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[UY/Ranma/SisPri][FanFic] Lonely Souls - Part 4, "D" Side (2/4)

2 बार देखा गया
नहीं पढ़े गए पहले मैसेज पर जाएं


नहीं पढ़ी गई,
1 सित॰ 2007, 7:21:35 pm1/9/07
ईमेल पाने वाला
A replica of Akane in slacks and a flower-print shirt stepped into
the Tendou yard. Kasumi waited for her by the patio. "Welcome back,
Kimiko-chan." Grinning, she then embraced the entity which once was
called "Noroi no Ningyou." "Everyone's waiting for you inside."

Kimiko smiled. "Arigatou, Onee-sama."

Moving to escort the newcomer inside, Kasumi then paused, a curious
look crossing her face as she sensed a slight difference in Kimiko's
wa. "Kimiko-chan, are you all right?" she asked.

Kimiko looked nonplussed, and then she smiled. "Hai, I'm alright.
Last night, Negako-sama released blocks she had imprinted on my body
when it was created so I can learn how to make use of the many gifts
that came with it."

"Ah, I see." They stepped in. "Everyone, Kimiko-chan's here!"

"Ah, Kimiko-chan, there you are!" Souun beamed as he waved her to a
seat across from Akane. "Please, come in!"

Kimiko sat down. "Thank you for your hospitality, Tendou-sama."

Souun balked. "Kimiko-chan, I said last night that you . . . "

Kimiko did NOT return the Tendou patriarch's stare. "I understand
that part." She tried not to overact as she moved to properly express
what Negako suggested she say to Souun during this meeting. "But
right after you said that, you turned around and, without a care in
the world concerning your daughter's feelings, tried to force an
engagement between myself and Ranma-sama. In doing so, you not only
insulted your daughter, you also insulted Ranma-sama and I. Until
such time as you properly apologize to your daughter, I will not look
upon you as a father even if, genetically, we are related."

Souun shuddered before wailing, "***WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!

"Um, Kimiko . . .?"

"Akane-san." Kimiko stared on her, ignoring Souun's wailing. As did
everyone else save Genma, who was forced to dodge around the fountains
of tears pouring out of his best friend to avoid having his curse
triggered. "On the memory of my first owner, I speak the truth when I
say this: I do not have any romantic intentions or desires concerning
Ranma-sama. Not now, not ever."

"I see," Akane whispered. Then taking a deep breath, she added, "By
the way, Dad DID apologize for what he did to me last night."

Kimiko nodded. "I see."

In the blink of the proverbial eye, Souun straightened, a determined
look etched in his face. "With that resolved, we can get to a much
bigger problem. Namely bringing Ranma-kun back here where he
belongs," he sternly declared.

"You won't be able to see him until this evening."

Eyes locked on Kimiko. "Why's that?" Nabiki asked.

"Ranma-sama will, according to Kumiko-san and Toshiko-san, be meeting
some people when he returns to Nerima," Kimiko stated. "I believe
Happoosai-sama is one, as is the Nujiézú elder Kelun. I have not been
told about anyone else, but there are more. I do not believe he will
have time to see you."

"Ridiculous!" Genma slammed a fist into the table. "That boy will
come here IMMEDIATELY after he comes back! If he does not . . .!"

An invisible storm of fists smashed into his head and back, making
Genma kiss the floor. Everyone save Kimiko gasped as Saotome Kumiko
dropped the Goshin Buufu cloak, she behind her "father." "Kumiko-
chan!" Kasumi said, and then she smiled. "Would you like some tea?"

"No thank you, Kasumi-san." The raven-haired mirror-twin shook her
head as she pointed to the unconscious Genma. "Tell the panda here
when he recovers that whatever he thinks is 'proper' will NOT be
acknowledged by Ranma, much less Toshiko or myself, from this day
on!" Seeing Souun move to unleash a Demon Head, a feral smile crossed
her face. "Got a problem with that?"

Ki coalesced around her hands. Souun was quick to recognize that as
the energy needed to unleash the Yamasen-ken's most devastating
attack, the Demon God Assault Shot. "Y-you really wouldn't . . .!" he

"Give me a reason NOT to?" Kumiko's voice was ice as she dispersed
the ki in her right hand. She then pointed at Akane, not moving to
look at her template's ex-fiancée. "And don't think for an instant
that your cute little bunny suit'll save your ass from me, Miss
Mallets. I can take you down right here and now if I wanted to. But
that . . . " She glared at her, a mirthless smile crossing her face.
"I'll let Ranma do tonight."

"You're here to deliver a formal challenge?" Kasumi asked.

"On her, yes." Kumiko crossed her arms. "Tonight at eight o'clock,
on the front lawn of Fuurinkan High School, those who desire to pursue
any marriage or other honour claims with Ranma are to assemble.
Ranma'll deal with you then and there. ***NO TIME BEFORE!***" she
bellowed as she spun on Souun, unleashing her own Demon Head to make
him curl in on himself.


