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[Ranma][Fanfic] "Wanderer" Part 2 (revised)

Yametazamwa mara 8
Ruka hadi kwenye ujumbe wa kwanza ambao haujasomwa

23 Okt 1998, 03:00:0023/10/1998

"Tendou-kun, where is Saotome-kun?"

Akane blinks, then gazes at Hinako Ninomira. "What did you say,
Sensei...?" she sniffs, her cheeks damp.

"Akane-chan, what's wrong!" the child-teacher gasps on seeing her
sorrow, moving to comfort. "Did you and Ranma have a fight?"

Akane shudders, then sighs. Once Nabiki got wind of this, everyone'd
know...*and be much poorer for it!* she darkly adds to herself. Time to take
control. "Yes, we did have a fight, Sensei. A real bad one, too.
Ranma...has ended the engagement between us."

Silence. Eyes lock on the shivering woman in their midst, then
travel to the empty desk beside her. Hinako gapes, then sighs. "Oh, Akane-
chan, I'm so sorry..."

"Thank you," Akane smiles.

"But, still, that doesn't give Saotome-kun the right to skip
classes..." Hinako returns to the front of the class.

"Not unless she elects to leave the school as well!"

Eyes spin to the door to see Ranma standing there. "Saotome-kun!!"
Hinako gapes.

"Hey, Ranma, where's your pigtail?!" Hiroshi demands.

"What's with the necklace?!" Daisuke adds.

"Please!" Ranma sighs, then pulls out an apple, handing it to
Hinako. "Here you go, Sensei."

"Um...why, thank you, Ranma-kun!" Hinako grins, then stares at her.
"Um, is it true that...?"

"It's over between Akane and I?" Ranma muses. "Hai, it is. Further,
I'll be renouncing my family, which will then end ALL the engagements my
idiot father forced on me. I'll have to deal with Shampoo on my own time,
however. And to make sure that no one gets it into their heads to come after
me, I'll be taking my leave of Japan. I was just with the principal
withdrawing from the school. I just came to tell you, then clean out my
locker and go."

Hinako stops, gazing intently at the redhead before her. Ranma
didn't speak with her usual male brashness or the shy stammer she produced
when dealing with emotionally sensitive topics. Her voice was weighed with
conviction. "I see..."

"I will admit that you've made my life...interesting, Sensei," Ranma
adds. "I hope that one day, you'll find a cure to what Jiji did to you when
you were a kid. You don't deserve to be this way."

"I...thank you," Hinako smiles.

Ranma then faces the rest of the class. "Sorry to trip out on you
like this. Take care, everyone."

She bows, then calmly heads out of the room. Everyone remains frozen
for a moment, then bolt up to follow. "Sit down!!!" Hinako snaps as they
storm to the door, streaming outside...and stopping in their tracks.

Hinako walks into the hallway, then looks both ways. It was quite a
distance to either stairwell to the lower floors; at Ranma's casual pace, she
would've remained in everyone's sight. "Where'd Ranma go?!" Hiroshi wonders.

"Man, I've never seen ANYONE move that fast!" Daisuke muses.

"Alright, that's enough!" Hinako sighs, drawing out one of her handy
fifty-yen coins. "Into the class, everyone! If Saotome-kun has made his
choice, then you have nothing to say for or against it! Back to your seats!!"

Seeing the coin, they quickly scoot to their places. Akane remains
by the door. "Sensei?"

"Yes, Tendou-kun?" Hinako gazes at her.

"You better say 'her' when you talk of Ranma these days."


"Because she...told me that she had frozen herself as a woman this
morning," Akane shudders. "She can never be a man again."

Hinako's eyes widen...

* * *

a fantasy crossover tale of Ranma Saotome
by Fred Herriot
**** **** ****
Based on "Ranma 1/2," created by Rumiko Takahashi; "NoeL - La Neige," created
by Pioneer LDC; and "Major Raeburn," created by Fred Herriot
**** **** ****

NOTE: This is a rewrite of the original version of Part Two, released to
r.a.a.c. in September 1998. The other parts will be heavily rewritten over
the next couple of weeks; please remove them from all archives. Certain
elements of this story are being redone to reflect comments and criticisms
made by readers in the wake of the release of Part Three. Given the complex
situation of Ranma's love life (does s/he have one?), it's hard for ANY
fanfic writer to satisfy all Ranma fans as to who will be with Ranma at the
end, so if you don't like the way this version comes out, I apologize.

**** **** ****


Morning recess...

"Where Airen?!!"

The smoke and dust settles in the school cafeteria in the wake of
another of Shampoo's smashing entrances, the displeased look on the warrior-
maiden's face clearly indicating her foul mood after missing Ranma on her
morning delivery run. Everyone stares at her, then returns to their own
business. Shampoo growls at their ignorance, then spots Akane. "Where Airen,
Violent Girl?!!"

"Gone," Akane doesn't look at her.

"Where?!!" Shampoo demands, slamming her hands on the table.

"Don't know. You know how that baka doesn't like to tell me things!"
Akane sighs. "Go look for him."

Shampoo shudders, then snorts. "Hmpth! Shampoo believe that Ranma
finally tire of putting up to stupid violent tomboy!! Once she find Ranma,
Shampoo will show who really loves him!"

"Your husband is dead."

Silence. Shampoo pales, then gazes again at Akane. "What Violent
Girl say...?"

"You heard me," Akane icily smiles. "Your husband is dead, Shampoo.
Ranma WILLINGLY stripped herself of HER manhood, froze HERself into HER cursed
form. I doubt even your idiot laws would permit you to marry another WOMAN,

Shampoo shudders, her eyes widening as the implication of Akane's
words hits home. She gazes into her rival's eyes, then fearfully gulps on
seeing no sign of duplicity. " lie! Why...why Ranma do that...?" she

"What better way to get rid of you?" Akane muses. "I doubt that
you'd want to go back to your original task and kill Ranma, even if your
great- grandmother ordered it, Shampoo. And if you go back to Joketsuzoku
empty- handed, I can pretty well guess how your tribespeople will react.
Either way, you lose big time. Which is what you deserve for the misery and
pain you've brought unto us!"

