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[UY/Ranma/SisPri][FanFic] Lonely Souls - Part 4, "D" Side (3/4)

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1 sept 2007, 19:22:121/9/07
"So how are things with Lum and Ran?"

Negako smiled. "Progressing." She and Ataru were in the kitchen,
while Judge Nozawa and the registrar, Sakagami Tetsuo, were busy with
Ranma, Sakuya and Chikage -- the elder of Ataru's half-sisters acting
on behalf of the Moroboshi Clan -- in the living room. Toshiko and
Kumiko, along with Tendou Kimiko, came shortly after the judge and the
registrar arrived to join in on the discussions since the mirror-twins
would join Ranma as part of the Saotome family of Oomure-jima. "It
appears the Church of Lum dispatched five Avalonian agents to be ready
to take the place of Aisuru and his cohorts. They are with Lum and
Ran, as is a local girl who became lovers with one of them."

Ataru blinked in surprise. "Avalonians?! But I thought that no
Avalonian was to ever leave Niphentaxian sovereign territory!"

Negako peered toward Tomobiki. "It appears these five were created
by one of the 'pro-Darling' sects of the Church." A pause as she
scanned them further. "And they know no one in the 'normal' Church
hierarchy knows of their existence, so they have incentive to 'play it

"Really? We'll keep an eye on them, then."



Both glanced at Chikage. "His Honour and Sakagami-san would like to
see you. Ane-kun's mother and aunt just came, too."


They headed into the living room. Sakuya was greeting Nodoka, her
twin sister and another smartly dressed woman with briefcase. No
doubt, that was Nodoka's lawyer. "Mrs. Saotome, it's good to see you
again!" Ataru hailed as he joined his sister to greet Nodoka. He then
waved to Ranma. "As you can see, he came back to you safe and sound."

Nodoka smiled. "I never doubted it for a moment. And I'm grateful
that your family has been so willing to help my son in his time of

She then proceeded to introduce Hisayo and Maya. Once that was done,
everyone formed a circle in the middle of the living room. Ranma sat
across from Judge Nozawa, she flanked by Ataru and Sakuya. The
justice of the Court of Special Appeals took a breath. "Saotome-san,
it surprises me that you never reported any of this to the proper
authorities." He indicated the folder thick with affidavits and other
testimonials concerning Genma.

"I'm sorry, Your Honour. Until very recently -- about seven weeks
ago -- I neither knew the full extent of Genma's actions on my
'behalf' . . . " Ranma's voice dripped with scorn at that word. "Much
less believed that I could simply sidestep my 'obligations' and seek
legal redress against those who desire to press one sort of claim or
another on myself. It wasn't until I met Kamekichi Tampopo that I
learned that I ultimately HAD that right, Your Honour. If I realized
that much earlier, I would've . . . " She fell silent.

The judge nodded. "I see. Ranma, it will take some time for me to
review all of this. But from what I've seen so far, I'd gladly issue
an injunction today that would temporarily eradicate all obligations
you may have to all the parties mentioned here." He indicated the
folder. "By next Wednesday, I can have a full review of this matter
completed, and then render a full judgement in that case. Do you wish
that to happen?"

Ranma stared at him before she nodded. "Yes, I do."

"Very well, then. Mrs. Saotome, it has come to my attention that you
are now seeking a divorce from your husband. Is this correct?"

"It is, Your Honour," Maya spoke up on her client's behalf.

"You're her lawyer?"

"Yes, sir." She handed him a business card.

He examined it. "Thank you, Nishiki-san. Mrs. Saotome, understand
this now: The pledge your husband signed on his and Ranma's behalf
eleven years ago no longer has any legal standing. Further, any
attempt by you or your birth-family to force him into any agreement --
familiar, commercial or otherwise -- without Ranma's VOLUNTARY consent
AND witnessed in the presence of Kamekichi Tampopo; Grandmaster
Moroboshi Negako of the Moroboshi-Hana Saikoo Jinseijitsu Ninjutsu-
ryuu; the Matriarch-in-Waiting of the Moroboshi Clan, Sukeyama Sakuya;
the Second Matriarch-in-Waiting of the Moroboshi Clan, Hirosaki
Chikage; or the Patriarch-in-Waiting of the Moroboshi Clan, Moroboshi
Ataru . . . " He paused. "Will have no legal standing. Do you
understand this clearly, Mrs. Saotome?"

He stared at Nodoka. She bowed. "Yes, Your Honour, I do."

"Good. Please make VERY sure that your family understands that as
well, madam. Certain people have raised questions about your father's
ultimate motives towards bringing Ranma into the Asagaya Clan. The
Grandmaster here . . . " He indicated Negako. "Was one of them. If
it turns out that your father's desire towards Ranma is ultimately to
Ranma's physical or emotional detriment, it will be stopped. Is THAT

Nodoka gazed at him before nodding again. "I understand, Your

Hisayo placed a hand on Nodoka's shoulder. "Good," the judge said as
he nodded before he took a deep breath. "I am sorry it had to come to
this. Ranma's situation is very unusual. And because of that
uniqueness, the court which I serve as justice is perfectly suited to
deal with this matter."

Nodoka nodded. "I understand, sir. I'm grateful that my son will be
able to live his life under his control. I . . . " She looked at
Ranma. "For a long time, I allowed my husband's foolish ideas of a
'man above men' to direct my every action concerning you, Ranma. I
can't BEGIN to beg your forgiveness for the pain you've endured
because of that." She then gazed on Sakuya and Ataru. "And again,
Sukeyama-hime, Moroboshi-dono, I cannot thank your family enough for
stepping in to help when my son needed you."

Sakuya nodded. "It was our pleasure, ma'am."

"Your Honour, may I get copies of that file?" Maya asked.