Kasumi shook her head. "Oh, Father . . . "

Nabiki rolled her eyes. Akane did nothing save stare at her hands.
"Kumiko-san, PLEASE, will you stop that?" Kimiko then asked.

The Demon Head vanished as Kumiko gazed on Kimiko. "Well, since you
DID ask so nicely, Kimiko-san," she tittered before turning to leave.
She then stopped. "Oh, I forgot something!" She glanced at Akane.
"If you want to fight Ranma to force him into acknowledging your
father's idiotic wishes, **bring your doojou sign.** If you do not,
Ranma will refuse you. And you won't be in any position to challenge
that! Ciao ciao!"

She vanished under the Umisen-ken cloak. Silence fell over the
sitting room. Akane then whispered, "The doojou sign . . .?!"

"No . . . he can't demand that . . .!" Souun burbled.

"I think he's not going to give you a choice, Dad," Nabiki warned.

Kasumi shook her head. "Oh, dear."

* * *

"Hi, Mom, it's me!"

"Oh, Ranma!" Nodoka replied. Ranma was relaxing in the foyer at
Welcome House, the rotunda's lone telephone in hand. "I didn't expect
a call from you until you came back to Nerima! Are you still on
Promised Island?"

"Hai, but we'll be heading back in an hour or so. Chikage-chan's
gonna let us use her travelling rainbow to get back into town," Ranma
replied, and then she smiled. "So how are things going with the

Silence, then Nodoka asked, "How did you know . . .?"

"Ataru's friend, Yumoa Reigi, warned me about that a couple of days
ago." Ranma chuckled. "Relax, Mom. They won't interfere or do
anything stupid like that if you want to get away from the panda. In
fact, they can help."

"That's a relief. It's nice to know that Ataru-kun's family are
being so helpful. Things are going well. But there is the problem
concerning what happens to you when Genma and I part ways." She
paused. "You can adopt my maiden name if you want to get away from
Genma, Ranma-chan. My family has no problems with that. In fact,
they'll be happy to welcome you into the fold."

She smiled. "Mom, would you please tell them that while I appreciate
their thoughtfulness, it isn't necessary. There's another solution."

A wary tone appeared in her voice: "The Moroboshis will adopt you?"

"Nothing that drastic, Mom. Look, if I turn around and adopt another
family name, that'll give Oyaji some sense of satisfaction. He'll be
able to tell himself that I ran from my 'responsibility' . . . " She
made finger-quotes with her free hand. "To maintain the family
'honour.' Do you really want him to feel something like that after
all he's pulled?"

"No, not really." Nodoka chuckled. "So what WILL you do?"

Ranma smirked. "That, I'll save until we get together at Ataru's
place after lunch. Look, can you be there in about three hours? And
can you ask your lawyer to be there, too? She'll want to know these
things, I think."

"Alright, that's easily arranged. If you want, I can even bring my
twin sister with me. Onee-chan's always wanted to meet you."

"I'd love to meet her too, Mom." Ranma perked. "Oh, one more


"Bring OUR doojou sign with you. If we still have one after Ukyou,
Shanpú and Kodachi trashed the place sometime ago."

"Yes, I can do that. It's still here. The property's in my name, so
I was going to throw it out when everything was settled. I assume
you'll do something with it when you finally decide to confront

"You can assume that. I'll fill you in on the details later."

"Alright, dear. I'll see you soon."


Ranma hung up, and then allowed herself to sink into Ataru's
embrace. "I made arrangements on our end." He kissed her forehead.
"You sure you want to do this? Even if it helps, hearts are going to
be broken today."

"Did you know that when you confronted Lum and Ran?"

"Hai, I did."

She stared at him. "Then why do you expect me to feel different?"

He considered that before chuckling. "Touché!" He kissed her again,
and then waved her to his bedroom. "C'mon, let's get packed."


* * *

"Tonight at eight at the school?" Ukyou stared at Saotome Kumiko as
the latter waited for her order. "Sure, I can be there."

"That's wonderful." The raven-haired mirror-twin nodded before
taking a breath. "U-chan, I should warn you right now that if what
Ranma plans comes off the way she envisions it, any hopes of you
marrying him will be dashed once and for all. I . . . " She gasped on
seeing Ukyou swing her battle spatula at her face. "HEY! What are
you doing?!" she demanded as she smashed it away.

"***WHAT DOES THAT MEAN?!***" Ukyou reached for Kumiko's top. She
then screamed as the latter vanished. "***DAMN YOU, KU-CHAN! STOP
PULLING THAT SHIT ON ME!***" She looked wildly around, and then she
yelped as a fist hit her head, sending her to kiss the floor.

Kumiko appeared behind the chef. "Would you kindly CALM DOWN and
listen before you throw a temper-tantrum?!" she demanded. Sensing
Konatsu moving to defend Ukyou, she pointed a finger at the kunoichi.
"***DON'T YOU DARE!***"

Konatsu screamed as a Demon Head formed in front of him, he
immediately vanishing upstairs. Kumiko relaxed, and then she hopped
over the counter to sit in her chair. By then, Ukyou was on her
feet. "Okay, TALK!" She slammed her fist on the counter. "What did
you mean by all that?!"

