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[Ranma][FanFic] Worse - Book 1: Chapter 8 and a Special Feature

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Scott Jamison

1997 මාර්තු 8, 03.00.001997-03-08

(Scene: Scott's apartment. (What? Again!?) Scott is talking
to three powerfully-built men. Two are somewhat shorter than him and
have really messy hair. The third is tall, green-skinned, and sports a
turban. Scott points to a piece of paper held by one of the shorter

Scott: No, you want Nora J*e*mison, see?

Goku: Um, I don't read so good.

Vegita: Cacarott, you idiot!

Scott: So what are you guys planning to do to her once you find her?

Goku: Oh, not much. Vegita here is gonna teach her martial arts.

Vegita: I'll treat her just like my own flesh and blood. (evil smirk)

Scott (very small voice): oh.

Piccolo: ...
(You didn't think he'd embarrass himself by actually having lines
in something this silly, did you?)

(The Dragonball warriors exit. There's a flash of light from the

Akane (off): Gotta pick up Nabiki! Be back soon!

Little-girl voice (off): Wait! You can't just leave me here like this!

(There's another flash of light.)

(A cute redheaded girl emerges from the kitchen. She has a long
ponytail and looks to be about five. She's wearing an adorable pick
dress with lace kittens on it, and looks peeved.)

Ranma-chan: Scott! This is all your fault!

(She kicks Scott in the shin.)

Scott: Ow! Hey, what happened?

Ranma-chan: We just got back from "No Fair!" and Akane didn't bother to
turn me back! And in this stupid form, I can't reach the hot water!

Scott: Whoops. Okay, but let's find some of your normal clothes before
making you "man-size" again.

Ranma-chan: Oh yeah. Forgot.

(They go back into the kitchen. A few minutes later they emerge,
Ranma back to normal size, gender and outfit.)

Ranma: ,,,So how about making "Triumph" so that's the reality, and the
normal situation is the one I wake up from?

Scott: So you *do* want to consummate your relationship with Akane?

Ranma: Yes! I mean no! I mean...I hate when you do that. How about
finishing up Worse?

Scott: Oh, we're a long way from the end on that, but another chapter is
due. Why don't you fill in the new readers?

Ranma: Okay. Due to a careless wish, I'm stuck in a world where I was
born a girl. I'm engaged to boys, including Mousse and Ryouga; but for
some unaccountable reason I'm starting to lust after Akane.

Scott: Could be that with the pressure off, you're seeing her good

Ranma: Yeah, right. I have a little brother named Hikaru, who has the
same curse as I do in the real world, except his cursed form looks like a
CLAMP character. Last chapter was a bit of a disaster, really. How come
I lost to Mousse?!

Scott: Blade wrote the combat sequence.

Ranma: You could have changed that part. Anyhow, on with the story...

by Scott K. Jamison
(Takahashi disclaimer)
Chapter Eight: In Which the Story Lives Up to its Title

