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[Ranma][FanFic] Ukyou's Other Woman 3/3

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The Sebastians

1998年7月13日 03:00:001998/7/13

This is the third of three parts. Anyone who hasn't gotten the first
two contact me at <>.

Ukyou's Other Woman 3/3
by, Trisha L. Sebastian

[This work of fiction is *not* written with permission by Viz Communications
and all its ilk. But Megumi is my character and any use of her in any
fanfic work must be done so with my prior permission.]


I woke up early the next day. Akane had already woken up and was
chasing Ranma around the koi pond. She gave him a hefty swing with a mallet
and knocked him in. I heard the splash as I turned away, but I wasn't in-
terested in watching them practice. I had a date.

I picked out the perfect outfit. It was a light blue sundress,
edged with lace on the bodice. I debated over wearing a hat, but chucked
it in favor of a silk scarf, wound around my hair. Satisfied with my
choices, I went downstairs and sat down to breakfast next to Akane.

Ranma entered from the kitchen, carrying an empty kettle of water
and wearing a different shirt. He plopped down on the other side of Akane
and glared at her. She pointedly ignored Ranma and continued feeding some
rice to a little black piglet.

"Oh, how cute!" I exclaimed. I tickled the pig on the chin and it
squealed a bit nervously. "Is that your pet?"

Akane nodded and a soft look appeared in her eye. "Yes, he's my
little P-chan, aren't you, baby?" She continued making baby talk to the pig
who looked like it was in heaven. Ranma scowled and grumbled, "You're
makin' a fool of yourself, Akane, treatin' that pig the way you do."

Akane scowled back and they started to argue over the pig. He
called her a tomboy and she called him a pervert. I smiled as I watched
them, remembering certain conversations with Ukkun that degenerated into
name-calling contests. I picked through my food but couldn't eat anything
because I was so excited. Kasmui looked at me with a concerned look,
but I waved it off with a confident smile. Later, I helped her clear off
the table and as we carried the dishes to the kitchen, she turned to me
and asked, "Are you alright, Megumi?"

"I'm fine, Kasumi-san. I'm just a little bit nervous about my date
today." I placed the dishes near the sink.

"Oh? Who are you going out on a date with?" She started the water
running in the sink.

"Oh, just Ukkun." I couldn't stop beaming, just thinking about it.
Finally, I would have my date with Ukyou.

Kasumi stilled and for a brief moment, I could see her hands tense
up on the plates. Then she started calmly washing the dishes again. "Just
be careful, Megumi. Don't expect things to be the way they were. Ukyou-san
has changed a lot since the last time you met." I furrowed my brow, but she
started humming a happy song, and I realized that she wouldn't say anymore
on the subject. Puzzled, I turned and walked through the living room where
Akane was pounding Ranma into the floor and the pig was biting Ranma's ankle.
I laughed at the sight and Ranma glowered at me.

"What's so funny?" he growled, deftly tossing the pig aside and
evading one of Akane's blows by rolling next to the coffee table.

"Nothing, really." I couldn't stop giggling and I laughed so hard
that I fell to the floor and started gasping.

"C'mon... tell us?" Akane stopped her swing just a hair's breadth
from his face and put it aside. Even the pig looked interested.

I pressed a hand against my belly and drew in a deep breath. "Well,
I just was remembering one time when Ukyou and I were arguing like
that... we ended up on the floor tickling each other." The pig's eyes
grew wide as I sighed, remembering the feel of Ukyou's face so close to
mine, his quiet triumphant smile evolving into something more serious.

"Man, you've really got it bad for Ukyou, don't you?" Ranma

I sighed again. "I guess I do." The pig started squealing wildly
again and it was Ranma's turn to sigh. "Ya mind if I borrow this piece of
bacon, Akane? He really needs a bath."

Akane's eyes grew wide. "You mean you actually want to be nice to
P-chan for a change?"

Ranma smirked. "Naw, it's just that he stinks and I figure a hot
bath would do him a world of good. He sorta smells like Ryouga, ya know?"

The pig squealed furiously and resumed biting Ranma's ankle. He
laughed and carried off the struggling animal to the bathroom. Akane sat
down next to me and opened her mouth to say something, but then she closed
it again.

"What is it, Akane? Is there something wrong?" I turned to Akane
and gave her a steady glance. "I get the feeling that you don't approve of
my loving Ukyou."

"Whatever gave you that idea?" Akane asked, her hands fidgeting with
the hem of her dress.

"Well, when I told you about our date last night, you refused to talk
about it. You kept changing the subject."

"I did not do that! Hey, Megumi, you want to play shogi with me?"