Kumiko sighed. "Ranma is going to renounce all links with Genma,
plus renounce his standing as a student of Musabetsu Kakutou-ryuu."


Ukyou's eyes widened. "Ran-chan's gonna make himself roonin?"

"Not exactly. He will still retain the name 'Saotome Ranma.'
However, in the next few hours, he'll apply to form a NEW branch of
the Saotome family, based on Oomure-jima. Your engagement is to a
Saotome Ranma, son of Saotome Genma and Saotome Nodoka of Nerima-ku in
Tokyo. NOT to Saotome Ranma, head of the Saotome family of Oomure-
jima, part of the city of Odawara in Kanagawa."

Ukyou stared absently at her stove as she considered that. She then
gazed back on Kumiko. "Is that even possible?"

"Oh, yes! It is." Kumiko nodded. "U-chan, PLEASE! If you truly,
REALLY care for Ranma, you won't try to screw this up!"

"But . . . " Ukyou shuddered. "What if Dad doesn't accept it?!"

"He'll have no choice BUT to accept it. Look, under normal
circumstances, Ranma won't be able to do much to get himself out of
this mess without hurting someone's honour. That's something he
doesn't like, U-chan. I would think that you'd have realized that by

"Yeah, I do, but . . .!"

"No 'buts,' U-chan! There's something else that'll happen, too.
When he was off with Tampopo-san to find your yatai, Ranma arranged
for some investigators to take a detailed look at EVERY illegal thing
Genma has done. It wound up creating a file THIS thick!" She made a
three-centimetre space between thumb and index finger. "We're talking
five ADDITIONAL fiancées, a debt of almost half a BILLION yen for
stolen food and other items, the whole mess with the Neko-ken and
everything else he pulled. THAT will be turned over to a
representative from a special branch of the Imperial Household
Agency. From there, it'll be spread to the National Police Agency and

Ukyou breathed out, "Whoa . . .!"

"Yes. The panda won't have any time to try to fight what Ranma has
in mind. Once that information gets to the National Police Agency,
he'll have NO PLACE in Japan to hide. And Interpol'll make sure the
news gets to Korea, China and everywhere else the panda dragged Ranma
off to so he could learn the Art. No matter what, Genma loses in the

"About damned time, too!" Ukyou scowled before she asked, "Ku-chan?"


"Doesn't Ran-chan want ANYTHING to do with me?!"

"Not as a fiancée," Kumiko confirmed. "Like he told you: He wants
his friend back. He doesn't want a fiancée. You can't be both, U-
chan, not anymore." A pause. "He's very sorry about that. The one
thing you can be assured of is that Ranma doesn't want anything to do
with Shanpú, Akane or Kodachi. He's making arrangements now with
Shan's great-grandmother to help Shan go back home with her honour
intact. Kodachi has no legal claim on Ranma, so anything she says is
meaningless. And Ranma renounced everything with the Tendous on
Tuesday. And if Miss Mallets wants to challenge Ranma on that, she
has to offer her doojou sign up or Ranma will refuse her challenge."

Ukyou winced. "Ai-ouch! Akane's dad won't like that!"

Kumiko nodded. "True, he won't. And if she refuses, Ranma destroys
the Saotome doojou sign. Either which way, that morons' agreement
comes to an end today. And with the panda on the run . . . "

Kumiko held up a finger. Ukyou smirked. "Damned if he does . . . "

"And damned if he doesn't," Kumiko drawled.

* * *

"Hey, check that out!"

People turned as the beat of Yanni's "Highland" echoed through the
streets of Tomobiki. Whatever the onlookers were doing came to a halt
as they focused their attention on the road-train chugging past.
Since some repair work was underway on the main road connecting
Tomobiki to Nerima -- a frequent occurrence in this town given the
times streets were chewed up by the treads of tanks, self-propelled
artillery and the like -- the road-train had to take a detour which
arced Ataru, Ranma, Negako and the sisters close to Tomobiki High.
While some of the sisters snapped their fingers and clapped their
hands to the beat -- not to mention Ataru gaily dancing with Haruka --
the others took in the scenery. "This doesn't look like such a bad
place," Yotsuba mused, she examining everything out through her
digital camera lens.

"Don't let the looks fool you, Yotsuba-chan," Chikage warned as she
gazed on her crystal ball. "Even if many of the 'usual suspects' are
either dead or rendered effectively powerless, the threat to Ani-kun
is still there."

The would-be detective considered that before she nodded, and then
she continued her inspection. In the cockpit, Rinrin scanned a
computer map before calling back, "We should be back on the main road
in ten minutes, Aniki!"

"Hai!" Ataru nodded as he and Haruka swept to the song's climax, and
then they exchanged a bow. "Most enchanting, Haruka-sama."

