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[UY/Ranma/SisPri][FanFic] Lonely Souls - Part 7, "A" Side (4/4)

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Sep 12, 2007, 8:54:58 PM9/12/07
"The Daimon'cha's sister . . .?"

The silence that had followed Lufy's declaration had been deafening.
The women of Pathfinder Troop Six who had boarded the bioroid factory
stood there and watched Ayumu and Hinako chat away with each other as
the latter awaited the completion of Tendou Akane's new body.
Finally, Naoko, a chestnut-haired, blue-eyed Terran-born woman with
freckles dotting her face -- she was Section One's transportation
expert -- said, "Wait!" She pointed to the readout on Anri's laptop.
"According to the bioscan, Hinako-sama's Ataru-sama's *half*-sister.
Muchi-sama is their father, yet Hinako-sama and Ataru-sama clearly
have different mothers! People on Earth typically believe it's wrong
to birth children outside a properly-constituted surei'cha-type

"'Marriage' as most folks there call it," Sylvie derisively added.

"That is true," Linna mused. "But if what I remember about Noa's
brief on Ataru-sama's whole family just after he visited Sagussa for
the first time is correct, it turns out that their ancestors were
charged a long time ago by the rulers of Nihon to keep their doors
opened to abandoned and orphaned children, especially those birthed
out of any form of wedlock."

"If I recall that correctly, the laws in Nihon actually allowed
people across the spectrum to accept out-of-wedlock children," Lufy
added, and then her forehead furrowed. "I wonder if Hinako-sama has
already met him."

Priss blinked, and then she grinned. "Let's ask her."

Everyone's jaw dropped. "Huh?!"

The Troop first officer walked over to the door connecting the
gestation chamber they were using for Catty Ray and the one Hinako was
using for Akane. Opening the door, she slipped her pistol into its
holster, and then she stepped through. "Hey, Ayumu!" she called out.

Ayumu turned, smiling as she waved at the Pirpirsiw'r. "Oh, Priss,
hi! Did you get the body ready for Catty Ray?"

"Doing it right now," Priss confirmed before she gazed on Hinako.

Hinako was already taking in the older woman's measure, a shocked
look of recognition crossing her face. "Asagiri Priss-san . . .?"

"From 'Bubblegum Crisis.' The OVA series. I'm not that particular
person. I just took her name for myself due to our considerable
physical similarity." She pointed to her face, and then she pointed
to Ayumu. "Just as Ayumu here took her name from Kasuga Ayumu from
'Azumanga Daioh.' I think your brother knows that series, doesn't

Hinako blinked several times as her mind took in that information.
She glanced at Ayumu, her mind quickly calling up images she had seen
from Ataru's freshly made VCD and DVD collection of anime (gathered
together courtesy of Rinrin) concerning a certain lady from Osaka who
wound up in a high school in Tokyo alongside a pre-adolescent child
genius named Mihama Chiyo.

She then turned back to Priss as the most important fact (to Hinako
at least!) in the Pirpirsiw'r's words came back to her. "You know

Priss indicated herself, and then waved to Ayumu before she indicated
the small crowd at the doorway connecting the two gestation rooms.
"Hai, Hinako-sama, we all do," she announced as she stared at Ataru's
youngest sister.

Hinako blinked again. "Why is Priss-san calling Hina 'Hinako-

"Why ARE you calling her that, Priss?" Ayumu demanded.

Priss stared at her. "She's the Daimon'cha's sister! That's why?!"

Ayumu jolted in shock. "No way!"

***I assume that you ladies met Hinako's brother sometime in the past?

Everyone gazed at the Staff of Gihan; all of the Sagussans had heard
its question in their minds. "We did, when he wasn't much younger
than Hinako-sama here," Lufy replied as she stepped into the room to
stand beside Priss.

"Don't call Hina that . . .!" Hinako protested before her eyes took
in the other woman's features. "Lufy-san?!" she called out on
recognizing the incredible similarities between the "Konggh'cha's"
shipmistress and an ace fighter pilot of a long-dead race of all-
female warriors known as the Solnoids. Hinako then canted her head as
she focused on Lufy's lover. "Catty-san, too?!"

"That's my name," Lufy confirmed with a chuckle as she knelt before
Hinako so they could gaze into the other's eyes. "So . . . " She
paused for a second before she reached over to gently cradle Hinako's
cheek in her palm. "You're Ataru-sama's sister . . . " she breathed

Hinako giggled. "Onii-tama'll blush if you call him that, Lufy-san."

"Well, we have to, I'm afraid," Lufy admitted. "Ataru-sam- . . . "
She paused before she gave Hinako a smile. "Ataru has been a very big
influence on all of us on Sagussa, Hinako-chan." She waved to her
countrywomen, all of whom were staring at the blonde Pirpirsiw'r in
surprise at her sudden assumption of casual informality concerning the
Daimon'cha and his sister.

"Really?!" Hinako then blinked as she remembered something. "Wait!
Negako-oneetama told Hina that when Onii-tama was six, he vanished
from his house for two whole months! Is that when he met all of you,

"That's when we met him!" Lufy waved to herself. "I actually met
him a year earlier up in Sendai!"

