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[Naruto/BD/Bleach/DN/CG:LotR] 2008-May-10 Quick Thoughts

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Daryle Walker

не прочитано,
17 мая 2008 г., 20:21:5217.05.2008
SPOILERS for the episodes of _Naruto_, _Blue Dragon_, _Bleach_, _Death
Note_, and _Code Geass: LeLouch of the Rebellion_ that premiered in
the U.S. during the 2008-May-10 weekend



"Too Late for Help"

- I think Boss Gama's size would make him unsuitable for this
mission. Has Jiraiya taught Naruto how to deliberately summon a
smaller specimen?

- The digital swimsuit had two pieces?...

- Good thing that Chishima always brings a breathing reed with him.

"The Death of Naruto"

- Is the network allowed to show rocky guts?...

- ...Never mind, he got better.

- "We cannot let you survive!" Is that a royal "we," or does Sagi
have a partner?

Blue Dragon ("The Trouble with Ghosts")

- I guess Logi didn't want to tell Nene that this meeting delayed him
from eliminating the rebel shadow-wielders.

- Sexual harassment in prison is bad.

Bleach (#63)

- Why did the dress Uryuu made for Rukia look like it had a label in
the collar?

- Can anyone give a translation for Orihime's mistaken Japanese

- Has Byakuya watch too many space movies?

- Wow, Urahara apologized after all.

- Will we finally see Tatsuki in the next episode?!

Death Note ("Father")

- The notebook that Light whipped out (and Soichiro later used) was
Rem's primary notebook, right? (And it's now Ryuk's second secondary
notebook. Also, Rem's secondary notebook, which used to be Ryuk's
secondary notebook, passed from the task force to the mob and is now
back to being Sidoh's primary notebook.)

- So, Soichiro was going to die within a week anyway? (This is
assuming that he died a day or two after the raid. Maybe he
originally was going to die from stressing out about his daughter.)

Code Geass: LeLouch of the Rebellion (Stage 3: "The False Classmate")

- Milly is a dirty "old" woman. I thought the body part(s) she was
measuring need two numbers. Can Shirley report her for sexual

- This time, the cutaway gunshot really was fatal.

- I guess that a headband and a push-up bra make an effective
terrorist disguise.

- The school has a lax attendance policy.

- Why is Nunnally also blind? (She was made wheelchair-bound by the
drive-by that killed her mom.)

- No show is complete without a non-sexy underage shower scene.

- Wasn't Suzaku busy fighting rebels with Special Ops' new mech
during the prince's death (i.e. plenty of witnesses)?

Daryle Walker

Glenn Shaw

не прочитано,
18 мая 2008 г., 01:32:5418.05.2008
On Sat, 17 May 2008 17:21:52 -0700, Daryle Walker wrote:

> SPOILERS for the episodes of _Naruto_, _Blue Dragon_, _Bleach_, _Death
> Note_, and _Code Geass: LeLouch of the Rebellion_ that premiered in the
> U.S. during the 2008-May-10 weekend
> 1

> 2

> 3

> 4

> 5

> 6

> 7

> 8

> 9

> 10

> 1

> 2

> 3

> 4

> 5


> Code Geass: LeLouch of the Rebellion (Stage 3: "The False Classmate")
> ====================================


> - Why is Nunnally also blind? (She was made wheelchair-bound by the
> drive-by that killed her mom.)

AIUI, Nunnally's blindness is psychosomatic, induced by post tramautic
shock from witnessing her mother's murder.

Glenn Shaw • Indianapolis, IN USA
To reply by e-mail, swap the net and cast

Antonio E. Gonzalez

не прочитано,
18 мая 2008 г., 03:46:2118.05.2008
On Sat, 17 May 2008 17:21:52 -0700 (PDT), Daryle Walker
<> wrote:

>SPOILERS for the episodes of _Naruto_, _Blue Dragon_, _Bleach_, _Death
>Note_, and _Code Geass: LeLouch of the Rebellion_ that premiered in
>the U.S. during the 2008-May-10 weekend


>Blue Dragon ("The Trouble with Ghosts")
>- I guess Logi didn't want to tell Nene that this meeting delayed him
>from eliminating the rebel shadow-wielders.
>- Sexual harassment in prison is bad.

"Harassment"? This is prison! For all the toning down with Blue
Dragon, I'm amazed they left the implication of prison rape so
untouched! Well, maybe Mr. Satan-look-alike/copy didn't find his
cock-meat sandwich so bad ("I've never sucked a dick before. I bet it
sucks dick!") . . .


- ReFlex76

- "Let's beat the terrorists with our most powerful weapon . . . hot girl-on-girl action!"

- "The difference between young and old is the difference between looking forward to your next birthday, and dreading it!"

- Jesus Christ - The original hippie!



Katana > Chain Saw > Baseball Bat > Hammer

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