"Anigimi-sama!" Haruka's cheeks flamed. "P-poh!"

Hinako waved her hands. "Hina wants to dance with Onii-tama!"

Ataru moaned, dropping to his knees. "Oh, my poor back . . .!"

Laughter echoed through the passenger compartment as Hinako gave her
Onii-tama a properly annoyed pout. Ataru reached for her as the CD
went to the next song, "If I Could Tell You." Hinako giggled as they
swayed to the music. Ranma stared at him, and then she turned her
attention to the cityscape. She blinked on seeing a white military-
like car parked on a side street, and then she shook her head. Didn't
look too threatening.

* * *

"Moroboshi . . .!"

"Yes, Young Master, that does look like him!" the driver confirmed.

Mendou Shuutarou quaked as he watched the road-train pass. Yes,
there he was. And he was DANCING with a GIRL?! And there were well
over ten other GIRLS, some of them exceptionally beautiful, riding
with him! An outraged quiver shook his body. How DARE he?! How DARE
he abandon Lum-san in her time of vital need, all to chase girls?!
That . . .!

"Follow him!" he ordered.


The command car swung onto the road, Mendou soon finding himself
three vehicles behind the road-train. Gripping his katana with one
hand, he drew out his cell phone in the other, and then he speed-
dialled a number.

* * *

An air-raid warning siren went off at the Mendou estate. Pilots and
gunners manned the Air Corps' large fleet of Apache and Huey Cobra
gunships as crews boarded the Panzer Division's Leopard II main battle
tanks and Marder armoured fighting vehicles. As the first flight of
helicopters rose from the airport, several emergency gates along the
outer perimeter opened, allowing tanks to surge out onto the streets.
Passers-by scrambled out of the way of the vehicles. "What's got into
Mendou now?" one man asked.

His friend shook his head. "Search me!"

A third rolled his eyes heavenward. "I thought this would've all
come to an end when that Oni girl left!" he lamented.

"Wishful thinking!" a fourth grumbled.

* * *

Ranma started on sensing something coming her way. She leaned out of
the passenger compartment to gaze skyward. Seeing the menacing shapes
sweeping toward the road-train, she looked at Ataru, who was still
dancing with Hinako. "Hey, Ataru, is there a military base here?!"

Ataru stopped, and then he walked over to see what just caught
Ranma's attention. "What the . . .?" He blinked. Then seeing the
helicopters' guns pointing in their general direction, he sighed.
"Oh, hell!" he spat out.

"It appears Shuutarou has leapt to conclusions again," Negako wryly
mused, she having leaned out to take her own look.

He turned to see a familiar command car behind them. "Oh,
great . . .!"

Karen tensed. "Onii-chan, what do we do?!"

"Yotsuba'll handle this!"

Eyes locked on the young detective. Jaws hit the deck as she reached
into her jacket to draw out a red cape. "Hey, Yotsuba, what the heck
are you . . .?" Ranma demanded before Yotsuba whirled the cape around
her, a burst of light blinding everyone. When the light faded,
Yotsuba was gone.

"Yotsuba-chan . . .!" Kaho gasped. "Where did Yotsuba-chan go?!"

Unseen by the others, Chikage and Negako had also vanished.

* * *

"Young Master, the helicopters are moving into position!"

"How soon will the troops have the road-block prepared?!"

"Two minutes, sir!"

"Excellent!" Mendou shuddered as he slipped his cell phone into his
pocket. His mind quickly drew up images of what might happen -- No!
What WOULD happen! -- after he thoroughly punished Moroboshi for this
latest transgression against the fairer gender, especially the many
beautiful girls in that slime's company aboard the strange vehicle
some . . .


The scion of the Mendou fortune started, his hairs standing on end on
his hearing that shrill laugh. He looked around. "Who . . .?!"

A blur of red and green whipped past his face. Mendou cried out as
his eyes automatically snapped shut. His sword hand then squeezed on
empty air! "What the . . .?!" He looked at his hand, and then he
bolted up, wildly looking around. "WHO TOOK MY SWORD AWAY?!" he

More of that mocking laughter from his left. He turned, glancing at
the top of a nearby telephone pole. Standing there was a caped figure
resembling a French musketeer, with a green knee-length skirt, a red
pleated cape, a silver feathered hat, brown calf-length lace boots and
a mask covering her face. In her hand was his katana. "Looking for
this, oh vile villain of villains?!"

"WHO ARE YOU?!" Mendou wailed, overwhelmed on hearing this mysterious
stranger call HIM of all people a "vile villain of villains."

"Aaaah! It's the Bishoojo Kaitou Clover!" Kaho cried out.

Mendou barely picked that up. He then screamed out to his driver,
"Catch her! Summon the Kuromegane at once to capture this thief!" He
then reached into his pocket, and then he blinked on feeling nothing
there. "EH?!"

"Looking for this, perchance?!"