I giggled. "You're doing it again! Listen, I consider us to be
real friends now, right? Anyone who's been such a good friend to Ukyou
is a good friend of mine, right? I think we can talk about this, don't
you?" I stretched out on the living room floor. "What's bothering you?"

Akane fidgeted with her dress again. "Well, are you sure you're in
love with Ukyou? I mean, it could just be a crush. I had a crush once,
on an older man, but I got over it."

My eyes grew wide. "Really? Would you tell me about it?"

She looked furtively in the direction of the kitchen, then down the
hallway towards the bathroom. She grabbed my hand and we both went up to
her room. After she had seated herself on the bed, she started playing with
the comforter for a long time. Then, she looked up at me with an uncomfort-
able, but determined look on her face.

"Well, I was in love with this older man for quite a while. Every
time I saw him, my heart would beat really, really quickly and my hands
would get all clammy." She blushed bright red and gave me a silly grin.
"He's such a nice man. He always helped out our family whenever we needed
help, and after my mother died, he was a real big help to me." Akane paused
and she seemed to be reminiscing about her crush. She walked over to the
window and gazed outside. "That was when I fell in love with him. I would
find excuses to go over and see him whenever I could. Kasumi would almost
have to drag me away every afternoon after school." She gave a nervous
giggle. "I imagined us getting married, and him running his business while
I ran the dojo. It was perfect."

She turned away from the window. A sad look appeared on her
face and she started to frown. "But I slowly started to realize that he was
in love with someone else. And that someone else kinda had feelings for him,
too. It finally hit me about a half a year ago." She sighed and sat back
down on the bed heavily, the springs creaking. "I realized that I wasn't
the right girl for him, and quite frankly," and here she blushed, "he wasn't
the right man for me, either."

She gave me a long scrutinizing gaze and her voice grew hesitant.
"You see, what you think is love may not be love. It may just be feelings
of intense 'like' or even just an infatuation." She looked down at her
fingers and said quietly, "I would hate for you to be hurt by this feeling
you have. Love isn't supposed to work that way."

Akane turned to the window. Her eyes lost her focus, and she
was seeing something that I couldn't see. "The Ukyou you described to me
two nights ago doesn't seem like the Ukyou I know now. He's more driven,
less happy, more prone to anger, less prone to laughter." Her mouth tight-
ened in anger. "He's chasing after something he cannot have. And it's
changing him completely."

"I'm afraid that when you go out on this date today, when you
see the same Ukyou I see, you won't just stop loving him anymore. I'm
afraid that you'll start hating him."

I blinked. "But I could never hate Ukyou. He's just so sweet and
kind and loving..." I trailed off, remembering his face at the park, the
moment he cut down that tree. It was not a face of sweetness, nor kindness,
nor love. It was a visage of murder.

I mentally shook myself and said, "Akane, thank you very much for
your concern, but I think I'm going to have to find out for myself exactly
what has changed. I really appreciate your help, but I'm just gonna have
to wing it, I guess." I gave her a smile. "That is the reason I came here,

Akane nodded slowly and said, "Right." She got up and said, "I
have to make a phone call. Will you please think about what I said?"

I nodded in return and watched her leave the room. After she closed
the door, I turned towards the picture I had of Ukyou and me at my brother's
birthday party. The party was just about to end. My dad was busy seeing
people off at the door and my brother was holed up in his room, trying
to break the toys he'd just gotten. Ukyou and I were stuck with clean
up. He accidentally tossed some of the streamers at my head while I wasn't
looking, I retaliated. One thing led to another and we ended up tangled
together, laughing so hard our stomachs hurt. My dad came in at that point,
and he suggested taking the picture. Ukyou was uncomfortable with it, as he
usually didn't want to have his picture taken, but I insisted and firmly
placed my arm around his waist. Instantly, I felt a tingling sensation in
my chest and I looked up in surprise to see his handsome face smiling at me.
Flustered, I turned towards the camera and FLASH! that image of my happiness
was captured forever.

I sighed and looked out the window. Just like on the train, I start-
ed to wonder what I'd find. Would I find the love of my life? Or would I
find the vengeful Ukyou that I was just now beginning to realize existed?

A knock on the door interrupted my reverie. Ranma poked his
head in and said, "Hey, that was Ukyou on the phone. He wants you to meet
him in the park. I'm supposed to tell you how to get there."

"Sure," I said. "Give me a couple minutes to get ready and I'll
meet you downstairs." He gave a noncommital grunt and closed the door.