Silence falls as everyone awaits Shampoo's answer. The warrior-
maiden looks down, eyes tearing as the possible result of THIS hits home. If
Ranma chose to become a woman full-time, her tribe could order her back on the
original mission which resulted from their duel at the tournament after Ranma
was cursed. And after all this time, Shampoo knew very well she couldn't kill
Ranma. Why? What had happened to make Ranma do THAT...?!

No! Ranma would NEVER become a woman full-time willingly! The only
way THAT could've happened was if something made Ranma take that choice.
"You do that to Ranma!!" Shampoo spins on Akane, her bonbori at the ready.
"Stupid violent tomboy hit Ranma on head, then make Ranma think he woman!!
You die!!!"

Akane bolts back as Shampoo's weapons fly at her skull...


Shampoo screams as her fighting chi is sucked into Hinako, dropping
to the floor as the teacher regains her proper adult dimensions. "Someone
take this idiot back to her restaurant and tell her great-grandmother that if
she ever comes to disturb the school again, it'll be the last thing she ever
does!" Hinako snarls, then looks at Akane. "Tendou-kun, have your sister
come see me as soon as she can. I think it's time we expel this twit and her
clansmen back to China where they belong!"

"Hai, Sensei!" Akane nods...

* * *


"Had any problems?"

Ranma shakes her head as she places her backpack, now stuffed with
all her possessions, by the door. "No. Oyaji and Tendou-san were at the
district hall; I think the people're complaining about Jiji again. Kasumi was
off shopping, so I had the place to myself," she saunters to the counter, then
sits down. "So..."

Silence falls as they gaze on each other. "You must think I rigged
this to make you come to me," Ukyou muses.

"The thought has crossed my mind," Ranma crosses her arms.

"Remember the conditions," Ukyou holds up a finger. "One: you're an
orphan, either physically or emotionally. That's what I am; I fit that
profile better than anyone here except Ryouga. My father wouldn't accept me
back unless I've avenged our shame on your family. I don't want revenge
anymore, Ran-chan, not when it concerns you; you've got enough problems as
is. Two: enduring hardship growing up. I qualify for that, both emotionally
and physically. Not as much as you, I suspect, but enough. Three: be a
woman. I was born that way, Ran-chan, so that beats out Ryouga."

"So...where did my Jewel come from? You said we got drafted to the
same place," Ranma muses.

"Hai, that's right," Ukyou nods. "There were five Power Jewels
scattered through Kaemal's home solar system. Don't ask me why the Seekers
did it that way; they just did. I got one. You got one. And I suspect
we'll be meeting the three others sometime soon; my Jewel told me that they
were selected some years ago and have been fighting on Kaemal ever since."

"So how did you get here?" Ranma stares at the alien jewel on her

<<The first Jewel Warrior dispatched I and Ukyou's Jewel to this
system sometime ago when this world's Praetorian Guardian indicated that there
were two probable candidates to bond with us,>> the Jewel replies. <<In fact,
Ranma, you were the first chosen; you gained the interest of the Praetorian
Guardian as long ago as your training in the Cat Fist technique. It was
choosing your fellow warrior which was the harder task.>>

Ranma blinks, her cheeks flushing. The Praetorian Guardian, trained
by another alien immortal race of superbeings, was the "mystery-man" Lord
Ryasan, who for the last 5000 years had been fighting an endless war against
those extra-dimensional beings ancient peoples worshipped as gods and
goddesses. Ryasan, who currently resides in a castle outside the Russian city
of the same name, was a friend and ally of Major Raeburn. "Brother, I knew I
was good, but to have *him* take notice...?!" she shudders.

"You earned it, Ran-chan!" Ukyou smiles.

"So what made you choose U-chan?" Ranma then stares at the ruby jewel
on the chef's bosom.

<<To be fair, I did an analysis of all four of your would-be life-
mates,>> it calmly replies. <<For the first condition, the ones who
automatically qualified were Ukyou and Kodachi; Akane and Shampoo have quite
intact families to fall back on. For the second condition, Ukyou and Shampoo
qualified; Akane is not well-skilled in combat and Kodachi is too pampered to
have EVER endured true hardship. Everyone of course made the third
qualification. I then added a fourth given the circumstances: their
attitudes towards you. The results I drew are this: Shampoo's cultural bias
would force her to consider you more a possession than a person; Kodachi is
too mentally unstable to be a proper fighting partner, plus you have to
remember her hatred of your female persona; Akane has no control whatsoever
over her temper and seems unwilling to alter her adversarial approach to you;
and...Ukyou, while she now understands and accepts that you've always see her
more as a friend than a life-mate, certainly seems to be the ONLY person who
cares for your feelings. In the situation you will soon confront, trust and
friendship are the paramount considerations. You'll need them.>>

Silence falls as Ranma considers that. "It seems that given the won, U-chan," she stares at the chef.

"Part of me...wouldn't want it this way, believe it or not," Ukyou
sighs. "Ran-chan, when I...realized that deep down, given a choice between
Akane and I, you'd choose hurt me a lot. I tried not to be overt
in persuading you to choose me, certainly not like Shampoo or Kodachi came
after you. I didn't feel it was fair to you. But...I blinded myself to your
real feelings. You're a hard person to understand, Ran-chan..."

"And I used you at times," Ranma frowns.

"Yeah, you did, but like I said yesterday, none of us are innocent in
that regard," Ukyou shrugs. "But when my Jewel came by and told me that YOU
were the first chosen...and that of all of Ranma Saotome's would-be
life-mates, *I* was the one who fit the qualifications to stand by her...that
was the happiest day of my life. And I'm not throwing it away, Ran-chan!"
she grins.

"Y'know, some would say that I don't really understand what you've
endured day after day," she adds. "That's the truth. I don't understand
what you've had to put up to...and if I want to say I want to be the one
special person in your life, I BETTER understand it pretty damned quick.
There was Akane's advantage over me, admittedly. She lived with you
full-time, so she was right in the middle of it when things happened. I only
got into it when I had the fortune to on the scene; other times, I learned it
second hand from you when it was over. I'm not going to let it happen
anymore, Ran-chan. If I say that I love you, then by all the Fates in the
universe, I'm gonna made pretty DAMN sure I'm at your side when you get into
the middle of something!"

