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[Ranma][Fanfic] Sour Milk Sea

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Jeffrey Rutsch

21 paź 1996, 03:00:0021.10.1996

Sour Milk Sea
by: Jeff Rutsch

"Nabiki, if you don't hand it over, I'll..."

"You'll what? Kill me? How will you get your 'teriyaki' then?" It
was hard to stay cool. Not only that Ranma...and Akane, for that
matter, were well practiced in martial arts...but the look in their
eyes. When he said he would kill me, it really sounded like he meant

"We got the money!"

"I can sell it to somebody else for just as much."

"But we're family!"

"The family that deals together stays together, eh? Well, you should
know I don't let family get in the way of profits."

"Nabiki, we'll pay extra!"

"No thanks." Ranma and Akane looked desperate. Akane grabbed me, and
looked me straight in the eye. "Nabiki...I NEED it. We...we both
NEED it."

"Should have thought of that earlier." I kept a close watch on Ranma.
I wanted to push this as far as I could without sending Ranma into a
berserk rage. It didn't look like I would be able to push much

"Ok...I guess there is something you could do for me..."


Akane, naked, was crying harder than I'd ever seen her, or, well,
anybody cry before. Ranma-chan, wearing just as much as Akane, tried
to console her. However, he didn't look much happier than Akane.

"I can't believe...I've never felt so..used. So worthless." sobbed
Akane. Pitiful.

"Get used to it, ladies. They'll be more coming. Here." I reached
into my jacket and pulled out a small dimebag and casually tossed it
over at Ranma. It was hard to believe...the latest round of
photographs had really made my previous photos, of Akane in a gi or
Ranma-chan in underwear, seem tame. I couldn't help but laugh. I
guess I could understand why they would feel so bad, but as soon as I
tossed the bag they put their sorrows behind them and scrambled.

"Don't use it all at once. See you next time!"


Kunou is my favorite sucker. I mean, he's weird, and rich, and
gullible in a very exploitable way. I could-and oftentimes did-rob
him blind. But I wasn't looking for money this time.

"Hello, Kunou-baby." Kunou looked slightly peeved-which is why I call
him that-but he quickly put on his most pleasent face.

"Hello, Nabiki. How fairs your sister, Akane Tendo?"

"I was going to talk to you about that."

"More photographs?!" said Kunou in an excited, although hushed voice.

"Yeah. Her and the pig-tailed girl. Believe me, these are gonna
knock your socks off. Here, no cover charge." I handed Kunou about
ten of the photographs.

Kunou didn't know how to deal with the photographs, at least at first.
When he finally became coherent, he looked with an excited eye.

"Incredible! The two of them...together? No doubt longing for my

"That's gotta be it. So interested in buying these photographs?"

"Yes!!! How much?!" He was no longer trying to contain his

I put on my straightest poker face.

"Five hundred thousand yen."

"Five hundred thousand yen?"

"Yes. Apiece."

"The heavens themselves would weep at such a price!"

"So I guess you don't want them?"

Kunou looked saddened.

"Even the great Kunou estate can not afford such a price. However, I
am forever grateful for showing me these photographs." Just as I
expected, no payment. No big deal. Kunou continued to ogle the

"Wait...there is something you can do. And you know, I have about two
more rolls I'd be willing to throw in, just for you."


"What is it? What do you want?" asked Kamiko. We were in the woods.
For all she knew, we were alone.

"I just wanted to talk You know, you've done pretty
well for yourself at school lately."

"That's because I don't charge twenty percent interest daily! Did you
call me here just to shower me with compliments?!"

"No, that's not it. I called you here to demand that you hand your
business over to me."

"No way!"

"Are you sure?" I asked her, giving her as scary a stare as possible.
It'd be so much more convenient if she just handed things over.

"Of course! No way are you..." I didn't even let her finish her
sentence. No use endangering myself.

"Kunou, I think you know what to do." I handed Kunou, who appeared
from behind a tree, the second book of photographs and turned to

"Kunou? What are you doing here?" There was well-deserved terror in
the voice.

"Back, foul wench!" It wasn't much longer until she started to
scream. And it wasn't much longer until she stopped screaming. I
didn't turn around.


"Oh, hello Nabiki!"

"Hey sis!"

"You certainly seem in a good mood."

"What can I say? I've had a good day."

"Well, isn't that nice? I'd better warn you...Ranma and Akane seem to
be suffering from a cold. They were sleeping earlier but now they're
up and about." The cold symptoms Nabiki spoke of were obviously the
withdrawl symptoms of a low/mid-level addict. Good...but I had to be
careful. People suffering from withdrawl can be so unpredictable.

"Where are they, Kasumi?"

"Oh, they're both in Akane's room!" smiled Kasumi. Kasumi gets such a
kick from seeing those two together. Well, if my plans worked out I'd
really blow her mind. I walked up to Akane's room.

"Hey you two, how's it going?"

Ranma and Akane both looked terrible. Like they had a cold, as Nabiki
said, but like it was the worst cold of their lives.

"We need more, Nabiki! Don't give us any shit! We still have the

I smiled.

"Don't be silly! It's free!" I pulled out a bag larger than any of
my others.

"Wait, there is something I'd like you to do..."


Call me a sucker. But it was easy to pass on Ranma and Akane's
cash...especially when it was so insignificant compared to the money
I'd get from taking over Kamiko's share. And I've always wanted to
see them get along. I looked at Ranma and Akane. They looked
pensive, and only slightly doped up...probably trying to lower their
addiction and then quit. Let 'em quit...with the negatives from that
photo session, I could blackmail them for the rest of their lives.

"Kasumi, that looks delicious." Daddy complimented Kasumi.

"Thank you, father." Kasumi sat down. That was the signal.

"Uhhh..." Ranma stopped. He didn't need to say anything, and there
wasn't even really anything to say. He and Akane started undressing,
right in front of everybody.

"Uhhh..." Mr. Saotome said, shocked. Well, who could blame him? I'd
be shocked too, if I didn't know how strong the obsession for heroin
was. From second hand experience only, of course.

After I was dragged out of the room by Kasumi, I thought about what I
had know, this whole time the two of them never admitted
how they felt for each other, never got along for more than a few
seconds at a time. And now, because of me, they were. I come out
hundreds of thousands, if not millions of yen richer, and Kunou got
photographs of the girls he'll never have but always desire.
Everybody's happy.


Thanks a lot for reading!
Well, hmmm...
Charles Lewis gave an idea a while ago, with Ranma and Akane a
couple of speedball addicts who turn to a life of crime/prostitution.
So I wrote this. Last February or somthing. And I only post it now.

I'm currently working on a much longer version. It's going to be a lot
better, IMHO. I don't know when it's going to be done. What I have so
far, along with my completed stories, are available at my web page:

If you liked the story, I'd appreciate a response! Please mail me back

Teriyaki is Japanese slang for heroin. I'm so proud of my cultural
awareness ^_^.

***************************Jeff Rutsch*****************
I -I -I-I *"She's a kind hearted woman, she studies evil all the time.
IV-IV-I-I * She's a kind hearted woman, she studies evil all the time.
V -IV-I-I * You well's to kill me, as to have it on your mind."-R. Johnson
**^_^***.daed si luaP**^_^**Bird Lives**^_^**Ranma Loves Akane**^_^****^_^*

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