I dressed slowly, my excitement from earlier tinged with dread.
Did I really love Ukyou? Was it just infatuation? I reviewed what I knew
about him. He was kind, he made me laugh, we worked well together... what
was there not to like about Ukyou? He had a strong work ethic, and a
strong sense of family. I could tell that from the way he studied his dad's
Forms everyday. He really *really* wanted to inherit the family dojo.
He wasn't in the least interested in revenge when I knew him. In fact, it
was him who told me not to immediately seek revenge against Hikaru and Kaneda
for trying to hurt me. He said that the best kind of justice came only to
those who were patient enough to wait for it. And he was right.

I walked downstairs as if in a dream. I didn't notice anyone else
around except for Ranma who was pacing impatiently at the foot of the stairs.
"So?" I asked, descending the stairs and twirling around. "What do you

"Huh?" Ranma gave me a once over and grinned. "Oh, you look fine."

I grinned back with mock anger. "Only fine? Aren't I cute?"

He smiled secretly. "Naw, I know a girl who's way cuter than you

"Meanie." I gave his shoulder a shove and said, "Well, lead the
way, O gallant knight."

He grinned back at me and we started walking to the park. Actually,
I was walking, he was balancing on the fence that bordered the canal. "Hey,
Ranma? Is it alright if you just tell me how to get to the park? I kinda
want to be alone."

"Well, sure, but I'm supposed to meet Akane at the park, too. I
don't know what she wants."

"Maybe she wants to go out on a date, too." I couldn't help
but grin as I added, "With you."

"What?" Ranma sputtered. "Me? Go out on a date with a tomboy like
her? You've got to be crazy!"

I laughed. "I was just teasing. So she doesn't want to go out
on a date with you. Maybe she wants you to be her chaperone for her date
with..." and I fumbled in my memory for the name Akane told me, "Kunou

Ranma got bright red. "No way in hell is she going to go out on
a date with him!"

I laughed so hard right then. "Goodness, Ranma. You're so fun
to tease."

"Well, how 'bout if I tell you that you're not Ukyou's best friend?"


"Yeah," he grinned. "I was Ucchan's best friend even before he ever
met you. And we're still best friends. So there!"

"Well then," I said with a sultry voice, "maybe I should hope to be
something more than just a best friend." I laughed again when I saw Ranma

We reached the park and I heard a familiar shout come from a wooded
area of the park. Ranma and I both ran to the area and found Ukyou in a
chef's outfit battling a gigantic tree. What was more amazing was that the
tree was fighting back.

His hair had come loose from its ponytail and it swang freely around
his face as he smacked with the flat of his blade so hard that it threw the
tree back a couple steps. The tree charged forward and threw its branches
around Ukyou and shouted, "No one else can have you, Ukyou-sama! Can't you
see I'm the only one for you?"

Ukyou screamed, "Get off of me, Tsubasa! You know that Ranchan's
the only one for me!" He took two throwing spatulas and tore off both the
right and left branches, leaving only a pair of arms. Tsubasa dashed
forward and knocked Ukyou to the ground. Before I realized it, I had run
up to Ukyou and hovered over him. "Are you alright?" I asked, worriedly.

"Just what the hell are you doing here?"

"Ranma said that you called and wanted to meet me in the park."

"I did no such thing." Ukyou frowned and looked towards Ranma
who had a helpless look on his face. Just then, Akane ran up and shouted,
"Oh good, you're all here." She turned to Tsubasa. "What are you doing

Tsubasa shrugged. "I was following Ukyou-sama, like I always
do. We are destined to be together."

Ukyou shrieked, "We are not!" He turned to me and said, "Get out
of here Megumi. I can handle this alone."

I grimaced. "But--"

Ukyou furrowed his brow. "Meg-chan, it's nothing I can't handle.
Just an overzealous ass who can't take no for an answer."

I frowned and turned towards the tree. "I don't know who you are,
but Ukyou just said that he didn't want you. He said--" I paused. Just
what *did* Ukyou say?

Tsubasa laughed, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "Yeah, *she* said
that she wanted Ranchan."

While I digested that new bit of information, Ukyou gave a strangled
cry and leaped into the air. Spinning, he tore off the crown of the tree,
leaving a girl's head sticking out of a trunk. "Now get the hell out of
here before I have to really hurt you!" He gave a mighty heave with his
combat spatula and flung the erring tree high into the air.

I looked over to Ranma who had turned as pale as a ghost. Akane
grew silent and Ukyou was shouting curses at the rapidly disappearing tree.