Ranma was feeling a bit depressed, so she walked silently along
the fence as Hikaru shadowboxed. The afternoon had not gone well at all.
She'd been defeated by Mousse, resolved nothing with Ryouga and
discovered that her little brother was a colossal jerk.
Was I ever that arrogant? Ranma thought about it for a moment.
Yes, he had been. He'd been just as big a jerk as Hikaru time and again.
It was like looking in a mirror at his past. And Ranma wasn't liking it
at all.
She remembered how she'd gotten into this mess, the wish not to
be engaged to any girls. Taking the easy way out hadn't worked. Instead
she just had a whole new set of fiance problems.
Ranma had never really tried too hard to get rid of his fiancees
in the real world. As long as there were several with at least
semi-legitimate claims, he could play them against each other and stave
off marriage a little longer. Besides, it stoked his ego that many women
found him desirable.
But this was different. No way was she marrying *any* man if she
could help it. But how to dispose of them?
Shampoo would probably keep Mousse busy for a while, and might
even catch him. Ranma's ultimatum to Ryouga over Hikaru put that
relationship on hold for the moment. If all else failed, maybe she could
get him together with Akane.
*No! Akane's mine!* said a part of her mind. Ranma reminded
herself that this body had never been engaged to the Tendou girl.
Besides, she wasn't a pet, to be owned or given away.
If Tsubasa was like the real world version, neither gentle
persuasion nor violence would deter him. She'd have to strike a
particularly cruel emotional blow to him, or physically repulse the
crossdresser. Only problem with the latter was that she didn't turn into
a boy any more. Then again...she looked at Hikaru. File that idea for
Which left Kunou. Darn Pops and his stupid promises anyways!
Unfortunately, the fact that both she and Akane despised the swordsman
was not sufficient reason for the engagement to be broken. Honor
required that one of them had to marry him unless the ones who originally
made the agreement, their fathers, were willing to cancel it. Fat chance
of that.
When they arrived back at the apartment, supper was already
ready, but Nodoka and Genma were not at the table. Instead, they were in
the entryway, waiting for their children.
"Hiya, Mom, Pops! I'm back!" said Hikaru.
"And about time," said Nodoka chilly.
Genma looked his children over. "With those matching outfits,
you really can see the similarity." There was a elbow in his ribs.
"Kids, your mother has something to say."
"A little while ago, I got a call from Mrs. Imura. Do you know
what she told me?"
"Um, there was some trouble at the dojo..."
"She told me my daughter was brawling in the street like a common
thug. Explain."
"You remember I told you about Mousse? Well, he tried to kidnap
me and grabbed Akane instead. So naturally I had to rescue her."
"Ranma dear, wasn't Hikaru there?"
"Well, yes, but--"
"You should have let him handle the rescue. Protecting women is
a man's responsibility."
"Mom, Mousse is way too dangerous for Hikaru--"
"I wasn't the one out cold, Sis. I coulda took Mousse if that
Hibiki guy hadn't been in the way." Ranma felt a cold chill.
"Hibiki? Ryouga Hibiki?" said Nodoka.
"Yeah, Ranma's boyfriend. He was at the dojo too, and--"
"Ranma! Did I or did I not instruct you never to see that boy
"You went against my expressed wishes! You're still involved
with that *pig*!"
Genma was staring at his wife in surprise. Apparently, she
hadn't mentioned Ryouga to him.
"It's obvious you need some discipline, young lady. You're
grounded. For a week."
"But Mom--"
"Do you want me to make it two weeks?"
"No Mom."
"And that's another thing. Your language has gotten unforgivably
sloppy. From now on, you *will* use respectful language to your father
and myself. Do you understand?"
"Yes...Mother. I understand."
"Good. As a final reminder, you are sent to your room without
"Isn't that a bit harsh, dear?"
"We agreed, husband, that you would not undercut my discipline."
She stared Genma down.
Ranma went to her room, miserable. Now Mom was mad at her, and
for all the wrong reasons.
Several hours later, Ranma tried to ignore her growling stomach
and concentrate on the Women's Studies report.
"Oh, who am I kidding?" she asked herself. Why did I spend so
much time on this junk anyways? It's not as though it really matters. I
don't belong here, and I'm getting out as soon as I can, so what
difference does it make what I do while I'm here?
There was a knock on the door. "Hey, Sis, can I come in?"
"Suit yourself."
Hikaru entered quietly. He had something in his hands.
"I saved you some rice." He handed over a ball of the white
"Thanks! Hey, there's a bite out of this!"
"I got hungry again. So sue me. But I didn't drink any of the
