corner where they usually turn to get to the Nekohanten. However,
Pat just keeps going straight.]

Ranma: Pat, the Nekohanten's that way. [jerks his thumb]

Pat: I know, but I just want to see what's that way.

Ranma: [catching up to him] The only thing that way is St. Hebereke's Girl's

Pat: St. Hebere--hey, doesn't that mean "dru--?"

Ranma: Yeah. Whoever named that school must have been in that condition.

Pat: So, what is it, the girls are constantly wobbly or something?

Ranma: Well, there is this one girl I know over there...good physical bal-
ance, but she's a little unhinged, if you know what I mean.

Pat: You have another girlfriend?

Ranma: [gets a chill] Brrr...Don't ever call her my girlfriend!

Pat: Ah. [notices their destination outside the gates] Well, keeping me
away from this place seems to be a moot point. We're here.

Ranma: Gak! If Kodachi sees me, I'm dead! [dives into a hedge]

[Pat sees a familiar (to us) figure. Kodachi makes her usual rose-laden
entrance. Pat dusts himself off.]

Kodachi: Excuse me, I thought I saw someone else with you. Was there a
boy with a pony-tail with you?

Pat: [looks around, carefully avoiding the hedge] Well, it doesn't look like
it, now does it?

Kodachi: [somewhat sadly] No, I guess not. [sighs] Ranma-sama...

Pat: Ranma-sama? That's rather high praise for the guy, don't you think?

Kodachi: [sticks out a spiked club at him] Are you questioning my taste in

Pat: [leaning away from the club] No, it's not that.

Kodachi: Good. [retracts the spikes] Do you happen to know where he might

Pat: [straightening up] Well, I imagine that he might be at Furninkan High
School having lunch. I think he said that he was a bit bushed. [Inside the
hedges, Ranma grimaces at Pat's pun, but keeps quiet.]

Kodachi: Oh. Well, if you do see him, give him these for me. [whips out a
bouquet of black roses. Pat takes it, cautiously. He notices something in
Kodachi's hand. She seems surprised at his lack of reaction.] Until later...
[prepares her ribbon]

Pat: Oh, by the way. [she stops. Pat opens his hands to reveal three thumb-
tacks wedged between his fingers.] I believe that these are yours. [flings
them near her, where they land in a tree.]

Kodachi: My, I guess it's true. Old habits are hard to break. [swirls her
ribbon and exits.]

Pat: Geez, what a nutcase. Ranma, you can come out now. [he does, slowly.]

Ranma: NOW, do you see why I didn't want to come here?

Pat: Okay, okay, you don't have to rub it in. [hands him the bouquet. It
has a card on it saying, "With love, from the Black Rose." Ranma tosses it
into the garbage.] You know, there's something familiar about her, I just
don't know what. She reminds me of...

Ranma: Kuno?

Pat: [snaps his fingers] Exactly. [turns to face him] How did you know?

Ranma: Kodachi is Kuno's sister.

Pat: Well, it all fits. They're both skilled in some kind of martial art,
both have a crush on you in one way or another, both have this thing for
roses, and, most importantly, both seem to have this overactive imagination.

Ranma: You forgot one thing: Both are a pain in the neck.

Pat: I was getting to that. So, how'd she get this crush on you?

Ranma: I---accidentally hit her on the head.

Pat: Really? It hasn't done a thing for her. [jokingly] By the way, you
didn't strike me as being so desperate for a date that you'd actually have to

Ranma: PAT!

Pat: I was just joking.

Ranma: Well, it's not very funny! Can you imagine being chased around by
those two as both a boy *and* a girl?

Pat: Hmmm... [thinks it over for a good minute.] No, not really.

Ranma: [slaps his forehead] Arrgh!

Pat: But, I guess it'd be a constant pain in the rear.

Ranma: You got that right. [sarcastically] Have you satisfied your
curiosity yet?

Pat: [quietly] Yeah, let's go. [they head back to Furinkan High School.]

[meanwhile, the Principal is at his desk, dreaming about another Hawaiian

Principal: Ah, yes, I could certainly use the time off, especially after what
happened to me last week. [winces] When I get my hands on the student who
put that sign on me, I'll shave off all his hair and make him clean toilets
for a month. [calls to his secretary] Do you have the figures for the yearly
budget ready?

Secretary: [nasal voice] Yes, sir.