"Here." Ranma drew out a file like the one the judge had. "We
anticipated you wanting something like this to help Mom divorce that

She handed it to the lawyer. "Thanks."

"Will Ranma have to testify at the hearing, Nishiki-san?" Judge
Nozawa asked. "Who's presiding over your case?"

"Judge Mizuko Shimako of the Tokyo Family Court, sir."

"Ah!" The judge nodded. "I'll send a message to her about this
matter. Do you believe Ranma will be needed to testify?"

"I believe not, but if necessary, I can contact you about it."

"Please do so."

Ranma smirked. "Chances are you'll win hands down, Mom."

"What do you mean by that?" Nodoka asked.

"Do you really think the panda'll show up for the trial?"

Judge Nozawa blinked. "Ranma, do you believe that man is a potential
flight risk in case criminal charges are raised against him?"

Ranma sighed. "Yes, Your Honour, I'm more than sure. If there's one
thing Genma's capable of doing, it's running away. I . . . " She
paused. "Two days ago, a friend of ours . . . " -- she nodded to
Kimiko -- " . . . with Negako-san's help, erased from his mind the
knowledge of two very devastating martial art forms Genma could use to
stay free of the law. It won't make things easier for the police,
though. That's one of the things I've always been concerned about
when questions about police come up. If they intervened, especially
against some of the martial artists or other creatures I've dealt
with, they would've been slaughtered. I won't have that, not at all."

"What do you propose then?" the judge asked.

"What has to happen, sir, is that Genma has to be deprived of all
LEGITIMACY," Ranma explained. "Part of that will be done by yourself
and the honourable registrar here." She indicated Sakagami Tetsuo.
"Part of that will be done by the grandmaster of my old martial arts
school, when he strips Genma of his teaching license. Part of that
will be done by Mom here because even though he technically runs our
family doojou, Mom is the owner of the property that doojou stands
on. And she happens to have the doojou sign right with her now. Ne,
Mom?" She grinned as Nodoka produced a wooden sign faded with age,

The judge nodded. "I see. What of your father's Jusenkyou curse?"

"Easily dealt with."

Eyes locked on Negako. "What do you mean, Onee-sama?" Sakuya asked.

"There is a variation of the soulsword that can be used: The Fire
Scythe of Death. When it comes to a victim of Zhòuquán-xiang, all
that happens is the cursed form is severed from the birth form. They
would live as two beings."

Ranma nodded. "Oh, you mean like that magical burner Jijii has!"

Negako nodded. "The same idea."

Ataru grinned. "So one part of Genma could never again hide as a
panda while the other half gets tossed into the zoo."

"In a sense. What more likely will happen is that Genma's soul will
remain in his birth form while a copy of the soul of the panda who
drowned in Xióngmaoniquàn all those years ago will take full control
of his cursed form."

"So he won't be able to hide behind that?" Judge Nozawa nodded.
"Very well, then. I'll have an arrest warrant sent to the National
Police Agency later today. By tonight, Saotome Genma will be a very
wanted man."

Ranma bowed thankfully. "That's all I can ask, Your Honour."

Nodoka handed the doojou sign to her child. Pausing for a moment,
she drew up the bundle containing the clan honour blade, moving to
hand it to Ranma. Seeing what she was doing, Ranma shook her head.
"I don't need that."

Nodoka stopped. "Why not?"

"First, it reminds me of what kept us separated for so long. And
second . . . " Ranma then grinned. "Someone like you needs something
to help protect you from all sorts of evil jerks out there, ne?" She
winked at Nodoka.

*'Including a certain deadbeat husband who is about to have the whole
world come crashing down on his head,'* Nodoka interpreted the
underlying meaning behind Ranma's words. "Understandable." She
embraced her before moving back to her place in the circle, she
holding the blade close to her.

"Well, if that's all you need me for, I best get back to the office
and get warrants drafted." The judge rose and turned to head out.
"Sakagami-san, I leave the rest of this matter in your more-than-
capable hands."

"Of course, Your Honour." The registrar nodded as everyone rose,
bowing thankfully to the judge as he departed.

* * *


Genma stared wide-eyed at Souun. Both were alone in the sitting
room. "The doojou sign!" the latter sobbed. "Kumiko told us Ranma
said he'd refuse a challenge from Akane-chan unless we put up our
doojou sign!"

Genma slammed his fist into the table. "He can't demand that!"

"But he'll refuse to fight Akane-chan if we don't!"

"How about dropping this once and for all?!"

Both spun around to see Nabiki standing by the door, arms crossed.
"No!" Souun shook his head. "The schools MUST be joined!"

Genma nodded. "Indeed! And they WILL be joined even if I have to
drag that fool boy back here beaten and bloodied to a pulp!"

"Oh?" Nabiki smirked. "You are such a stupid idiot, Uncle!"

"Nabiki, how dare you speak to our guest . . .?!" Souun demanded.


Instant Niagara Falls. "WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! Nabiki just yelled at

Nabiki ignored Souun's caterwauling as she glared at Genma. "Do you
really think Ranma-kun's going to let you pull that garbage on him
now, after all the things he, Toshiko, Kumiko and Kimiko've done to
you since this began?!" Her voice was as thick as molasses in its
faux sweetness. "Besides, why are you panicking so much about OUR
doojou sign, Uncle? After all, what's to stop Ranma-kun from
destroying YOUR doojou sign?! I'm sure it's still there even if the
doojou itself got wrecked by Ukyou, Shampoo and Kodachi!"

Genma paled. "What . . .?"

Nabiki's grin grew wider. "Why not? Ranma-kun is now a student of
Saikoo Jinseijitsu Ninjutsu-ryuu under Negako-san's tutelage. Ojii-
chan approved of that just after Ranma-kun met Ataru-kun, remember?
You haven't had a chance to train anyone else in your school since you
founded it, have you? And do you really think that Ranma-kun's going
to give you a chance to teach a new student before he calls the law
down on your head?!"

