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[NEWS] Yamato Producer Arrested

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Joe Monson

Feb 3, 1999, 8:00:00 AM2/3/99
[from The Daily Yomiuri, Wednesday, February 3, 1999, page 2, "National

Movie producer held over guns, drugs
Yomiuri Shimbun

Police arrested on Monday a former movie producer, Yoshinori Nishizaki, 64,
who produced animation movie "Uchu Senkan Yamato" (Space Battleship
Yamato), on suspicion of violating laws, including the Firearms and Swords
Control Law, after a handgun, 131 bullets and 20 grams of stimulant drugs
were seized from his house in Setagaya Ward, Tokyo.

Nishizaki, whose real name is Hirofumi Nishizaki, voluntarily submitted two
automatic rifles, 1,800 bullets, and 30 howitzer shells kept in a station
wagon in his garage, police said.

Police said that Nishizaki had hidden an Austrian handgun loaded with three
bullets under a zaisu chair in a study. Nishizaki told police that he had
bought the handgun in Hong Kong 10 years ago.

Nishizaki has been famous since his movie became a hit in 1977. In
September, 1997, his production company was declared insolvent, and in
December the same year, police arrested Nishizaki on suspicion of carrying
50 grams of stimulant drugs, police said.


So, should the movie now be called "Spaced Battleship Yamato"? ^_^


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==>This is email with a purpose. The purpose is a sea-going mammal, often
mistaken for a dolphin. --Sam Longoria (quote slightly altered)

James King

Feb 3, 1999, 8:00:00 AM2/3/99
Joe Monson wrote in message ...

>[from The Daily Yomiuri, Wednesday, February 3, 1999, page 2, "National
>Movie producer held over guns, drugs
>Yomiuri Shimbun


>Nishizaki, whose real name is Hirofumi Nishizaki, voluntarily submitted two
>automatic rifles, 1,800 bullets, and 30 howitzer shells kept in a station
>wagon in his garage, police said.

HOWITZER SHELLS?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?


>So, should the movie now be called "Spaced Battleship Yamato"? ^_^

-_-;; Bad...real bad.

James 'Tengu' King -The Magpie of Millenial Madness

"Hello, Mr. Postmodern"
-Lyabibrave referring to me on r.a.a.m.


'What's the name of the word for the precise moment
when you realize that you've actually forgotten how it felt
to make love to somebody you really liked a long time

'There isn't one.'

'Oh. I thought maybe there was.'

-Delirium and Dream
Neil Gaiman's 'The Sandman Brief Lives'

Chris Guy

Feb 4, 1999, 8:00:00 AM2/4/99

Joe Monson wrote:
> [from The Daily Yomiuri, Wednesday, February 3, 1999, page 2, "National
> Briefs"]
> Movie producer held over guns, drugs
> Yomiuri Shimbun

> Police arrested on Monday a former movie producer, Yoshinori Nishizaki, 64,
> who produced animation movie "Uchu Senkan Yamato" (Space Battleship
> Yamato), on suspicion of violating laws, including the Firearms and Swords
> Control Law, after a handgun, 131 bullets and 20 grams of stimulant drugs
> were seized from his house in Setagaya Ward, Tokyo.

> Nishizaki, whose real name is Hirofumi Nishizaki, voluntarily submitted two
> automatic rifles, 1,800 bullets, and 30 howitzer shells kept in a station
> wagon in his garage, police said.

> Police said that Nishizaki had hidden an Austrian handgun loaded with three
> bullets under a zaisu chair in a study. Nishizaki told police that he had
> bought the handgun in Hong Kong 10 years ago.
> Nishizaki has been famous since his movie became a hit in 1977. In
> September, 1997, his production company was declared insolvent, and in
> December the same year, police arrested Nishizaki on suspicion of carrying
> 50 grams of stimulant drugs, police said.
> --------------<>

> So, should the movie now be called "Spaced Battleship Yamato"? ^_^

Well, they don't actually say what they mean by "stimulant drugs".
all, this happened in a country where Sudafed and Vicks medical inhalers
get siezed by customs at the airport because they are considered
and therefore banned. No joke. See the "Prohibited Articles" section
the following site (Narita Customs):


Charles Lin

Feb 4, 1999, 8:00:00 AM2/4/99

James King wrote:
> Joe Monson wrote in message ...
> >[from The Daily Yomiuri, Wednesday, February 3, 1999, page 2, "National
> >Briefs"]
> >
> >Movie producer held over guns, drugs
> >Yomiuri Shimbun
> <Snip>

> >Nishizaki, whose real name is Hirofumi Nishizaki, voluntarily submitted two
> >automatic rifles, 1,800 bullets, and 30 howitzer shells kept in a station
> >wagon in his garage, police said.
> HOWITZER SHELLS?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

q: What do you do with howitzer shells without a howitzer?