Principal: Well, how do my prospects look for another getaway?

Secretary: Nonexistent, sir.

Principal: [rushes over to her desk] WHAT????! What do you mean,

Secretary: Well, apparently, sir, you've already had two "getaway" trips.
We're in serious debt.

Principal: How much?

Secretary: [looks through some papers] About 75000 yen, sir.

Principal: Oh, no. If the board of education finds out we're in debt, I
could lose my job! What do I do?

Secretary: Well, sir...

Principal: [snaps at her] Don't interrupt me when I'm thinking!

Secretary: But sir, we could always run some kind of contest, with the pro-
ceeds going to the school.

Principal: Nonsense! [thinks] Hmmm...I know!

Secretary: What, sir?

Principal: We could run some kind of contest, with the proceeds going to the

Secretary: [sarcastically, but with her voice, who can tell?] You're a
genius, sir.

Principal: [full of himself] I know. That's why I'm the Principal, and
you're a lowly secretary.

Secretary: [thinking] Just wait until tax time comes, then you'll see how
lowly I am!

Principal: Put me through the speaker system.

Secretary: Yes, sir.

Principal: Attention, students! Please continue to listen to your teacher
during this announcement! Due to a...bookkeeping error, we are short 75000
yen. In order to make this up, I am announcing a martial arts contest this
Friday afternoon, afterschool. All the proceeds will be put in a "booster
fund" for special activities, etc. All students are welcome to enter, and
entry forms and tickets will be available tomorrow. That is all. What a
bunch of idiots. All I have to do is give one of them a cheap trophy and I
get to cover...Hey! Is this thing still on?

Secretary: You never told me to turn it off, sir.

Principal: Well, turn it off!

Secretary: Yes, sir.

Principal: Do you think they heard that idiots part?

Secretary: I don't know, sir. [hides a malicious grin.]

[meanwhile, everyone's either laughing at the Principal's incompetence, or
ticked off at the fact that he called them a bunch of idiots.]

[Afterschool, Ranma, Akane, and Pat are walking home.]

Pat: So, are you going to enter that contest?

Ranma: Yeah, I'm going.

Pat: How come?

Ranma: What do you mean, how come? It's a martial arts contest, I'm a
martial artist.

Pat: Well, there's a complex answer for you.

[Ranma gives him a sour look.]

Akane: Why, are you thinking about entering?

Pat: Well, [thinks for a bit] why not? It could be interesting. I mean,
it's not like I'm fighting for my life or anything. How about you, Akane?

Akane: I'm in, as long as nobody's cheating.

Ranma: Then you'd better count out Shampoo and Kodachi.

Pat: I'll keep an eye on those two, just to make sure they're not up to any
funny stuff.

Ranma & Akane: Thanks.

[later, after dinner. Pat's typing his usual letter home.]

Pat: [voice over] Well, bro, except for a close call with a mentally unstable
girl, nothing much really happened today. It seems that Kuno has a younger
sister, Kodachi. I really didn't talk much with her, thankfully, but I did
get the impression that she's the type that would pluck the wings off butter-
flies. As if he didn't have enough problems (or girlfriends), Ranma also has
to deal with Kodachi, who's crazy (emphasis on crazy) about him. Well,
there's nothing much else to say. Oh, by the way. I'm going to enter a
martial arts contest in a few days. Apparently, the Principal of Furinkan
High School found that he was short a bit on the budget. So, he's having a
kind of "winner is the best martial artist" deal. All the ticket sales go to
what I call the "booster club." I suspect that there are only so many trips
to Hawaii included on the current budget, and he's used them all up. (trans:
he's covering his rear for his expenses.) I wouldn't be surprised, however,
if I see Nabiki scalping tickets for all the good seats. Well, it might be
fun, providing they have referees to keep it under control. Gotta go, bro.

[The next morning, at Furinkan High School.]

Pat: So, do you think I can start practicing with you two for the contest?

Ranma: Why? You're already a pretty good fighter.

Pat: Well, people can always learn new things, can't they? Besides, while I
may be good at what I know, I really don't know that much. It's better if I
have a variety of moves so that I can be less predictable to an opponent.

Ranma: You know, you sound a bit like my dad.

Pat: Really?

Ranma: Right before he dropped me into a pit of hungry cats.

Pat: Ouch.

Akane: Ouch is right. To this day, Ranma still doesn't like cats.

Ranma: Akane!

