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[Ranma][Fanfic] Girl Days, parts one and two

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Jun 12, 1999, 3:00:00 AM6/12/99

Girl Days

A Ranma 1/2 fanfic by Robert Haynie

(insert usual tired and practically universally memorized
disclaimer here)

Part One: You Want Me To WHAT?!?

Ranma Saotome scowled as she walked down the streets of Nerima.
"Someday," she snarled, "I'm gonna find out HOW that
ladle-lapping old coot always hit's me. She NEVER misses. It's
like some wet version of the tomboy's hammer..."

As she entered the courtyard of the Tendo Dojo, she failed to
notice the person standing in the house's doorway. Ranma stopped
just in time to keep from bumping to her--


Holding a few packages that somehow Ranma instinctively KNEW she
wasn't going to like.

Nodoka looked at her damp and -- at the moment -- female son and
sighed. "What was it today, dear? A truck? Someone watering
their lawn? That ditch again?"

"Naw, the ladle lady. Is there some water-based martial art I
ain't heard of? Because she NEVER misses, you know... well,
almost never, I guess..."

"Actually, Ranma, I'm rather glad that you're in your... feminine
state at the moment. I've been thinking about how your curse
affects your life, and I have a plan to make it less disruptive.
Please follow me..."


Akane Tendo stormed into the dojo in a state of high aggravation.
This was nothing new for her, of course, but for once that anger
wasn't directed towards Ranma. Rather, it was directed at
practically every OTHER male on the planet.

Kuno had begun the party by once again protesting his love for
her (and, of course, the Pig-Tailed Goddess) and suggesting that
the THREE of them go on a romantic date. Kuno became rather
familiar with a high-flying sparrow due to that.

Then Mousse had glomped her, screaming, "Shampoo, my love, come
run away with me and... hey, Shampoo? When did your chest
shrink?" (Mousse had just come from his last glomp with the
aforementioned amazon and was still slightly concussed, else he
probably wouldn't have said something THAT stupid.) The Chinese
Master of Hidden Weapons followed Kuno into avation history.

Then TSUBASA, of all people, had propositioned her. Now, Akane
couldn't know that this was part of a cunning, detailed, and-- of
course-- hopeless plan to make Ukyo jealous, and that he had no
real intent of any relationship, but since he'd done it the same
way that he would have to Ukyo, he too gained an all-expense paid
trip via Air Akane.

Which suggests that in retrospect it was a BAD day for Gosunkugi
to actually generate a bit of a spine and ask Akane out on a
date. As he flew through the air, he murmured dreamily, "She
TOUCHED me..."

What she wanted right now was Ranma to say something-- ANYTHING--
stupid-- so she could have a nice, satisfying, cathartic fight.

What she GOT when she entered the house was the shock of her


"You want me to do WHAT?"

"Ranma," Nodoka sighed, "It's really the only thing I can think
of. I have no doubts about your manliness anymore-- but I'm
seriously concerned about your femininity."

Ranma stared at her mother as though she had finally gone
completely insane. Which, to be accurate, was pretty much the
idea flowing through her mind. "But... I'm a guy. I ain't GOT
no femininity! Mom, this is crazier than even any of POP'S
schemes! Well, with the exception of the Neko-ken, maybe... and
those multiple fiancees... and Jusenkyo... All right, it's not
crazier, but it's still crazy!"

"Ranma, I have been thinking about this for quite a while. And I
have come to the conclusion that you are both my son AND my
daughter. Now, I don't expect you to be a lady... I'm resigned
to the fact that you're going to be something of a tomboy. But I
DO think you need to learn how to be comfortable with your female
half, and this is the best way I can think of."

Ranma's mind was following a frightening path. What bothered
herself about her present form was that she DID feel slightly
different when a girl... and was terrified that that might
increase.... that she'd be wearing lacy dresses and flirting with
boys and wanting to... to... THAT thought was so hideous that it
immediately crawled into the deepest recesses of her mind and
shot itself. Repeatedly.

"Ranma, are you afraid you will actually become a girl?"

She jerked upright, in shock. When had Mom become a tele, um,
telly.... a mind reader?

Nodoka sighed. "I thought so. I don't believe that's the
case... but it's only natural that you'd feel somewhat different
when female. If it makes you any happier, there's one thing
about my proposed plan that you may approve of."

"Yeah? And what the heck could THAT POSSIBLY be?"