> <Snip>

> >So, should the movie now be called "Spaced Battleship Yamato"? ^_^

> -_-;; Bad...real bad.
> --
> James 'Tengu' King -The Magpie of Millenial Madness
> "Hello, Mr. Postmodern"
> -Lyabibrave referring to me on r.a.a.m.
> ---------------
> 'What's the name of the word for the precise moment
> when you realize that you've actually forgotten how it felt
> to make love to somebody you really liked a long time
> ago?'
> 'There isn't one.'
> 'Oh. I thought maybe there was.'
> -Delirium and Dream
> Neil Gaiman's 'The Sandman Brief Lives'

Charles S. Lin

"The wise man does not meditate on death, but on how to live."
-- Benedict Spinoza
"Man makes his world, or is crushed by the worlds made by others."
-- Denning & Philips

James A. Wolf

Feb 4, 1999, 8:00:00 AM2/4/99
Charles Lin <> wrote:

>James King wrote:
>> Joe Monson wrote in message ...
>> >[from The Daily Yomiuri, Wednesday, February 3, 1999, page 2, "National
>> >Briefs"]
>> >
>> >Movie producer held over guns, drugs
>> >Yomiuri Shimbun
>> <Snip>
>> >Nishizaki, whose real name is Hirofumi Nishizaki, voluntarily submitted two
>> >automatic rifles, 1,800 bullets, and 30 howitzer shells kept in a station
>> >wagon in his garage, police said.
>> HOWITZER SHELLS?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
>q: What do you do with howitzer shells without a howitzer?

Seriously, make bombs.

>> <Snip>
>> >So, should the movie now be called "Spaced Battleship Yamato"? ^_^
>> -_-;; Bad...real bad.

<Singing> He's off for five-to-ten...</singing>

Nah. It doesn't work...

<*> James A. Wolf - - <*>

"The jawbone of an ass is |"Oh, what a tangled web |"This is how the world
just as dangerous a weapon |we weave when, we first |ends, swallowed in fire,
today as in Samson's time." |practice to deceive." |but not in darkness."
Richard Nixon |Sir Walter Scott | J. Michael Straczynski


C. M. Hagmaier

Feb 4, 1999, 8:00:00 AM2/4/99
Joe Monson wrote:
> [from The Daily Yomiuri, Wednesday, February 3, 1999, page 2,
> "National Briefs"]
> Movie producer held over guns, drugs
> Yomiuri Shimbun
> Police arrested on Monday a former movie producer, Yoshinori
> Nishizaki, 64,

Ye gods, what is it with anime producers and drug smuggling? This
is Haruki Kadokawa redux!

Oh, well, at least Nishizaki isn't currently with a productive
studio, is he? At least, I can't remember any brave-crews-of-
wonderful-battleships anime recently... "Yoshinori Nishizaki,
one-trick pony!"

Mitch Hagmaier
Quest Labs


Feb 4, 1999, 8:00:00 AM2/4/99
Charles Lin wrote:
> James King wrote:
> >
> > Joe Monson wrote in message ...
> > >[from The Daily Yomiuri, Wednesday, February 3, 1999, page 2, "National
> > >Briefs"]
> > >
> > >Movie producer held over guns, drugs
> > >Yomiuri Shimbun
> >
> > <Snip>
> >
> > >Nishizaki, whose real name is Hirofumi Nishizaki, voluntarily submitted two
> > >automatic rifles, 1,800 bullets, and 30 howitzer shells kept in a station
> > >wagon in his garage, police said.
> >
> > HOWITZER SHELLS?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
> >
> q: What do you do with howitzer shells without a howitzer?

Do you really want to know? <eg>

"Why do you not let me contemplate in peace?"
"'Cause I'm the GOD OF DESTRUCTION, that's why!"
-Kushinada and Susano Orbatos, "Orion", Shirow

Invid Fan

Feb 4, 1999, 8:00:00 AM2/4/99
In article <>, C. M. Hagmaier
<> wrote:

> Joe Monson wrote:
> >
> > [from The Daily Yomiuri, Wednesday, February 3, 1999, page 2,
> > "National Briefs"]
> >
> > Movie producer held over guns, drugs
> > Yomiuri Shimbun
> >

> > Police arrested on Monday a former movie producer, Yoshinori
> > Nishizaki, 64,
> Ye gods, what is it with anime producers and drug smuggling? This
> is Haruki Kadokawa redux!