Mendou looked up, and then he cried on seeing the Lady Clover hold up
his cell phone in her other hand. "Hear this well, beast!" she
declared as she pointed at him with the hand holding his katana. "***I

He paled, eyes as wide as saucers as the shock of this moment froze
him in place. "Ac-c-c-cuse . . . m-m-me . . .?" he sputtered.

"Yes! Hear my words and know the full level of your villainy against
the innocents of Tomobiki!" she thundered. "Know this! I, the
Bishoojo Kaitou Clover, sworn defender of the weak and oppressed,
eternal foe of the rich and selfish, know ALL your deeds! How YOU
lusted after an alien, an ONI, when she clearly desired you not! How
YOU harassed and bullied an innocent man because the Oni you so lusted
for desired HIS love, not YOURS! How YOU played with the hearts of
HUNDREDS of maidens when you were bound by giri to marry yet ANOTHER
innocent maiden! How YOU have brought anger, misery and endless
disruptions to the lives of all of Tomobiki as you prosecuted your

Before Mendou could find it within himself to respond, a surge of
women from the local high schools surrounded his command car, all of
them glaring at the Lady Clover. "***WHO THE HELL ARE YOU TO ACCUSE
OUR MENDOU-SAN OF BEING A CRIMINAL?!***" Ogin demanded, she pointing
back at the caped woman. "Who the hell are YOU to STEAL from our
Mendou-san, you bitch?! How dare you . . .?!"

A gust of wind slammed into Ogin's gut, sending her flying into
Mendou's car. "Ogin-san!" he screamed, and then he paled as the air
before the Rosebuds crackled, morphing into a familiar crimson-haired
woman. "SAOTOME!" he gasped. Instantly realizing Ranma was standing
against him, Mendou roared, drawing a spare katana from a hidden
compartment. Leaping out, he charged . . .


He then went flying! "MENDOU-SAN!" the Rosebuds screamed in horror
on seeing their icon disappear, and then they spun on Ranma.

Only to see a young girl in a blue hoop skirt and petticoat staring
at them, eyes wide and tearing in fright. "Kusun!" Aria burbled, her
feelings for these bad women who threatened her Nii-ya, her Nee-ya and
Yotsuba as clear as crystal. "Kusun! Kusun! *KUSUN! *KUSUN!

That last cry echoed like a thunderclap throughout Tomobiki. Within
seconds, an ominous rumble shook the streets, causing the Rosebuds to
look around in confusion. That didn't save them from the large group
of worried mothers, who literally ran them right into the asphalt as
they crowded around Aria! The young Parisian gazed around
confusedly. Then on hearing several of the people around them ask,
"Are you alright, dear?! Did those mean girls hurt you?!" she
relaxed, basking in the attention she was receiving.

Standing on the telephone pole, the Lady Clover watched this, and
then she slipped off her mask. Yotsuba leapt to the ground. Making
her way around the crowd fawning over Aria, she tossed Mendou's sword
and phone into the car. "When you see that jerk, tell him this." She
gave the driver the evil eye. "If he tries to hurt Ani-chama again,
he'll get WORSE! Understood?!"

"H-h-hai!" the driver sputtered.

Yotsuba nodded, taking off her cape as she used her own Combat
Clothing Transform Whirlwind to switch back to her normal clothes, and
then she headed back to the road-train to rejoin her family. Ranma
was there, standing by the stairs leading into the passenger
compartment. "I take it Negako taught Yotsuba how to switch clothes
like that," she commented.

"She did," Ataru replied. "Yotsuba came up with the 'Bishoojo Kaitou
Clover' thing after seeing the Errol Flynn 'Robin Hood' one too many
times. By the way, where'd you get the megaphone to amplify Aria-
chan's crying?"

"Mendou's car. You wouldn't BELIEVE the amount of stuff he's got
crammed into that thing." Ranma shook her head as the crowd around
Aria finally dispersed, allowing the young Parisian to re-join her

Aria daintily made her way to the stairs. "Nee-ya, Nii-ya, did Nee-
ya and Nii-ya like what Aria did?" she asked.

Ataru flashed her an "OK." "Oscar performance, Aria-chan!"

"Got that right!" Ranma leapt into the passenger compartment, and
then she reached down to help Aria up. "Hey, driver, let's go!"

"Wait! Where're Onee-sama and Chikage-chan?!" Sakuya called out.

"We're right here, Sakuya-chan."

Everyone screamed on seeing Chikage and Negako relaxing in their
seats, the former enjoying a can of ice tea while the latter seem to
doze. "So where did you go?" Rinrin demanded as the driver guided the
road-train toward Nerima.

"Do you hear helicopters now, Rinrin-chan?" Chikage asked.

People glanced outside. "What did you do?" Ataru asked.

The grandmaster and the sorceress exchanged a look and giggle. That
response sent sweat drops pouring down the others' hair.

* * *

"How -- is this -- POSSIBLE?!"