"Your father will hate it."

Ranma had always had a problem saying no to her mother, even when
she hadn't known she was really he. And the prospect of
irritating Pops while having the blessing of her mother was just
WAY too good to give up...

"By the way, Ranma, which technique IS the Neko-ken?"

"Um... nothing, really, just one of Pop's ideas that didn't

She might want her father annoyed as hell, but not-- at the
moment-- dead, after all.


Which explains why Akane Tendo was staring at the totally bizarre
sight of Ranma and his mother sharing a cup of tea. Well, that
wasn't the bizarre part.

The bizarre part was that Ranma was in girl mode, and wearing a
white skirt, blue blouse, stockings-- my GOD, she could tell from
the lines that she was even wearing a bra and panties-- and had
changed her hair from the usual pigtail to a loose ponytail tied
with a blue bow. And as far as she could tell, earrings.

"They pinch, Mom."

"I know, Ranma-chan, but piercing's not really an option for you.
Now, we have to discuss makeup, next lesson. And we'll have to
do some shopping, really... not only because your wardrobe is
rather limited but even after the main training you'll have to do
maintenance. I only bought enough with me for a few days, after
all. If it helps, dear, think of it as exercise."

"Makeup. Bleah. ANYTHING'S better than that. Even this bra."

"You'll get used to it. Remember, Ranma--"

"WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON HERE?" screamed a totally confused

Ranma looked up, with an unusual expression. "Mom's helping me
to understand my femininity with masculine determination."

Akane facefaulted.

"That's a very interesting way to put it, Ranma. And I think for
now the best way for you to look on it. Well, I'm going to
inform Genma of my intent. He should be... intrigued."

Nodoka went into the training room where she had banished her
husband while she discussed things with Ranma, and a few moments
later the two girls heard the inevitable argument-- beginning
with Genma's scream of "You want him to do WHAT???"

"Ranma, what's really going ON here?!?" demanded Akane,
suspecting that this was all some complex plot to make her look
like a fool.

"Exactly what I said. Mom's got it into her head that I'm both a
guy AND a girl and that I need training on the girl part. I'm
supposed to stay a girl for two whole months of my own free will
and then at least one day out of every four after that as
'maintenance'. Dresses and the whole nine yards. My life is

"Well... after she leaves you can change back, and--"

"I can't. I promised her I'd try. I won't break a promise to
Mom. I won't hurt her ever again," retorted Ranma in a suddenly
fierce voice.

Akane drew back. She knew that look-- the same look that Ranma
would have before a critical battle, or when determined to learn
or develop a new technique. And that meant that Kami-sama
himself couldn't talk him out of it. Her out of it. Whatever.

"OK... if you promised your mother. But why two whole months?"

"Mom said it was something about biology. I dunno what she
means, but-- Akane, why are you LAUGHING like that?"


end part one

Girl Days

A Ranma 1/2 fanfic by Robert Haynie

(insert usual tired and practically universally memorized
disclaimer here)

Part Two : The Shopping Trip

"Last Night was HELL, Akane," Ranma groused. "Sleeping in
that... that..."

"Negligee, Ranma. And you looked so very very cute in it too,"
teased Nabiki.

It was to Nabiki's chagrin that Ranma had gone out of her way to
set up a crude but effective alarm system to warn her of the
inevitable photo-shoot that Nabiki would attempt. And she was
CERTAIN that Ranma was behind the sudden lack of film in the
house. She couldn't decide weither to be angry at the loss of
potential income or be pleased that the Saotome boy-- or was it
girl? Heh-- was beginning to show signs of intellect. Oh, well,
there'd be other opportunities... especially with the present

"Hai, Ranma-chan," added Kasumi (totally missing the wince that
the redhead gave when being called by what she considered a feminine
suffix). "And that's a very nice outfit today."

"I'm just glad as HELL that we're on break. I don't wanna wear a
Furinkan uniform. ANY uniform." Ranma looked down at herself--
wearing a blue sundress with yellow trim. And socks with pink
trim at the tops. And a bracelet-- Nodoka had INSISTED on at
least one piece of jewelry. And she could FEEL the green bow
holding her ponytail in place.

For the first time in her life she almost wished that Nodoka HAD
chosen the seppuku option.

Akane couldn't decide weither to feel sorry for Ranma or to
explode in laughter. So she just picked at her rice.