"Yeah, we kinda knew that one, Luf!" Priss noted with a snort.

Hinako blinked. "Waaaai!" She then scratched the side of her head.
"But would Onii-tama remember Lufy-san . . .?"

"Doubtful," Linna replied as the others streamed in to join the crowd
around Hinako. "That was a decade ago."

***You will recall that Ataru did suffer considerable mental damage
from the time Negako's essence was forced into his subconscious mind,
Hinako,*** the Staff reminded her, its voice also ringing inside the
minds of the Sagussans. ***No doubt, what memories Ataru may have
possessed of his encounter with Lufy and her friends would have been
wiped from his memory when that happened.***

The Sagussans jolted. "SAY WHAT?!" Lufy screamed as she glared at
the Staff's focusing crystal. "What's this about someone being FORCED
into Ataru's mind?!" She then blinked as something Hinako just said
came back. "And who in Lyna's name is this Negako, anyway . . .?!"

"Something tells me our esteemed Elder Mother has forgotten to tell
us some things about Ataru-sama," Priss noted, one of her eyebrows
twitching. She jolted as a *ding!* rang out from the gestation
chamber that had been tasked to create Akane's new body. "Oh!" She
pointed. "Looks like that one's done!"

Hinako turned, and then she gushed. "Hai! Bou-san!"

A flare of energy burst from the Staff to encompass the nude
bioroid. In the blink of an eye, she was phased out of the chamber
and placed on a diagnostic bed located behind the room's control
panel. The Staff automatically morphed some of the gestation fluid's
molecules around to create clothes for the bioroid: Plain bra,
panties, a blouse and slacks, plus socks and shoes. Hinako breathed
out on seeing that. "Now Akane-san can have her own body!" she
declared as she walked over to touch the bioroid's face.

The Sagussans gathered around the youngest of Ataru's sisters.
"Looks a lot like our Akane, eh?" Priss mused, she speaking about a
First Fleet officer who had actually been born on Shigaten Benten's
home planet of Fukunokami.

Lufy considered that for a moment, and then she stared at Hinako.
"Hey, Hinako-chan, is Akane here from Nerima in Tokyo?"

"Hai!" Hinako replied with a nod.

"Then you probably know Saotome Ranma, don't you?"

Hinako brightened even more. "Hai! Onee-tama's Onii-tama's


"SAY WHAT?!" Lufy screamed out.

The other Sagussans all stared knowingly at the blonde pilot. "You
mean to say that it was to Ranma's spirit-brother that you bonded
Ataru-sama to all those years ago, Luf?!" Priss demanded as she
crossed her arms, a delighted smirk crossing her face as THAT little
revelation sank in.

Lufy acked as she noticed everyone gazing at her. "Ah, well . . .!
Um, gee, Pri . . .!" she stammered in embarrassment.

"You're the one who bonded Onii-tama and Onee-tama . . .?"

Lufy paled as her eyes tilted down to gaze on Hinako. Seeing the
wide-eyed look on the younger girl's face, Lufy's heart crashed
somewhere deep in her bowels as the full consequences of her actions
many years ago came back to her like a tidal wave hitting the beaches
of Hawai'i. Dropping to her knees, she moved to prostrate herself
before Hinako. "Hinako-sama, please! I'm so sorry about that! I
didn't realize what I was doing . . .!"


The women around Lufy tensed as they braced themselves for whatever
reaction Ataru's sister might demonstrate after hearing that little
revelation. Seeing Lufy get swamped by Hinako's embrace, however, was
the LAST thing they expected her to do! "Waaaai! Lufy-san brought
Onii-tama and Onee-tama together!" Hinako gushed as she nearly
strangled Lufy with her hug.

The "Konggh'cha's" shipmistress gargled as Hinako's embrace cut off
the air to her lungs. Then, as she sensed the tidal wave of delight
the younger girl's emotions were forcing on her defences, Lufy found
herself giggling.

* * *

"You FORCED Ranma to face that all at once?!"

"There was no choice in the matter, Akane."

Akane and Chikage gazed on each other, the former on her feet, her
shock and outrage at the latter's confession shaking her from head to
toe. It had been a half-hour since Chikage had begun her
explanation. "In the name of the gods, WHY?!" Akane finally hissed

"Because two lives hanged in the balance of what could have happened
if things didn't go well," Chikage sternly replied, the chill in her
voice causing Akane to falter. "You know about the bond binding Ane-
kun to Ani-kun. By the time my family met Ane-kun, elements of Ani-
kun's personality were coming out. Your template saw one such element
come forth on Sunday evening, I believe."

Akane blinked before she paled. "The Cyborg . . .?"

"Exactly. A creature born when Negako-anekun was forced into Ani-
kun's mind years ago. Then given life, shape and purpose on Phentax
Two when Ani-kun was exposed to the Staff of Gihan and he was forced
to watch three billion people die. A creature, I should add, who knew
there was someone out there he was bonded in the most intimate way
to. A person who, in her own way, had suffered as greatly as he did.
One he intrinsically wanted to help, for he knew very well that if she
died, so would he."



Akane took that in, and then she sighed. "Chikage-san, you and
Negako-san could have tried to explain this to all of us, you know."