Just as before, I didn't know where my feet were taking me until
I was face to face with Ukyou. As calmly as I could, I asked, "Okay, who
are you and what have you done with Ukyou?" I ran my fingers through my hair.
"That Tsubasa person just said you were a female." I looked over this per-
son's attire. It was a navy blue okonomiyaki chef's outfit, with navy blue
leggings. The V-neck of the blouse exposed a decent amount of clevage.
"You are a female. But you're also Ukyou?"

Ukyou(?) sighed and putting an elastic around his(?) hair, he(?)
turned to face me and said, "Yes, I am Kuonji Ukyou, the boy you knew from
your hometown. I am also Kuonji Ukyou, a woman living in Nerima." Ukyou
sighed and ran a hand through his(?) hair. "I'm sorry about all this."

I stared at Ukyou for a minute, then back at Ranma and Akane, whose
pale faces were confirming the words. Then I did the very next thing that
came to mind.

I fainted.


When Megumi came to, she sat up groggily and put a hand to her
head. She looked around, recognized the walls of the Ucchan and turned
towards me. She took in my chef's uniform and for the second time this
week, I felt her scrutinizing eyes on my body. This time I knew I wouldn't


I sighed reluctantly. "Yes, it's really me this time."

She struggled to her feet and looked around warily. She took in the
walls, the ceiling, the tables, the booths. Finally, her eyes were drawn
to a picture on the wall next to the griddle. It was a picture of me and
Ranchan, taken not long after I found out about his curse. I grimaced as
she traced my image, then the lip prints. Then she turned to me with a
icy stare. "Just who the hell are you?"

"Like I told you, I am Kuonji Ukyou. I was born on--"

"Spare me." The look in her eyes were deadly. She paced around
the restaurant. I watched her shove tables and chairs out of the way as the
took the circuitous path back to me. Every time she passed a chair, she would
shove it towards the table. I winced, hearing the screech of wood against
linoleum get closer. She finally reached me, staring me dead in the eyes.
"Why didn't you tell me?"

"I didn't think it was important--"

"Important? I share all my secrets with my best friend, hoping that
he can tell me anything, but he doesn't even bother to tell me about his
little gender problem?" she spat in disgust. "What are you, a transsexual?"

I widened my eyes, horrified. "No, nothing like that! I'm a girl
I've always been a girl. Back when you met me, I was a girl."

"Uh-huh. I see." Her eyes grew cold again. "And why didn't you
tell me *that* important piece of information?"

"Because I was sworn to secrecy."


I took a deep breath. "A long time ago, when I was six, a boy
and his father showed up in my hometown. They were martial artists,
traveling from town to town in search of training. My dad, heir to the
Kuonji-ryuu, offered to train them in the art of okonomiyaki cooking in ex-
change for shelter and food. The man showed a little proficiency, but the
boy was excellent. His name was Saotome Ranma."

At Megumi's grunt of recognition, I continued. "The training went
like this: every day, Genma and Ranma would attack us, attempting to swipe
the food we prepared. Every day, my father and I would fight them, at the
same time teaching them our Forms." I smiled. "Ranma was like lightning.
At six years old, he had already absorbed most of the Saotome-ryuu, and
could repeat any martial arts kata shown to him. I couldn't touch him. He
would run and leap, and I'd swing my little spatula where I thought his body
would be, but before I could blink, he'd reappear in another place and snatch
the heated 'yaki off the griddle. He was unstoppable."

Megumi nodded and I settled down in my chair. Propping up my
head in by hands, I asked, "Can you imagine how it felt, time after time,
being beaten by a boy who was the same age as me? It was humilating.
I kept asking my dad what was wrong with me, why I couldn't beat him. My dad
said that our schools were too different, that the Saotome-ryuu had several
tricks up its sleeve that was too incompatible with the Kuonji-ryuu. But he
knew what my real fear was because he always insisted that I would be the
only heir to our school, because *that* was what I was afraid of. I was
afraid that my dad would want to have Ranma as his son instead of me as his

Megumi sat down slowly and I continued. "I told you once before how
I was an only child. Because I was a girl, my grandfather almost didn't
want to have my father teach me the Art. My father begged and pleaded, and
when I was old enough, I made a formal vow to my grandfather to always
uphold the Kuonji-ryuu, that I would never let the school slip through my

I got up and walked over to another picture on the wall, a family
portrait, taken next to our ancestors' shrine. I laughed bitterly. "My dad
was an idealist. He wanted the ryuu to be perfect. He thought that if he
could get Genma to train me in their Art, we would be able to incorporate
some of it into our Art. So, he offered Saotome Genma a deal. He would
give me to Ranma in marriage and as a dowry, he would throw in the yatai,
the symbol of our school."

"But didn't Saotome-san and Tendou-san promise that their schools
would unite?"

