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[Fanfic] [DnR] Daigakusei no Ranma - Episode 16

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Ranma Saotome

no leída,
26 abr 1996, 3:00:0026/4/96


These walls I live inside
Protect me from hatred and lies
And these walls have made me strong
But it's not where I belong

I hear you knocking but can't let you in
I don't know how it's gonna end
But these walls, they set me free
Kept me safe and sheltered me

Here's where the road begins
Got to reach out if I'm gonna win
Gotta know how - I'm old enough now
Never gonna feel this way again

No, I'm never gonna hide behind these walls again

| Daigakusei no Ranma |
| |
| Created by David Tai and Paul Gallegos |
| |
| Based on the characters created by Rumiko Takahashi |

-= Episode 16: "Crisis at Maison Sabaku - Flying Koi Attack!!" =-

[A mild fall evening. The last remaints of the setting sun shine through the
windows of Room 1 at Maison Sabaku. Kazuyo Furuya and Toshi Yamakawa are
sitting on the floor playing chess on a kotetsu.]

Kazuyo: Check and mate. Will that be the last game?

[Grumbling, Toshi starts setting up the board.]

Toshi: No... one more time.

Kazuyo: [shaking head and smiling] Haven't you suffered enough humilation for
one night?

Toshi: [shaking a finger at Kazuyo] Don't you get smart with me.

Kazuyo: Still regret teaching me this foreign form of Shogi?

Toshi: Oh, shut up, Furuya-san.

Kazuyo: Really, Yamakawa-san... haven't you had enough?

Toshi: I'll beat you at SOME game. So Shogi is obviously YOUR game, but...

Kazuyo: [eyebrow arched] "Chess is yours"? [chuckling]

Toshi: [grunts] Your move, Furuya-san.

[They begin playing again. After several moves, Toshi finds himself in deep
trouble, as Kazuyo captures one bishop and one knight. Muttering and griping,
Toshi contemplates the board, as Kazuyo gets up to get some more hot water for
tea. A knock comes at the door.]

Toshi: [grumbling] Who could that be at this hour?

[Kazuyo opens the door to reveal Choji Ketibeppu.]

Choji: [wringing his hands] K-konbanwa, Kanrinrin-san. H-here's my rent for the
month. [handing Kazuyo some money]

Kazuyo: Arigato. [looking at Choji] Something wrong?

Choji: Oh... er... [looking at Toshi] Having a good evening?

Toshi: Skip the niceties. I'd like to finish this game before I die.

Kazuyo: [smiling at Toshi] Nonsense, Yamakawa-san...
[turning to Choji] Gomen, Ketibeppu-san. What is it?

Choji: Uh, I was going to ask permission for... for... [glancing at Toshi]

Kazuyo: [following Choji's gaze] Ah. Gomen, Yamakawa-san, but...

Toshi: Oh, sure. Now that I've got you on the ropes, you want to quit. Fine,
so there... I'll just go. [stands up] No, no need to help me up, I'll
just go upstairs and...

Kazuyo: [smiles] Konbanwa, Yamakawa-san.

[Toshi sniffs, and walks out the apartment door. Kazuyo beckons for Choji to
come in, then shut the door.]

Kazuyo: What is it, Ketibeppu-san? [walks over to the kotetsu]

[Kazuyo kneels down to pick up all the chess pieces and put them away.]

Choji: [fidgeting] Well, I'd like permission to have a visitor stay...

Kazuyo: [looking up] Oh, I can't allow that. You know the rules, Ketibeppu-san.

Choji: [starts sweating] Yes, but I need...

Kazuyo: Need what?

[Choji gives a nervous glance around. Then he leans over and whispers in
Kazuyo's ear.]

Kazuyo: Oh.

[Kazuyo stands up, and Choji rises up with her. Choji whispers some more.]

Kazuyo: Ah.

[Choji whispers some more. Kazuyo covers her mouth.]

Kazuyo: Oh my... I suppose that would be all right. I'll let her stay.

Choji: [breathing sigh of relief] Oh, domo arigato gozaimasu! Domo arigato
gozaimasu! [drops to the floor and bows many times]

Kazuyo: [growing embarassed] That's quite all right. I understand... go ahead.

[Choji gets up and starts to walk out. Then he turns to Kazuyo once more.]

Choji: Domo arigato gozaimasu! [closing door]

Kazuyo: [shaking head] Honestly, Ketibeppu-san...

[Kazuyo starts to kneel to finish cleaning up, but halts, as there is a knock
at the door. Kazuyo sighs.]

Kazuyo: It's open!

[The door opens to reveal Hitomi Akiyama, who is dressed in her kissaten
uniform, with a yellow rose pinned to her lapel. Hitomi is glancing over her
shoulders up at the stairs. Kazuyo rises to greet Hitomi.]

Hitomi: [turning to Kazuyo and pointing a finger upstairs] What's with Choji?

Kazuyo: Nothing, dear. So, how was your date with Oono-kun?

Hitomi: [beaming] It went great! Oh...
[searching her purse] Hold on... ah, here!
[handing Kazuyo some money] There, that's my rent for the month!