"What are you talking about?!" Souun demanded.

Nabiki glared at him. "What I'm talking about, Dad, is the fact that
while Ranma-kun was off on his trip that produced Ukyou's yatai,
someone was VERY busy investigating ALL of us! ESPECIALLY your
'friend.'" She indicated Genma. "As to who was behind it, I don't
have a name, but I'll lay a VERY strong bet that someone was the very
same person who helped Ranma-kun get the jobs that allowed him to send
those cheques to us . . . "

"Then you must find the name of this person so we may punish him for
his interfering with our agreement!" Souun asserted.

She shook her head. "No can do, Dad. This person investigated ALL
of us, remember? If I tried to go after this person, what's to stop
him or her from nailing me with extortion and child pornography
charges?" A hiss then entered her voice. "You remember that, don't
you? All the things *I* had to do to keep this house over our heads
because YOU were lazy about teaching new classes, much less allowing
THIS bastard to nearly eat us out of house and home?!" She indicated
Genma again before turning away. "Tough luck, Uncle. Ranma-kun's
made pretty damn sure you can't freeload off ANYONE ever again."

She headed off. "Nabiki . . .!" Souun then turned to Genma.
"Saotome-kun, how could your son do this to us . . .?"

Genma stood up. "I have to go."

"Wha . . .?!"

"Nabiki may have a good point about the boy going after my doojou
sign," Genma warned. "I'll be back soon, Tendou-kun!"

He raced off. "Saotome-kun," Souun whispered.

* * *

Rinrin smiled. "So this is it, huh?"

Ranma nodded, gazing at the beautiful hanko in her hand. Written on
a circlet around the shadowed image of the Stargazer Park statue was
official seal of the Saotome Clan of Oomure-jima, residents of the
city of Odawara in Kanagawa prefecture. "Yeah, this is it!" She
shuddered. As head of the new family, the hanko was Ranma's by right,
though she had an arrangement with Sakagami Tetsuo to ensure that if
anything happened to her, the hanko would pass into Toshiko's
possession as the next-oldest sibling. Once it was properly
registered with the civil district office on Promised Island, it was

Even better, Toshiko and Kumiko had a greater sense of legitimacy
over their lives. After the registrar opened the book for her new
family, Ranma welcomed Toshiko and Kumiko as adopted sisters. She
would have to prepare a will to ensure the mirror-twins would get her
mortal possessions in case she died before having children, but that
would come at a future date. Right now, all they had to do was await
Judge Nozawa's indictment against Genma and Ranma could finally put
Nerima and its troubles behind her.

"You better put that somewhere safe, Onee-chan," Karen warned. "Even
if your baka father can't make himself invisible now, if he gets his
hands on that hanko, who knows WHAT sort of trouble he can cause."

"Good point." Ranma then turned to Chikage, she holding out the
hanko. "And who better to trust this with than a person who'd give
Elder Kelun an industrial-strength case of the willies . . . hey!"

The "hey" came thanks to Cologne's walking cane tapping the back of
her head. "I heard that, 'son-in-law,'" the Nujiézú elder, perched on
Rinrin's shoulder, said with a smirk, a mischievous sparkle twinkling
in her eyes.

Everyone laughed. Ranma flustered. "Sorry, Hibaa-chan!"

Silence fell, and then Cologne's eyes softened. "So, it has
happened," she whispered, gently feeling Ranma's face. "To believe
this particular power of Zhòuquán-xiang has eluded even OUR knowledge
for all those years."

"From what I've learned of Zhòuquán-xiang, Elder, those of your tribe
who've been afflicted in that manner have chosen to flee rather than
face persecution from their clansmen." Chikage took the hanko from
Ranma and slipped it into her blazer pocket. "Still, some news might
have percolated to your ancestors. If not, then how did the Blood
Sibling Law come into effect?"

Cologne nodded. "A good point, young lady. I take it, Ranma, you've
been told about that particular law."

"I have. Chikage told me." Ranma indicated the sorceress. "If I am
deemed worthy of it, I will gladly become blood-sisters with Shan if
that is what is needed to allow her to return to the bosom of her
family with her honour and standing intact. And if I am allowed to
exercise my rights as that law dictates, I will . . . " She paused
before shaking her head. "Not force your great-granddaughter into
another marriage. After all my experiences, Hibaa-chan, I don't want
to put Shan through anything like that."

"I can agree to that." Cologne then blinked as a gloved hand gently
touched her cheek. "What . . .?" She stared curiously at Aria.

The young Parisian smiled before she kissed the elder's forehead.
"Hibaa-ya is very, very, very sad that Nee-ya is not a boy anymore,"
she said. "There's no need to be sad, Hibaa-ya. Nee-ya loves Hibaa-
ya very much."

She walked away. Rinrin blinked. "But how . . .?"

"I thought she couldn't accept me as a boy," Ranma muttered.

"That one has something of an enchantment on her," Cologne warned.

"A tree-spirit spent time with her some weeks before Christmas,"
Chikage explained. "They are very close friends, Elder."

"A tree-spirit?!" The Nujiézú elder spun on the sorceress before she
breathed out, "Oh, yes! I keep forgetting it IS Promised Island we're
talking about here! It has been some time since I was last there!"

The others laughed, and then they jolted as a bullet slammed into
Ranma's chest. "HOT-CHA! You did it, didn't you?!"

"Happy!" Cologne moaned.

More laughter as Ranma pried the grandmaster of Musabetsu Kakutou-
ryuu from her. "Jeez, Jijii! Ya didn't need to squeeze me THAT
hard!" she panted, allowing him to drop to the floor before she felt
her chest.

"Oh, don't be so shy, Ranma-chan! Give your old master a hug!"
Happoosai cooed before lunging again for Ranma ample bust.