A drenched Mendou, just treated by one of the clan's first-aid teams,
stared at the pile of wrecked helicopter and tank parts on the lawn
before the mansion. He was fortunate; he had landed in one of the
swimming pools after experiencing the Rising Dragon Ascension for the
very first time. The tank and helicopter crews were teleported back
to the estate by Chikage when Negako destroyed their mounts. Ryooko
then walked up to him, bringing with her a note that had been tied to
one of the Leopards' cannons. "I highly suggest you better read this
before you decide to play with your toys again, Onii-san." She handed
it to her brother, a mischievously delighted smile crossing her face.
"It appears to me that Moroboshi-sama no longer wants to play with

Hearing that, Mendou snatched the note to read:

"Today was a warning. Next time, it will be for REAL.
"Leave Ataru and Ranma alone from now on.
"Lum's feelings for Ataru are no longer relevant in this matter.
"Neither are yours.
"Moroboshi Negako"

Mendou shuddered before screaming out, "***CURSE YOU, MOROBOSHI!***"

Ryooko shook her head. "You are such a fool, Onii-san."

* * *

"Feeling a little better, Ran-san?"

Ran nodded. "Yes, I am." She was currently in her bedroom, a cold
compress on her head. Though her skin was still quite clammy, she
looked much better than she did when the Crossing Over began. "Just
trying to meditate. I'd think the Crossing Over'd be easier than
this . . . "

"Well, your Crossing Over is quite unique." Yamada softly cackled as
he gazed on his scanner. "As you might now be able to sense, Lum-san
is progressing well. Both of you should be on your feet by tonight."

"Wonderful . . . " Ran closed her eyes, and then she started on
sensing something odd about her home. "Darling was here, wasn't he?"

The doctor paused, unsure as to how to respond. That response might
as well have been a white flag to the Seishin-Urusian-turned-Nendo-
kata/Terran. "He WAS here? But why . . .?" Ran stared wearily at
him. "He said . . . "

Yamada sighed. "Yes, Ran-san, I know. Forgive me, but I've no WORDS
to describe what I saw late last night. But . . . " He paused as he
marshalled his thoughts. He knew Nendo-kata did not telepathically
pry on other sentient beings unless they felt it was VERY necessary.
"He was able to help you endure the Crossing Over with greater ease,
Ran-san," the doctor finally stated.

Ran considered that. "He did . . .?"

"Yes. And he asked you one thing."


"To take care of Lum-san. He . . . " Yamada paused before lowering
his eyes. "He learned of the abuse you endured thanks to your mother
when you were a child. In fact, his exact words were, 'Now we have
something in common.'"

Ran returned to gazing at the deckhead as she absorbed the doctor's
words. "Darling . . . " she whispered. "Oh, Darling . . . "

"There appears to be much more going on with Ataru-san than any of us
first suspected, Ran-san," Yamada warned.

"I know of some of it," Ran said as her eyes then glowed, the
telltale sign of her telepathic powers going fully active.
"Eh . . .?"

"Is there someone here?"

"Six at the front gate . . . " Ran concentrated. Her eyes then
widened before a groan escaped her. "Oh, Blessed Mother, not THEM!"

Yamada looked ready to panic. "What?!"

"The Church of Lum . . . " Ran grumbled, reaching for her forehead.

* * *

"Are they both in there, Yukimi?"

"Yes, I can sense them clearly now." Yukimi's eyes were narrow as
she used her empathic powers to scan Ran's scoutship. "Ran-sama is in
her bedroom. Lum-sama's in the swimming pool, I think. And there's a
third . . . "

Footsteps. "Hello . . .! Oh, Miruko-chan, is that you?!"

"Hi!" Miruko waved as Shinobu and Ryuunosuke came up. "Look who's
back!" The crippled girl indicated the alien starship.

Ryuunosuke crossed her arms. "You aren't mad about that, are you?"

Miruko shook her head as one of her hands grasped Yukimi's. "Not
really. In fact, you might say Lum, in a way, helped me meet my
girlfriend," she explained as she glanced up at the wavy-haired,
golden brown-eyed Avalonian.

Shinobu's eyebrow arched. She knew of Miruko's gender preference and
how that had ultimately led to the estrangement with her parents. She
also knew Kitahara Yukimi, having met her in passing, though she did
not really know the older woman. From the start, Yukimi always struck
her as being something of a gypsy, what with her flowery headscarves
and flowing clothes. "Really?"

"Really." Miruko chuckled, gazing fondly at her lover. "Do you want
to tell her this or do you want me to do it, love?"

Yukimi wriggled her eyebrows. "As you see best, Beloved."

"What're you talking about?!" Ryuunosuke wondered. "What's with
these people? Are they aliens or something like that?"

The very tall girl in the halter-top, striped shorts and high-heel
boots nodded. "We are, Ryuunosuke-sama."

Shinobu and Ryuunosuke exchanged a look. Everyone then tensed on
feeling a strange, moist *warmth* flood them from head to toe. *They
are that, guys.*

"Ran?!" Shinobu looked wildly around before she relaxed on
remembering what Doctor Yamada told her last night about the Nendo-

The motherly looking newcomer started. "Ran-sama?! But . . .?!"

