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[Ranma][FanFic][Lemon] Pink Lemonade 2: The Furo Follies

13 צפיות
מעבר להודעה הראשונה שלא נקראה

C. Jones

לא נקראה,
25 ביולי 2001, 19:11:2825.7.2001
All my fanfiction is available at:



It had been a few weeks since the 'Passion Dumpling
Incident', as the Tendous had come to refer to it, and Nodoka Saotome
was becoming rather concerned.

Ranma had been so manly for Akane that night! He had been
manly for her till at least four A.M., because that's when Nodoka
remembered hearing the last of the screams.

Afterwards, however, Ranma seemed to have no memory of the
incident and had beaten both his father and father-in-law senseless
over the wedding plans the two had been building.

Akane, who seemed rather enthusiastic about the whole thing
afterwards, had not been able to catch Ranma again so that he could
re-prove how manly he could be.

This would not do, Nodoka thought to herself. Now, how best
to correct the situation?

"Ranma-chan? Where are you, Ranma-chan?"


Nodoka the Queen


Furo Follies

A Lemon/Lime Spritzer by
Chris Jones

Ranma was busy scrubbing off when she heard the door to the
bathroom open.

"I'm in here!" she shouted. Geez! Sharing a single bathroom
with no fewer than six people, seven when Ryouga was around, *really*
sucked. He really did need to talk to Akane's father about getting a
schedule in place.

There were a few scuffling sounds in the changing room, so
Ranma turned to the door and shouted again, "I'm in here! And I'm
*bathing*! As in, *I'm Undressed*! You shouldn't come in unless--

There is a sight that, rather confusingly, no man really
wants to see even though it can be extremely beautiful or arousing
under the right circumstances. For Ranma, the sight of her smiling,
naked mother was really, really, uncomfortable.

*Face FRONT!!!!* Ranma screamed in her own head. She jerked
completely upright and turned her head towards the furo so that he
wouldn't be able to see. She suddenly realized what the term 'Mother
Naked' could be referring to.

"Ranma-chan! Would you like me to wash your back?" Nodoka
asked as she hung her towel on a convenient hook next to the door.

"Na-na-na-na-na-NO! No, Mom! I'll be okay, really! Really!"
Ranma stammered. *Oh, god! She's bein' all weird again!*

"Oh, Ranma-chan! You're so silly. It's no wonder all the
girls like you so much!"

Ranma gulped audibly as he heard the tell-tale splash of
footsteps behind her. She could feel her mother's warm breath on her
back as the woman began to lather up a wash-cloth. She dare not look
backwards in case she saw something that she didn't want to.

"So muscular, even when you're a girl," Nodoka stated in a
quiet tone as she began to scrub. "You'll be such a good husband for

Ranma gasped as the washcloth touched her back and began to
scrub up and down, propelled by gentle, slender fingers.


"Is something wrong, Ranma-chan?" Nodoka asked, her lips just
above Ranma's ear. The girl could feel her mother's breath rush past
her ear. The sensation was almost tingling. "You're trembling, dear
one. Are you cold?"

"No!" Ranma yelped.

Nodoka nonetheless leaned closer to Ranma and wrapped her
arms around the smaller girl, crushing her into Nodoka's ample bosom.
Ranma's eyes bugged out and her jaw locked close.

"Now, let's wash your front," Nodoka stated. She lowered one
hand and brought the washcloth around to Ranma's neck and began to
scrub. The cloth, and Nodoka's slender, probing fingers darted lower
and lower until---

"YAHHH! I already washed there!" Ranma proclaimed, horrified
at the fingers that were running back and forth across her nipples.
She began to struggle, but Nodoka's grip tightened. Ranma felt
Nodoka's knees press up against her waist, holding her down on the
short stool. She cupped Ranma's breasts and began to squeeze them
with soapy fingers.

"Oh, but we have to make sure to get everything clean, or
you'll be smelly. You wouldn't want to be smelly for Akane, would
you?" Nodoka asked in a quiet whisper, directly into Ranma's ear.

Ranma began to shake.

Nodoka giggled quietly and let her hands dart lower, soaping
Ranma's midsection.

"Now, spread your legs just a bit so that mother can make
sure you're all clean..."

* * *

Soun was just about to move in for the kill, taking no fewer
than nine of Genma's go stones when the wet, soapy, and above all
*naked* Ranma ran through the front-room screaming her head off.