Akane: Well, it's true, isn't it?

[They hear, in the distance a very wicked cackle. It comes nearer and we see
the source: Kodachi.]

Ranma: Uh-oh...[looks for some place to hide. He can't find one.]

[Kodachi lands, and throws bouquets to Ranma, Akane, and Pat.]

Kodachi: I've heard about the contest coming on Friday. I just came to wish
all of you good'll need it. Especially you, Akane. [points the
ribbon handle at her.]

[with that, she swirls her ribbon, and makes her usual rose-laden exit.]

Pat: [slowly] That is one wicked lady.

[afterschool, Ranma is helping Pat train for the contest. After a few, simple
moves, they both decide to go for something a bit more challenging.]

Ranma: All right. You seem to have the basics down, but do you know any
advanced moves?

Pat: Well, you already know about my Hurricane Kick and the Nuke Attack.
I've been working on something that's a little more...defensive.

Ranma: What's that?

Pat: It's called the Dragon's Scale Shield. Theoretically, it should be
impervious to most conventional and a few magical attacks.

Ranma: Theoretically?

Pat: I've never really tried it against an opponent.

Ranma: Well, here's your chance.

Pat: Okay. [concentrates for a moment] DRAGON'S SCALE SHIELD! [a glowing
blue field begins to form in front of Pat. It coalesces, gaining more defini-
tion. The final form is much like a medieval shield.] Okay, fire away, Ranma.

Ranma: CRACKLING FIRE SPEED FIST! [Ranma's fists begin to blur and impact on
the shield. His punches have no effect, other than...] Ow ow ow ow ow ow!
[stops punching and kneads his knuckles] What is that thing made of?

Pat: Beats me, but I think that it's an extension of my ki. [drops the
shield] What did it feel like?

Ranma: [shaking his hand] Like trying to punch through a block of steel...
a THICK block.

Pat: [brightens] Well, at least I know that it works, now.

Ranma: Maybe, but do you think it'll stand up to one of Ryoga's ki-blasts?

Pat: Ryoga's what?

Ranma: One of these...ROARING LION BULLET! [fires an energy blast]

Pat: Whoa! [dodges the blast] Geez, give a guy some warning, will you?

Ranma: Ryoga won't.

Pat: Good point. Okay, let's try that again. DRAGON'S SCALE SHIELD! [once
again, the shield forms in front of Pat]

Ranma: ROARING LION BULLET! [the energy blast hits Pat's shield.
Unfortunately, due to its angle, the blast rebounds off the shield to take out
part of the roof.] Oops.

Pat: Y'know, that little trick of yours is kinda neat. How do you do that?

[Ranma briefly explains how to form both the Roaring Lion Bullet and the
Fierce Tiger Domineering. Pat, however, is unsuccessful at both, even after
several tries.]

Ranma: No, what you've gotta do is to think of something that'll get you
really ticked off.

Pat: I can't think of a thing, offhand.

Ranma: Well, how about something that made your family did to make you mad?

Pat:....No, I had a pretty stable family life.

Ranma: Well, how about something that you were pretty proud of, like maybe
a good report card or something?

Pat: I don't think that'll work. I was just a slightly better than average

Ranma: [straining to think of ideas] Well, try this. You're the only one
in your family, besides your brother, to master a martial art.

Pat: Well, that's true.

Ranma: So, you have something to be proud of.

Pat: Not really. You see, I'm just good, not great at street fighting.

[Just then, Akane enters the dojo.]

Akane: Well, how's the training going?

Ranma: He wanted me to show him how to fire a ki-blast.

Akane: And?

Ranma: [sighs] Pat, I hate to say this, but...

Pat: Go ahead.

Ranma: You're too nice and patient for the Roaring Lion Bullet, and too
modest for the Fierce Tiger Domineering.

Pat: Hmm...Whoever thought that being well-adjusted could be hampering? Hey,
has anybody seen Nabiki around?

Akane: Yeah, she's upstairs in her room. Y'know, I thought I saw her with
quite a few tickets in her hand.

Pat: [groans] That figures. They're probably all front-row seats that she's
going to scalp. Excuse me. [heads inside the house]

[cut to Nabiki's room. She's examining several tickets.]

Nabiki: Let's see now, front row, front row...ooh! Front row, middle aisle
ticket. I'll have to charge extra for this one.