Chikage's eyebrow arched. "Would any of you've accepted such an
explanation? A story that would've rocked all your worldviews right
to the very core? Especially in the wake of the events on Mount
Phoenix, the wedding attempt and Ane-kun's later training trip with

Akane blinked as she considers that, and then she shook her head.
"No," she breathed out. "I would have had LOADS of problems with
accepting something like that, especially since it concerned Moroboshi
Ataru, too. Genma and Nodoka would have probably disowned Ranma on
the spot if Nodoka didn't decide to force the whole seppuku contract
on Ranma. And once that happened, Dad wouldn't have wanted to have
anything to do with Ranma ever again. It . . . " She closed her
eyes. "Gods, it could have been a disaster."

"Agreed." Chikage then relaxed. "I didn't understand all the
implications of this myself until much later, but from what I did know
at the time, I realized that the sooner Ane-kun was given the chance
to establish a new sense of family, the better. That's why, after we
learned Tampopo-san had taken Ane-kun under her wing, I persuaded my
sisters to start addressing her as 'elder sister.' To do that, I had
to tell them what Jusenkyou had done to Ane-kun, plus what was
temporarily halting that from happening."

"The Neko-ken."

A nod. "Precisely. Once that started, the next thing was to
persuade Ane-kun to leave Nerima for a while. Get as far clear of
Genma and Nodoka's potential influence -- and all of yours, admittedly
-- so that the necessary changes could be done. Of course,
discovering what Genma did to Ane-kun before their training trip
helped matters considerably."

"I bet they did." Akane slowly nodded, a sigh escaping her. "I
still lo- . . . " Her voice trailed for a moment, and then she closed
her eyes. "I care for her, Chikage-san. After all she's done, how
can I NOT care for her?"

Chikage shook her head. "I don't blame you for feeling that way,
Akane. But right now, what you have to do -- and this applies to
Kasumi and Nabiki as well -- is understand that while caring for Ane-
kun is one thing, trying to acknowledge her as a part of your family
is quite another. You all have to take a detailed look at your
behaviour concerning Ane-kun, right from the day she first walked into
your home, and try to understand what you did that went *against*
fostering that sense of family with her. I don't mean to say that Ane-
kun is innocent in this matter, Akane. She knows she did many things
wrong and readily acknowledges that fact."

"True . . . "

A flash of light heralded Hinako's return. "It's all ready!"

Akane acked, and then she gave the youngest of the sisters an annoyed
look. "Hinako-chan, will you please ANNOUNCE yourself first?!"

Hinako jerked. Then, on seeing the mirth in Akane's eyes, she
giggled, her hand rising to cover her mouth. After glaring at her for
a few seconds, Akane's face broke out in a grin. Chikage shook her

* * *

"The Daimon'cha . . .? Has a sister?! OTHER than Nokoko-sama?!"

"Not just one, Sylia."

The commander of Troop Six felt a muscle on her forehead twitch as
the implications of THIS particular concussion missile hitting her
sank in. "Let me see if I get this straight!" she declared, holding
out a finger towards Priss. Lufy was with the newly organic Catty Ray
in her cabin, the latter undergoing a full examination by Reinoevan
and Naomi. The other members of the Troop were aboard the "Kiboo'cha"
-- the warpsloop was locked alongside the "Konggh'cha" -- putting
their weapons and equipment away. Ayumu had gone to her guest cabin
to get some sleep; using her metahuman powers so dramatically always
wiped her out. "The person who, somehow, gained possession of a Haijo-
ju prototype turns out to be Ataru-sama's very own HALF-SISTER of all
things! A girl born between Ataru-sama's father and someone who
WASN'T Ataru-sama's mother! An act that is clearly frowned upon in
many places on Earth . . . "

"And as I just said, Hinako-chan isn't Ataru-sama's only sister,"
Priss cut in. "According to the Staff, there are eleven others."

Sylia blanched. "Eleven others . . .?"

"Yes. Plus one adopted sister, who actually turns out to be Earth's
first publicly-known non-corporeal artificial intelligence."

The Troop commander's jaw dropped in shock. "Really . . . "

Priss nodded. "Sylia, I seriously think we need to talk to Noa about
what she HASN'T found out about Ataru-sama."

Sylia considered that before she sank into her chair. "I think so,

* * *


"H-hai!" Mendou replied, he facing his former classmates in the
middle of morning study hall, the class before lunch. After spending
time claiming his belongings from Tomobiki High -- which, given
Mendou's propensity for calling the Kuromegane or his clan's armed
forces whenever any trouble befell this place, was a lot -- the scion
of one of Japan's richest families had come back to say good-bye, plus
explain why he had been withdrawn from school. Taking a deep breath
as he noted the shocked faces gazing his way, he elaborated, "My
parents and Asuka-san's parents decided the time was right for us to
fulfill our obligation to our families. The ceremony will be Saturday
after lunch."

Silence fell. The boys in Shinobu's class were already elated by the
idea of Mendou Shuutarou no longer attending school at Tomobiki High
School. Regardless of the pain most of them currently felt because of
Lum's "death," the rich snob had been a thorn in ALL their lives. For
the open-minded of the lot, already having taken note that there were
other beautiful women in the class, having Mendou forever out of their
hair was a virtual guarantee of many fun dates in the future. As for
most of the girls in the class, however . . .!