One soapy foot landed right in the middle of the playing
board sending black and white stones flying in all directions. One
impacted Soun in the forehead and adhered for several seconds with
soapy water.

"Oh... my..." Genma muttered.

Seconds later, Nodoka came running through the front room,
also naked as the day she was born, chasing after Ranma with a bar of
soap and a washcloth. "Wait, Ranma-chan! Mother hasn't finished
bathing you yet!"

Genma had a nosebleed and passed out.

Soun rose and plucked the wet go stone from his forehead. He
walked out the open shoji to the dojo. Inside, he knelt and began
praying in front of the family altar. When that didn't work, he took
a bamboo shinai from the rack and began to beat himself about the
head and face.

"Impure thoughts! Impure thoughts!"

* * *

To say Akane was shocked when a wet, soapy, naked Ranma burst
into her room was an understatement.

"Ranma? What the *hell* are you doing?"

"Hide me, Akane! Please!" Ranma shouted. Still shaking, The
red-head whimpered and dove into Akane's closet. Seconds later,
Nodoka burst into the room, every bit as naked as Ranma had been. She
looked around wildly, with a burning expression.

"Akane-chan," Nodoka breathed heavily. "Have you seen my
darling son?"

"Ah... no. No, Aunty," Akane lied. "I haven't seen Ranma.
Uhh..." She gulped, seeing Nodoka's rather impressive attributes for
the first time. "Maybe he ahh... ahh... went to the library to

"Well, that's not very manly, is it?" Nodoka said in

Akane couldn't help but grimace. Sure Aunty Nodoka was a
little, well... STRANGE, but this was bizarre!

"Maybe he's peeping on girls somewhere?" Akane said in a
questioning tone.

Nodoka's expression brightened considerably. "Yes... My
Ranma-chan would do that sort of thing. He's so manly and virile!"

"Hey!" A voice came from the closet.

"What was that?" Nodoka asked.

Akane picked a dumbbell up off her floor and hurled it
through the closet, where Ranma's voice had come from. There was a
muffled squeak of pain.

"Cockroach," Akane said, her expression narrowing. "I'll have
to get Kasumi to get some traps. In the meantime, I'll just use my

"Oh, wonderful!" Nodoka said. "I'll go try to find my son.
You help Kasumi take care of the house. It will be your
responsibility one day, after all."

Akane sighed and shook her head. "Maybe you should dry off
and put some clothes on before you leave the house, Aunty."

"Hmm, what a good idea, Akane-chan. I wouldn't want any of
those naughty, violent boys that Ranma plays with to get any ideas
about me."

Akane just blinked.

Ranma waited for several minutes to pass before she stuck her
head back out of the closet.

"Is she gone?" the naked redhead asked.

Akane, still staring at the door in shock, nodded her head.
"Geez, Ranma. You're mom is weird."

Ranma exhaled heavily. "It's really starting to frighten me."

"Maybe you should talk to Doctor Toufuu," Nabiki said from
the open doorway. She was holding a camcorder.

"N-n-nabiki?" Akane and Ranma asked in unison.

"You didn't tape all that did you?" Ranma asked meekly.

"Most of it," Nabiki admitted. "Although, I didn't get any of
what went on in the bathroom. I'm certain that Kunou-chan would find
this most interest--"

"No!" Ranma yelled, cutting the girl off. "What do I have to

"Five thousand yen for the tape," Nabiki offered with a smile
on her face. "And that's with the family discount."

"Nabiki!" Akane protested. "How could you?"

"I'm just bad, I guess," the taller girl said. "Really
though, Ranma, I think you should talk to Doctor Toufuu. That's just
not normal behavior."

"M-maybe," Ranma said.

* * *

A few days later, Ranma, Akane, and Nabiki waited patiently
in Toufuu's waiting room.

After being gone only a few minutes, the doctor came out,
holding a manilla folder in front of him.

"Is that it?" Nabiki asked.

Toufuu nodded. "It was difficult to get, and it really should
stay confidential, but this is Nodoka Saotome's medical history. I
wouldn't share it with all of you unless you were family or about to
be, anyway," Toufuu said, a cautioning tone in his voice.

"So what's the scoop, Doc?" Ranma asked. "Is there anything
in there that would explain why my mom was being... being... being...

"Perverted?" Akane finished.