Ranma blinks, then sighs. "It'll take some time for me to get used
to that, U-chan," she admits. "Part of me wishes Akane had been chosen. The
reason I...cared for her is that she was always willing to stand up to me,
show me what I did wrong. Yeah, she made mistakes, but she's human. So am
I. You always agreed with me whenever I said anything, U-chan. That's great
for friendship, but I don't think a relationship can work on that regard."

"Maybe...we should stow the talk about relationships for the time
being, Ran-chan," Ukyou muses. "Remember, I got the whole revelation about
Kaemal too. I know what we're getting into. I don't think we can afford to
open our hearts then, can we?"

"No, not really," Ranma shakes her head. "This actually might be a
bit of a cop-out on my part. Incredible! I tried so much to NOT be like
Oyaji and here I am running away from it all..."

"No!!!" Ukyou snaps. "Damn it all, Ran-chan, don't say that!! You
aren't running away from anything!!! You're just trying to take back what's
rightfully yours in the first place: your life!!! And if those assholes out
there can't hack it, tough!!!"

"They won't agree with your logic, U-chan."

"Too bad," Ukyou smiles. "They can't change it now."

* * *

Furinkan High School...

"HE LEFT?!?!?!"

Nabiki gapes slack-jawed at Akane as they meet in the school
cafeteria at lunchtime, the surprise the middle Tendou feels at the decision
Ranma had made without her even SUSPECTING something like it coming total.
"Yes, he left," Akane sighs. "He called off the engagement, then announced at
homeroom that he'll be renouncing his family. And that doesn't count the fact
that he's now frozen himself as a girl."

"How'd he do that?!! WHY'D he do that?!!" Nabiki screams. "Akane,
you know as well as I do what his mother'd do...!!"

"Ranma won't recognize Auntie Saotome as his mother anymore,
remember?" Akane stares at her, her body shaking. "He rejects his father, he
rejects her, too."

Silence falls as Nabiki shudders. Everything was flying out of
control, out of HER control most of all. Ranma had been the best money-making
venture she EVER had! Even discounting all the costs from the damages Ranma's
presence in the Tendou home had unleashed, Nabiki had made a handsome profit
over the last year. And now it had been totally stripped away! Staggering,
she sinks back into her chair. "So where is he...she?!"

"I don't know," Akane sighs, her eyes sullen. "And to be honest with
you, I don't care anymore!! If that baka decided to do all that, that's
his...HER choice! Let her go!!"

Nabiki sighs. "Akane, you don't really mean that, do you?"

Akane shudders. "What if I do?!"

"Bullshit!" Nabiki snarls. "You love Ranma with all your heart and
soul, Akane! Yeah, you fought with each other, but he was there for you when
you needed his help and damn it all, you were there when he needed your
help!! It was only your pride and what our fathers'd do if they ever found
out how you really felt that kept you and he silent! Right now, you better
do something really quick to get him back before news of this gets to Dad and
Mr. Saotome, much less everyone else!!"

"And what would that solve?" Akane rises. "You know, Ranma said
something to me this morning. She said to me that she didn't want to cause
me more misery anymore. She ADMITTED to me that she cares for me...and if
that was love, then yes, she loves me! She also said she wanted to give me
my freedom of choice back!! By ending the engagement and cutting herself
away from her family, she does that! Beside, you want to know what Ranma
said about you?"

Nabiki jolts, shuddering, as Akane glares at her. "She said that
she'd rather KILL HERSELF than marry you! Doesn't that tell you something,
Onee-chan?! About how much YOU hurt Ranma with your USING hi-...her all the
time, extorting her, betraying her trust and making her life hell because it
was more convenient for you to make money than help Ranma try to have a
peaceful life?! I know why you want Ranma back; without hi-...her, you can't
make money anymore off Kunou and everyone else!! Well, get used to this,
Nabiki: not EVERYONE wants to be your personal money-puppets!!!"

Nabiki pales as Akane spins around and storms out of the cafeteria,
the door slamming shut behind her! Silence falls over the room as the middle
Tendou daughter gazes at the table, then sinks down, her eyes tearing. "Damn
you, Ranma, why...?!" she hisses, burying her face into her hands...

* * *

The Nekohanten...

"If what you said is true, Shampoo, we have a big problem."

Shampoo nods, now recovered from Hinako's power and sipping tea by
the bar. Cologne relaxes beside her. Mousse was trapped in a cage in duck
form, put there to keep him from taking advantage of that or glomping Shampoo.
"What we do now, Great-grandma?" Shampoo sighs. "Shampoo no want to..."

"I know, child," the elder warrior sighs. "Indeed, if Son-in-law has
made this choice willingly, then there is one other way to bring him into the
tribe: make Ranma your blood-sister."

"But Ranma might not want to come to village, Great-grandma."

"Yes, that's true. We now have to face up to our mistakes in our
pursuit of him, Shampoo," Cologne nods. "I doubt he'll ever fully trust me OR
you for that matter; our past actions in bringing him into the tribe would
certainly make ANYONE shiver. We also know he cares much more for the Tendou
girl than he...SHE lets on. And if Akane Tendou rejects Ranma as is, Ukyou
Kuonji would welcome her with open arms; she seems to be the ONLY one who
accepted Ranma's curse without any qualms, which speaks highly of her."

"Ranma always say Spatula Girl was his best friend," Shampoo sighs.
"Shampoo always...admire Spatula Girl for that; Ranma trust her. Still,
Shampoo may not want Ranma as blood-sister."

"Why not?"

"Great-grandma, Ranma then have right to choose successor as
husband," Shampoo warns, then glances towards Mousse.

"Unfortunately true," Cologne wryly grins. "In fact, it would be
epic revenge on Ranma's part if she did just that."

"Do I seem that cruel to you?"

Both spin around to see Ranma at the doorway. Mousse honks.
"Ranma!!" Shampoo leaps up, then races at her. "Why?!! Why Ranma freeze
herself as girl?!! Why?!!"

Ranma stops her with a hand. "Put simply, I had no choice in the
matter, Shampoo," she sighs. "Now, if you don't mind keeping your hands to
yourself, I'd like to speak to Cologne, please."