"Mendou-san, you can't possibly marry that androphobe!" Marubeya
Momoe sobbed as she grasped his hands, clutching them close to her
heart. "Please! There's got to be some other way to let this

"Why not let Ryooko-san marry Tobimaro-san?!" Gekasawa Kumiko added,
she grasping one of Mendou's hands before she let it rub against her
cheek. "It doesn't have to result in you living a loveless marriage,

Mendou flustered as others in the class, those he freely flirted with
from the day he first came here, crowded around him. "I . . .!"

"Hey! Hey! HEY! That's enough! Give the guy some space, for
crying out loud!" Mie called out as she walked up to pull some of her
classmates back. "Geez, he's already got enough problems with this

The force in the new student's voice was enough to make the others
back away, though some were quick to give Mie resentful stares for
cutting in like she did. Mendou gave her a grateful nod before a
curious look crossed his face. "Um, gomen, but I don't believe we've
met . . . "

"Seikou Mie, from Yame in Fukuoka-ken, Kyushu." Mie pointed to
herself before she gently gripped his hand. "And regardless of the
problems you face now, friend, I hope it'll turn out for the best for

"I . . . " His cheeks flamed as he bowed, drawing his hand back.
"Arigatou, Mie-san. Your kind thoughts are truly appreciated."

"I'll definitely ditto that thought!" Ryuunosuke patted Mendou's
shoulder. "'Sides, Asuka-chan's a nice girl! Congratulations!"

"Ryuunosuke-kun!" another of Mendou's fans moaned before covering her
eyes with her hands. "How can you say something like that?!"

Mendou sighed as other girls in the class began to cry. This
definitely was NOT going to be one of his better days.

* * *

"He's returned?"

"Yes, Captain. By all appearances, he was busy withdrawing all his
personal belongings from the school. Agent Rose did confirm that
Mendou Shuutarou was no longer considered a member of that particular

"I see. So he's visiting his former classmates to say good-bye."

"I believe so."

"Fair enough! Now's the time! Stand by to beam them up!"

"Yes, ma'am!"

* * *

" . . . bad enough that they're not allowing you any sort of freedom
of choice when it comes to marrying someone, but to force you to marry
NOW?!" Momoe protested. "You're only seventeen! You still have to
graduate high school and go through university before you'd be truly
ready to inherit your family's fortune! Don't either of them

Mendou sighed. "Momoe-san, I agree my parents and Asuka-san's
parents do have some unique viewpoints, but they ARE doing what they
believe is the best!"

"B-but . . .!"

"Momoe-chan, that's enough!" Shinobu cut in as she squeezed her
classmate's shoulder. "There's nothing we can do about it now."

"But . . .!" Momoe stuttered.

Everyone then perked on hearing a ringing noise fill the room. "What
the heck's that . . .?!" Koi Shinjin asked as he looked around.

"That's a transporter!" Mie warned before she gasped, "Oh . . .!"

Her complaint was cut off as everyone dissolved in a sparkle of
pinkish-white energy. Within two seconds, the room was emptied of all
students. A second later, another transporter beamed in a sheet of
paper, it landing on the teacher's desk. As the effect faded, the
door slid open, revealing Sakura. "What the devil's . . .?!" Her
voice was instantly cut off on seeing the empty room before her.
Standing stark still for a moment as she took in all around her, the
nurse then focused on the paper sitting on the desk. Walking up to
it, she balked, her eyes going wide on seeing the pink rose insignia
embossed on it as letterhead. She held it close to read the message
written there:

"To Whomever This May Concern,
"If you wish to know where Honey's former classmates have gone to,
you need not look further than I. If you wish to see them returned to
Earth alive and well, tell Honey he is to surrender himself to me as
quickly as possible. I'm aware of his recent activities concerning
the Noukiites and their just-finished war with the Onis, so warn him
not to pull any tricks.
"His friends' lives presently depend on it.
"Elle LXIV,
"Queen of the Rose Kingdom of Elle"

"Elle . . .!" Sakura whispered before she raced out of the room.

* * *

"The prisoners are secured, Captain!"

"Excellent! Inform Agent Rose that Mr. Groom's sisters are to be
targeted for transport to us as soon as possible!"

"Yes, ma'am!"

* * *

" . . . SHIT!"

Silence fell as the members of Mie's class found themselves standing
in a deep, white-walled circular space the size of the Tomobiki school
gym. Glancing around their current surroundings, everyone was quick
to note one obvious exit from this place. That was at Shinobu's
right, four metres above the deck, a small balcony sighted around it.
Tomomi asked, "Where are we?!"

"Certainly not in Kansas, Tomomi-chan," Kyooko muttered.

Minako shook her head. "That helps a lot, Kyooko-chan."

"I think I know where we are."

Eyes fell on Shinobu. "Where?!" Ryuunosuke asked.

Shinobu gazed on Mendou. Seeing the recognition on his face, she
nodded. "We're aboard Queen Elle's flagship, Ryuu-chan! We met her
just before you came to school for the first time."