Ranma gulped down the food and took the glass.
Hikaru stared at the floor and shuffled his feet. Long seconds
"Elder sister Ranma, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to get you in
trouble. If I knew it was suposta be a secret, I woulda never said
Well. It seemed Hikaru could apologize properly after all.
"You must really be in love with this Ryouga guy, if you're
having secret rendezvous and such."
"I wouldn't say that, exactly."
"Hey! That pig, it had the same pattern bandana Ryouga wears!
That means--" Here it came, he'd figured it out! "--it musta been a
present from him. He probably didn't know about the 'no pets' rule, and
obviously you couldn't tell Mom where it really came from. And *that's*
why Akane looked so surprised to see P-chan this morning!"
Pretty good reasoning, actually. But why hadn't he.... Ranma
decided Hikaru was still refusing to take responsibility for pushing
Ryouga off the cliff, and thus wasn't asking himself what was *below* the
Maybe Akane wasn't galactically stupid in the real world after
all. Maybe she didn't *want* to see.
"So, just how far have you guys gone?"
"Just mushy stuff, or have you gone all the way?" He seemed
quite eager to know. Ranma was stunned for a moment, then decided a
feminine response would be okay.
*slap* "Ecchi! None of your business!" Though Ranma herself
would have liked to have known.
"Okay, okay. But is that why Mom hates the guy?"
"I don't know." Whoops.
"You don't know? She didn't tell you why you can't see Ryouga?"
"Not in so many words, no..."
"That bites! She must want you to marry that Kunou guy, huh.
You sounded like you weren't too fond of him."
"Kunou is an idiot! He just keeps coming back, no matter how
many times I beat him. And he won't understand, no matter how much
evidence he sees, that I'm not--I'm..."
"You're not...what?" asked Hikaru.
"I'm, uh, not in love with him and don't want to marry him, ever.
Very annoying." More annoying was not just being able to say "I'm not a
girl." But if anyone could understand that, it would be Hikaru. Perhaps
she should...No, Ranma couldn't quite trust him yet.
But she could get him mentally prepared.
"C'mere, Hikaru, I want to show you something." Ranma steered
him in front of the full-length mirror attached to one wall.
"Okay, look and tell me what you see."
"Me, of course. Hm, t-shirt's got a stain."
"Are you a boy or a girl?"
"A boy, of course! Duh."
"You're sure?"
"What kinda question--"
Ranma emptied her water glass over Hikaru. Instantly his
long-braided hair turned firey red, his features took on a feminine cast
and small soft mounds pushed out his shirt.
"Hey! Whadja do that for!"
Ranma turned him back to the mirror. "What do you see?"
"Me. The other me." Hikaru obviously still wasn't used to
seeing his female form. His eyes kept sliding off the mirror, and he
looked disgusted.
"Are you a boy or a girl?"
"I'm a boy!"
"But you don't look much a boy, do you? Without those clothes,
you wouldn't look like a boy at all. If a doctor examined you, he
wouldn't find any trace of boy there, just girl all the way in."
"I'm still a boy! I just *look* like a girl!"
So far, so good. Ranma pressed on.
"Keep looking. There's a magic bucket, the Chiisuiton, and water
from it can lock you in your cursed form forever. Not just for a few
hours or days, but week after week, month after month. What happens when
you start getting your period, when those girl-body hormones start giving
you mood swings? Are you a boy or a girl?"
"I'm a boy! Uh, what's a period?"
"Something that happens to girls. Ask Mom."
"Oh-kay. But what's your point?" asked Hikaru.
"Keep looking in the mirror. Imagine you're stuck in that girl
body, and Mom and Pops and me all forget you were ever a boy. All your
records say you've always been a girl. All the photographs have changed
to match. We force you to talk and dress and act like a girl, because
that's how we all think of you, and you're the only one who remembers any
different! Are you a boy or a girl?!?"
"Y-you're hurting me, Ranma." She looked down and saw that her
fingers were digging into Hikaru's shoulder in a death grip. She forced
her hands to relax.
"I'm a boy! No matter what I look like, no matter what anybody
else thinks, as long as I remember the truth, I'm still me. Right?"
Ranma smiled in a manner she hoped was reassuring. "That's
right, Hikaru. Outward appearances don't really matter. It's what's in
you heart that counts, who you *know* that you are inside. Remember
that. You're going to need it later. And it's important to me too."
Hikaru looked at her quizzically. Clearly the transformed boy
wasn't quite sure what to make of his older sister.
"Oh-kay. G'nite, Sis."
"'Night, Hikaru."
Ranma's sleep came quicker than she thought it would.


