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[Ranma][Fanfic] An Alternate History of Ranma 1/2 - Chapter Four

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Hitomi Ichinohei

Nov 6, 1996, 3:00:00 AM11/6/96

If there was anything that could get a smile out of people, it was
the two girls walking down the street towards the clothing stores.
It was easy to tell which school the one leading the way was from.
After all, every school in Japan had registered uniforms for there school
that were accessible from the central database. Of course, most people
would have recognized Akane without the Furinkan high uniform because of
the fact that she jogged this way often. As far as everyone was
concerned, she was a nice, kind girl who could get a little impulsive
about some things.
The shorter one with highlights in her hair they couldn't place.
They assumed the girl must be from China, given the clothing she was
wearing, and the way she was walking. Of course, she didn't look very
happy, and was obviously not in a good mood, but she was cute.
If a Westerner had been listening in on their conversation, they
would have been extremely surprised at the content.
"Ya'know Akane, That Sensei is scary." Ranma grumbled to her
companion as they went towards the uniform outfitters. "I mean that book
he had of..." she shuddered as remembered scenes of human bodies went
through her head. "Isn't that a bit extreme?"
Akane looked over to Ranma, giggling slightly, "Well, you do have
to admit, it is a good warning, and those pictures are accurate."
"Akane! Those pictures were disgusting, and those...those
"Are you thinking of having sex Ranma?"
A queasy look settled on the pig-tailed girls face. "Not if I can
help it. If that's what sex does to you, I don't think I ever want to
experience it."
Akane shrugged, "Well, that could be both good and bad. Sex isn't
all bad, that's just the worst case scenario. Besides, do you want to
have sex before you're married?"
Ranma snorted, "No way! Even before that book I wasn't
considering having sex anytime soon. I mean, I'm still young, and there's
lots to learn."
Akane turned a thoughtful look at Ranma, "That's true. I guess I
underestimated you Ranma, I thought you'd be like the other boys."
Ranma stopped and looked at Akane, "Whoa! Whadaya mean like the
other boys?"
Akane sighed and started walking again, "Well, boys seem to have
the strangest ideas of what a girl wants and is like, and they only seem
to think with one part of their anatomy. I mean, have you ever been
swarmed by a set of boys who only want to get into your panties?"
Ranma guffawed a bit, "I sort of grew up on the opposite side of
that Akane. Besides, boys think with their head, they just get controlled
by their hormones. It's not their fault that they seem to have less
resistance to that sort of stuff than the girls. After all, a boy's
hormones cause physical changes to occur without them being conscious of
Akane shook her head, "You really have a lot to learn about boys
then. Despite the fact that you grew up being extremely macho, I think a
lot of things were left out of your education by traveling around so much.
I'm not sure, but that might be a good thing in this regard. Of course,
your new situation now might have changed a few things about how your body
Ranma looked puzzled for a second, "Well, according to the doctor,
I'll experience what every girl does now. I'll have to get used to that
while I'm a girl I guess."
"That's not exactly what I'm talking about."
"Then what are you talking about?"
Akane looked at Ranma, "We'll talk about that later. but, well,
being on this side is a lot different and it's important for you to learn
about how the boys react to girls. There are a lot of disadvantages to
being a girl. The good thing is that you'll pick up a lot of new defense
techniques, although you will have to discourage the more persistent ones,
possibly even going so far as breaking their bones, and then there's the
fact that..."
Ranma stopped in her tracks. "Uh-huh! No way! I'm going back to
being male and going to school as a male!"
Akane looked at Ranma, "Then you concede the bet?"
"Yeah, I concede, just let me out...." he suddenly remembered the
terms of the bet. "WAIT A MINUTE!!!"
Akane smirked at the suddenly trapped Ranma, who had realized that
she dug herself in a hole with that bet. "Come on Ranma, the store is
only three doors away."

An Alternate History of Ranma 1/2:

Chapter Four:

If this is how I have to get an education...

A fan fiction based on Takahashi Rumiko's Manga series, Ranma 1/2

Saotome Ranma, Saotome Genma, Saotome Nodoka, Tendo Akane, Tendo Soun,
Tendo Kasumi, Tendo Nabiki, Kuonji Ukyou, Hibiki Ryouga, P-chan, Shampoo,
Mousse, Kuno Tatewaki, Kuno Kodachi, Tofu-Sensei, and Hinako Sensei are
copyright 1987, 1996 by Takahashi Rumiko.

