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[Ranma][FanFic] Omake Theatre: Chronos Bet

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17. 4. 2002, 9:57:0417. 4. 2002
another omake seperated out from the fic by reader request. As it *is* an
omake, try not to take it too seriously...

Display: Chronos' Bet Entry
SimLine: RN-MK-201310

"...recently they crossed into China," said Soun.

"Wow! China!" Nabiki exclaimed. China was neat!

"What's so great about China?" Akane said with a hmph. The Chinese weren't
so hot. If they were, they'd be Japanese.

"Is he cute?" Nabiki said with a grin. Cute would earn her overlooking a lot
of little problems with the situation.

"I don't know about this, father. Aren't we too young?" Kasumi, the ever
practical one, fretted. Just her luck it would turn out to be some old man.

"What kind of boy *is* this Ranma?" Nabiki and Kasumi chorused while Akane
played with one of her toys.

"Don't have a clue," laughed Soun. "No idea."

"'No idea'," said Nabiki, disbelievingly.

"I've never met him," admitted Soun.

A few moments later, a panda had brought a young girl in and set her before
the four Tendos. However, Akane's reaction was a lot more positive.

"Wai wai, panda! Wai wai, a panda! Giddyup, Panda-san!"

Such as straddling the panda's neck with her legs while repeatedly hitting
the panda with a plastic shovel. Which lasted until the stranger girl got
tired of all this, went into the kitchen, returned with a kettle of hot
water and doused the panda.

"Okay, Pop, what the heck were you thinking when you came up with *this*
plan?" Ranma wanted to know.

Tendo looked at the panda-turned-man. "Uhm, Saotome, can you explain this?"

"What about you Tendo?!" Genma gestured at the three girls.

"After we talked, well," Soun shrugged. "Kimiko and I decided to wait on
having children. Ranma, these are my three daughters. Kasumi, she's
fourteen. Nabiki, she's twelve. Akane, she's ten. Pick anyone you like.
She'll be your new fiancee."

"He's a hottie," proclaimed Kasumi, not really knowing what the term meant.

"He's a girl?" Nabiki reached up and squeezed. Felt like a girl.

"Please don't do that," Ranma groaned. He couldn't believe this. Well at
least marriageable age in Tokyo was 16. He had at least two years to find a
way out of this.

"Okay, then *she's* a hottie," declared Kasumi, glomping on and emitting
serious cuteness rays.

Akane scowled up at Ranma. "You better not try to be my Mommy!"

Ranma scowled as the littlest Tendo started kicking him in the shins. "I'm a
guy damnit."

One demonstration of Jusenkyo curses later.

"NEAT!" Nabiki said, a glass of hot water and a glass of cold water in each
hand. "I wonder what would happen if I hit you with both at the same time,
would you be a boy and a girl?"

"I'm not instant ramen, you know," grumbled Ranma.

Kasumi splashed water around in the bowl as she tried to make tea.


"Ranma, you, you," Ryouga looked at the little girl hiding behind Ranma,
"you *pedophile!*"

"Hey, it ain't like that! Our fathers came up with this weird idea!" Ranma
stopped abruptly. "What's a pedophile?"

Nabiki sighed. "Later, Ranma. Fight now, expository dialogue later."

"Oh. Right."

Kasumi stalked forward. "You big meanie!"

"Excuse me?" Ryouga found himself backing up before this girl's wrath.

"Stop picking on my Ranma!" Kasumi stood under five feet. She somehow
managed to loom over the taller Ryouga.

"Uhm, Kasumi, this is my fight." Ranma gave a helpless look towards Ryouga.

Ryouga misinterpreted that look. "So Ranma, you hide behind helpless little

Akane twitched and stalked forward. "HEY! Who are you calling helpless?!"

"Uhm," Ryouga hedged. "Well, it's nothing personal. I mean you're just a
little kid..."

Akane twitched some more. "KID?! KID! You're saying I'm some weak little

Ryouga put his hand down on the ten year old's head as she windmilled her
arms in an attempt to hit him. "Uhm. Shouldn't you be playing with your
dollies or something?"

At that moment Akane filed Ryouga under "people whose butt I will kick when
I get older".

Ranma shrugged. Maybe he could run into Ryouga somewhere away from the kids.
They tended to steal any scenes they were in.


Herb groaned. "And I would have gotten away with it, if it weren't for those
meddling kids."

Akane stuck her tongue out and pulled back one eyelid. "Beeeeee DAH!"

"I don't wanna pose," Ranma said, sulking.

Kasumi reached into her pack. "Would you do it for a Ranma-snack?"


"What wisdom can you find that is greater than kindness?" Jean-Jacques

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