So, what do you think so far?
About the funky chapter intros...When I started posting "Worse"
to the FFML, I was in the middle of writing "Sauce" (shameless plug) in
which Ranma and Akane visit the real world and crash at my apartment. In
tribute to this, I decided to have them "prod" me to get the story out...
And from there, it became a tradition. If you don't like them, you're
free to edit them out of your copies, of course...
Hope to hear from you all!

Comments to sil vous plait...

"Every day is a winding road"

And now, a "Worse" Special Feature....

To help spice up the fight scene in Chapter Seven of Worse, I
asked noted action maven Blade (co-author of "Curse of Darkness") to plan
out some fight choreography. It took a while but it finally arrived.
However, due to the limited POV I'm using, I had to leave out some bits,
including the end of the fight! So for those of you who were

Subject: The fight scene, at long last! ^_^;;;;;

(Scene: the Tendo Dojo. Mousse, sans glasses, is standing near the
entrance, carrying a trussed-up Akane. He doesn't have his glasses on,
which may account for the fact that he is saying...)

Mousse: The boat is waiting, Ranma. And now we must depart.

Ranma: Wait, Mousse! She's not...

Akane: I'm not...

Mousse(snaps): Silence! This is your only warning.
(With that, he leaps back and out of sight, still carrying Akane. There
is a moment of stunned silence, and then...)

Ranma: AKANE!
(She runs toward the door and is out in a flash.)

Ryouga: RANMA! (he too runs out)

Hikaru: So who am I supposed to shout? Oh well, I'm not letting those
two hog all the fun.
(He follows after the two other martial artists. Outside, Ranma is
rapidly catching up to Mousse, who is standing in an intersection with a
puzzled expression.)

Ranma: (cocking back a fist) Alright, you...

Mousse: (turning around) Excuse me, is this Ookami street?
(Ranma facefaults, allowing Ryouga and Hikaru time to catch up. Mousse
squints at the suddenly larger number of figures, and takes a defensive
step back.)

Ranma: Let her go, Mousse.

Mousse: (sniffs) I think not. Ranma is to become _my_ bride.

Ryouga: That's not Ranma... (growls) and you're not taking _anybody_ as
long as I'm here, ESPECIALLY her!
(Mousse suddenly pulls a pair of glasses out of his robes, puts them on,
and squints at his burden. With a snort he drops her to the side.)

Mousse: Bah. This is not... (he looks at the group, his eyes widen)
RANMA! Now you will be mine!
(He lashes out, sending a swarm of chains at Ranma. Surprised, she isn't
able to completely dodge and one wraps around her waist, pulling her from
her feet with a cry. In mid-air she reaches for the chain with the
intention of landing and pulling Mousse off his feet...but suddenly a
yellow and black bandanna slices cleanly through the chain. Ranma, taken
off-guard by the unexpected help, lands with a grunt as Ryouga strides
forward to confront the Chinese boy.)

Ryouga(growls): Listen you, I've had just about all I can take...

Mousse(frowns): You dare interfere with me? Very well, learn the
consequences of your act!
(He plants his feet together, spreading his arms like bird's wings.)

Ryouga: (charging) If you think that scares...

Mousse: Fist of the White Swan! HAKU-KEN!
(Suddenly his arms flash forward with blinding speed. Ryouga is struck
one, twice, three times with an unseen object, and staggers back to fall
heavily beside Ranma, who is just rising to her feet.)

Ranma: That's it, you're...
(She is startled when a hand grabs her arm. She looks down, to see a
determined-looking Ryouga also climbing to his feet.)

Ryouga: Ranma, this guy is pretty strong. Don't worry, I'll handle him.

Ranma: Huh? Hey, I can take care of myself!

Ryouga: might get hurt...

Ranma(laughs): Against _Mousse_!? (Ryouga blinks) Er...uh...I mean...
(Meanwhile, Hikaru has confronted Mousse.)

Mousse: I remember you. You're the boy from before.

Hikaru: (strikes an offensive stance) That's right, jerko, and I know all
about your tricks, so don't try anything funny.

Mousse: "Tricks"? (smiles) I'll show you a few tricks, boy.
(He waves his arm, sending a flight of knives hurtling at Hikaru. The
younger Saotome sibling jumps over them with a smirk and into a dropkick,
which strikes Mousse in the chest. He goes flailing backwards as Hikaru
flips back in the air with a smirk. He pays for his overconfidence,
however, as Mousse recovers, wraps a chain around his leg and smashes him
into the ground. He then turns his attention to Ranma, who is still
arguing with Ryouga. With a smirk, Mousse lets another flight of chains
fly, which thoroughly entangle his prey. Ryouga charges in again as
Mousse yanks Ranma into his grasp.)