Morisato Keiko, and Natsume Sayoko are copyright 1996 by Ichinohei Hitomi

Publishing rights:

Japan: Shogakukan Inc. Tokyo
Hong Kong: Jademan (Holdings) Ltd.
North America: Viz Inc.

By Ichinohei Hitomi

"This isn't really fair Akane! You never told me any of these
things last night _OR_ when we made the bet."
Calming herself, Akane looked at Ranma for a moment, wondering if
being so manipulative had been such a good idea. She felt sort of guilty
for taking advantage of her new friend like that but the alternative,
well, it was something they both wanted out of. "Ranma, even though I
never told you, you have a choice. Either we become engaged against our
will, or we go through with this plan."
Ranma looked down, grumbling even more under her breath. What she
was saying was almost totally inaudible, except for statements like 'idiot
father', but she followed Akane into the shop. It had been stupid of her
to listen to Akane the night before. She had made a set of agreements
with her, and now, by her own actions, she was trapped. *I'm never gonna
agree with her when I'm half asleep again. Who knows what I might agree
Akane grabbed Ranma's hand. "Now the first thing we need is
Ranma stiffened, *LINGERIE!?!?! IS SHE NUTS?*


If it was possible for Kuno's head to retain more than a few
things at a time, or he devoted as much of himself to schoolwork as he did
Kendo, or his ego, then he may well have been at the top of the class. As
it was, he was positioned in the lower half of the class. It was not a
good position for him to be in considering that his father was a Sensei,
and technically headmaster of Furinkan.
Of course, he hadn't seen his father in almost five years, his
father having taken off to America in order to get citizenship status.
Not that Kuno missed him. If truth be known, Kuno would have liked to
have his dear sister poison the old bastard.
As far as he was concerned, his father was a crazed nut, who cared
only about shaving peoples heads and humiliating anyone and everyone.
There wasn't a shred of decency in the man, nor was there any compassion.
Those emotions had been swept away by the madness that claimed his father
after his mothers death so long ago. What happened hadn't been kind, and
in the place of a pillar of the community was a facade.
Kuno had grown up as what North Americans would consider an abused
child. His father treated him as a plaything, keeping his head shaved,
and heaping a lot of guilt upon the young Tatewaki. He had been the rock
upon which his family members had depended and it had changed him and his
A large part of what he was had to do with Giri. His family came
first and foremost even if they did hurt him a lot. What was even worse
was that he could never openly acknowledge that hurt. To protect himself
he built up his ego and told himself that the trials he faced were given
by the Kami to temper him into something stronger.
Up to that point he had handled the financial holdings of his
family, making investments, being with a few good friends, and searching
for a way to make his father well. One of the few people he told of this
was Nabiki who had faced something similar in her life when her mother had
died. The two of them got along, forging a destiny based on the hardships
in their life.
Everything was fine until his younger sister started to show signs
of the same mental instability.
When that happened, things started to become too much for
Tatewaki. Already an avowed Kendoist, he became more and more fascinated
by the wooden practice sword in his hand. He continued to go after
imaginary targets with it, imagining himself in the place of his Samurai
ancestors as the burdens he faced grew harder and harder. He eventually
subsumed himself into a fantasy world in order to survive, his only point
of contact with the real world being Nabiki.
It was no wonder he thought of himself as being the only one
deserving of any possible chance of love. Of a strong woman who could
survive. Of one with little chance of going mad, for that is what he
feared would happen to him deep down.
So for him to be concentrating on what he would do, how he would
embarrass his competition for the one he deemed to be his was
*I shall be triumphant!* He thought as he contemplated the
challenge he would face. *If what is said is true, then I know how to
defeat this unworthy rival, for if he is of the same school as Akane, I
can use the weaknesses that are always in her defenses in order to strike
at this one.*
Pointedly, he went over the various ways that Akane had moved, her
usual tactics of avoidance, how she used here fists, what forms her throws
came in, and the varying stances she used. Watching her had been a
learning experience as the way she deliberately maneuvered her opponents
around her prevented more than four people coming at her at once. Her
circular movements had forced the boys coming after her to more often hit
each other than her. She was vulnerable away from the four cardinal
degrees and she avoided using any aerial abilities. If these truths held
for every practitioner of the School of Indiscriminate Grappling, then
Ranma was just as vulnerable.
The smirk that appeared on his face as he thought of his winning
was one of quiet power.