*Never mind!* the Seishin-turned-Nendo-kata/Terran's voice sounded
like brittle ice. She then seemed to relax. *Remember what Darling
told you guys yesterday about the Church of Lum?* she asked Shinobu
and Ryuunosuke.

"What about it?" Ryuunosuke asked.

*Meet their agents.* Ran sighed. *All but Miruko-chan.
However . . . *

She paused, humming. "We're not Niphentaxians," Yukimi finished.

"But they aren't Terrans, either," Miruko added before cupping her
mouth with a hand as she lowered her voice conspiratorially. "I think
we'd better take this inside to ensure no one overhears us, ne?" she

The others nodded.

* * *


"Everyone, okaeri ne!" Chigaiko stepped out of the kitchen as
everyone streamed into the old shrine. "How was your vacation?"

"Much better than expected." Ataru slipped off his shoes before he
carried his bags into his bedroom. "No problems here?"

"No, but that China girl who wants to marry Ranma-san here called
this morning, wondering when her 'Airen' will be back," Chigaiko
reported before she looked sympathetically at Ranma. "I pity you,

Ranma tried not to look nauseous. "She'll be dealt with . . . "

Everyone started on hearing the doorbell. "Who's that?" Mamoru asked
as she opened the door to see an officious-looking gentleman there.
Another, younger and looking like salaryman, stood behind him. "Hai,
can I help you?"

The older man gracefully bowed to them. "I'm sorry for coming so
soon, young lady. Are Saotome Ranma and Moroboshi Ataru here?"

"Your Honour, you're just in time!" Ataru hailed as he waved Ranma
up. "Ranma, this is Judge Nozawa Kyuusuke of the Court of Special
Appeals. He's the man who got Muchi and Kinshou off my back. I
assume you must be . . . "

He gazed on the other visitor. "From the Family Registrar? Yes, I
am, Moroboshi-san," he confirmed with a polite bow.

Ranma nodded, accepting the man's business card. "Pleased."

"We just got back from Oomure-jima, Your Honour." Ataru waved them
inside. "Shirayuki-chan, we need some tea made up real quick!"

"Hai desu no!" Shirayuki called out as she headed to the kitchen.

* * *


"Hai, Shinobu-san, they are that!" Yamada lowered his scanner.
"Quite similar to Terran norm -- in fact, I'd swear they were
templated off normal Terrans -- but there are some distinct
differences in their DNA."

"Including empathy, right?" Ryuunosuke wondered before she blinked as
a smiling Tamako handed her a cup of tea. "Er, thanks!"

"My pleasure, Ryuunosuke-sama," the tomboyish Avalonian replied.

A sweat drop flowed down Ryuunosuke's hair at Tamako's show of
formality towards her. "Not to mention touch-telepathy, different
than the broadcast telepathy Nendo-kata use," Yamada added. "I never
knew the Niphentaxians had advanced that far in bio-genetic

"They haven't," Yukimi reported. "Eighty years ago, explorers came
to Phentax Twelve and discovered a bioroid factory left there by an
extinct race from beyond the edge of the galaxy known as the
Sagussans. The bioroids -- our people . . . " She indicated herself,
and then Tamako, Namie, Hiro and Kanami. "Address ourselves as a
whole as 'Avalonians.'"

Ran, who had been carried down by Ryuunosuke so she could join the
others in the living room, sneered. "Stolen technology, you mean."

Kanami shrugged. "In a sense."

"You don't seem to be too angry about this," Shinobu noted.

"Why should we?" Namie wondered. "Were it not for Lum-sama, we would
not exist. At least, not exist in this format." She pointed to
herself in emphasis. "As Avalonians come these days, we are very
lucky in that we've been allowed to live outside the Union's
territory, free from any oversight by our 'creators.' Granted, it
would be very ideal for all of our kind to be free of the
Niphentaxians, but . . . " She shrugged.

"Well, with three billion of Lum-chan's so-called 'worshippers' now
dead, you just might get the chance," Ran ruefully lamented.

Ryuunosuke gazed on her, the others paling on hearing the number of
dead their host just quoted. "What does that mean?" she demanded.

"Yesterday, Benten called and told us that some awful calamity befell
the Church of Lum a couple weeks ago. It . . . " The Seishin-turned-
Nendo-kata shuddered. Oh, Mother, how could she explain what happened
without making Shinobu and Ryuunosuke believe that Ataru deliberately
instigated what happened in Lumukyou? "It was an event that,
according to one of Benten's friends, claimed the lives of those who
were 'hard-core' supporters of the Church. The type who would have
killed Darling at first sight, in other words."

Shinobu blanched. "Three billion . . . "

Ryuunosuke tried not to gag on her bile as the sheer SCALE of what
Ran just described to them sank in. "Oh, fuck!"

Ran nodded. "Hai. Much that I, even before the Crossing Over,
wished they'd all get a life, I wouldn't wish THAT on them!"