Everyone exchanged looks. Momoe then blurted out, "Elle?! You mean
that alien queen who wanted to marry Ataru-kun a year back?!"

"The very same."

Everyone's eyes spun around and up to gaze on the balcony. Standing
there was a lovely red-haired woman dressed in an ankle-length white
cape draped over a rose-red bustier-like bodysuit trimmed with
stylized rose stems. A headband wrapped around her hair was embossed
with a stylized white rose over the right ear. Flanking her on both
sides were two female bodyguards, both carrying combat rifles that
were aimed in the general direction of the Tomobiki High students.
"Elle!" Shinobu gasped.

"Yes." The Rose Queen's eyebrow then cocked as a flash of
recognition crossed her face. "Oh, yes! I remember you! You're
Honey's former girlfriend! Shinobu, was it? The one he finally
renounced for the Devil's Daughter after that silly Tag Race,

Shinobu quaked, her fists clenching and unclenching, as the mocking
tone in Elle's voice sank in. "Yes! What's the meaning of this?! As
far as I recall, when you and Ataru-kun went back in time after Lum
broke up your wedding, you learned he NEVER tagged your shadow when
you were kids!"

Elle made a dismissive wave. "Yes, that's true, of course . . .!
Ah!" Her eyes locked on another familiar face. "My dear Shuutarou,
is that you?!" She focused on Mendou. "It's been quite a while.
Your place in my Refrigerator of Love is still open, of course."

Mendou gagged, his face turning sheet-white on hearing the word
"refrigerator." In a flash, he found himself surrounded by most of
the girls in the class. "If you think you'll freeze Mendou-san like
you tried to do last time, you're mistaken!" Momoe vowed.

Watching this, Elle politely covered her mouth in a delighted laugh.
"Oh, my! Such devotion! I do admire that, really I do!" She then
quickly recovered. "Anyhow, that'll have to wait for another time,
I'm afraid."

"So why ARE you here?!" Mie demanded, crossing her arms.

Elle's eyebrow arched. "Why, isn't it obvious? I want Honey!"

Everyone blinked.

* * *

"What's the matter?"

The technician looked up from her station. "I'm sorry, Captain, but
for some reason, we can detect only ten of Mr. Groom's half-sisters."
She pointed to her readout. "They're presently all here, in the
Nerima ward of Tokyo. Agent Rose is still trying to locate the last

"Who're missing?" the captain demanded.

The technician called up the applicable files. "These two."

The captain looked. "Hirosaki Chikage and Saeru Hinako," she read
the names. "Keep scanning," she ordered as she turned back to her
chair. "I'm not sure what the Queen will think if we don't find all
of Mr. Groom's sisters by the time she wants them to join us. Be
quick about it!"

"Yes, ma'am!"

* * *

"Hey, if you want the guy, take him for . . .!"

Shinjin screamed as Tomomi's fist smashed his jaw, sending him across
the room. "Shut up, jerk!" she snapped, her actions making everyone
save her sister Avalonians and Mie wince. "Who asked for your dumbass

"What's this?!" Elle wondered from above. "Don't tell me Honey's
finally obtained some real fans among his former peers!"

Tomomi jolted, inwardly cursing herself for lashing out like that.
If that warped bitch above accidentally learned of her ancestry, who
knew WHAT might happen next. "Well, what do you expect me to do?!"
she asked, shrugging as she locked eyes with the Rose Queen. "Allow
these mindless dolts to *lie* to you like that, even if it's to save
their skins?! Get real!"

Everyone stared wide-eyed at the auburn-haired Avalonian. "Lie to
me?" Elle blinked. "Whatever are you talking about?!"

"About Ataru-kun." Tomomi crossed her arms. "I bet that none of
your people were in Tomobiki last week when some Islamic whackos
decided to blow up the school. Ataru-kun came by to help out with the
rescue, but afterward, he pretty well told the whole damned world how
much he HATED everyone in Tomobiki! ESPECIALLY everyone at Tomobiki
High School!"

People blinked. Momoe then grinned as she guessed what Tomomi was
trying to do. "That's right! Man, you should've heard him that day!
I've never heard so many swear words in all my life from that guy than
what I heard that day! I mean . . . " She shrugged. "He even
insulted all the GIRLS at school, too! Can you believe something like

Others quickly nodded. They then jolted on hearing amused laughter
escape the Rose Queen. "Oh, Fates! That is simply hilarious!" She
nearly doubled over, but was quickly able to restrain herself. Queens
didn't DO such undisciplined things in public! "Well, well . . . "
She fixed her "guests" with a knowing look. "Despite your
exaggeration, I do sense that you are speaking the truth about Honey's
feelings for you."

"Then you realize taking us prisoner won't work!" Shinobu stated.

"On the contrary!" Elle held up a finger. "Be assured, you ARE of
assistance to me when it comes to bringing Honey back to where he
belongs at my side. I'm sure your parents back on Earth will no doubt
move to persuade Honey to come to your rescue. And before you ask, I
do happen to know of his recent activities concerning the Noukiites
and how they so easily DESTROYED the Onis over the last few weeks! I
am prepared to deal with that!"