He landed on target, his eyes widening as that pained sob froze him.
He gazed on Aria. "Kusun!" the young Parisian sobbed again, tears
brimming in her eyes. "Kusun!" The sisters shuddered as they backed
off. "Kusun!"

Happoosai gulped, quickly leaping up to Ranma's shoulder as he waved
his hands frantically at the young girl. "Now, now, dear, d-d-don't
cry!" he sputtered. "Please don't cry! I was just having fun with R-
Ranma here!"


Realizing he wasn't going to win this one, Happoosai quickly flipped
to the shoulder of the nearest girl to Ranma. He relaxed as Aria
seemed to calm down, and then a shudder shook his body as an icy chill
warped around him from head to toe. Turning left, he gazed directly
into Chikage's dark eyes. The young sorceress was NOT amused. "What
are you doing on MY shoulder?"

Happoosai screamed, vaulting into Negako's arms as the grandmaster
stepped in from the living room. "Happy, when are you EVER going to
learn how to control yourself?" she wondered as she allowed her friend
to relax.

Rinrin shook her head. "Aneki sure has some strange friends."

More laughter echoed through the kitchen. Ranma turned to
Happoosai. "So how are things back with the panda and his friend,

"They are not pleased at all." The aged grandmaster drew his pipe,
and then he lit it. A quick glance around the room to ensure Aria was
nowhere in sight before he relaxed. "I assume you got your doojou
sign with you?"

She drew it out. "Right here."

He took it, shaking his head on noting the weathering the sign had
taken. "Stupid idiot," he muttered as he turned the sign around,
tapping a point near the top. A door opened, revealing a slender
compartment bearing an envelope. Taking that, Happoosai handed the
sign to Ranma before he opened the envelope. Looking at what was
written there, he sighed. "Foolish place to hide this."

Yotsuba leaned in to take her own look with her spyglass. "This is
his teaching license, isn't it? Why'd he hide it in the doojou sign?"

"Actually, my dear, I put it in here when I made this sign for Genma
just before he helped Souun seal me in that cave. I did the same
thing for Souun." He shook his head. "To believe they failed so
badly . . . "

"Their children have all the potential in the world," Cologne noted.

Happoosai nodded. "Hai, Cologne-chan, they do."

Seeing him now, Ranma was suddenly struck by how old the man before
her really was. "It is not all over yet, Happy," Negako mused.

"What do you mean, Negako-chan?"

"As Kelun just stated, their children DO have potential." Negako
indicated Ranma. "Ranma is exploring the limits of her potential. So
have Toshiko and Kumiko since they were set free of that compact.
Nabiki is rediscovering hers. Akane will do the same if she continues
to make use of the Densetsu no Doogi. Kimiko has her own potential if
she desires to explore it, as does Kasumi. And there are your other
students, those who are not directly affiliated with Genma or Souun.
The only way for it to be 'all over' is for them to stop doing what
they are doing. Do you envision that happening?"

Happoosai considered that before he smiled. "You have a point,
Negako-chan." He then handed the sign back to Ranma. "You might want
to hang onto that, Ranma-chan. Who knows when you might need it

Ranma smirked. "If I think of starting up my own doojou, Jijii, I'll
carve a new one." She slipped the doojou sign somewhere safe, and
then took a deep breath. "Well, I best get ready for tonight's fun at
the school."

"Come with me, Ranma." Negako waved her outside, allowing Happoosai
to place himself on the kitchen counter before departing.

Ranma followed her out. The others watched her go. Chikage hummed
as she reached into her blazer to draw out a tarot card. Death. The
sorceress' eyes narrowed, and then she sensed Cologne gazing at it.
"You best prepare your great-granddaughter, Elder Kelun," she warned.
"Tonight is not going to be a pleasant night for anyone, even Ane-

The Nujiézú elder nodded. "Good point."

As she departed, a distant look appeared in Chikage's eyes.

* * *

*Darling . . . *

Ran's eyes opened as she sat up. Her body moved more easily now,
though a chorus of painful dings continued to dance the Macarena
around her joints. "Lum-chan?" She glanced around the bedroom before
she stood up with a grunt.

"Huhn . . . it done now . . .?"

She looked to the couch beside Mister Big Screen to see Ryuunosuke
stretching herself from a couple hours' nap. Watching the gentle
shift of every one of the tomboy's well-honed muscles, Ran's eyes
sparkled as a surge of arousal bubbled deep within her. *Sweet
Blessed Mother, she's beautiful!* Her cheeks flamed before she
quickly calmed herself. No! Damn it, given the amount of mindless
garbage Ryuunosuke had to endure since she was a baby, making any
suggestions, no matter how subtle, toward forming THAT sort of
intimate relationship with the tomboy would hurt her far more than

Still, she COULD dream . . .

"No, not yet." Ran walked over to help Ryuunosuke up. "But Lum-
chan's drifting in and out of consciousness. Feels like she's
undergone Psi-Unity. It's just a matter of time. You want something
to eat? You look hungry."

"I can use a bite," Ryuunosuke smiled her thanks, and then she found
herself gazing deeply into Ran's evergreen eyes. "Ran . . . "

Time seemed to stand still for them. Then, without understanding why
she suddenly wanted to do this, Ryuunosuke leaned down to gently
caress the alien teen's lips with her own. Ran's eyes widened in
shock. They then softened as the warm tidal wave of feeling bursting
from that contact surged right into her brain. They gazed into each
other's eyes for another eternity. Ryuunosuke's cheeks then flamed as
her brain caught up to her heart. "Ah . . .!"


A gulp. "Um . . . ah, s-sorry about th-that . . . "

"Please, Ryuu-chan, don't apologize." Ran placed a hand on her
friend's cheek. "I really liked that. You're a good kisser."

"Ah . . . w-well, you s-see . . . " She stopped, blinking. "I am?"