Yukimi shook her head. "Nor would we. Ran-sama, we know that given
the dire straits your people must be in thanks to the Noukiites -- not
to mention you and Lum-sama merging with the noble spirits who came to
help you yesterday afternoon -- the chances of you and Lum-sama
returning home to Uru are very slim to nonexistent. Please, would you
two consent to live with my sisters, Miruko and I at our apartment
block? Sooner or later, someone like the monster who blew up the
school on Monday'll notice this ship's back, and then decide to press
on their warped goals against you. Do you want to really deal with
that, even with the powers you've now been given?"

Yamada nodded. "Yukimi-san has a point. Even if the Great School
has dedicated itself to promoting Unity between all the Schools, there
are those who WOULD view what you and Lum-san are as a vile threat to
their worldviews."

"It would be the smart thing to do," Shinobu agreed.

Ran gazed on them for a moment before nodding. "Alright, we'll
consider it. But we best get in contact with Jay and Kay to tell them
what's happening. Though they sometimes annoyed me, the MiB have the
better interests of all, Terran and non-Terran, at heart. Oh . . . "

She winced, feeling her forehead. "I think you better get back to
bed, Ran." Ryuunosuke moved to her side. "Here . . . "

Kanami rose to help. "I can do that, Ryuunosuke-sama."

"Nah, it's cool! I'll be okay."

Kanami nodded. Ryuunosuke carried Ran to her bedroom. "Thanks, Ryuu-
chan," the latter said as the former slipped her under the covers.
"Hard to accept, aren't they?" she then wondered.

"Yeah, they are that." Ryuunosuke drew the blankets over her, and
then she sighed. "Ya know, even with what Moroboshi said about them,
haulin' out that book and all, I still found it hard to believe that
there're people out there who actually WORSHIP us as living gods! I
mean, what the heck did we do ta deserve somethin' like THAT happenin'
to us, Ran?!"

"That why I don't waste brain cells trying to figure them out." Ran
tittered as she drew the covers close to her. "Still, I have to
admit, it is nice that Yukimi and her friends are here. Hard to
believe someone in the Church got away with sending 'slaves' to Earth
without Oogi finding out."

"What do you mean?"

Ran sneered. "Oogi, above all else, was a control fanatic. It's a
miracle in itself, but there are Church sects that actually view
Darling with kindness. Of course they couldn't be too open about it
or else they'd have been branded 'heretics' and dealt with." She
yawned. "Not that it matters, given that Darling's dealt with
him . . . "

Ryuunosuke considered that before her eyes widened. "He was there?!"


"Moroboshi! He was there when this all happened, right?"

Ran gazed on the tomboy with a smile. "You always were a pretty
smart one, Ryuu-chan." She reached over to squeeze her friend's arm.
"Yes, Darling was there. In the middle of it, to be exact. He . . .
" She paused.

Ryuunosuke stared at her before shaking her head. "He couldn't . . .

"No, he didn't. Not according to what Benten passed on. And I'd
think we all know Darling a lot better than THAT, Ryuu-chan."

"Yeah, ya gotta point."

"And that HAS to stay secret."

Ryuunosuke sighed. "'Cause of Shinobu, right?"

"And a few others, too. Especially if there're other Church agents
still active here in Tomobiki. The chances are VERY good that
there're some out there now. After all, how was it that they were
able to get copies of all our diaries to write the Book of Lum?" Ran
grimaced. "I wish I could figure out HOW they were able to do that!"
She then slowly nodded. "And yes, Shinobu, too. Please don't think
that I hate her, Ryuu-chan. She's got many good qualities. But one
of her more apparent bad qualities is how she sometimes views people
more as personal property than as equals."

"Like Moroboshi?"

A tired nod. "Especially Darling. I noticed it a lot when I watched
them. Lum-chan let Darling get away with more than what Shinobu ever
did. Did you think that, in the wake of all that, Darling would
continue to care for Shinobu in the same way he cared for Lum-chan?"

Ryuunosuke shook her head. "Not really. But still, Shinobu-chan's
got some really strong feelings for Moroboshi, even now . . . "

Ran gazed at her visitor before her eyes narrowed. "You saw them
too, didn't you?" she asked. "Darling's half-sisters?!"

"'Half-sisters?!'" Ryuunosuke gasped. "What're ya talking about?!"

Ran ordered Mister Big Screen -- her deck-to-deckhead tele-video
monitor -- on, and then she linked into her ship's memory banks.
Three holo-images appeared. Ryuunosuke recognized two, telling Ran
about hers and Shinobu's encounter with Ataru, Sakuya and Chikage on
Friday after the memorial service to Megane and the others. Hearing
of Ran and Lum's encounter with Sakuya, Chikage and Haruka after the
gang's meeting with Ataru and Negako at the Mendou mansion, Ryuunosuke
shuddered. "Shit! How'd Lum take that?!"

"Not good," Ran said.


* * *

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