Shinobu paled. Given the boys' reaction the previous day to the news
that no Urusian would ever be allowed on Earth for the next century,
learning that Ataru had fought WITH the Noukiites against Lum's people
-- regardless of the fact that Ataru had done it for the
understandable reason of avenging his grandmother's murder! -- would
be a red flag to Shinjin and the others.

"What are you talking about?!" another boy demanded.

"I can explain easily enough," Elle purred.

* * *

"Oh, it's so good to go for a walk these days, eh, Michael?"

Michael barked as he followed Marie down the street in the general
direction of Fuurinkan High School. It was closing in on the end of
lunch period. Breakfast had finally been served when Shampoo and
Kuonji Ukyou came by with large boxes of food for the extended
Moroboshi family. Ranma's former fiancées were with her in
Hikarigaoka Park, giving Aneue-sama the necessary emotional support as
she came to grips with Tendou Akane's death. Ataru had gone to the
Tendou home to speak with Kasumi, moving to avert a potential
explosion should the Tendou matriarch try to speak to her late
sister's former betrothed before Ranma had any chance to come to grips
with her own feelings. Yotsuba was currently with Shinshi. Chikage
and Hinako had gone somewhere, though no one knew exactly where. The
others were back at the shrine . . .


Marie paused on seeing a crowd heading her way. Noting the white
blouse and blue skirt uniforms worn by the girls of Fuurinkan High,
Marie then exchanged a look with Michael. "Are they letting school
out early, Michael?"

The retriever whined before he trotted on ahead. Marie stayed with
him as they made their way toward Fuurinkan High. They soon arrived
at the front gate to see a small crowd there, their attention fixed at
something on the front lawn. "Excuse me, please!" She tapped the
shoulder of one boy. "Is there something going on today?" she asked.

Hiroshi blinked on seeing the slender girl with the very pretty smile
and the big golden retriever beside her, and then he sighed. Marie
was quick to notice the pain in his eyes. "We just found out that a
classmate of ours was killed last night. Her sister told the whole
school at a special assembly an hour ago. She got pretty detailed
when it came to explaining why it happened."

"Tendou Akane?" Marie asked.

Hiroshi perked. "Oh, you know her, don't you?"

A pause. "I've heard of her . . . "


The *crack!* of lacquered hardwood hitting someone's body caused the
viewers to wince. "Shit, it's started!" Daisuke, he standing beside
Hiroshi, declared as he pointed toward the front doors. "Man, those
guys are brave!"

"Or stupid!" Hiroshi grunted.

Marie strained herself to look. "I don't understand . . . "


Several more powerful blows echoed through the early afternoon air,
cutting off that pompous voice. Hearing that, Marie shuddered as she
remembered Ranma's harsh words about a certain kendou team captain who
had been one of the more annoying problems in her life. "Excuse me,
please . . . " Marie called out, moving to wind her way through the
crowd. People shifted clear as Marie and Michael stepped past. Then,
as soon as they were in the clear, both shifted to a place where they
wouldn't obstruct anyone's view. Once there, they turned to look.
One glance was enough. "Oh, my!"

On his knees at the usual place where he had confronted Ranma and
Akane in the past, a bruised and bleeding Kunou Tatewaki found himself
surrounded by many members of the Horde o'Hentai. The looks on the
other students' faces all hovered in the "flat-out murderous" range.
Leading the confrontation, much to everyone's surprise, were the
members of the school kendou club. "Stow it, asshole!" Takuichi
Daikun snarled. "You ain't got any right to say ANYTHING now after
what you did to hurt Akane-san!"

Kunou shuddered as he slowly staggered to his feet. "I . . .!" he
sputtered bloodily. "Will not tolerate this . . .!"

"Takuichi-san, would you mind?!" a sumotori behind Daikun asked.

Daikun stepped aside. "Be our guest, Hitomaro-san!"

"Arigatou!" Hitomaro Ichinou dropped to the "ready" position. "Go!"

Marie gasped as six VERY large fellows in mawashi raced together at
one point, it being Kunou! She looked away as a loud *CRUNCH!* echoed
through the air. "Hey, save some of that creep for us, you guys!" a
member of the school soccer team snapped, he bouncing a ball off his
feet, as the amateur rikishi backed off, allowing Kunou to collapse
like a pole-axed tree to the front walkway. "We've all got something
ta say to that jerk, too!"

"Relax, gentlemen! Relax!" a familiar female voice called out by the
front doors. "You'll all get your turns soon enough!"

Marie saw Nabiki standing there, several other girls standing to both
sides of the senior. The bespectacled teen moved to walk around the
battle zone as members of the judou club came up to take their turn
with Kunou. Marie winced as hoarse cheers echoed through the crowd.
She purposefully did NOT look in the direction of the hapless kendou
team captain. By the time the judou club turned things over to the
Zen archery team, Marie and Michael were on the steps leading to the
front doors. "Nabiki-san!"

Nabiki looked, her eyes widening in surprise. "Marie-chan, what the
hell are YOU doing here, for heaven's sake?!"