Toufuu shrugged. "There are a few things that might... First
of all, Nodoka had you when she was relatively young, Ranma. She's
only thirty right now, so--"

"Fourteen years old," Nabiki calculated. "Wow, what an early
bloomer. Akane still thought boys were yucky last year when she was


"The dirty old man!" Ranma snapped. "What a perv! Taking
advantage of such a young girl"

"Well, at least we know that you come by it honestly," Akane
chided him.

"Secondly, and perhaps most importantly," Toufuu stated,
"Your mother has a rare but fairly well documented hormone imbalance,
Ranma. From the information here, I believe that your mother may be a

"Nintendo-what?" Ranma demanded.

"Nymphomaniac," Nabiki explained. "It mean's she'll bonk
anything on two legs, right doctor?"

"Wow, Ranma!" Akane said, a hint of surprise in her voice.
"You really *are* a pervert by birth!"

"Shut up, Akane!"

"Well, I wouldn't have put it so bluntly," Toufuu said.
"Essentially, it means that Nodoka Saotome is in a constant state of
sexual arousal due to the hormone imbalance, and has been since early
puberty. It would account for her wild behavior and early...
*ahem*... maturation. Ahem." Toufuu cleared his throat for several

"GROWF!!!" The giant panda growled as he burst into the
clinic. *IT'S TRUE!* his sign read. *THE WOMAN IS INSATIABLE!*

"What the hell are you doing here, Pops?" Ranma asked in


"It also says that Nodoka had a tubal ligation when she was
sixteen," Toufuu said quietly.

"Huh?" Ranma asked.

"She had her tubes tied so that she couldn't have any more
children," Nabiki said, realizing that Ranma really didn't know what
the phrase meant. "Most doctors won't do that unless a woman is over
thirty or already has more than one child."


"You're kidding, right?" Ranma asked.


Genma reached over and pulled a kettle off a hotplate on the
doctor's desk. He was changed and dressed in the blink of an eye.

"Ranma," the bald man pleaded. "If your mother has turned her
attentions toward you, you *must* satisfy her! I simply don't have
the stamina any more. I'm not as young as I used to be!"

"Yuuck!" Ranma groaned.

"That's sick, Uncle Saotome!" Akane said, brandishing her
mallet. "Ranma wouldn't do any such thing! Would you?"

Ranma was quietly dry-heaving in the corner.

"I think I have a naughty romance novel like that," Nabiki
murmured. "*Very* naughty, as a matter of fact."

As Akane was demolishing her father-in-law to be, Toufuu
coughed and began to speak. "AAnnnyyyway, what happened to Ranma
might just be a symptom of her increased arousal. As your physician,
Ranma, I can pretty safely advise *against* committing incest with
your mother. In fact, she may not even realize she's making you so

"Die, you perverted old thief!" Akane yelled, pounding
Genma's head through the hardwood floor. "This is for taking
advantage of young women! And This is for getting Ranma's mother
pregnant when she was only thirteen!"

"Fourteen," the crumpled blob protested. "Her birthday's
right after Ranma's."

"And this is for leeching off my family for an entire
year..." Akane continued, undaunted.

"I recommend talking to your mother," Toufuu said to Ranma.
"Try to make her understand that the way she's acting is making you
uncomfortable. She's an intelligent woman, so I'm certain she'll
understand what you're talking about."

"Maybe..." Ranma muttered.

* * *

Later that day, late evening actually, Ranma finally worked
up the courage to speak to his mother again. It was an hour or so
after dinner when he walked up the stairs to the guest room. He
knocked on the door, and yelled loudly enough to be heard inside.
"Mom? Are you in there? I'd like to talk to-- YIPE!"

Nodoka slid the door open and stared at her son with heavily
lidded eyes. Ranma didn't know the names for everything she was
wearing, but it all fit under the category of 'Scary Vinyl Lingerie'.

The ensemble began with a shiny black choker-necklace and
traveled down her body to a merry-widow type cupless bustier made of
the same material. There was just enough vinyl there to lift and
support her breasts, but nowhere near enough to even have the *idea*
of concealing the swell of her breasts or her firm, very erect
nipples. The bustier ended in garters that traveled down over the top
of a vinyl thong to hold lace stockings up on her legs. Also on her
legs were knee-high black vinyl boots with heels that looked
impossible to walk on.

"Hello, Ranma-chan," Nodoka greeted him in a quiet, breathy

"Ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah..." Ranma's mind shut down, leaving his
mouth to work wordlessly.