Ranma was incensed as she and Akane carried all of the packages
that the store had given her once they had taken her measurements. She
was quite sure that they had bought more in one day in terms of uniforms
than she had bought in three years of junior high. How could women have
so many different pieces for the uniforms?
It wasn't just the basic uniform which consisted of two different
types of blouses, what the woman in the store had called a jumper, and a
jacket, but several other pieces that she didn't think she would ever
need. Trying to look over all of the boxes she held, and looking at Akane
who had just as many as she did, she wondered what in the world people
were thinking when they designed the uniforms for girls. If it had been
up to her, she would have made it as simple as what boys usually wore.
What was worse was that Akane insisted they buy three of
"Don't you think we're carrying just a little bit _too_ much?"
Ranma asked the girl beside her. "I mean, it's like we bought out the
entire store."
Akane smiled at Ranma, slightly amused at the sight of the smaller
girl trying to hold so many packages. It had been so funny when Ranma had
told the sales clerk that she only needed the regular uniform, shoes, and
gym clothes. Her companion had been astonished at the number of items
that the sales lady had brought out once she had taken her size. The
expression on Ranma's face was priceless.
Grinning slightly, she said, "Not at all Ranma. That's only the
beginning, and since you're not the same size as I am, most of my clothes
won't fit you. We're going to have to buy you an entirely new wardrobe."
Ranma grunted, "Ya mean we have to buy a lot more stuff? Akane,
_this_ is more clothes than I have ever owned in my life! I mean I didn't
even buy this much when I had to shop for new clothes in Beijing!"
Akane smiled sweetly, "Relax Ranma. It's only until our parents
call off the marriage. Besides, you might as well take advantage of that
form until we can find a cure for your condition. Anyway's what would you
have done when we had to go swimming? Everyone in school would know about
your condition almost immediately, and you know the rumours that could
create, especially about you."
Ranma nodded as they continued walking towards the school. "You
have a point about that..."


Having left her father and uncle playing Shogi after they woke up,
Kasumi had decided to go to the local centre and access a terminal. She
needed information if she was to help Ranma understand not only what
happened, but to accept herself. It wasn't going to be very easy however,
given the young girl's rather violent reaction to her father.
Kasumi would have to find information pertaining to various
traumas in order to help her determine how to proceed with Ranma.
Fortunately, the University of Tokyo did have a rather extensive
collection of psychological books from around the world. If she could
find the proper references through the TSO system she would get them to
make a research loan to her. That would give her a few weeks with the
books, and she could certainly get Tofu-Sensei to approve those loans, as
he had commented several times on her healing abilities when she was going
to school.
Of course, the other problem was Ranma's inadvertent
transsexuality. The girl didn't really qualify as a transsexual, and
would have to be brought along slowly on that point. If anything, she
would have to take very slow in order for her not to do any permanent
damage to Ranma's psyche. The problem was to get her to accept being
female part, if not most, of the time due to circumstances. She had
already decided on a few things, such as a modern room with a western
style bed, desk, shelves, and a neutral looking study table which could
later be converted to a vanity table without many problems.
It would have to be very carefully planned, although school may be
a problem. She would have to see if she could get Dr. Tofu to excuse
Ranma from taking swimming or other activities in which he might be turned
female accidentally. She also had to check to see what temperature the
water had to be in order for Ranma to change to either form, and that
would require even more careful planing.
As she tapped the keyboard, she wished that there was more
information on file. There seemed to be a large void in the literature,
and what little that was available was years out of date. Unfortunately,
Kasumi also knew that there was little else to do except go to a
psychologist. Unfortunately, that option wasn't really very good.
Her future brother or sister in law was already in a precarious
enough mental condition without making it any worse.