I laughed again. "Yes, they did. It didn't stop Genma from accept-
ing the deal. I was very happy when I learned that I would living with Ranma.
He would teach me, I would teach him and we would be happy together. Every-
thing was set." I snorted. "When the big day finally came for me to travel
with the Saotomes, I woke up very early. Dawn was just barely creeping up
over the distant mountains. I put all of my clothing in a satchel and I
crept out to the roadside, where Genma said that they'd wait for me. As
early as I got there, Genma was far ahead of me, pulling the yatai with
Ranma perched on top cheerfully waving goodbye. Genma stole the ryuu."

Megumi gave a gasp. "He took your school?"

I nodded. "Yes. By taking the yatai, they had also taken our
school. I'm not sure exactly how it ties in, but once the yatai was gone,
the school was gone, too. You have no idea how horrible it was. I was
teased, made fun of. 'Oh, there goes Ukyou, nobody wants her, not even her
fiance,' they would say." I shuddered. "It may seem like nothing to you,
but when you're in a town that small, even the slightest bit of bad news can
spread like wildfire. It was worse for my dad. When my grandpa found out
about it, he was furious."

I sat down, shakily. "I can still remember how embarrassing it was
for my parents, having to explain to my grandparents why they lost the yatai.
I remember clearly every word my grandfather said as he disowned me." My
voice hitched. "I remember my parents creating my new gender, in the hopes
that it would appease my grandfather. I remember my father presenting me
to him, the hope shining on his face, saying I was no longer his daughter
but his son. And I remember what my grandfather said in reply:

" 'From here on, this child will no longer be a girl, but will
be a boy. He will carry on the tradition of the Kuonjis and in that
tradition, he is obligated to avenge the family's honor. Until he
does so, he will remain a boy until he dies.' "

The tears were running down my face. "And so it goes. I swore on
the bones of my ancestors that I would avenge my honor, not knowing the price
I would have to pay." I got up again and started pacing around the room. "I
couldn't tell you. I just couldn't because I was honor bound to silence."

Megumi was silent. "I see. I can understand about honor and how
one needs to uphold it." She became very thoughtful and reached out her hand
to touch my arm, but drew it back almost immediately. "No wonder you never
talked about your dad much. You must have hated him."

"Oh no, I didn't hate my dad, not then." I protested. "I loved him
very much, I owed him very much. He didn't have to train me, but he did.
For that, I can never repay him. But because of his foolish dreams, he made
it impossible for me to live in my hometown. I had to move to my aunt's
house, where you lived, and make new friends, *male* friends, and give up all
chance of being a woman ever again, especially when *these* showed up.
*That* is when I started to hate him."

I pounded the table in frustration. "You know what it's like going
through puberty. The mood swings, the soreness, everything. I didn't have
my mom to go to because she was so far away. And my aunt didn't approve of
the whole 'must-retain-honor' bit, so she was no help. I had nowhere
to turn; I was a woman, trapped in a male's body."

"And so, we became friends."

I sighed with relief. "Yes, you became my best friend. Through
you, I could understand how to deal with the things I was going through.
You helped me deal with a lot of the problems I was facing. Remember
the time when I failed that math test? I wanted to cry like a baby, and I
wanted to punch that guy who was cheating off of me, but you helped me get
through the anger and the pain and helped me get over it. Don't you see?
Because of you, I was finally happy."

"I see." Megumi tapped her fingers on the table, a sure sign she
was contemplating everything I said. She glanced over to the range again,
her eyes lingering on the picture of me and Ranchan for a full minute. When
she spoke, her voice was as sharp as a knife. "So you used me, tapping into
my emotions and my pain because it suited you for your own purposes? That
is real sick, Ukyou. And not once after you left did you ever let me know
that you were okay. And even when I got here and faced you, even then you
couldn't tell me the truth. Why?"

I was taken aback. I sputtered, "I don't know! When I saw you,
I guess I panicked. You were the last person I ever expected to see. When
I left to go find Ranma, I didn't think anyone would want to see me again.
They hated me at school, except for that Tsubasa freak, and no one wanted
me back at home. I didn't think you'd show up!"

"Really?" Megumi took a hold of my right arm and pulled up my sleeve
to the elbow. She pointed to a small scar, its tiny lines forming a faint
Y-shape. "Remember when you got that scar? You were caught in an unfair
fight and you were able to fight them off with my help. Remember the promise
we made after that? I certainly do. I promised to you, Kuonji Ukyou, that
whenever you needed me, I would be there for you. And you promised the same."
She yanked down the sleeve and from her pocket she took out a well-worn piece
of paper. "Read this letter. I received it a long time ago. I got it
about the same time you sent me yours. It's from your dad."