Nodoka sighed. "I know you don't like it, Ranma-chan--" A
repeated wince from the above named individual-- "But I do
consider it needful. And you do look very nice."

"Yeah, well, I don't plan on making this a habit except for that
maintenance thing. And if I have to dress like a girl I wanna
be MY kind of girl. Not that I AM a Girl..."

"I knew you'd be something of a tomboy, dear," Nodoka replied--
and stared at the suddenly hysterical Akane. THAT comment had
broken all resolve.

"Hah-hahaha!!! NOW who's the tomboy, Ranma?" she guffawed at the
suddenly reddening girl across from her.

"I don't KNOW, AKANE-CHAN. Maybe you can give me lessons!"


"And while I'm on that subject, I'll ALSO need lessons in how to
be uncute!"


"Put that mallet down NOW, young lady," commanded Nodoka. Akane
blinked, and reluctantly-- very reluctantly-- complied.

"At any rate, Ranma, after breakfast we shall go shopping. And
before you even THINK of buying only blouses and slacks, (here
Ranma murmured an internal "Kuso" for not realizing that his
mother would think of that dodge) you will have at least two
thirds of your wardrobe properly feminine. You will have the
right to approve your skirts and dresses to a point-- but if you
act overly obstinate I will take over the approval process--- and
I will go for LOTS of pink and lace. Do I make myself clear,
young lady?"

"Hai, mother. "


"Ranma, that's a little... revealing, isn't it?" gasped Nodoka at
the outfit her son/daughter had selected.

"Mom, if I gotta be a girl for a while, then I gotta be my kind.
I wanna be a girl with attitude, tough, no-nonsense."

"but... but... but..."

"And it DOES look good on me. Anyhow, what's wrong with

Leather it was. A black glossy gleaming leather shorts and
halter combo, with calf-high boots and a chain-link belt. And
the Mirrorshades. Can't forget the mirrorshades. Or the
fingerless elbow length gloves. Or the fishnet stockings. Even
the choker.

Ranma was RADIATING "Bad Girl".

"I...I'm just somewhat... well... is it you?" Nodoka replied

"It's not for everyday. I just kinda like the look. Besides, I
can fight in this outfit, and you KNOW I attract fights."

(That's not all you're going to attract, Ranma!) thought a
furiously not-giggling-at-all-nope-nope-nope Akane. (If you walk
around in THAT you are gonna redefine heart attacks!)

"It's for challenge fighting, Mom. I figure if I'm challenged on
a Girl Day, this outfit will distract the opponent."

Nodoka raised an eyebrow. "Girl Day?"

Ranma shrugged. (Causing what to any male would be a chain of
VERY interesting ripples in the tight leather.) "That's what I'm
calling the maintenance days after we get past these two months
of training."

"Ah. Can I at least hope your other outfits will be less...

"What's risky?"

"Ranma," put in Akane (who had insisted on coming along), "She
means that if most of your outfits are anything like that one
you'll have boys all over you. And I DO mean ALL over you. As
in crawling."

"aCK," Ranma replied intelligently.

"I think we can work a reasonable compromise, dear," inserted
Nodoka. "Hmm... there's a sports-wear shop nearby..."


The rest of the day was similar. At the sportswear shop Ranma
wanted sweats, Akane suggested various highly cute things (mostly
to annoy Ranma), and Nodoka found compromises. Ranma came away
with a mix of shorts and spandex.

At a swimwear shop Ranma wound up with two somewhat revealing
one-pieces and a very revealing two-piece (All chosen by Nodoka,
all of which Ranma had to admit looked good on her.)

A trip to a lingerie shop resulted in a selection of very very
plain bras and panties (including at least three sportsbras,
which Ranma justified to herself as athletic supporters for the
chest) and two more feminine sets. (In fact, rather "risky".)

It was at a clothing store that things got out of hand again.
The slacks and blouses were easy enough. A few minor tops were
simple. But when they hit the skirts things got... weird.

"Mom, the problem is fighting. Face it, people are always trying
to attack me. I gotta have something I can fight in. How do I
do that in a skirt?"

"You have a point there, Ranma. But I DO require that you dress
properly, and you can't spend all your time in slacks-- they are
too much like pants, and would defeat the purpose of the

A sales-clerk looked up. "Pardon me-- is the young lady a
martial artist then?"

"Why yes, she is," replied Nodoka. "Do you have a suggestion?"