Shampoo blinks, surprised at Ranma's calm words, then nods. Cologne
is as surprised, then her eyes focus on the glittering jewel on Ranma's bosom.
"Child, is that...?!"

"I assume you once met Major Raeburn," Ranma grins.

Shampoo gapes as the implications sink in, then stammers. "It not
possible! Only woman become Jewel Warrior..."

"Shampoo, what is Ranma right now?" Cologne hums.

Shampoo blinks, then slaps her forehead. "Oh, Shampoo stupid! Ranma
change into girl!! Why Shampoo no think...?"

"Believe me, it shocked me when it chose me, too," Ranma fingers the
glittering jewel, then sighs. "<<Elder Kun-lon. I'd like to speak to you
about the problem that now binds me to your great-granddaughter Xian-pu.>>"

Cologne blinks. "<<How did you learn Mandarin?>>"

"<<I'm trying out the translation function my Jewel has,>>" Ranma
winks. "<<Besides, given Shampoo's poor Japanese, I want her to properly
understand my reasons for doing this. It's only fair to her because I feel
she will loose much because of my actions.>>"


"<<May I also ask if Mousse can be reverted to normal? I'd like his
input into this as well.>>"


After Mousse is reverted to normal and dresses, everyone sits around
a table. "<<First of all, I'd say congratulations are in order, Ranma,>>"
Mousse smiles. "<<To earn the right to wear a Power Jewel speaks highly of
your skill as a warrior. Yet...if I recall the exact qualifications of
becoming a Jewel Warrior, I'm quite mystified as to how you could've
succeeded. I'm sure Shampoo and Cologne would ask the same thing.>>"

"<<You're right to ask, Mousse,>>" Ranma nods. "<<The third
qualification was easily taken care of. If you don't see Ryouga transform
into P-chan again, don't be surprised. I was the cause of his being cursed,
so I wanted to settle that. Despite his always crawling into Akane's bed and
being her pet, I always saw him as a friend, probably my best friend outside
U-chan. The second qualification...well, after what I've been through, I fit
that. As for the first, in all essence...I am an orphan now. Given the
situation with my family, not to mention all my fiancees, there was no
direction I could choose which wouldn't hurt someone at the end. Shampoo's
bond to me was potentially the most tragic given the harshness of your laws.
What was I to do?


"<<So what will happen?>>" Cologne wonders.

"<<I will...renounce my family,>>" Ranma sighs. "<<In the end, I
have no choice. I have EIGHT fiancees arranged by my father with the Tendou
family and over our training trip! Can you believe that?! And all of them
have equal claim on me! Who do I choose?! If I choose one, the others lose
face and that's not fair to them! Atop that, there's my mother to consider.
If I'm not a 'man above men,' she'd want my life for it! Yes, I want to know
my mother, but I sure don't want to live under a death-threat from her!!>>"

She then shrugs. "<<You know...with the way things were going
between us all...I was so scared that someone would get really hurt if things
flew out to control! I don't want that; I got enough on my conscience
already! I'm sure deep down you wouldn't want it either, Cologne! Yes, your
customs are harsh by my standards, but I know deep down how much you care for
Shampoo, how much you've sacrificed to see her happy. So...when my Jewel came
to me and we conversed, I realized that the time had come to settle this mess
once and for all, hopefully with everyone getting something out of it.
I...don't care about myself anymore. My being what I am, where I've been over
the last few years, has hurt enough people. What happens to me...doesn't
matter anymore.>>"

"<<It has to matter, Ranma,>>" Shampoo sighs.

"<<Maybe,>>" Ranma stares at her. "<<Yes, I can never fully trust
you or your great-grandmother, not for a long time to come. I...don't love
you, Shampoo, not like I care for Akane or Ukyou. You are a friend and
fighting companion, a good one. Cologne, you are the finest teacher I've
EVER had; you're in a class way beyond my father or Happousai. While I
may've groused and complained, I certainly haven't regretted learning what
you've taught. Mousse, you're just as good in your Art. You ALL are really
a tribute to your village and if your fellow villagers choose not to
recognize that, to hell with them is all I'd say!>>"

The three Nyu-che-zuu warriors blush. "<< my actions or
inaction, I've hurt you all, too. I wouldn't consider myself worthy of you,
Shampoo; there's too much pain and mistrust between us to overcome,>>" Ranma
stares at Shampoo. "<<In fact, I don't even consider myself worthy of being
your blood-sister...but if that is the way you can go home with your honour
intact, back to your family and friends, where I'm sure you really want to be
now, then I'll do it. It's what YOU deserve, Shampoo...and I want to help you
get it.>>"

"<<Thank you, Ranma,>>" Shampoo smiles.

"<<That's always been your most admirable quality, Ranma...and
potentially your greatest weakness,>>" Cologne muses. "<<You've always been
ready to suffer before others suffer. It speaks well of you. Indeed, NO ONE
deserves to live the life you had; in ways, you are worse off than Ryouga.
You could've walked away from it many ways, you've long had the
RIGHT to walk away from it all...and with your determination matched to a
Power Jewel, none of us could've stopped you. But, you are here and it'd be
an insult to you if we don't try to reconcile this mess together.>>"

"<<Thank you, Cologne,>>" Ranma nods, then stares at Mousse. "<<So,
if I do become Shampoo's blood-kin, I would...consider you the best person to
take my place. You've stood by her side through a hell of a lot, Mousse. In
fact, the amount of abuse you've taken from Shampoo is worlds worse than what
Akane's heaped on me. But I'd like one question answered if you don't mind.
Given your skill in weapons, even with your bad vision, you could really mop
the floor with Shampoo in a formal challenge. Why haven't you?>>"

Mousse tenses, as if Ranma had sprayed acid on him, then sighs.
"<<You wouldn't know about how I feel, Ranma. Not even Shampoo or Cologne
know of this. But...there are many men in the village who...despise the law
of combat-for-marriage. I am one.>>"

Shampoo and Cologne gape. "<<Mousse, no...!!>>" the former pales,

"<<Why?!>>" the latter demands.