I stiffened with shock. The letter read:

Hino Megumi--

It is with great trepidation that I write
to you. I understand you are familiar with
Kuonji Ukyou. I have not heard from Ukyou in
over four years. I have written a letter to
Ukyou explaining about the birth of my new son.
I am worried about the lack of response. I need
to know if you have been in contact with Ukyou.

Kuonji Hiro

"My dad told you to come here?" I was rigid with anger. How dare
he use her like that!

Megumi had a sad smile on her face. "You don't get it, do you?
He didn't send me. I came because I care for you. I came because I thought
you might need me. But right now, it's clear that you don't either need
me or care for me. I'm sorry to be all this trouble for you."

I didn't know what to say. I sat down on the floor and put my head
in my hands. I sat there in silence, trying to sort out my thoughts. I
heard Megumi cross the floor. For the briefest, craziest second, I hoped
that she would stop, put her arms around me and comfort me. As her footsteps
approached, my heart leapt and I lifted my head. But then, I heard the tin-
kle of the door chimes and watched incredulously as she walked right past
me, opened the door, took one last look at me and closed it again.

I sat there, dumbstruck. What just happened? How could she think
that I was using her? I was never dishonest to ever when we knew each
other, not once. Okay, I laughed ruefully, I *was* dishonest to her, but
it didn't change the fact that everything I told her, everything I felt
was the honest truth. I thought back to that day when those bullies were
chasing Megumi. I didn't know why I intervened; I guess I just thought
it wasn't fair that they beat up on her like that. When we walked back
to her house together, I could tell she was a little dazzled. I mean,
it's not everyday you meet someone who uses cooking utensils for fighting
purposes. We did talk about everything together, her troubles, my troubles.
And if I did prod her a bit to tell me more about what it was like going
through puberty, well so what? It's not that big of a deal.

I dusted off my pants and automatically, I went over to the grill.
I poured the batter and as I started adding the ingredients, I thought about
what she said. She came out all this way, just because she cared about me.
I gave a snort. Well that just proves her loyalty. It's one of the things
I could never get over back then. No matter how much we were teased for
being together, she never once stopped hanging out with me. In fact, the
more she was goaded, the more she stayed with me. I was angry at the time,
but at the same time I was afraid also. Tsubasa was already starting
to scare me with his talk of loving me and always wanting to be with me.
I didn't need that kind of hassle. I needed someone to be with, who didn't
fawn over me, or pick on me or toss me away. I needed someone I could
talk to about my problems, and hope that I would be understood. I needed

My fingers stilled on the pan. How could I be so stupid? I let her
go. I didn't move to stop her. I didn't call out her name. I just sat
there, and watched her leave. Perhaps the best thing to ever come out of my
crazy childhood just walked out of my restaurant door and out of my life.
Stupid, stupid, stupid me! Stumbling, I lurched to the door and flung it
open. She was gone. I closed the door, turned off the grill and flipped
over the sign. What did I do?

I took off, certain that she was going back to the Tendou-ke.
When I reached the front gate, I noticed that all the lights were on, the
light spilling over into the courtyard like a beacon. I knocked on the
front door and started when Ranma answered the door.

"Have... you.. seen Megumi?" I panted.

"Just missed her. She threw all of her things into her suitcase,
thanked us for our hospitality and took off for the train station. Akane
went with her to see her off."

"Thanks." I was about to run off when Ranma snagged my elbow. "Hey,
what's going on?"

I gave a rueful grin. "I think I just screwed up. I'm gonna go and
fix it."

He scratched his head. I smiled at him. "I'll tell you later, okay

He nodded and I turned once again to the street. I ran as fast as I
could, the sun setting behind me. Its orange rays lit the way to the train
station. Everything was a blur to me, street signs flashing past as I kept
chanting to myself, "I have to make it in time, I have to make it in time."

As I veered around the corner and ran towards the platform, the train
was pulling away and Akane was looking thoughtfully after it. "Akane!" I
shouted. "Where's...?"

"Megumi? You just missed her. She went--"

"Damnit!" I kicked the trash can next to me and it tipped over,
spilling its contents to the floor. "I know, I know. She went home.
She went home because I was too stupid to let her know what I was really
feeling. How could she leave like that without saying goodbye? She knows
that I need her." I turned to Akane. "I need her to be an anchor for me.
I need her to keep me normal. I need to explain everything the right way.
I need her!"

"Actually," a voice behind me said, "you *need* to pick up that trash
first. Everything else can come later."