Ranma was feeling a bit better, especially since they got rid of
almost all of the packages that they had been carrying. However, feeling
a bit better about being manipulated was like saying one feels fine after
having been informed that they failed a course, but could retake it soon.
It was a rather large blow to ones ego.
Looking at her companion, she snorted silently. Although they had
gotten the uniforms, all Ranma carried with her was the gym clothes,
refusing to wear the dress until she felt more comfortable about doing so.
*If I had only thought about what I was doing last night, but nooo! I was
too damn stupid, too damn tired, and I'm too damn honourable about backing
out of this. Unfortunately, it also means that it limits my choices about
everything that I do.*
Looking at Akane, she softened her attitude a bit. Ranma had seen
how the brown eyed girl had reacted to Tofu-Sensei. If she wasn't in love
with the Sensei Ranma would gladly eat Nato without any sauce. Akane also
had a reason for wanting to get out of the engagement and she was the one
who was thinking clearly the night before. "Akane, Hold on a minute."
Akane stopped and looked at Ranma, still feeling a little bit
guilty over what she had done. Ranma was her friend after all, not some
stupid boy whom she had to get rid of. Besides, she was sticking to the
agreement, which was very honourable, and almost unheard of in this day
where American attitudes seemed to dominate. "OK."
Ranma sighed, stretching her arms over her head, "Why you aren't
as tired as I am is beyond me." she said, "But now that we have some time,
I want to ask if all of this is really as necessary as you're making it
out to be."
Akane shrugged, "Well, perhaps not really all that necessary, but
it would certainly solve some of the more insidious problems with our
fathers. My fathers really anxious for this marriage, and so is your
father. They were still celebrating when we went to sleep, which would be
unfortunate for us."
Yawning, Ranma replied, "True. I just want to ask why you took
advantage of me like you did?"
Akane swallowed. Ranma had realized what had happened, and that
meant that she was probably in trouble. "Well, I sort of realized that
you wouldn't really do this unless you had incentive once you found out
what being a girl is all about, so I had to think of something quickly.
The only thing that I could think of was making a bet, and you did agree
to it."
Ranma tried to glare at the taller girl, "It wasn't very fair of
you to do it while I was still half asleep. All things considered, I
would really rather go as a boy."
Akane frowned to herself. "OK. I admit it was unfair, and it
wasn't really a nice thing to do after all, but there are reasons for
this, including possibly protecting you."
Ranma's face suddenly changed through several levels, going from
one of amazement, to respect, to realization, and finally to anger,
"Whaddaya mean 'Protecting me'?"
Akane sighed, "Well, every morning, Furinkan has a tradition of
the boys ganging up to try and beat me up in order to go out on a date
with me. It's stupid, and annoying, and the fault of one idiot named Kuno
Tatewaki. You see, he was interested in getting to know me and going out
on a date, but I wasn't interested in him. He then had the idea that
perhaps I was waiting for someone who could defeat me, such as one of the
legends of the Tengu from so long ago. Since he lost, he declared that
anyone that wanted to go out with me would have to defeat me in battle.
It sort of escalated from there."
Ranma whistled, "No kiddin' ! Are pulling my leg or is this Kuno
character as much of an idiot as he sounds like?"
Akane grimaced slightly, remembering how every morning Kuno would
toss her a rose and challenge her to a fight. She was quickly growing
tired of that, especially since she had absolutely no interest in the
idiot who was responsible for her fighting every morning. If anything,
she wished there was a way to get rid of all those hentai and be able to
travel peacefully into the school.
"He's worse. You'll have to meet him to believe how much of an
idiot he is, but you'll learn in time. Unfortunately, Nabiki likes him
for some strange reason."
Ranma grimaced, "Well, let's just hope we avoided him for today.
Besides, there's nothing there that would bother me, or need me being
protected from."
Akane gave a short laugh, "Do you know how many boys would seek to
beat you up for just living in the same house with me? I wouldn't wish
that on anybody, especially someone who's my friend."
Closing her eyes, she realized than Akane had been thinking of her
as a girl all along. If things were not confusing before, they were
certainly getting there fast, and unfortunately that confusion would
create friction unless nipped in the bud now. "Akane, I can take care of
myself. I've been surviving fights for quite a long time now. In fact,
it seems all I've done my entire life is learn how to fight, and not in a
nice way either. You know as well as I do that our school is dedicated to
the arts of war, and not to sports as most dojo's are."
Akane fidgeted, "I know, but I still don't want you to get hurt.
Besides, the boys are my problem, not yours."
The blue-eyed girl laid her hands on Akane's shoulders, "We're
friends Akane. We'll get angry with each other, fight, talk, make-up, go
places, and so on. Just remember that you should let your friends help
you, not try to handle everything for yourself.
Akane shrugged, "OK. Let's get to school, we still have to see
The two girls then quickly ran down the street towards Furinkan.