"<<Why not, Elder?!>>" Mousse wonders. "<<I love you great-
granddaughter very much, TOO much in fact! If that is a weakness in the eyes
of others, so be it! I accept it! What I DON'T accept is the fact that many
marriages in our village are forged out of what is tantamount to physical
abuse! Wasn't Joketsuzoku first formed to get AWAY from that Confucian
nonsense about servitude to ANYONE regardless of gender, orientation or
wealth, Cologne?! Have we forgotten that we're supposed to be a community
which respects the accomplishments of ALL, women and men alike?!>>"

He shudders, then sighs, his eyes sullen. "<<I...the very IDEA of
raising my fist against Shampoo, ESPECIALLY to earn her hand for marriage...?!
>>" he stammers. "<<Do you have any idea how SICK that idea makes me, Elder?!

A marriage won by challenge does NOT guarantee a happy home, not in my eyes!
I want Shampoo to be happy, to be strong and to be respected by her peers. I
want her to have a happy family, too! I would do anything to give her that,
but NOT when it's based on combat!! Even if...Shampoo does accept me after
saying this, I'm sorry, but I can't...hurt her, even if it's to win her hand.
I know how some'll mock her if we perform mock combat, how they'll say 'she
threw it' and insult her behind her back! Fine! If I must suffer in
silence, so be it!!>>"

Shampoo and Cologne stare at Mousse, stunned that this man, whom they
thought they knew so well, was actually so different. "<<Maybe it's time for
that law to be changed,>>" Ranma muses.

"<<You're right, Ranma, it's actually long past time it was
changed,>>" Cologne nods. "<<I do know of people like you, Mousse. Indeed,
you have long earned my respect even if I had to be harsh at you at times; I
wanted Shampoo to realize that on her own. But until the laws are actually
changed, there is only one way around combat-for-marriage...and that's where
Ranma now comes in.>>"

"<<If Shampoo agrees,>>" Ranma sighs. "<<The biggest problem we've
all had is the lack of acknowledgement we've shown for each other's freedom of
choice. I want Shampoo to have that.>>"

"<<Thank you, Ranma,>>" Shampoo smiles. "<<Mousse?>>"

"<<Yes?>>" he stares at her.

"<<Now...strange as this sounds, I find myself unworthy of your love,
after all I've done to you,>>" Shampoo shudders, her eyes tearing. "<<That it
was because of that choice you made, your being...One Who Suffers In
Silence...adds to my personal shame. I...if you want me, I would be happy to
accept. With Ranma's word, it can be done and you'd never have to break your
oath towards me. But...I need some get used to this most of all.
I've seen you in a particular light for so long, it'll take me
appreciate what you really are.>>"

"<<Cologne, do they have to marry right away?>>" Ranma asks.

"<<Not right away,>>" Cologne muses. "<<By your freezing yourself in
your cursed form, you are worthy of being Shampoo's blood-sister. By
becoming that, you have the right to stipulate BOTH who takes your place and
how that'll happen...and no one, not even I or my fellow elders, can question

"<<Good,>>" Ranma nods. "<<Then let's make some arrangements. I've
no idea when the other Jewel Warriors watching over Kaemal will come by, so
I'd like this settled right away.>>"

Everyone blinks, surprised by her words. "<<'re going to
another planet?>>" Mousse gapes.

"Hai," Ranma sighs. "<<There were five Jewels scattered in Kaemal's
home system. Three are taken, I was chosen as number four and there's a fifth
also here...>>"

"<<Ukyou?>>" Cologne muses.

"<<Why her?!>>" Shampoo wonders, trembling, then blushes. "<<I'm
sorry. I shouldn't think things like that now...>>"

"<<It's okay, Shampoo,>>" Ranma smiles. "<<Given the energy you've
expended over the last year to win me over, you'd still feel some jealousy
over U-chan and Akane. You're just as human as the rest of us. But...please
remember the qualifications to become a Jewel Warrior. You still have a
family to fall back onto...and now you can go back to them, thank the gods.
Thanks very much to my father and I, what happened years ago, Ukyou can't
claim that.>>"

"<<I thought her father was still alive,>>" Mousse muses.

"<<Yes, he is, but he demanded that she'd do everything to avenge her
family's humiliation on my family,>>" Ranma sighs.

"<<The time for revenge is done.>>"

Eyes turn to see Ukyou standing at the doorway, a plate of piping hot
okonomiyaki in hand. "<<I see you caught onto this trick, eh?>>" Ranma

"<<Got that right, Ran-chan!>>" Ukyou smiles, walking up. "<<Here
you go, everyone! A little peace offering for you!>>"

"<<Thank you, Ukyou...and congratulations,>>" Cologne smiles as
everyone digs in.

"<<Actually, Cologne, you better say 'good luck, you'll need it,'>>"
Ukyou sighs. "<<The critters we're going to be fighting on Kaemal aren't
gonna be pushovers.>>"

"<<Bad?>>" Shampoo wonders.

"<<They're worse than everything we've encountered to date
combined,>>" Ranma grimaces.

"<<That's bad,>>" Mousse shudders.

"<<Which means you better get some touch-up training before you two
go,>>" Cologne sighs. "<<Do either of you have any idea when your fellow
Jewel Warriors will arrive?>>"

"<<Not really,>>" Ukyou shakes her head. "<<I think they were going
to go all out on some groups...these things come from pocket dimensions around
Kaemal, by the way, sorta like the creeps the Sailor Senshi in Juuban when they're wiped out, the others'd take pause and try to figure
out what to do next. How much of a pocket of time that'd give Yumi, Ryou and
Chisato, I've got no idea what amount of time...what is it?>>"

The three from China are pale. "Ukyou, say those names again,
please!" Cologne gasps. "Their full names!"

"Yumi Tachibana, Ryou Midorikawa and Chisato Kadokura."

Ranma jolts. "Yumi...Tachibana?!!"

"Ranma know her?!" Shampoo blinks.

"Yeah, she's the latest 'fiancee' thanks to Oyaji!" Ranma snarls,
then blinks. "Oh, gods...!"

"I was never your fiancee, Ranma-chan."