I whirled around to see Megumi standing in the doorway of the train
station office, holding a ticket. She had a bemused smile on her face.
"You heard all that?" I asked.

She nodded. I sagged, sliding down to sit on one of the benches.
She sat next to me. "Ukyou, when you left after that park incident, I didn't
know what to think. I thought I would never see you again, and I knew that
wasn't right. I fell in love with you right then."

I bristled and she laughed. "You'll think it's silly now, but
I had such romantic hopes for what would happen when I finally found you.
We would have a romantic walk in the park, combat spatulat not included, and
we'd go have a romantic dinner at a fine restaurant... all that hearts
and flowers stuff that you never liked." She looked down at her hands.
"I guess it was a little unrealistic, but I was hoping that when I came here
to find you, I would save you from whatever trouble you were in and you'd
fall just as madly in love with me. I know that can't happen now. I guess
I'm a little sad, and I guess I'm still a little angry. I accept your apol-
ogy, Ukyou, but I'm still going home."

"My apology? I didn't apologize," I grinned.

"No, you didn't, but you'd be a heel not to do it before I leave,"
she grinned in return. "You've given me a lot to think about, and I can't
think clearly right now. Right now, I'm hurting because I just lost
my best friend. I need to go home."

I nodded sadly. I couldn't expect her to absorb my new gender over-
night. "You're really leaving, Megumi?"

She nodded. "I have to. I have to say goodbye to Ukkun. But
maybe," and here she smiled, "I might find a new friend in Ukyou?"

I smiled. "It's a deal."

We shook hands and she boarded the next train. The sun had set com-
pletely, and Akane and I waved as she receeded from sight. As we turned to
go back to town, Akane stopped and asked, "Do you think she's coming back,

"Maybe," I answered. "Maybe."

THE END................?



August --, 19--:

I boarded the train, leaving behind a part of my life. I didn't
want to leave, but I had to. It was what my heart told me to do.

When I got home, I cried for two days. My mom told me that it was
all for the best, that I was too young to be so involved with another person.
When I told her about Ukyou, really about Ukyou, she was just as surprised
and shocked as I was. We sat there for half an hour, no sound in the room
but my sniffling and her silence. Then she said, "Do you think you're ever
going to see... her again?"

I shook my head. "I don't know." And I honestly didn't. How do
you get over the fact that your friend--someone you trusted--sorta used you
and lied to you? I kept remembering what Ukyou said, about needing me to
keep her normal. And gradually, I stopped remembering those feelings of
love I felt for... him.

I eventually did go back later. I had to see for myself how things
really were between Ranma and Akane, and especially between Ukyou and Ranma.
I knew what those lip prints meant on that picture; I had a couple on my
picture of Ukkun (of course I wiped those off in a hurry). When Ukyou met
me at the train station, she greeted me with a tentative hug, which I return-
ed, equally as tentatively. I got to stay with her at the Ucchan and she
even let me help out at the restaurant. The first time Ranma and Akane came
over, they were a little tense, but the warmth with which they greeted me was
real. I really did like them, and they liked me, too. After a couple of
really tense moments, we warmed up to each other and every thing was like it
used to be... almost. That first time, Akane suggested that we all go out to
the movies and Ukyou got a silly grin on her face, gushing about being out
on a date with Ranma. Of course Akane got mad, Ranma got flustered and I
got... jealous. We all ended up going to the movies together, with a Chinese
girl showing up near the end of the evening to beat the crap out of Ranma
and a man dressed in a kendo outfit hugging Akane to him (probably Kunou
Tatewaki). That night, I found out about Ranma's curse and for the slightest
moment I was tempted to pour hot water on Ukyou, to see if she'd change back...
but I knew that it wouldn't happen.

I ended up going back a few more times over the summer, gradually
building up my trust in Ukyou again. I could see the reasons why she liked
Ranma so much and I could understand her reasoning for chasing after him.
I just didn't like it, that's all. It seemed a little underhanded, want-
ing to have Ranma because of a claim made by her parents a long time ago.
Then again, that's also why Akane's engaged to Ranma, but I had a feeling
that *that* arrangement had more potential. I don't know if Ukyou sees how
Ranma looks at Akane when he thinks no one else is looking. It's a look
of surprise and wonder, tinged with a sad fondness. And she returns that
look, when his back is turned.

I asked her once about that, if she felt that she honestly had
a chance with Ranma. This was after Tendou-san and Saotome-san had devised
a scheme for their children to go out on a date by themselves that ended
up in a gigantic epic battle with *all* the martial artists in Nerima
involved and Ukyou getting her arm severly bruised by a well placed hit
from Shampoo, the Chinese Amazon. As I was applying some salve and wrapping
Ukyou's arm in a bandage, she turned away from me and the question. She
lowered her head and whispered in a soft voice, "He's all I have left."