"Hai." Ran took a step back as she gave her guest a knowing look.
"Yamada-sensei told you about the -- uniqueness of the Great School.
I'll have to live with that uniqueness for the rest of my life. I
won't disguise it, either. To do that would mean that I'm ashamed of
what I am. And I'm certainly not ashamed of THAT. Not one bit," she
admitted with a serene smile.

Ryuunosuke considered that, and then she stepped up to Ran. She
reached over to grasp the other woman's hands. They stared into the
other's eyes. Ryuunosuke then leaned down to give Ran a chaste kiss.
They pulled apart, and then Ryuunosuke smiled. "You won't be alone.
I . . . " She shrugged. "You're my friend. Regardless of what
happened before, I . . . " She paused again before giving Ran's hands
a squeeze. "I want us to be friends. And if we become something
more . . . " She shrugged once more. "Then we do."

"I'll hold you up to it." Ran playfully winked before turning as
footsteps heralded the coming of Namie to the bedroom. "Yes?"

"Forgive me for interrupting, Ran-sama, but Shinobu-sama just came
back from a brief shopping trip," the bioroid announced with a smile.
"She brought with her Marubeya Momoe-sama with some news concerning
Lum-sama's Darling."

Ran and Ryuunosuke nodded as they followed Namie to the living room.
There, Hiro was serving Shinobu and Momoe tea. Both looked up as
their schoolmates came down to join them. "Welcome back to Earth, Ran-
san." Momoe nodded pleasantly to her host as Ran and Ryuunosuke sat
down. "Though I have to warn you now that your presence in Tomobiki
these days won't be as enjoyable as it might have been when you lived
here before."

Ran nodded. "I've already sensed that, Momoe-san. Thank you."

Ran never got the chance to know any of Mendou's female fans; during
the previous school year, she had been assigned to Class 2-7 while
Mendou, Momoe, Shinobu, Ryuunosuke and the others were in Class 2-4.
Since her primary focus living in Tomobiki was fixed on Lum, events
centred on Mendou didn't bother her. From what she could sense of
Momoe, Ran knew she cared deeply for Mendou as well as her small
circle of friends. There was also a powerful surge of hate within
her, but it wasn't focused on Ran. Most likely, that was reserved for
Lum; most girls at Tomobiki High not so long ago fervently believed
that if Lum hadn't been interested in Ataru, she'd have scooped up
Mendou in a New York minute. "I take it Shinobu told you who else
came back with me."

"I've been told," Momoe said with a shake of her head. Anger tried
to swell forth, but something dampened it. Curiosity? Confusion? "I
was told of what's happening to you and Lum. I find it so hard to
believe that there's this race out there that DOES this sort of

"We've done it for a hundred millennia, Momoe-san. No one's yet to
complain about our desire to help others," Ran stated with a chuckle
before she nodded thanks as Hiro came up to hand her a cup of tea.

"How long before Lum comes out?" Shinobu asked.

Ran glanced in the direction of the swimming pool, her eyes glowing.
"A few more hours. By eight o'clock at the earliest. Things like
this can't be rushed." She turned to Momoe. "What else brings you
here today?"

"Some news from earlier concerning Mendou-san and Ataru-kun."

She explained. The others listened, surprise appearing on many of
their faces as they heard how easily Ataru, his sisters and Ranma had
dealt with Mendou and the Rosebuds. Ran remained relaxed, using her
empathy to pick out how Shinobu, Ryuunosuke and Momoe, not to mention
the Avalonians effectively standing in for Megane and his friends,

As questions started to fly, Ran focused on Shinobu. Ataru's ex-
girlfriend was dismayed, no doubt at Moroboshi Muchi's infidelity to
his wife. There was also concern and trepidation. That was
understandable; Ataru had spent a considerable amount of time with
those girls ever since he departed Tomobiki. Given what his feelings
might have been like when he finally left Tomobiki -- if what his
words yesterday reflected his true feelings, his actions toward Ran
late last night notwithstanding -- Shinobu believed those girls
probably thought the worst of their brother's old associates.

A glance to Ryuunosuke revealed a sense of envy. Ran understood
that. To go from being the only child of a broken, emotionally hollow
home to suddenly having a family of twelve loving, caring sisters --
thirteen if one counted Negako -- would probably make anyone like
Fujinami Ryuunosuke VERY happy. And there was concern, even worry,
for Shinobu as well, Ran noted. Given that woman's mixed feelings
toward her former boyfriend, what could happen if Shinobu should ever
directly meet any of Ataru's sisters? Would those sisters allow
Shinobu to get close to their brother again? Or force her away? If
that happened, how would Shinobu herself react to it?

Now to Momoe. That woman was a nexus of fear, anger and confusion
when it came to Ataru's sisters. Momoe's anger at them was quite
simple for Ran to understand. If what happened that morning continued
to play out, it would ultimately drive Mendou to seek violent redress
against Ataru. And in that realization laid the heart of Momoe's
fear: If those girls were hurt, what WOULD Ataru do to Mendou in
return? As for the confusion . . .? Ran tried not to groan. Oh,
Sweet Blessed Mother, how could she be so STUPID? Did she really,
truthfully believe that EVERY teenage girl on Earth would
automatically reject Moroboshi Ataru because he once chased girls?

"What do you think, Ran?" Shinobu asked.

Ran started before relaxing herself. "I see no problem here."

"What does that mean?" Momoe demanded.

"Simple. People in this town have deluded themselves a LOT when it
comes to Darling. Do you honestly think that he lived ONLY to chase
girls? Of course not. But until his memories were repaired from what
his 'mother' did to him, he had no means to pursue other interests.
He got the chance thanks to Negako-san. They leave Tomobiki. Along
the way, they meet these other sisters. Darling had a family again,
one willing to give him a chance, a chance no one here EVER gave
him." She focused on Shinobu. "Yes, Shinobu, that not only includes
you, but Lum-chan as well. So why SHOULDN'T Darling get defensive if
anyone from here tries to probe into his personal business? As far as
he's concerned, no one in Tomobiki HAS that right. And if they
disagree . . . " She shrugged. "Look what happened to Shuutarou and
the Rosebuds."