"Yes, madam. Our new line of Fighting Skirts."

Akane, Ranma, AND Nodoka stared at the clerk in disbelief.
"Fighting Skirts?!" they replied in unison.

The skirts were a selection of shortish ones-- ranging from just
above the knee to short minis. The side-seams weren't sewn,
however-- but held together with velcro. "If miss should find
herself in a fight, the seams come apart easily, becoming a split
skirt, allowing full movement. Exclusive to our store. Snaps at
the bottom of the seams keep the velcro from accidentally
separating. And we have them in a wide range of sizes and

"What the heck gave anyone an idea like THAT?" sputtered Ranma.

"Miss-- this IS Nerima."

"Good point. Let's see what you got."

Three knee-length and two modest minis later, it was time for the
next store.

"Don't want any heels."

"You should have one pair for formal occasions, Ranma. If you
prefer, the rest may be flats."

"Don't want any heels. Don't need any heels."

"And why do you say you don't need any heels?"

"Because she's got two pair already," put in Akane. "She used
them for disguises."

Ranma fumed.

"Oh-- well, that means we can spend a bit more on her evening
dress then."

"Ack," commented Ranma.


Of course, it wasn't all shopping.

"Pig-tailed Goddess! Nay, pony-tailed now-- surely you have
changed thy hair for my sake as a sign of your wresting free of
the grip of the demon Saotome's vile spell! Come, you and the
lovely Akane Tendo may date--"


"Ranma, was that really needful?" asked Nodoka, as she watched
the form of the kendoist sail off into the distance.

"Yes, Mom-- it WAS."

Akane, for once, gave vocal and enthusiastic agreement to Ranma's


"No WAY do I carry a purse."

"But Ranma, where are you going to keep your things? Very few of
your new outfits have pockets, after all..."

"Oh, all RIGHT..."


"WO AI NI! Airen-- why Airen wearing dress? Why in girl type?"

"Aw, geddoffame-- Akane, it's NOT what it LOOKS like-- Mom,


"Sigh. I don't know NOTHIN' about this stuff... you handle it,

"Very well, Ranma. Now, can we see your eyeliners?"


"LOOK at these outfits!"

"Oh, MY," Murmured Nodoka.

"Hmmph," muttered Akane. "So THIS is where the bimbo shops."

"Mom, I ain't wearing anything like Shampoo wears. Even if it
DOES look good on me. Even if it makes me look just LIKE--
Hmm... maybe one, that one. (Just in case I have to impersonate
an amazon...)"


"Hey, beautiful-- wanna go for a cup of tea or something?"

"Gosh-- you'll have to ask Mom."

"Aw, what does yer mom have to do with anyth--"

SHING. (That, incidentally, is the sound of a rapidly drawn

"Um... maybe another time? No, I suppose not..."


"Why the leotard, Ranma?"

"For Kodachi. If I have to fight her again, maybe I can play
with her mind a bit."

"Like she HAS one," interjected Akane.



"Shampoo! Accept my love! Accept that I am the true one for--"


"S-Saotome? How DARE you impersonate my Sham--"


"That, Daughter, I WILL admit was justified."

"Stop giggling, Akane. Shouldn't have let you talk me into
wearing this home..."


The group of shoppers (one disgruntled, one highly amused, and
one satisfied in her efforts) returned to the Dojo, where they
were met by the other two Tendo sisters. "Did you have a nice
day?" Kasumi asked, cheerily. (As if she had another way to

"Define nice," grumbled Ranma.

"Now, dear, you did enjoy yourself a bit. You said yourself the
fighting skirts do work, after all. Now, I can see you're tired,
so you may have a bath-- not a hot one, mind you, you don't want
to change, after all-- and then you may go for a blouse and
slacks if you like."

"Thanks, Mom," said Ranma with real gratitude, and dashed

Nodoka looked after her departing daughter-son, and smiled.
Although she might not admit it, it was apparent to her that she
was becoming a bit more comfortable with the clothing at least--
if only because it wasn't forced on her as in the past, but of
her own choice (Even if she HAD pressured her a bit).

But this day had also shown her a bit more of the lunacy that was
her child's lot in life. Well... who knows what she could do
about that?

If only Ranma hadn't insisted on that leather outfit... doubtless
chosen to shock Nodoka. Ah, well, even a Anything Goes martial
artist can be allowed a bit of rebellion. Just this once. Just
this once...


End part two

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