Her voice broke my heart. I hugged her to me, feeling her wince
and told her that I'd always be there for her. And that's when l truly
forgave her for her deception. It's like I said to Akane. I could never
hate Ukyou.

The rest of the summer passed like that. I would go to Nerima, or
Ukyou would come back with me. We would talk about everything, even
more than before. We got into a couple fights, especially when all of
Ukyou's old classmates found out she wasn't really a guy. Turns out that
a lot of the guys hated Ukyou because their girlfriends were infatuated
with Ukyou's male persona. So we trounced them like usual, Ukyou taking
point and me covering her rear. She also taught me how to make okonomiyaki,
Kuonji-ryuu style. Let me tell you, you haven't been cooking unless you've
cooked five different 'yakis at the same time, all while blindfolded.

I was happy again, happier than before. Every time I saw her I got
a warm happy feeling, like it was my birthday or New Year's. Every time we
fought together, her back against mine, I felt invincible. Yet, a part of
me mourned the loss of Ukkun. I would always remember him as my first love,
even if he wasn't real.

It was with these mixed thoughts that I boarded the train for the
last time. I waved goodbye, the tears falling down my face. Quickly, the
scenery flew by, a sight I didn't feel like seeing. Instead I took out a
picture, one of me and Ukyou, the real Ukyou, taken after we celebrated her
birthday. She had her arm wrapped around me and my head was leaning on her
shoulder. I sighed and tried to sleep.

The train stopped at the station just after sunset. I looked around
at the advertisments on the bulletin board. Sadly, I wandered out,
my feet automatically taking me through the streets I knew by heart. I
passed by a park, remembering the two Ukyous I found there: one, a man
driven by vengeance, another a girl, hoping for love. I passed by a temple,
remembering the first time I saw him. I passed by a school, where I'd
be going in about a couple of weeks. I passed by shops, brilliannt with
lights, beckoning to their customers, enticing them. And I reached a
restaurant door.

"Irrashimase!" the call came out, a pretty girl bouncing towards
me, pad in hand.

"Hey, Tsubasa. You know Ukyou'd kill you if she knew you were
doing this?"

"I know," he grinned. "That's why I do it." He led me to my usual
booth in the back and left to get my drink order.

Ukyou was in the groove tonight. She tossed a 'yaki in the air
and spun around, flipping it over and adding the sauteed pork. Dancing
her way over to the counter, she picked up some more spices and tossed
them over her head, under one leg and dashed the spices onto the 'yaki.
Picking up two of her smaller spatulas, she tossed the rapidly cooking
'yaki onto a plate and cut the 'yaki into six slices, her hands a blur
of motion. She danced her way over to the counter and with a flourish, set
down the finished masterpiece in front of Ranma. The restaurant burst out
into applause.

I laughed and she looked over my way. "Meg-chan!" She hopped over
the counter and bounded towards my table. "What can I get you tonight?"

"Just my usual, Ukyou." I grinned as she went back to the grill,
an Ukyou special dancing on her spatulas. She turned to me and asked, "So,
what did your mom say to our proposal?"

I smiled. "She likes it. She said that I can move in with you
right away. Quite frankly, it makes a lot of sense. I mean, I can go to
school with you at Furinkan, work here and go home on weekends. It's

She laughed and finished up the okonomiyaki quickly, hand delivering
it to me with a soda. She put her hand on my arm and squeezed it. "I'm
glad you're here, Megumi."

I squeezed back, feeling a familiar tingling sensation in my chest.
"I'm glad I'm here, too, Ukyou."

I smiled as she went back to work, teasing Ranma and laughing
as Akane fumed. I cradled my head in my palm and eating my dinner, I
watched her. For a moment, my vision blurred and I saw the old Ukkun I
knew. But then I realized, with a growing confidence, that Ukkun and
Ukyou have been and always will be, the same person. I just watched her,
dancing behind the grill, her hair shining in the light, her face wreathed
with a happy smile as she looked towards me and beamed.

I smiled back, my heart filling with love. My Ukyou--I will love
you forever.



Much love goes with this epilogue. I would like to thank all of
my prereaders and all of my fans. And especially, I would like to thank
my fiance and my true love, Damon Collier. Without him, I would never
have been able to finish this piece. It is with my love for him that I in-
fused Megumi. I hope that this story has pleased you.

Anyone who wants the previous parts, e-mail me at <>
and let me know what you've missed.

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