Eyes spin to the door as they behold three women, now dressed in
coloured sweatshirts with "NOeL" over white slacks. The tallest of them is a
slender beauty with long brown hair and brown eyes, an aristocratic air about
her. The shortest, about Ukyou's height, is a cute girl with a mischievous
air, her brown hair cut shaggy short at the shoulders, hazel eyes twinkling.
Yumi stands between them, her calm demeanour capable of making anyone feel at
peace. Barely visible under their collars were the intricate necklaces
denoting the source of their special gifts. "I trust we're not interrupting
something important?" Yumi smiles.

"Yumi, Ryou, Chisato!" Shampoo leaps up. "Why you come here?"

"Whattayamean you're NOT my fiancee?!" Ranma bolts up.

The shorter of the three smirks. "Well, Ranma-chan, love, you might
say that the 'agreement' Yumi-chan suckered your father into signing two years
ago actually saved your life!"

Ranma blinks. "Eh?"

Yumi chuckles as she walks up to Ranma, then gently embraces her.
"Well, Ranma-chan...say hello to your older sister."

"Older sister?!" everyone wonders.

"'Older sister?!!'" Ranma blinks, then shudders. "Excuse me, I wanna
sit down for a sec' here!! I don't get this!"

"You soon will, Ranma-chan," Yumi smiles...

* * *

The Tendou home...


Akane tenses as a wide-eyed Souun stares at her, the Tendou family
and their only houseguest relaxing around the living room table. "You heard
me," she looks down, then hotly glares at Genma. "You can just kiss good-bye
to your child and all your dreams, 'Uncle' Saotome. He's frozen himself as a
woman and has told everyone in class that he...SHE...won't acknowledge any
relation to you anymore. I wonder what your wife'll say when she finds out!"

"Maybe 'assume the position!'" Nabiki darkly muses.

Genma winces as he interprets what "the position" could be, then
jerks as a sobbing Souun grabs him. "***GENMA, WHAT IS WRONG WITH THAT SON OF

Genma is blown out the door by the sonic boom, crashing into the koi
poind and transforming, passing out at the same time. "So now what do we
do?!" Nabiki crosses her arms.

"Akane!!!" Souun spins on his youngest. "You MUST find Ranma and
bring him back here!!! You can't let your fiance leave you alone and
defenceless like that?!! What's to stop him from running off with Ukyou or

"But Father, if Ranma-kun disowns his family, then all the
engagements made by his father are nullified," Kasumi muses. "It still
wouldn't solve the matter with Shampoo, though..."

"And freeze himself as a woman," Akane crosses her arms. "And
h-...she said she was going to take care of Shampoo this morning, so something
tells me she won't be with that Chinese bimbo!!"

"So, no more fiancees, period!" Nabiki sneers. "Marvellous!"

"Too bad for you," Akane glares at her. "You can't play them like
you used to! Remember last Christmas?"

Nabiki jerks at her barb, then sighs. "Well, I might as well call
everyone else. I'm sure they'll like to know..."

"Pity I cut the phone lines," Kasumi hums.

Nabiki's face rams into the table. "Onee-chan!!!" she screams. "How
could you do that?!!"

"Nabiki-chan, please think," Kasumi sighs. "Ranma-kun left this
house this morning most likely despising the very IDEA of living any further
with us. While we did provide the first home he had for over a decade, the
fact that many of us simply didn't take the time to understand his many
problems, in fact HURT him even more, certainly must have contributed to his
decision to leave."

Silence falls. "Well, what was I supposed to do to keep us in the
black?!" Nabiki growls. "Do you think we could've lived with these two
freeloaders making our lives hell for more than a month without doing
something?!! What about all the damage between Ranma and Akane when they
fight, or when Shampoo or Ryouga came blasting by, or what have you?!! Honour
doesn't put food on the table, keep the house in good repair or the other
things we need to worry about day in and out, Onee-chan!!!"

"Nabiki, how could you say that?!!" Souun wails. "These are our

"'HOUSEGUESTS?!?!?!'" Nabiki roars. "Some houseguests these two
twits turned out to be!!! This lazy oaf couldn't give a shit about what OUR
needs and wants were!!!" she points accusingly at the still-unconscious
Genma- panda. "And Ranma didn't seem to care too much about what we needed,
either...and you wanted HIM to inherit the dojo and the house when he married
Akane?!! He didn't lift a damn finger to help keep the house going, just ate
and fought and dragged in all his stupid pals with all their stupid problems
and it didn't ONCE enter his little brain that maybe he had SOME
responsibility to keep this place intact!!!"

Nabiki then points to herself, angry tears in her eyes. "I had to
work my butt off to keep us in the black, keep food on the table and keep the
house and dojo in good repair!!! I had to be the one to do that because you
won't teach people at the dojo anymore; Onee-chan already slaves herself to
keep us well-fed and in good health, destroying her life along the way;
Akane- chan's too young; and THIS 'friend' of yours not caring a damn bit!!!"
she points again at Genma, then glares at Akane. "And now you say it's MY
fault that Ranma stormed out of here because I made money from his curse, all
his rivals and fiancees?!! Where do you think that money went to, Akane?!!
Think of the food you eat, all the bricks you smash in practice, all the
repairs that get done whenever you socked Ranma into orbit with that damn
mallet of yours!!! I paid for all that, so show some appreciation for what
your 'mercenary' of a sister's done for you and your grateful 'fiance!!!'"

Growling, she storms up to her room, the door slamming shut behind
her! "Oh, my," Kasumi covers her mouth.

Akane sighs, then looks down. "What a mess!"

"Then do something about it!!" Souun urges.


Silence. Souun pales as Akane rises. "If Ranma doesn't want
anything to do with us or his family anymore, then let him go, Dad," she
sighs. "He...SHE did this to give my freedom of choice back! And YOU will
not take it away from me again!!"

With that, she heads to her room, the door slamming closed behind
her. Souun shudders, then stares helplessly at Kasumi. "What can we do...?"
he hoarsely demands.

"I think it's far too late, Father," Kasumi sighs, then rises. "In
the meantime, I'll get dinner ready."

She heads into the kitchen. Souun shudders, then gazes at his passed-
out friend still in the pond. "Everything's gone...all gone!" he mutters,
looking at the floor...

* * *

The Nekohanten...

"YOU DID THAT?!?!?!"