Behind her, Genma was hogtied on one of the futons in only
his bandanna and a pair of polka-dot boxers. "Save me, boy!" he

Nodoka snapped the small cat-o'-nine-tails she was holding
against her thigh playfully. "Do you like you're mother's outfit,
Ranma-chan?" Nodoka asked.


"Does it inspire you to be manly? I certainly hope it
inspires your father to be manly. He hasn't been performing his
husbandly duties very well lately."


Nodoka cupped her pretty-much unclad breasts, almost shoving
them in Ranma's face. "What you do think, Ranma-chan?"

"Ah..." Self preservation finally kicked in. "Ah-

Ranma zoomed off back down the hallway, leaving a pigtailed
dust cloud in his wake.

"Hmm... That boy is so shy. I'll *have* to put some more
backbone into him," Nodoka declared. "Now, Genma..."

"Yes dear?" the martial artist whimpered.

"Let's see how well you perform your duties tonight, ne?" She
snapped the leather flail again.

Genma began to cry.

* * *

Akane had had enough! Ranma was *her* man! Err.. well...
after the 'Passion Dumpling Incident', he had *better* damn well be
her man. He sure as hell better not screw anyone else, especially not
his own mother.

As it was, Ranma had been running scared for almost a week.
Worse, every time he went to take a bath, Nodoka was close behind,
almost instantly driving Ranma from the bathroom.

"Pathetic!" Akane thought out loud.

Akane had had enough. That's why she had Ranma gagged and
hogtied to her bed. The redhead screamed into the gag and struggled
to get free, but Akane had tied her knots well. She also took the
precaution of making sure she tied up a female Ranma rather than a
male one, since Ranma would be much less likely to be able to break
the ropes as a girl.

"We'll settle this once and for all, Ranma," Akane declared.

* * *

"I'm getting in the bath!"

Nodoka smirked evilly at the statement as she heard her
son's... err... daughter's voice from the front room. She quickly
located her bath things and made her way downstairs to the furo. By
the time she entered the changing room, she could hear the water
running in the other room, and see steam boiling out from under the

She quickly yet carefully stripped down and slid the door
open. The heater on the furo was set to the maximum level, causing
steam to rush past her. In the foggy haze, she could just see her
child's red pigtail in the middle of the room.

"Ranma-chan," Nodoka breathed. "We never did finish washing
you the other day."

The pigtail twitched. Nodoka caught a glimpse of creamy-white
shoulder, and couldn't help but smile.

"Be a good boy and stay still so Mother can get you all

She knelt down behind the girl again, and brought a lathered
cloth up to her back.

Suddenly, the figure turned in the mist and grabbed Nodoka's


The girl yanked the pigtail, causing the red wig to fall
away. Akane stood before her, holding her at arms length by her

"This has got to stop, Aunty Saotome. If for no other reason
than it's upsetting Ranma."

"But Dear," Nodoka protested. "I'm just trying to be a good
mother to my son. I didn't get to watch him growing up, so--"

"No!" Akane yelled. "That's not it at all! You're getting too
close to Ranma! He's mine, not yours! I won't let you take him from

Akane blinked at her own statement, and felt tears begin to
fill her eyes at the verbal admission.

Nodoka's expression turned to a pout, but quickly changed
back into a wicked smile. "Why... Akane-chan! I knew you felt
strongly for my darling son, but I had no idea you would go to such
lengths to protect him. My Ranma is truly manly if he can inspire
such passion in you."

"Aunty? Hey, it's not like that!"

"Oh, but I think it is," Nodoka said.

Before Akane realized what was going on, Nodoka had broken
the wrist hold and spun Akane back around. Akane found herself pinned
against the woman's breasts, and unable to struggle.

"Oh, Akane... You're so inspiring! As a mother to a daughter-
in-law, I feel so close to you right now!"

"That's because you're feeling me up!" Akane yelled in
protest as Nodoka began to gently knead the short-haired girl's

"Oh, Akane! You're such a perfect wife for my darling Ranma-
chan. I know that you'll perform all your wifely duties so well...

"Aunty... no... please!" Akane begged as Nodoka's hands began
to roam up and down her torso. Her teeth clenched in panic, and she
was blushing so deeply, it felt like her skin was on fire.