Momoe's eyes narrowed. "There's something you're not telling us."

"Yes, there is . . . "

She gave them a replay of the encounter between her and Lum and
Sakuya, Chikage and Haruka. Ryuunosuke cut in to remind Shinobu who
Sakuya and Chikage were. At the end, the others in the room were
thoughtfully silent. "So because his clan is run as a matriarchy,
this Sakuya girl is seen as the new Matriarch of the whole family.
And because of that, she has final say toward who Ataru-kun'll marry?
Not his parents?" Momoe asked. "And that would override anything
Ataru-kun's parents might've said because the leadership of the clan
is passed on from grandmother to granddaughter?"

"That's unbelievable," Narumi Miruko spoke up for the first time.

Ran smiled. "Not really, Miruko-chan. Where I come from -- my Nendo-
kata side, that is -- that would be seen as quite normal."

"Sounds like those Chinese Amazons from Nerima I've heard about a
lot," Shinobu mused. "So what do we do?"

"Make sure they don't hurt us again," Momoe muttered.

Ran stared at her. "And why would they?"

"Why not?! Mendou-san's not going to live what happened today down!
He's going to keep going after Ataru-kun again and again . . .!"
Tears brimmed her eyes as she started to deflate on herself.
"Until . . .!"

Her voice faded. She then jolted on feeling comforting hands on her
shoulders. Momoe looked around to see Kanami gazing at her. The
former blinked, and then she tried to smile as she gave one of the
bioroid's hands a thankful squeeze. "Momoe-san, why do you care so
much for Mendou?" Ran wondered, crossing her arms. "Don't you know
that he's now engaged to marry someone else? What happens when he
does get married? What will you or any of your friends do then? You
can't keep pining for him, you know."

Momoe quaked before she muttered, "You never gave up on Rei-san!"

Shinobu and Ryuunosuke winced. Ran remained calm as she replied,
"No, I didn't. Because I didn't, I'll be mourning Rei for a while to

"What . . .?" Momoe rasped. As realization dawned, she looked away.

Gazing concernedly at the silent woman, Kanami then turned to Ran.
*Ran-sama, I'll walk her home,* she telepathically transmitted.
*Momoe-sama needs a chance to think over what she's learned today.*

Ran closed her eyes to hide their glow as she responded, *Make sure
she does nothing against Darling or his family, Kanami-chan.*

*Hai, I understand.*

Wordlessly, Kanami helped Momoe to her feet, and then she walked her
out of the room. The others watched her go. Yukimi then stared at
Ran. "Ran-sama, what do we do now? Lum-sama still cares a lot for
Ataru-sama . . . "

Ran nodded. "I know. But do NOTHING to him or any of his sisters,
Yukimi. That goes for the rest of you." She focused on each of the
other bioroids to make her point. "I know you feel your first duty is
to Lum-chan, but trying to pigeonhole Darling into something he
doesn't want is going to cause a lot of pain. I won't tolerate that,
especially now!"

"Hai," the others nodded.

As the bioroids turned back to their own business, Ran beckoned
Shinobu and Ryuunosuke to the pool. Stepping in, Ran telekinetically
locked the door. Yamada was currently at the side of the pool, his
scanner out as he monitored Lum. Gazing at the squid-like shape in
the deep end, both Terrans noted the birthing sac on the side of the
Nendo-kata's body. Within that, there floated a nearly adult figure,
clearly female. "Man, she'll be a knockout when she comes outta that
finally," Ryuunosuke noted.

Shinobu smirked. "All the boys are going to be pretty disappointed
once they learn she can only mate with another woman."

"Couldja imagine what Megane'd say if he ever saw this?"

Shinobu considered that before she screamed out in a plausible Megane
imitation, "IT'S A TRAGEDY!" Laughter then filled the room; even
Yamada cackled on hearing that. Then Shinobu quickly sobered, her
cheeks flaming. "I can't believe I just DID something like that!"

"He's now in the Black Ocean, Shinobu," Ran reminded her. "He
wouldn't really care about that sort of thing anymore."

"Is that what you believe?"

Ran nodded, gazing on the growing humanoid form in the pool. "It
is. In a way -- if you want to be pessimistic about this -- the Ran
you knew is gone now, as is the Lum . . . and as is the Moroboshi
Ataru we all knew before."

Shinobu shook her head. "I don't want to think that."

"You may not have a choice now, Shinobu," Ryuunosuke warned.

"But . . . "

"She's right, Shinobu," Ran affirmed, gazing once more on the "new"
Lum. "And Lum-chan's going to have to realize that as well."

*No . . . *

All three jolted as that weak voice echoed in their minds. "Lum?!"

*No . . .!* that voice moaned. *I'll never -- stop loving Darling!*

Shinobu's eyes softened. "Lum . . . "

* * *

"Damn it! It's not here!"

Genma gazed frantically around the ruins of the doojou he had called
his own since he and Nodoka married. The building had not been
touched by the repair crews since before the incident on Mount
Phoenix. That had not bothered Genma until today. The Tendou doojou
was still intact and usable. And the agreement between himself and
Souun DID stipulate that Ranma and Akane would live and work at the
Tendou doojou. But . . .!

"What are you doing here, Genma?"