Well, look at most anime. You KNOW most animators are on Drugs.

Chris Mack "You do NOT, I repeat, do NOT ask a guest in my
'Invid Fan' home to make a PILLAR OF FIRE!!"
"I asked him IF he knew how!! IF! IF! IF!!" -Cerebus:Jaka's Story

Uchuuhikoushi Supifu

Feb 4, 1999, 8:00:00 AM2/4/99
James King <> wrote:

> Joe Monson wrote in message ...

> >[from The Daily Yomiuri, Wednesday, February 3, 1999, page 2, "National
> >Briefs"]
> >
> >Movie producer held over guns, drugs
> >Yomiuri Shimbun

> <Snip>
> >Nishizaki, whose real name is Hirofumi Nishizaki, voluntarily submitted two
> >automatic rifles, 1,800 bullets, and 30 howitzer shells kept in a station
> >wagon in his garage, police said.
> HOWITZER SHELLS?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

Yes...of the most lethal kind, tatical nukes. ^_^ I think they were 155mm
W48's. Each with a yeild of 0.1kt. Not enough to flatten all of Tokyo
though. ^_^



Feb 4, 1999, 8:00:00 AM2/4/99

In article <>, Charles Lin
<> writes:

In article <79b6bg$7h0$>, "James King"
<> writes:

>voluntarily submitted two
>>automatic rifles, 1,800 bullets, and 30 howitzer shells kept in a station
>>wagon in his garage, police said.
>HOWITZER SHELLS?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

Yes, it's good to know that complete and total gun bans are so effective...

>q: What do you do with howitzer shells without a howitzer?

Make -WICKED- land mines. VC used to do it all the time.

(1,800 rounds? That's even more than I'VE got!!!!!)

Feldspar pointed out that my .sig regarding NBC not reporting on Clinton and
the rape and battery of a woman lacked the word "allegedly".

Point taken. Correction made.
C.J. Scott - the pig

Joe Monson

Feb 4, 1999, 8:00:00 AM2/4/99
On Wed, 3 Feb 1999 23:07:09 -0500, "James King" <> wrote:
>Joe Monson wrote in message ...
>>[from The Daily Yomiuri, Wednesday, February 3, 1999, page 2, "National
>>Movie producer held over guns, drugs
>>Yomiuri Shimbun
>>Nishizaki, whose real name is Hirofumi Nishizaki, voluntarily submitted two

>>automatic rifles, 1,800 bullets, and 30 howitzer shells kept in a station
>>wagon in his garage, police said.
>HOWITZER SHELLS?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

All that weight must have affected his gas-mileage something fierce! Two
automatic rifles + 1800 bullets + 30 howitzer shells. Since I've never been
in the military, I couldn't tell you how much all of that would weigh, but
I'm guessing a several hundred pounds, at least (maybe from the howitzer
shells alone!)

Anyone here have a weight estimate for all this heat?

>>So, should the movie now be called "Spaced Battleship Yamato"? ^_^
>-_-;; Bad...real bad.

It's just one of those things that popped into my head as I was typing in
the info about the stimulant drugs... ^_^

James King

Feb 4, 1999, 8:00:00 AM2/4/99
Joe Monson wrote in message ...


>>HOWITZER SHELLS?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
>All that weight must have affected his gas-mileage something fierce! Two
>automatic rifles + 1800 bullets + 30 howitzer shells. Since I've never been
>in the military, I couldn't tell you how much all of that would weigh, but
>I'm guessing a several hundred pounds, at least (maybe from the howitzer
>shells alone!)

Hai....Howitzer shells???

>Anyone here have a weight estimate for all this heat?

Not me, but: HOWITZER SHELLS?!?!?!?!?!?!

I'm sorry, but that point is kinda sticking in my skull.



>>>So, should the movie now be called "Spaced Battleship Yamato"? ^_^
>>-_-;; Bad...real bad.
>It's just one of those things that popped into my head as I was typing in
>the info about the stimulant drugs... ^_^

And you must be punished for it. Rabid Cabbit Squad Heavy Artillery coming
your way.

And what were the other things that popped into your head, anyway???

James 'Tengu' King -The Magpie of Millenial Madness

"Hello, Mr. Postmodern"
-Lyabibrave referring to me on r.a.a.m.