Pat: [knocks on the Nabiki's door] Nabiki? May I come in, please?

Nabiki: [thinking] Oh, shoot, it's Pat! [shoves the tickets under her pill-

Pat: And take those tickets out from under your pillow...

Nabiki: [thinking] Geez, how did he know? [starts to put the tickets under
her bed]

Pat: And don't even think about putting them under your bed.

Nabiki: [thinking] What is this guy, a mind-reader?

Pat: No, I'm not a mind-reader, I just happen to know you very well. May I
come in?

Nabiki: What do you want?

Pat: I want to talk about the odds on certain people in the contest.

Nabiki: Odds? [opens her door] You just said the magic word. Are you
thinking about making a bet?

Pat: No, I want to know the odds of my defeating certain people in the

Nabiki: Well, why do you need these odds?

Pat: [sitting down on a chair] There's an old saying, "Know your enemy and
know yourself, and you will always be victorious." Well, I know myself pretty
well. Now, all I need to know are the people I'm going to fight. Do you hap-
pen to have a list of people in the contest?

Nabiki: Well, I've got it right here. What's it worth to you?

Pat: Well, how about 200 yen?

Nabiki: Come on! It's worth more than that!

Pat: 400 yen?

Nabiki: Nope. How about trying around the 800 yen mark?

Pat: You're getting greedy, you know.

Nabiki: I don't think so. [grins]

Pat: [to himself] I hate to do this, but... [to Nabiki] Well, what's it
worth to you for me not to tell Akane about what happened to her favorite

Nabiki: [nervously] Wh-what are you talking about?

Pat: Remember last Sunday when you borrowed her blouse? Well, I happen to
know that the blouse she has now isn't the one you borrowed. I remember
seeing you accidentally get it splattered with mud, squirted with mustard,
splattered with oil, and had paint smeared on it. I also seem to recall you
going to the store and buying another one, only it was a size too small. And,
I seem to recall Akane trying it on, with little luck, and Ranma said that she
was getting fat, am I right? So, I wonder, what would happen if it were to
slip, quite accidentally, what really happened to her blouse? Why, I think
you'd have a mess on your hands, now wouldn't you? And, I just happen to have
several pictures of said stains on said blouse...[takes out some pictures]

Nabiki: [frustrated] All right, all right! Take the darn list! Take
anything you want! Just don't tell them! [hands him the list]

Pat: Thank you. Oh, by the way. [hands the pictures to her] These are my
vacation shots. Enjoy! [leaves]

Nabiki: [fuming] Why that, that---[thinks] That's actually not bad for an
amateur. The kid's got potential.

Pat: [outside her door] Yech! My stomach's going to be turning for a week!
[to himself] I never was cut out to blackmail people. [looks at the list]
Let me see now, there's Ranma, Akane, me, Ukyo, Kuno, Kodachi...Kodachi?
She's actually sane enough to fight? Hmm...there's also Shampoo, (uh-oh)
Mousse, (he could actually see well enough to sign the form?) and Ryoga (he
found his way to the school? Amazing! But, he's going to be one tough
customer.) [walks over to his/Ranma's room, where the latter is standing on
his head.]

Ranma: Whaddya have there, Pat?

Pat: A list of possible match-ups in the contest, and the probable odds. For
instance, this list says that if you and I were to fight, the odds would be
even money, same as if you or I fight Ryoga.

Ranma: [rolling out of the headstand and taking a look at the list] This
looks like Nabiki's handwriting.

Pat: It is.

Ranma: How much did she charge you for it?

Pat: Nothing.

Ranma: Nothing?

Pat: Yup.

Ranma: How'd you do that? She *never* gives away stuff for free.

Pat: You seem to forget that I know Nabiki better than most people. We
simply sat down and had a nice, rational chat, and out of the goodness of her
heart, she gave it to me.

Ranma: You blackmailed her, didn't you?

Pat: [clears his throat] Not exactly. It's more like I bluffed my way
through but, for all intents and purposes, I guess you could call it that.

Ranma: [smiling] You know, I never thought I'd see the day when she'd get
a taste of her own medicine. Good job, Pat!

Pat: [mumbling] Thanks, but I feel guilty.

Ranma: Why?

Pat: Because I think of myself as being pretty honest. I don't like lying,
even if I have to.

Ranma: Well, there is such a thing as being too honest, you know.

Pat: Oh, this from a guy who likes using sneaky moves when he fights.