The eyes of those around Nabiki widened. "I was going out for a walk
around Nerima when I noticed some of your schoolmates moving to take
the rest of the day off." Marie crossed her arms as she nodded
towards Kunou. "And what, may I ask, is THIS all about?!" she then

"The Boss told all of us everything about what led to Akane-chan's
death," one of the girls beside Nabiki explained, and then she took a
breath before lightly bowing to the visitor from Promised Island.
"Marie-san, what happened last night wasn't your fault. You acted
properly in defending Ataru-kun and Ranma-chan from what you saw as a
grave insult to them. But . . . "

She gazed on the crowd. "There're those who'd like to have a word
with you about that," another added. "Not kind words . . . "

Michael growled as he stepped closer to Marie. "I think if they want
to chat with Marie-chan, they'll have Michael-kun to worry about,"
Nabiki noted as she gazed on the one-sided fight deluging Kunou. "By
the way, Marie-chan, can you ask Hinako-chan to come here?"

"Um . . . " Marie blinked. "Certainly. But I hope . . . "

A flare of light blinded everyone before Hinako's voice called out,
"Hai, Hina's here! What's the problem, Nabiki-san?!"

Silence fell over the crowd as eyes locked on the youngest of Ataru's
sisters. Nabiki stepped away from her friends as she turned Hinako
around to face the Horde o'Hentai. By that time, Kunou's hakama had
been nicely shredded by the arrows from the school's archery team.
"Ladies and gentlemen of Fuurinkan High!" Nabiki bellowed through a
megaphone. "I have the pleasure to present to you the youngest of
Moroboshi Ataru's beloved and wonderful sisters from Oomure-jima, the
one and only Saeru Hinako!"

Gasps filled the crowd as people looked her way. Daikun then slipped
away from the crowd. Marching to Hinako, he stopped before her, and
then prostrated. "Hinako-sama, on behalf of the members of the
Fuurinkan High kendou club, I thank you from the bottom of my
heart . . .!"


Everyone jolted as Marie marched up to stand protectively beside her
***" she shrilled, the rage in her voice causing the Horde to nearly
scramble away in terror. "Hinako-chan's suffered ENOUGH because of
what happened to Akane-san last night!" She pointed accusingly at
them. "She doesn't need to put up to your perverted
demonstrations . . .!"

"No!" Daikun cut her off with a raised hand. "Please, miss -- you're
Marie-san, aren't you?! -- you don't understand . . .!"

"You really all did care for Akane-san, didn't you?"

Eyes locked on Hinako. "Hinako-chan . . .!" Nabiki gasped.

Daikun stared at her. "Hai, Hinako-sama, we did! Our . . . " -- a
distasteful look then crossed his face -- " . . . shameful actions
when it came to Akane-san were truly unbecoming of us all! Believe me
when I say this, Marie-san, but NONE of us wanted this whole mess to
go THIS far!" Taking a deep breath, he prostrated himself before
Hinako. Behind him, the other members of the Horde did the same.
"Hinako-sama, all of us thank you so much for trying to help Akane-san
in her time of need! And we all beg your forgiveness for our part in
what made Akane-san flee this life for the next, forcing you to face
such an awful tragedy at your young age!"

"PLEASE FORGIVE US, HINAKO-SAMA!" the others of the Horde chanted.

Hinako blinked, and then she tilted her head as the Staff whispered
something into her mind. She then took a deep breath, tears
glistening in her eyes. "Hina . . . " She sniffed before a first
year student handed her a handkerchief. Wiping her eyes, she tried to
smile. "Hina can accept that! And . . . " She paused before
pointing to Kunou. "Hina hopes you guys never, never, NEVER listen to
that baka-baka creep Kunou ever, ever again! Onee-tama told Hina and
Hina's sisters everything about what that creep's done!"

"That, wahine, you can count on!"

Heads spun around as gasps filled the crowd. "Kunou-koochou!" Nabiki
called out as Principal Kunou stepped up to the crowd.

Instead of the toothy, crazed smile that normally adorned the man's
face, there was a very determined look, one similar to what Kunou
Pauline had on his face Monday morning when he allowed Ranma to
withdraw from Fuurinkan High. "Relax, keiki! The Big Kahuna's got
some things ta tell ya!" He then turned to Hinako. Reaching up to
his head, he pulled off the small bonsai tree perched there to hand it
to her. "Here ya go! You give that to your sister there, the one who
likes growin' plants and all that."

"Eh?!" Hinako stared at the small tree, and then she realized whom
the Principal was speaking of. "Oh, you mean Kaho-chan! Sure!"

"Koochou-san . . . " one of the girls beside Nabiki whispered.

The Principal then faced the others on the lawn. "Okay, keiki!
Listen up!" he called out through his own bullhorn. "The Big Kahuna's
got an announcement for you all!" A pause. "After hearin' about what
happened to that poor wahine Akane, the Big Kahuna realizes that he's
got some serious thinkin' ta do about running this school for you
keiki and wahine! 'Cause of that, the Big Kahuna's gonna go back to
Hawai'i for a while ta do his thinkin'! While the Big Kahuna's gone,
his number one brother Nanba's gonna be the Big Kahuna!" He pointed
to the school's assistant principal, Nanba Shigeru, who was standing
with several other teachers by the front doors. "Youse all listen to
him, ya hear?! 'Cause if the Big Kahuna hears his number one brother
didn't get the respect he deserves from you keiki and wahine, the Big
Kahuna's gonna be givin' youse all his real SPECIAL haircuts when he
comes back from Hawai'i!"