Kuno had changed back into his normal wear while not in school,
that of a Kendo practitioner. He was waiting, wondering where Akane and
her intended, Saotome were. According to everyone, they had not been seen
in the school although they had apparently left early that morning.
*This is more serious than I thought if this scoundrel is going to
keep Akane from achieving her goal of schooling* He thought as he prepared
himself with a few warm-up routines, trying to think of the waves upon the
ocean and matching his movements to that rhythm. *If Saotome thinks to
make Akane dependent on him by denying her an education, I will make him
pay more dearly than if he had the prestige of the Emperor.*
Standing simply, he practiced the simple form of Iaijutsu, that of
drawing the Katana quickly from a scabbard position. Moving into a line
form, he then turned the bokken towards an upward circular cut from the
original cross cut, moving forward slightly. At the top of the form, he
let the bokken drop straight down at the same time as sweeping his feet
forward towards where an opponent would be. He quickly rolled forward,
doing a side cut and stood up going into a butterfly loop to stand looking
back at the spot he had stepped away from.
He then mimicked placing a sword back into it's scabbard.
All of a sudden, there was a commotion occurring over at the front
gates, and everyone seemed to be staring. Looking that way, he saw Akane
running towards the school with a girl by her side. He took in the sight
of her, the lively energy that shone from her, and the love that he felt
in his heart seemed almost to overwhelm him. Kuno then remembered the
engagement and looked around for a boy near Akane. Seeing none, he went
quickly to the gate and awaited the two of them.


Nabiki, who had been surreptitiously looking at Kuno as he
practiced his Kata was slightly stunned as she took a look at her sister
and Ranma. People had been asking about Akane's fiancee at lunch and she
had gotten around to telling them a little bit about the young man who was
staying at their place. All the girls had giggled and grinned at the
descriptions of how cute and polite he was, as well as the fact that in
Nabiki's opinion he was rather handsome.
Unfortunately, it was a female Ranma coming towards the school
wearing a bit of makeup. Ranma was going to go to school as a girl! *Why
that little...*
Frustration fairly shone forth from Nabiki's face as she
contemplated how much of a fool she would look like once this got out.
Seeing how he had reacted the night before, She would have never suspected
that Ranma would have willingly come to school as a girl. But now that
she had, it meant that her honour would be smeared. There would be no way
to explain this one away.
But knowing that Akane and Ranma had decided to keep the
engagement, it did answer one question about her sister, and surprisingly,
about Ranma. *Figures...My sister the tomboy and her fiancee are