Ranma: Hey, it works.

Pat: [sighs and rubs his temples.] This is gonna be a bit messier than I
thought. I mean, I don't want to fight you, Akane, your friend Ukyo, or
Shampoo. What am I supposed to do, knock you or Akane out? I can't do that!
If I win against Shampoo, you say that I'll have to marry her, and if I lose,
I'm gonna feel like I lost to her on purpose.

Ranma: Well, you could always tie with her.

Pat: I don't think that'll be possible for two reasons. First, she probably
won't cooperate with me, as it's kinda hard to end a fight in a tie when
you're trying to beat your opponent's brains out. Second, I don't think a
tie's going to do much for school spirit. Hmm...wait a minute here.

Ranma: What?

Pat: Well, according to the scriptures of her village, if she's defeated by
a male outsider, she has to marry him. However, if she's defeated by a
female outsider, she gives her the kiss of death, right?

Ranma: Well, yeah. I've experienced both of those.

Pat: So, technically, I'm not an outsider. We're both Chinese, and therefore,
I don't have to worry about marrying her. It's a stretch, I know, but I'll
take what I can get.

Ranma: You're lucky.

Pat: How's that?

Ranma: Well, you found a loophole for your situation. I'm just stuck in

Pat: Hey, it could be worse.

Ranma: Really? How so?

Pat: Well, your dad could have fixed you up with Akane, Nabiki, and Kasumi
at the same time.

Ranma: Pat, even my dad's not stupid enough to have me commit polygamy. He's
close, but not quite.


14. 7. 1993 18:04:5614.07.93

> For those of you who don't receive rec.arts.anime.stories (and for that person
> who took the time to repost it on r.a.a. :-)) I'm posting future segments of
> my fanfic on both r.a.a and r.a.a.s. As usual, constructive criticism is
> welcome and you can find the entire (to date, I'm not finished yet) story on
> (shameless plug :-)). It's under anime/FanFiction/ranma.
> misadventure.Z. Enjoy!

Sigh. Please don't cross-post it to raa. The whole reason for
raa.stories existance is to be the *sole* palce for these stories.

Stephen Pearl (Starbuck) Work: (908)932-3465 Home: (908)566-6842
Internet: FidoNet: I need a node!
US MAIL: 359 Lloyd Rd, Aberdeen, NJ 07747-1826 GEnie: S.Pearl6
QUOTES: "What is Starbuck-ing?" -Adultress 19
"Works for me!" -Rick Hunter (The Cop, not the Robotech Defender)


14. 7. 1993 20:25:2314.07.93
In article <> (Starbuck) writes:
>Sigh. Please don't cross-post it to raa. The whole reason for
>raa.stories existance is to be the *sole* palce for these stories.

And if, for some unknown reason, anyone insists on posting to r.a.a and
r.a.a.s (I take all the stories there anyway, so you might as well.) please
CROSSPOST. Post to both at the same time. It won't appear until it gets
approved, but then it will go to both. This helps sites that carry the
groups and the nets. If you crosspost only one copy goes out and the news
readers will cross-reference to it for different groups. Posting seperately
to multiple groups sends out multiple copies. That wastes disk storage
and net traffic.

If you can't post directly to r.a.a.stories you can mail to and just tag a note at the top listing the
groups; Or, if you want to be nice do this:

"Newsgroups: rec.arts.anime.stories, any others - r.a.a, alt.prose, etc"

It just makes it easier on me and reduces mistakes.

#I have one prejudice, and that is against stupidity. Use your mind, think!#
#Email Moderator, WPI anime FTP site /anime#
#Moderator, rec.arts.anime.stories Submissions to

Pearson Mui

15. 7. 1993 8:45:0515.07.93
Okay, okay! I get the drift! From now on, I'm sticking only to r.a.a.s.
And for those who didn't get a certain part, you can always find it at the ftp site. If you can't ftp, then I'll be glad to mail the parts
to you.


15. 7. 1993 14:27:5715.07.93
In article <> <> (Pearson Mui) writes:
>And for those who didn't get a certain part, you can always find it at the
> ftp site. If you can't ftp, then I'll be glad to mail the parts

to make it simple, it is anonymous ftp to cd /anime/FanFiction

The story is in one file as ranma.misadventure.Z

Set binary on to be safe.

And check out the other fine works while there. (plug plug)

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