"Yes, contact with the Ocean. As I see it, the problem is
basically very simple. Contact means the exchange of
specific knowledge, ideas, or at least of findings, definite
facts. But what if no exchange is possible? If an elephant
is not a giant microbe, the ocean is not a giant brain...."
-Kris Kelvin discussing the problems of making contact
with the intelligent ocean of Solaris.
(Stanislaw Lem, Solaris)

Enrique Conty

Feb 5, 1999, 8:00:00 AM2/5/99
In article <>,
Charles Lin <> wrote:

>James King wrote:
>> >Nishizaki, whose real name is Hirofumi Nishizaki, voluntarily submitted two
>> >automatic rifles, 1,800 bullets, and 30 howitzer shells kept in a station
>> >wagon in his garage, police said.
>> HOWITZER SHELLS?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
>q: What do you do with howitzer shells without a howitzer?


(It's *really* tough to be a gun otaku in Japan...)

E n r i q u e C o n t y
Prepare for trouble! And make it double!

Enrique Conty

Feb 5, 1999, 8:00:00 AM2/5/99
In article <>,
C. M. Hagmaier <> wrote:
>Ye gods, what is it with anime producers and drug smuggling? This
>is Haruki Kadokawa redux!

Not really. Kadokawa was directly linked to illegal drugs: in this case
the article wasn't specific. For all we know, it could be some
over-the-counter cough medicine he bought while at an US con...

As for the guns, as I said... I'd *expect* Nishizaki to be a gun otaku.

>Oh, well, at least Nishizaki isn't currently with a productive
>studio, is he?

No... in fact, the rights to the old Leiji Matsumoto shows reverted
to Matsumoto himself last year.

>"Yoshinori Nishizaki, one-trick pony!"

I wouldn't go that far... but his star waned a long time ago.

Invid Fan

Feb 5, 1999, 8:00:00 AM2/5/99
In article <79fq0o$cmo$>, Enrique Conty
<> wrote:

> In article <>,
> C. M. Hagmaier <> wrote:
> >Ye gods, what is it with anime producers and drug smuggling? This
> >is Haruki Kadokawa redux!
> Not really. Kadokawa was directly linked to illegal drugs: in this case
> the article wasn't specific. For all we know, it could be some
> over-the-counter cough medicine he bought while at an US con...

Then again, this could explain the last Yamato OAV's ^_^

Jonathan Snyder

Feb 7, 1999, 8:00:00 AM2/7/99
> >>Nishizaki, whose real name is Hirofumi Nishizaki, voluntarily submitted two
> >>automatic rifles, 1,800 bullets, and 30 howitzer shells kept in a station
> >>wagon in his garage, police said.
> All that weight must have affected his gas-mileage something fierce! Two
> automatic rifles + 1800 bullets + 30 howitzer shells. Since I've never been
> in the military, I couldn't tell you how much all of that would weigh, but
> I'm guessing a several hundred pounds, at least (maybe from the howitzer
> shells alone!)
> Anyone here have a weight estimate for all this heat?

Not that much, actually. If he kept the shells in a GI crate like we got them,
then it would have been a weight, but nothing over a three man lift. This is
under the understanding that the shells would have been vintage 70mm rounds. If
they were artillery, hell, I'd have a hard time believing he'd be able to hide
them in those Japanese houses....As for the rifles and the rounds, negligible. I
would have loved to go out to the range the day he was going. :)
(But those howitzer shells would've been a kick to set off with a nippled
sledgehammer on cinder blocks. We'll just say *long* sledgehammer)
Does your kid spend too much time chokin' the chicken? Does
your little girl spend too much time with her Little Lolita
just pretend toys? Does your wife or husband come home smelling
of burnt powder and Hoppe's? Send them off to HCI where they
will be turned into obedient little vegetables.
- W. E. Woods


Feb 9, 1999, 8:00:00 AM2/9/99
>Not really. Kadokawa was directly linked to illegal drugs: in this case
>the article wasn't specific. For all we know, it could be some
>over-the-counter cough medicine he bought while at an US con...

I doubt it. His last arrest he came to Japan carrying a sh*tload of drugs.
Pot, heroin, you name it.

I'm now pretty sure it was Nishizaki's idea to put in those warp scenes.

>No... in fact, the rights to the old Leiji Matsumoto shows reverted
>to Matsumoto himself last year.

That means the end of that OVA series, doesn't it?

A new Nishizaki-less Yamato movie will hit theaters in 2001.

Washington State Resident.
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Hokuto Renkitouza (Fist of the North Star)

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