The *shiing!* of a drawn katana made him leap to safety. Nodoka's
cutting thrust missed his feet by inches as he landed some distance
away. Scanning the area around his wife, Genma quickly noticed the
presence of two other people. Asagaya Hisayo was one, someone Genma
despised as much as he did his father-in-law, Isao. The other woman
was Nodoka's lawyer, someone whose name Genma didn't know. "This is
my house and doojou, Nodoka!" he snarled. "I have every right to be
here! Now, where is my doojou sign?!"

"*Your* house?" Nodoka snorted. "*Your* doojou? Don't be so quick
to assume that, Genma. As for that worthless sign, I gave it to
Ranma. I'm sure my son will find use for it soon enough! As part of
a *fire!*"

Genma shuddered, and then he perked on hearing a bemused snicker echo
from somewhere behind him. "My, are WE the stupid one today?!"

He turned. "Boy . . .!"

His stomach was then caved in, making him double over. The air near
Genma fizzled. "Lucky thing for all of us that I came out this way
just in case you decided to do something REALLY stupid today!"
Toshiko smirked. "Not that it's going to really matter in a few hours

Genma groaned before he suddenly lunged. Toshiko back-flipped clear,
landing on the ground near the doojou entrance. "***KIJIN RAISHUU DAN!
***" she bellowed, sending a storm of vacuum blades at the Yamasen-
ken's creator.

Genma dodged that attack, ducking behind a cloud of shattered wood
and flung-up dirt as he moved to charge Nodoka. His wife didn't see
Genma in time before his fist slammed into the side of her skull, the
force of the blow sending her flying into Hisayo. Nodoka's katana
dropped to the ground as the sisters collapsed. The sword and its
scabbard were both snared by Genma before he vanished. "Nodoka!
Hisayo!" Maya screamed as she races to her client's side, drawing out
a cell phone to call an ambulance and the police.

Watching this, Toshiko grinned before she vanished under the screen
of the Goshin Buufu. Once she was masked, she proceeded to a nearby
cull-de-sac before going visible again. Drawing out her own cell
phone, she made a call. The other end was quick to respond.

"It's me," Toshiko reported.

* * *

"Damn it . . .!"

Genma tried not to shudder as he secluded himself under a bridge over
the Shakujii River close to Kasuga-chou. Calmly sheathing the sword,
he took several deep breaths to replenish the oxygen in his body.
Once relaxed, he adjusted his glasses, mentally running over what he
had just been through over the last while. Hell, since that meeting
over four weeks ago when he tried to put matters concerning his and
his family's future on the right track.

Unseen, an invisible hand reached out to tap several shiatsu points
on the head and back. Genma gargled before he passed out, the katana
clattering to the ground. A second later, the air behind him fizzled,
revealing Kumiko.

"You'll keep for now."

* * *

"Oh, guys . . .!"

Ranma gazed mistily at the uniform the sisters just presented her.
For junior high and high school students at Stargazer West College,
the girls' standard winter uniform was a white shirt and tie covered
by a red button dress, which was topped by a beige button jacket. The
school crest was emblazoned on the left upper arm. Elementary school
and kindergarten girls wore a simple beige, tent-like sailor suit.
For boys, the uniform was a beige jacket and chestnut-brown trousers,
that worn over a white shirt and tie. "School for us doesn't start
until next Monday, Onee-chan," Karen explained. "Even if you want to
go to Fuurinkan for the next week, you won't miss much."

Sakuya pointed to Ranma's heart. "Would they force you to wear the
girl's uniform if you're 'stuck' this way, Onee-sama?" she asked.

"Nah, they didn't bother when I was locked because of the Chiisui-ton
or the Cat's Tongue. 'Sides, even if I do go to school, I got Doc
Toofuu's chit to 'cover' me." Ranma picked up the Stargazer West
uniform, she holding it close to her. "Well, I better put this
somewhere safe."


Ranma stopped. "Hai, Sakuya-chan, what is it?"

The eldest sister wagged a warning finger. "When you and Onii-sama
get back to the Island, I'm DEFINITELY taking you shopping!"

Sweat-drop, eyebrow twitch. "Is that a threat?"

Laughter filled the living room as Ranma scooped up her uniform
before heading to her bedroom. Placing that somewhere safe, she
headed out, and then she stopped on seeing Inu Chigaiko standing in
her way. "Chigaiko . . .?"

The slender Tomobiki native's eyes were misty. "Is this true?"

Ranma blinked. Ataru had gone for a walk with his old classmate
while Negako was teaching Ranma the Shihi Oogama modification to the
soulsword. No doubt, he told her things she, the only girl in
Tomobiki who cared unconditionally for Ataru, really would not want to
know. "Yes."

Chigaiko considered that before looking down. "I . . . " she began
before she took a breath to calm herself. "I love him, you know."

"Well, you're one up on me, then."

The other woman gazed on her, surprised by the attempted show of
humour. She then asked, "Do you want to love him?"

Silence falls as Ranma considered that, and then she crossed her
arms. "Right now, I'm not worried about that. I got more important
things on my mind. It doesn't mean I wouldn't shy away from wanting a
relationship with him if he wants it. But . . . " She then shrugged.

"I see." Chigaiko lowered her head. "Maybe I should go."

"What the hell for?!"

That response surprised her. "But Ataru-kun said . . .!"

"I know what he must've told you, Chigaiko. But why the HELL do you
wanna go back to a place where nobody remembers your name, treats you
like you were part of the furniture, you have no friends and all the
memories you have of that place are bad ones?" Ranma demanded. "Why
the hell do you think Ataru left that place? Why do you think I want
to finally put Fuurinkan behind me?"

Chigaiko considered that before she sighed, shaking her head. "I
can't shut my feelings off, Ranma-san. It's not that simple . . . "

"I know. I just spent the last ten weeks trying to come to terms
with my feelings for those people who said they 'cared' for me."

"They're not going to understand what you've just been through."

"I know."