If there was anything that would catch the attention of martial
artists, it's an unusual amount of attention being paid to them.
As soon as they had walked into the schoolyard the two girls
noticed everyone looking at and pointing to Akane. Ranma was growing a
bit concerned, and looked around, wondering if the 'Hentai Squad', as
Akane had called the boys, were going to attempt something since they had
missed their fight this morning. Unconsciously, she stepped in front of
Akane to protect her and her senses buzzed suddenly. Without thinking,
her hand shot up just in time to grab hold of a red rose.
Akane looked at the rose in Ranma's hand, sighing as she
recognized who had tossed the rose. "Don't worry about it. It's for me,
so stay out of this." Akane said with resignation as she looked across to
the young man standing not too far away. "What do you want Kuno-Sempai."
Ranma took a good look at Kuno, *That's the idiot? He's not what
I expected.*
Kuno Tatewaki was looking very good. Lean trim muscles, well
defined and well structured, a light, even step, and a handsome,
expressive face. His eyebrows, while a bit shaggy, were well formed and
complemented his brown eyes. Unexpectedly, one of the best things about
him was his hair. It was slightly wavy and black with a few brownish
highlights here and there. It was obviously well taken care of, and
nicely combed. In contrast to the other boys in the yard, his hair was
A person that most women and girls would fall in love with in an
"I am here, Tendo Akane, to talk with you about the vile rumour of
your engagement to one named Saotome Ranma. I have heard that you and he
left your domicile early this morning in order to break fast together, but
I fail to see him accompany you here. Is he so much a coward that he
fails to show himself before his betters, or is it because the rumour is
false?" Kuno stated calmly, looking at Akane.
Ranma had started to listen to this trying to learn about her
possible opponent by watching his movement. She wasn't going to let Akane
handle this person by herself. At least that was the plan until Kuno said
Akane sighed to herself. It didn't work, she was still annoyed at
Kuno. She was also annoyed at her elder sister, the only person who could
have told Kuno what had happened. Not good since they had not expected to
tell anyone at the school that they were engaged. "Kuno..." she began.
Kuno just continued in a condescending manner from where he left
off, not even paying attention to Akane's voice, "Ah, then. He is so vile
a fiancee that he has no concern for your welfare? Does he let you roam
the streets unprotected? He is not worthy of you who are descended from
the blood of Samurai. He is less than those from whom the Ninja arose."
Ranma couldn't take any more. Not that many people outside of
Japan paid attention to family lines, but she _knew_ she was descended
from a line of Samurai. She had heard the story that Akane's father had
told her yesterday morning, and Ranma was not about to let someone throw
such a vile insult at her. To anyone of Samurai descent, that insult,
that Ranma was of lower caste than that from which the Ninja sprang was to
invite the signaling of a death debt.
Everyone looked on as the girl with the pig-tail and red
highlights in her hair suddenly stepped forward and shouted, "HEY! Watch
what you say about the Saotome family. I won't stand for an insult like
Everyone stared at the girl who had disrupted Kuno. If she had
answered him back, especially over an insult like that last one, then she
had to be related to this mysterious Ranma. The look on Kuno's face would
have won a prize for the most startled look in Japan. Nobody dared to
stop Kuno on one of his long monologues given that he pummeled anyone who
refused to listen. Well, that wasn't exactly true. He pummeled anyone
except for the members of the Tendo Clan. A lot of the people were
wondering what would happen, especially since the girl was glaring at Kuno
as though he was scum.
"I was not talking to you little one, but to Tendo Akane about her
engagement to a man who is obviously a Ronin. Why else would he fail to
arrive with her at the school this morning." Kuno answered, especially
since he felt that she was not really worth the time. "I would suggest
that you concern yourself with something that would be better suited to
your frail being, such as looking for an honourable man among those in
this school."
Akane reached for Ranma, hoping to stop her before she did
anything rash or stupid. She was too late. Ranma had already rushed up
to Kuno, faster than she had thought a person could probably move. *I
guess all those years on the road taught Ranma more than I learned at the
Dojo, or at least different techniques. I'll have to ask her how she does
Ranma shouted into Kuno's startled face. "And I'll be damned if I let you
get away with those comments about _either_ Akane or myself."
Kuno was rather stunned that in the blink of an eye, the short
pig-tailed girl had closed a distance of about four metres. It bespoke of
a level of skill that was unusually high, one that was of a person of
strong qualities and training. He had to be careful however, his sister
could do the same. "Who...Who are you to speak such?"
Ranma backed up, taking off her backpack, "I am one who has
traveled far in search of knowledge, and have arrived here to seek more."
She passed her bag to Akane who took it without a word. "I have been
engaged to a person I consider my friend, Tendo Akane. I am Saotome
Ranma, and I accept your challenge!"
Kuno stared at the girl who stood in front of him in a battle
stance. "S..Sa...Saotome Ranma?!?"


Morisato-Sensei had completed most of the paperwork for the new
file on Saotome Ranma, which had been somewhat interesting. After having
seen the fax copies of the past applications, as well as the copies of
various medical certificates, it was obvious that Ranma was physically a
boy, at least as of four months ago when he had left on a training trip
with his father. However, she had talked with Tofu-Sensei not more than
half an hour past in which he confirmed that Ranma was a perfectly healthy
young girl who was extremely innocent.
It added up to only two possibilities, the first that Ranma had
been undergoing gender reassignment procedures during the past few years
since she had seen a doctor, in which case she would not have been able to
fool the Tofu-Sensei, or that she had taken the place of the original
Sighing, she got up from her desk and left the office, going
outside to see how the young people were doing. Having a peaceful day
instead of the almost constant fighting that seemed to happen at the
school had made a huge difference in her schedule. Usually, she was still
in the process of calling parents and taking care of all the file work
that had to be kept on all such incidents.
Morisato-Sensei had paused outside to look at the front gate, saw
the commotion, and went forward to attempt to stop the immanent fight from
breaking out. She stopped as soon as she saw what the girl wearing the
Chinese martial arts outfit had done. Such speed and accuracy indicated a
high amount of skill, one who knew the fighting arts. If anything, the
girl looked as though she could be a promising student.
Keiko quickly took stock of the girl. She was wearing a pair of
comfortable cloth shoes with thin soles. Warm in any weather, but
providing the advantage of allowing one to feel what was underneath their
feet. Her pants were slightly baggy on her, tied at the ankles with
ribbons, which mArticle Unavailable

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