Ryouga: Let her GO!

Mousse: You again? Didn't you learn your lesson already?

Ryouga: I'll NEVER let you have her! You'll have to kill me first!

Ranma: [Oh puh-leez...]

Mousse: (smirks) Hardly necessary. (he raises his arm which is holding
(A hen pops out of his sleeve, lays several eggs in Mousse's free hand,
and disappears back down the sleeve. Mousse tosses the eggs, which
Ryouga leaps back to avoid, but they also create a large cloud of smoke.
After a moment it clears, but Ryouga, in trying to get through the crowd,
has somehow gotten turned around. Mousse whips a chain around his ankles
and yanks it, causing the lost boy to tumble to the ground.)

Mousse: That was almost too easy. (still holding the helpless Ranma, he
turns around) Now, my love, let us de--urgh!
(The "urgh" came from the fact that he just received a kick in the jaw
from one rather annoyed Akane Tendo, who has apparently freed herself of
the chain in the meantime. He staggers back, inadvertently dropping
Ranma, who begins to work at her own bonds.)

Akane: Alright, buster...

Mousse: Why you...argh!
(He takes a step forward from a sudden impact, and turns to face a
grinning Hikaru.)

Hikaru: Gotcha, four-eyes.
(He cocks back his fist again; Mousse suddenly spins and launches a chain
at Akane, who had relaxed somewhat at being out of immediate danger.
Spinning around, he sends the girl flying at Hikaru. The boy easily
dodges her and charges at Mousse, while Ryouga, up again as well, makes a
flying leap and manages to catch Akane.)

Akane: A-arigato, Ryouga-kun...
(He merely grunts and gently puts her down, then stands up and glares at
Hikaru, who is circling with Mousse.)

Ryouga: Hey! She could have been hurt!

Hikaru: (without looking) The tomboy can take care of herself, right?

Ryouga: Why you... (growls)

Ranma: (almost free) [Uh-oh...]
(Mousse uses this distraction to launch a sweeping kick at Hikaru, but
the younger Saotome dodges backward and lets fly a few punches, which the
Chinese boy blocks. Ryouga and Akane move up to stand by Hikaru's side,
but he shoves them away.)

Hikaru: Butt out, I can take him by myself.

Akane(angry): Hey, we're only trying to help!

Hikaru: (snorts) Like I need your help.

Ryouga: Listen, you jerk...
(As the three begin to argue _again_, Mousse smiles and quickly turns to
Ranma...only to see her up again, charging towards him with her fists
cocked back.)

Ranma: [Better get him out of the way before someone gets hurt.] KACHUU
(Her fists flash forward in a burst of speed, easily cutting past
Mousse's attempts at defence. She sends fist after fist into him, and he
staggers back, his glasses flying off...when suddenly Ranma drops to her
knees, panting.)

Ranma: What...I'm so tired...
(Meanwhile, Mousse shakes his head and wipes some blood off his lips.
With a snarl, he whips out a huge mallet and whacks Ranma over the head
with it. She collapses, and Mousse reaches for her...only to be sent
flying a moment later as Ryouga crashes into him. Behind the lost boy,
Hikaru and Akane are arguing heatedly, apparently oblivious to the goings
on in the fight. Mousse clambers to his feet and hurls a few knives, but
they fly wide of the mark and Ryouga launches a haymaker which his almost
blinded opponent barely dodges. Ryouga cocks back his fist for the
finishing blow, but suddenly is prevented from doing so as a certain
purple-haired Amazon lands between him and Mousse.)

Shampoo: You leave alone!

Mousse: (recognizing the voice; smiles) [Perhaps it would be better to
return another time...] So good to see you, Shampoo.

Shampoo: (turning) Aiya! Mousse, you al...
(As she turns, Mousse lashes out clumsily and manages to knock her into
Ryouga; both go staggering back. Meanwhile, Mousse turns and dashes down
a nearby street.)

Ryouga: He's getting away!
(Disentangling himself from Shampoo, he rushes towards the
intersection...but Mousse is gone.)

Ryouga: Damn...

I'm sure Blade would appreciate your comments!

"Too many series on the griddle..."

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