Yumi nods, grinning, relaxing in a chair as everyone enjoys a
smorgasbord of Chinese and okonomiyaki dishes, Ukyou and Shampoo working the
grill and Mousse handling the waitering. "Yes, I did," she gazes warmly at
Ranma. "As soon as your father placed you in a 'life-threatening situation,'
he automatically gave up all legal responsibility concerning you, nullified
all engagements between you and anyone else, surrendered custody of you to my
family. I believe the instant you being a 'man above men' came into question
when you fell into Nyannichuan placed you in a 'life threatening situation'
with concerns to your own mother."

Silence. Ranma blinks, then gazes wide-eyed at the sheet of paper
bearing her father's signature, his agreeing to everything that Yumi stated.
Once Yumi, who was acknowledged as having SOLE right to judge Genma's actions
concerning Ranma's upbringing, declared that Ranma was in a life-threatening
situation, then Ranma would cease to be Ranma Saotome and become Ranma
Tachibana. "Why?" she stares at Yumi. "Why did you do this for me?"

"Quite simple," Yumi smiles. "I'm sure yours and Ukyou-chan's Jewels
have told you about how soon Vladimir Russalovich took notice of your
potential. He...confessed to me one day how tragic your life could've turned
if your father's blind determination continued unchecked. The Neko-ken and
Jusenkyou wouldn't've been the end of it if Genma had his way, Ranma-chan.
Who knows what other horrors he could've stumbled onto in his determination
to push you to the limits! And what would've happened...if his desire to
make you the best martial artist of all...saw you killed?"

Cologne gazes at the elder Jewel Warrior, recognizing the usual given
names for Earth's Praetorian Guardian (his full name in modern Russian is
Vladimir Russalovich Taychesko). "You mean to say...that Ranma...was noticed
by Lord Ryasan himself?!!"

"Hai, Cologne," Yumi nods. "Incredible, huh?"

"Indeed it is," Cologne whistles, then stares at Ranma. "You indeed
had quite the guardian angel, Ranma. I doubt fools like Herb or Kirin
would've challenged you if they knew Lord Ryasan was keeping an eye on you."

"Several of them," Ranma muses, then looks at Yumi. "So what made
you word this like you did?"

"Ranma, your father wanted to find Jusenkyou like nothing else in the
world," Yumi shakes her head. "He had no idea whatsoever what he was getting
you into, nor do I think he would've really cared for what might've happened.
What might've happened if you fell into a spring other than Nannichuan?
There's Hunichuan, the fox-drown spring. What would've happened if you then
went into Joketsuzoku and someone thought you were a fox-spirit? Or the
spring your friend Ryouga fell into. 'Instant Sunday dinner;' isn't that the
way he liked to describe being a piglet? Or the grotesque thing Happousai's
pathetic creation Pantyhose Tarou transforms into; how'd you like that one?"

Ranma shudders. "I see your point."

"So I had to do something," Yumi closes her eyes. "I knew that if
you two fought on those poles, you would've fallen in. So I had to make sure
Genma'd knock you into the right spring. If you BOTH fell into Nannichuan,
never suffered the effects of a curse, who knew WHAT could've happened next,
especially since Joketsuzoku would've been your next stop. What might've
happened if you fought Shampoo as a man, Ranma? Where would that've left
you? So I had to give you an escape. Also, I admit I had my duty to Kaemal
on my mind. We needed a fourth Jewel Warrior and Vladimir was adamant that
you'd fit the bill if only you could be a woman. And since becoming a woman
would cause you lethal harm should your mother ever find out...and since I
could make Genma sign you away if Nodoka threatened to kill you...the only
spring which would've given you control of your destiny AND kept you safe..."

"Was Nyannichuan," Ranma blinks.


Everyone whistles. "Well thought out, Yumi," Cologne hums.

"So how did you get Oyaji to sign this?" Ranma wonders.

"I got him drunk, then convinced him to sign it, making him think it
was the usual engagement agreement he made with Ukyou-chan's father and all
your other fiancees," Yumi admits.

Everyone faints! "WHAT?!?!?!" Ranma gapes.

"Ye gods, I CAN'T believe that!!!" Ukyou whistles.

"Friends, we stand in the shadow of genius!" Mousse declares.

"Nabiki no match for Yumi!" Shampoo asserts.

"Indeed, Yumi, you are to be congratulated!!" Cologne laughs.
"Believe me, when the others in the Tribal Council hear THIS, they'll be
beside themselves!!"

"What do you mean?" Ranma blinks.

"Do you really think we've operated in a vacuum here in Japan,
Ranma?" Cologne muses. "Believe me, your father has MUCH to answer for! All
your fiancees like Ukyou here, their lives and honour ruined because of
Genma's greed and cowardice. Believe me, many in the Tribal Council see
bringing you to Joketsuzoku to be nothing short of common humanity, just to
get you away from him!!"

"If you'd've told me that sometime ago, Cologne, I might've come
willingly, Akane or no Akane!" Ranma muses.

Everyone laughs. "The one thing I don't understand, Cologne, is how
you know them," Ukyou cuts in, thumbing the three elder Jewel Warriors, then
looks at Chisato. "Did you visit Joketsuzoku when you met Ran-chan?"

"Right after that, believe it or not," Chisato sighs, then stares at
Shampoo. "<<I hope you recovered from what happened.>>"

"<<Of course I recovered from it, blood-sister,>>" Shampoo smiles,
gently grasping Chisato's hand. "<<I wasn't going to die on you without
making sure you had a family awaiting you when you come back from being a
Jewel Warrior!>>"

"EH?!?!?!" Ranma and Ukyou exclaim.

Chisato sighs...

* * *

Two years ago, Joketsuzoku...

"So this is the Nyu-che-zuu village, huh?" Chisato muses as the three
Jewel Warriors gaze upon the tree-filled village. "Such a pretty place.
Can't believe the Chicoms leave it alone."

"What would one expect of short-sighted idiots like the ones in
Peking?" Yumi yawns, then stretches herself. "Well, let's rest here for a
bit. I don't think we'll be needed back on Kaemal anytime soon; Vladimir'll
warn us if something happens."

"Good!" Chisato nods. "I'm gonna get my paints and stuff. I wanna
do a landscape of this place."

"Take your time," Ryou muses as she relaxes beside Yumi.