A tidal wave then appeared out of nowhere, a surfboard riding the
crest. The Principal nimbly hopped on that, and then he raced off for
the Kunou estate. Silence fell over them, and then Hinako stared at
Marie. "Ne, Marie-chan! Where'd all the water come from?!" she

Marie helplessly shrugged, shaking her head. "Well, I'll be a . . .
" Nabiki chuckled from behind them, scratching her hair.

"Never thought he'd do THAT, eh, Nabiki-chan?" Fujii Chieko noted.

"Got that right!"

"Alright! Alright, then!" The new acting principal of Fuurinkan
High clapped his hands as he walked through the crowd to stand beside
Nabiki. "Now that particular matter's been resolved, I think we can
bring an end to this demonstration." He indicated the still-dazed
Kunou with a finger. "And to ensure that none of this sort of
unnecessary nonsense happens again, I believe that permanently
removing Kunou-kun from his position as captain of the kendou team
seems prudent. Wouldn't you agree with me, Takuichi-kun?"

Daikun looked up. Realizing what Mr. Nanba was saying, he readily
nodded. "Hai, Nanba-koochou! We would ALL agree with that!"

"Very well, then! And, to be fair to all of you, I will leave it
unto all of you to decide who your new team captain will be."

Daikun bowed. "Hai, Koochou-san!"


Eyes spun around to see a VERY angry Kunou Tatewaki on his feet, a
blazing battle aura around him as he glared on the men he once viewed
as his closest allies. "You are no longer in a position to forbid
anything, Kunou-kun!" Mr. Nanba sternly glared at the former team
captain, crossing his arms. "Your blatant refusal to face reality has
cost this school and those who give it life and purpose dearly! And
I, for one, refuse to allow this insanity to continue! You no longer
have your father and his influence on us to duck behind, Kunou-kun!
So if you wish to continue to act like a mindless fool, I think
EXPULSION might make you see the error of your ways!"

Kunou jolted, sneering. "You may try."

* * *

"Rose, this is the captain. What's your status?"

"I'm sorry, Captain. I still haven't found Hirosaki or Saeru."

"Never mind," the Rose Queen's voice cut in. "Ten of Honey's sisters
are more than enough. Stand by to retrieve them!"

"Yes, ma'am!"

* * *

"Ya, Tatewaki."

Kunou screamed out, spinning around to see a dark, cloaked figure
standing behind him. "Ah, Chikage-chan!" Hinako cheered.

Allowing the hood to fall away, the sorceress glared at the defrocked
kendou team leader. "I trust I've come in time," she declared with an
amused chuckle. "Nanba-koochou, if I'm not mistaken, this fellow here
refuses to relinquish his place among his team-mates and accept
responsibility for his part in what led to Tendou Akane's premature
demise last night. Am I correct?"

Mr. Nanba shakily nodded, stunned by Chikage's startling appearance.
"Um . . .! Y-yes, you are c-correct, um . . .! M-m-miss . . . "

Chikage slipped off her cape. "Will one of you please loan me a

She gazed on a group of aikidou-ka. "H-hai!" one said as he came up,
he holding out his personal weapon for the sorceress to use.

"Arigatou." Chikage took it in hand before she turned to face
Kunou. "Now, Tatewaki, I've an announcement for your ears only. It
comes from none other than your 'pig-tailed goddess,' Saotome Ranma."

Kunou perked. "The pig-tailed one?! What does she say?!"

The sorceress' smile turned icy. "She states that she intends to
marry my elder brother Moroboshi Ataru in the very near future. And
that you are in no position to object either which way about it.


"***WHAT?!***" Kunou screamed out. "***MY BELOVED FIRE-HAIRED

The "awk" came thanks to Chikage's jou, which snared him by the ankle
and sent him falling face-first into the dirt. "You were saying?" the
young sorceress amusedly noted as she assumed a ready stance.

* * *

"Transporters locked on all ten of the targets," Rose reported over
the communications links. "One's in a house in the north-western part
of Nerima. Eight are at what appears to be a shrine in the central
part. The last one's at a high school, but she's close to many other

"Are the others easy to obtain?"

"Yes, ma'am!"

"Alright, we'll do them first. Commence!"

"Yes, ma'am! Energizing!"

* * *

"Ranma-chan isn't the only one who feels that way, Ataru-kun . . . "

Kasumi's voice then faded as her inner wa, a feeling which has been
locked for years with the harmony of the Tendou home, flashed a
warning. Ataru, in the midst of sipping his tea, gazed quizzically at
his host. "Is there a problem, Kasumi-san . . .?!" His voice was cut
off as a faint ringing noise echoed from the main bedroom. "What the
hell . . .?!"

He turned to look just as Shinshi stepped in from the doojou. "That
sounds like it came from my room," he declared. "Yo-chan?!"

Ataru's eyes narrowed as he reached out with his ki senses to see
what, if anything, was going on with his sister.

* * *

To be continued . . .

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