Nodoka began to firmly ground her hips into Akane's buttocks.
"Oh, Akane-chan," she purred into Akane's ear. "You're such a good

One slender hand began to trail down Akane's firm stomach,
and past her waist.

"No, Aunty, please!" Akane struggled, but Nodoka's grip was
like steel.

With her free hand, Nodoka began to comb her fingers through
Akane's thin delta.

"Akane-chan," Nodoka whispered and started to suck Akane's
earlobe. Almost forcefully, she pushed down lower and began to

"NO!!!" Akane screamed, breaking free and belting the woman
across the chin with a powerful uppercut. Screaming, she ran from the
bathroom, almost breaking the door in the process. In the changing
room, she knocked down Nabiki, who was standing by the door with a

Sitting on the floor, Nodoka rubbed her sore chin and smiled.
She stood and ran after the girl.

* * *

Genma was finally about to attempt his three-stone sneak when
the wet and soapy foot impacted the go-board, once again sending
black and white go stones flying.

He glanced up in shock to see a completely nude Akane,
streaming both soap suds and water as she ran past screaming. Seconds
later, Nodoka stepped in the middle of the board as well, in quite
the same state of dress she had been wearing the first time a similar
incident occurred.

"Come back here, Akane-chan!" Nodoka demanded. "I'm not done
bathing you yet!"

Genma blinked. Across from him, Soun blinked. Wordlessly, the
two men rose and walked out to the dojo. Soun took two shinai and
handed one to Genma. They began to beat each other around the face
and head.

"IMPURE THOUGHTS!" Soun declared.

"WICKED THOUGHTS!" Genma agreed.





Meanwhile, Akane dashed up the stairs and dodged into her
room. She slammed the door shut and locked it behind her. For several
seconds, she braced her back against it, mentally daring anyone to
try to open it.

Her chest still heaving, she noted the still hogtied Ranma
staring at her naked body with wide, trembling eyes.

"What are you looking at, Pervert?"

Ranma whimpered pathetically into the gag she was wearing.

Akane was about to start screaming, but the breath caught in
her throat as she realized how much her body still felt like it was
on fire. Everywhere that Nodoka touched her, Akane could still feel a
lingering pressure. Worse, she could still feel the motion as the
woman's fingers trailed down in between her--

"Ah--" Akane breathed.

Ranma wondered what was wrong. Akane's eyes flashed with a
mixture of anger and... and...

Akane couldn't help but smile. Here she was, all hot and
bothered, and there was Ranma, all tied up and mostly helpless.

"Oh, Ranma-baka..." she cooed, stepping away from the door.

Ranma's expression went from panic to terror.

Akane giggled in a deep, throaty voice.


"You don't have to be afraid, Ranma-baka! I'll be gentle,"
Akane promised, leaning over her captive and letting her naked
breasts just touch Ranma's through her red chinese shirt.



Akane pulled down the gag, but she didn't give Ranma the
opportunity to scream.

"Now," Akane said when she had finished sucking on Ranma's
lips, "let's see how much of your clothes we can get off while you're
tied up like this, ne?"

"Akane..." Ranma croaked out in a stunned voice.

"You're *really* going to like this, Ranma," Akane said
quietly, gently stroking the redheaded girl's cheek, "And this time,
you'll remember it, won't you?"


* * *

Nodoka smiled, and pulled her ear away from the bedroom door.
That was more like it. She was certain that Ranma could be manly for
Akane, even if he was a girl!

Now, what to do... what to do? Genma had been wearing out a
little quicker the last few days. If she didn't give him some time to
rest, he might run away again.

Nodoka put a finger to her lips in thought. Oh, yes, Nabiki
certainly was getting into a lot of trouble lately. It wasn't very
nice to tape people without their permission. A wicked element
returning to her smile, Nodoka took a few barefoot steps down the
hallway and skipped back down the stairs, bouncing gratuitously with
every hop. She found Nabiki coming back through the front room
carrying her tape recorder and microphone.

Nabiki skidded to a stop, her jaw dropping in surprise at the
nude woman standing before her.


"Nabiki-chan... would you like to take a bath with me?"

Nabiki turned tail and ran.

"Nabiki-chan! Come back so Aunty can bathe you!"


Nabiki was in for an interesting evening.


The cast of Ranma 1/2 was created by Rumiko Takahashi. They're used
here without permission.

* * *
C. Jones

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2001 - "My God, It's full of stars!"

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