Chisato reaches into warpspace (an inter-dimensional pocket created
by the Power Jewel to store personal effects, including civilian clothes when
the Jewel Warrior transforms into her fighting uniform, not to mention the
Cat's Claw sword which came with every Power Jewel) and pulls out a large
canvas, an easel of paints and her brushes. Setting herself up, she then
starts a watercolour. Ryou gets a small basket of persimmon fruit from her
warpspace pocket (the fruit was purchased in Shanghai sometime before), then
hands one to Yumi. "Do you think this thing with Ranma'll work out?" she

"It should," Yumi muses. "Thing with testosterone-charged idiots
like Genma Saotome is this: press the right buttons and they'll do
everything you want them to do. I just had to hypnotize him into knocking
Ranma into that girl-drown spring in Jusenkyou, then Fate'll do the rest."

"You hope."

"Don't forget, we've got a friend in a high place watching over
him...SOON to be her," Yumi winks. "Besides, we should worry about who'll be
the fifth for our little troupe."

"Good point," Ryou hums as she bites into her own fruit.

As Chisato continues to paint, voices are heard from behind them.
Coming out of the trees is Shampoo, followed by a pining Mousse. "<<Shampoo,
why won't you come out with me?!>>" he moans.

"<<Stupid Mousse, go away!>>" Shampoo snarls. "<<I don't like you,!>>"

She stops on seeing the strangers on the cliff overlooking the
village. Yumi and Ryou gaze quizzically at them while Chisato continues to
paint. "<<Who are you?!>>" Shampoo demands.

"<<Oh, are we intruding on your village?>>" Yumi wonders. "<<We'll
move if you want us to.>>"

Surprised that one spoke perfect Mandarin, Shampoo relaxes.
"<<Um...well, no, you're not in the village itself. The Elders won't mind if
you stay up here. Who are you?>>"

Ryou holds up her turquoise Jewel. Shampoo gapes on seeing the
beautiful alien device, remembering the tribe's many tales about Major Raeburn
and her visit to Joketsuzoku in 1943. "<<Do you know Major Dean Raeburn?!>>"
Mousse wonders.

"<<No, we've never had that honour,>>" Yumi smiles, offering them
some fruit. "<<We became Jewel Warriors twenty years ago; in fact, we protect
a planet in another solar system some fifty light-years from Earth. We just
came back home to arrange for a fourth person to join our group.>>"

"<<Oh!>>" Shampoo beams. "<<Mousse, why don't you go down and tell
Great-grandma! The Elders should know about them being here; the whole
village would want to know!>>"

"<<Okay!>>" Mousse nods, running off...and because his glasses were
on his forehead, he slams right into a tree.

"<<Oh, stupid Mousse...>>" Shampoo shakes her head.

The three visiting Jewel Warriors stifle their laughter...then blink
as another tree smashes down, revealing a hulking male who seemingly could
crush the diminutive Shampoo like a twig. "<<I found you, Xian-pu!>>" he
declares. "<<Now, we'll make sure that blind fool Mu-tsu will NEVER take you
away from me!>>"

"<<You're even more stupid, Mao-wazi!!>>" Shampoo tenses, bonbori
out. "<<I'd have NOTHING to do with a oaf like you!>>"

"<<Oh?!>>" he grins, then lunges. "BAO-SUI-DIAN-XUE!!!!"

Shampoo screams as Mouthwash's fingertip strikes the rock at her
feet, causing it to detonate, sending her flying into the sky as the cliff
collapses. Yumi, Ryou and Chisato leap clear, their Power Jewels glowing as
they transform into their combat uniforms, gi-like robes coloured the same as
their Jewels, sheathed swords strapped to their waist. "<<HEY, YOU STUPID
KLUTZ, I WAS TRYING TO PAINT!!!!!!>>" Chisato bellows at Mouthwash.

"The girl!!!" Ryou screams.

Chisato looks down, then sees Shampoo land in a pile of rapidly
collapsing soil and rock. "OH, SHIT!!!!!!"

She soars down, landing in the path of one large boulder as her sword
leaps out, the neutronium-pergium blade shattering the rock before it could
squash Shampoo into paste, then she spins around to grab the dazed warrior-
maiden's hand before she could be forever buried in mud. Shampoo gasps as
Chisato leaps into the air, shielding the former with her body from flying
debris. "<<Relax, you're safe!>>" Chisato assures her.

Finally, the dust settles, revealing a swath of destruction cutting
through the rice fields almost to the village walls. Chisato then soars down,
placing Shampoo on the ground. "<<Here you go!>>" she smiles. "<<Another
quick rescue!>>"

"<<What's going on here?!>>" a voice demands.

"<<Great-grandmother!!>>" Shampoo beams as Cologne hobbles out the
nearest gate, followed by a small group of villagers.

By then, Yumi and Ryou have come down, both dragging a dazed
Mouthwash. Cologne gapes on seeing the Power Jewels on the women's clothing,
then bows respectfully. "<<Welcome to Joketsuzoku village, honoured ladies.
May I inquire what brings you here?>>"

"<<Personal business, Elder...that is, until this fool nearly buried
your great-granddaughter under a rockfall!>>" Yumi glares indignantly at

"<<What happened, Xian-pu?>>" Cologne asks.

"<<Mao-wazi use breaking point technique to try to stun me so he
could marry me!>>" Shampoo snarls, then gazes thankfully at Chisato. "<<Were
it not for her, I would've been buried alive.>>"

"<<All in a day's work!>>" Chisato smiles...

* * *


" stupid Mouthwash was banished from tribe and Chisato and
Shampoo become blood-sisters," Shampoo completes. "Ryou is Chisato's lover,
so she Shampoo's sister-in-law. Now that Ranma become Shampoo's blood-sister
and Yumi being Ranma's sister, all Jewel Warriors of Kaemal now become part
of Nyu- che-zuu."

"Hey, what about me?!!" Ukyou demands.

"Spatula Girl, too!!" Shampoo smiles.

She then gets smacked by Cologne's cane. "Where are your manners,
Shampoo?!" the aged matriarch demands.

"Sorry, Ukyou," Shampoo blushes.

Everyone laughs...

* * *

To be continued...

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