Kazuyo: Arigato!

Hitomi: Anyway, Oono-kun is so... sweet! [beaming] He gave me a rose tonight!
[holds up her lapel]

Kazuyo: Very lovely, Hitomi-chan.

[Kazuyo's eyes suddenly narrows as she looks at the rose. She nearly starts to
say something, but...]

Hitomi: [hugging Kazuyo] I'm in a great mood! Ja ne!

[Hitomi turns and bounces off to her apartment just across the hallway. Kazuyo,
however, looks worried. Then she sighs, turns back and closes the door behind

Toshi's voice: Furuya-san!!!

[The door flings open. Kazuyo dashes through the door and runs quickly
upstairs to Room 6. She rattles the knob, finds it unlocked, and bursts in...
to see Toshi talking animatedly on the phone.]

Toshi: [talking into phone] Oh here she is, Ichiro-kun...
[hands the phone to Kazuyo and whispers to Kazuyo] It's Sato!

[Kazuyo takes the phone, and covers the mouthpiece, as she stares at Toshi.]

Kazuyo: You and I are going to have a talk about scaring me like that.
[talking into phone] Konbanwa, Sato-san! How is Osaka agreeing with

Sato's voice: Konbanwa! Osaka is fantastic! So many things to paint...

Kazuyo: Excellent! Have you found your peace yet?

Sato's voice: Uh... I'm not certain yet. My harmony is... still... disturbed.
I don't know when I'll be back. Did you get my rent payment?

Kazuyo: Hai. I received it yesterday. Arigato. I'll take care of your room
until you get back.

Sato's voice: Domo arigato. By the way... [whispering] Did Toshi beat you yet
at Shogi?

Kazuyo: [smiling bemusedly] No. He decided to teach me a new game. Chess.

[Toshi glares at Kazuyo.]

Sato's voice: Ah... and his luck still hasn't turned, has it?

Kazuyo: [looking at Toshi's dour face and chuckling] No.

Toshi: Gimme that! [grabs phone away from Kazuyo]
[yelling into phone] She cheats! I don't know how, but she cheats!!!
[listens to phone] NO! She's as bad as everyone else in this building!

[Kazuyo smiles and starts to walk out. As she walks out...]

Toshi: [talking into phone] No, wait, I take that back. Kazuyo's not as bad as
that newlywed couple who moved in next door to your room. They just
won't STOP! Every night, *EVERY NIGHT*... there's all sorts of banging
noises going on! And to make matters worse, that hentai Choji's making
all sort of noises trying to sneak peeks into their room! How's an old
man going to get his sleep when...

[Kazuyo smiles and closes the door.]

* * *

[The sun shines in though the windows of Maison Sabaku. Kazuyo steps out of
her apartment, and smiles contently. Then she starts, as rattling noises are
heard. She looks upwards to find the source of the rattling noises.]

Kazuyo: [shaking head] Not the Saotomes again...!

[Kazuyo climbs up the stairs and sees Choji washing the windows and sweeping
the hallway.]

Kazuyo: [blinks] Choji?

Choji: Uh... Ohayo gozaimasu.

Kazuyo: [looking at the gleaming floor] I see this visit must be very
important to you.

Choji: You know first impressions of where you live are very important.
[pauses] She's never seen my place here before.

Kazuyo: [nods] Well, I think you're doing a good job. Since you seem to have
things under control right now, I'm going to run down to the grocery

Choji: Uh, hai.

[Kazuyo heads downstairs. Moments later, Akane steps out of Room 4 in a tight
jogging outfit. Choji, however, is engrossed with the instructions on the back
of a bottle of window cleaner.]

Choji: Oh, I have to use _dry_ paper towels.

Akane: [smiles] Ohayo, Choji-san.

Choji: [not looking up] Ohayo.

Akane: [blinks] Do you always stand in front of your room this early in the
morning reading cleaner labels?

Choji: [mumbles] It's, uh...good for you.

[Akane blinks, then spies the broom leaning against the wall.]

Akane: Oh! Kanrinin-san asked you to help out?

Choji: [nods slowly] Un, that's it.

Akane: [thinking] What's with him?

Choji: [grabs broom] Well, it was nice talking to you, but I have to... uh...
get back to cleaning. Yes, that's what I'm doing.

Akane: [nods] I should get going as well if I'm going to get any jogging done.
Have a nice day!

Choji: [nods] Hai.

* * *

[Kazuyo steps out of her room holding a purse. Locking the door, she starts out
the front door, just as Room 2's door opens. Hitomi, dressed for work, steps

Hitomi: [locking door] Kanrinrin-san!

[Kazuyo's expression changes from cheerfulness to neutral.]

Kazuyo: Ohayo, Akiyama-san... you're very cheerful today.

Hitomi: Hai! [beaming] It's a beautiful day!

Kazuyo: I see. Well, take care of yourself... and good luck with Oono-kun.

[Missing Kazuyo's weak smile, Hitomi waves goodbye and runs out. Kazuyo shakes
her head, looking after Hitomi with a sad expression. She sighs, and then
starts walking towards the market.]