They stared at each other, and then Ranma squeezed the other girl's
shoulder as she gave her a pleading look. "Don't go back to
Tomobiki. Hell, if you want, come live with us on the Island when we
go there. You ARE Ataru's friend and I don't want to take that away
from him. Please?"

"I . . . " Chigaiko blinked before she nodded. "Okay, I'll stay."


Both gazed on Karen, who had just come up from the sitting room.
"Gomen nasai, Onee-chan, but it's a little after six," she warned.
"Don't you want something to eat before you go to the school to deal
with those people?"

Ranma nodded. "Good point."

She passed Chigaiko as she headed to the kitchen. The latter watched
her go, and then she looked nowhere in particular. "Be careful."

* * *

"Uncle hasn't come back yet?"

Akane shook her head. "No sign of him." She and Nabiki were
relaxing at the sitting room table, having just finished supper. The
younger Tendou had the Densetsu no Doogi on. "I guess Ranma's dealt
with him already."

Nabiki sipped her tea. "Probably."

Kasumi then stepped into the room, a wrapped object in hand. Noting
the size and shape, her sisters were both quick to deduce what it
was. "Make sure you take that with you when you go meet Ranma-kun,"
Kasumi instructed.

Akane trembled. "Onee-chan . . . "

"No. You heard what Kumiko-chan said. If we refuse to acknowledge
Ranma-kun's wishes, ESPECIALLY now, we dishonour ourselves."

Akane considered that. She then took the doojou sign in hand before
the sisters were surprised by Souun asking, "What are you doing?!"

They gazed on him. The look on his face reflected his current mood.
"Doing what Ranma wants us to do," Akane said as she stood, tucking
the sign under one arm as she moved to leave. "Isn't that the
HONOURABLE thing to do?"

He advanced on her. "You put that right back . . .!"

Before Souun could finish, Akane's fist smashed into his jaw, sending
him into the koi pond. "Dou-chan!" Akane gasped as the Doogi let go
of her hand, she giving her father a look. Fortunately, the strike
only stunned him. "Don't do that, alright!" she then scolded the
sentient battlesuit.

A stretch of cloth raised a sign. [SORRY.]

"Let's go, sis." Nabiki finished her tea before standing up. "We'll
be back in a couple of hours, Onee-chan."

"Be careful," Kasumi said as they went. A chill then warped through
her as she gazed on the table. "Such a pity," she quietly lamented.

* * *

"Hibaa-chan, it's time, isn't it?"

Cologne glanced at the wall clock. "Yes, child, it's time."

Shampoo grunted, brushing her sleeves as she reached for her bonbori
and butterfly swords. "I'll bring Airen back," she assured the elder
in Mandarin as she stowed her weapons on herself, and then she glanced
at the cage holding a transformed Mousse. "Thank you for keeping him
out of my way," she added.

"It's quite alright, Shan." Cologne sagely nodded. "But remember,
this situation is very fluid. Trust in your training, child."

Shampoo nodded. "I will."

After the door closed behind her, Cologne hopped down to let Mousse
out. "Give her ten minutes, and then follow her discretely."

The duck waddled out, nodding thanks as he flew upstairs to get some
hot water and access his weapons. The elder watched him go with a
smile. "You wished for a long time to win Shan's heart, Mùsi," she
said, switching to English. "Tonight, your chances can improve
greatly if you don't let your mindless passions override your common

Shaking her head, she headed to the kitchen.

* * *

"Heading off to see Saotome-sama, Mistress?"

"Yes." Kodachi collected her gear. "Hopefully by the end of today,
a clear road will stretch between myself and Ranma-sama's heart!"

"Do be careful, Mistress," Sasuke warned, raising a finger in
emphasis. "Saotome-sama did insist that all his other would-be
suitors be present."

"I'm aware of that."

Kodachi sprang clear of the Kunou mansion, and then she took to the
rooftops towards Fuurinkan High. The martial arts rhythmic gymnast
tried not to cackle as the wind whipped past her. While she had no
legal claim on Ranma, the fact that there existed a permanent
estrangement between him and his fool father made things MUCH easier.
Once Genma was out of the way, Tendou Akane's and Kuonji Ukyou's
claims would be made meaningless. And it only would take a call to
the Interior Ministry to see that Chinese barbarian sent packing.

With that done . . .!

* * *

"So Ranma's gonna be here to deal with all his fiancées, huh?!"

"That's what Sempai thinks." Takuichi Daikun, one of the seniors in
the kendou club, gazed on the front lawn of the school. In the middle
of the path between the front gates and the front door, a lone figure
stood, bokken ready. Almost all of the other members of the Horde had
gone home; Daikun and his companion were about to leave themselves.
"Though he was being weirder than usual about what's going on with
Saotome! Said somethin' about that crazy mirror-clone of his tellin'
Sempai Ranma was dead."

"Man, is Sempai EVER gonna figure that out?!" Koriko Nagao wondered.

Daikun shook his head. "Search me, man."

* * *

"Something in the air . . . "

Ono Toofuu frowned as he gazed on the darkening sky. He had been in
the process of closing up his shop when he sensed -- well, SOMETHING
unnatural in the air over Nerima. What was it? It didn't seem to be
any typical ki or mana signature he was familiar with -- and after
studying under an archmage like Hirosaki Ryuuji, he knew a LOT! -- so
what was it?

And why did he have this awful sense of FOREBODING?

What was going to happen?

* * *

"Uhnn . . . "

Genma's eyes fluttered as he slowly picked himself off the ground
under the bridge. Glancing around, he was shocked to see that the sun
had long since set. Snaring the clan sword, he stepped into the open,
scanning around for an outdoor clock to get the time. Just his luck,
a digital timepiece hung in the window of a nearby store. Seeing the
time, he paled.

"Seven-forty . . .!"

No! In twenty minutes, the boy would . . .!

Grunting, he leapt for the nearest fence-line and raced off.

* * *

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