* * *

[A loud knocking at Ranma and Akane's door. Ranma-chan, who has been doing her
morning exercises, glances at the door and starts to walk over to open it.
Halting, she looks down at herself... then groans and goes into the bathroom.
The loud banging continues for a few seconds, almost covering a splashing
sound. Ranma comes out of the the bathroom.]

Ranma: All right, all right! I'm coming!

[Ranma opens the door, to reveal Choji holding a bundle of magazines.]

Choji: Saotome-san! Can you kindly hold these for me for a few days?

Ranma: Hai, but what are...

[Choji dumps the magazines and runs back next door to his room. Ranma blinks,
shrugs and closes the door. Turning back, he inspects the first magazine on

Ranma: Uh... Playpen?

[Ranma opens the magazine. His eyes bulge out, and his nose starts to bleed.]

Ranma: N... Nani???

[Jogging sounds are heard outside the door.]

Ranma: Oh no... Akane!

[Fanatically looking for a place to hide the pile, Ranma stuffs them under the
futon, and plops down on it, just as Akane opens the door and comes in.]

Akane: Tadaima! [looking at Ranma] What happened to your nose?

Ranma: Oh, uh... walked into the bathroom door?

Akane: [shrugging] Ok. Be right back.

Ranma: I can't stay... gotta go to class!

[Akane heads into the bathroom. Soon, showering sounds are heard. Ranma jumps
off the futon, grabs the magazines, and shoves them behind the TV, then grabs
the futon and puts it away. Grabbing his schoolbag, Ranma runs out the door.]

* * *

[Later in the day, Ranma opens the front door of Maison Sabaku. As he walks
up the stairs, he hears footsteps and a brief feminine laugh up above. Ranma
arrives at the top of the stairs just as Choji's door closes.]

Ranma: What an odd... that couldn't have been Choji laughing. I wonder if
someone broke into his room. Some revenge scheme for being peeped on?

[Ranma goes over and knocks on the door.]

Choji: [through the door] Who is it?

Ranma: Your neighbor, Ranma. That you, Choji?

[The door cracks open.]

Choji: [partly visible] Yeah, it's me. I'm busy. Nice seeing you. Have a nice

Ranma: I heard an odd laugh...

Choji: [shaking head fanatically] Don't worry. Under control. Nothing odd
going on here. Nope. Have a nice day with your lovely wife. Bye.

[*SLAM*! Ranma finds himself nearly kissing the door.]

Ranma: Hmm, he must've tricked some woman into his room. [shrugging] Oh
well... better get ready to go to Ucchan's for our study session...

[He heads into his room.]

* * *

[Late afternoon. Hitomi exits Chez Funsui, apron in one hand, and a note in
the other. She stops and reads the note to herself.]

Hitomi: "Akiyama-san. Please meet me at the Nekohanten at 8:00 pm tonight.
I have something important to tell you. Arigato. Oono Goku."
[smiles] The Nekohanten, ne? [sighs]

[She looks at her watch, which reads "5:00 pm", then starts for Maison Sabaku,
a bounce in her step.]

Hitomi: [thinking] A month of dating, and now Oono-kun is going to confess!
[smiles] I have to tell Kanrinin-san!

[She bounds up the stairs to the front door and opens it just as Ranma is

Ranma: [grins] Konnichiwa, Hitomi-chan! You look cheerful today.

Hitomi: Hai! I may have some great news this evening!

Ranma: That's good to know! Wish I could say the same...

Hitomi: Why? What's wrong?

Ranma: Akane's working on another play.

Hitomi: The auditorium is completed finally?

Ranma: Um, no... This one's a class project. She's supposed to perform for the
professor in class.

Hitomi: Oh... so where are you going then?

Ranma: Ukyou's. I have to study SOMEWHERE, away from her reciting all these
lines from some new play. I don't want to end up having to read for her
again. [sighs]

Hitomi: [pats arm] Well, maybe we can meet for a late dinner? Say... 9:00 pm at
the Nekohanten?

Ranma: Sounds good! See you then!

[Ranma walks down the stairs, then leaps over the wall instead of opening the
gate. Hitomi smiles, then walks inside.]

* * *

[Kazuyo is in the laundry room when she hears someone. Putting down her
laundry, Kazuyo walks out and sees Choji coming down the stairs. Kazuyo calls
out to Choji.]

Kazuyo: Oh, Ketibeppu-san! You and your guest are invited to dinner at my
place tomorrow night!

Choji: [eyes widening] Uh...

Kazuyo: I'd love to meet her!

Choji: Umm...

Kazuyo: [smiling] Don't worry. I won't do anything to embarass you.

Choji: [smiles weakly] Arigato, Kanrinrin-san... and all right, we'll be there.

Kazuyo: Excellent!

[Choji walks out the front door, as a smiling Kazuyo returns to the laundry

* * *

Hitomi: Where is he? [looks at watch]

[Hitomi is sitting at a stool at the Nekohanten. Mousse walks up, drying a
glass with a burlap bag.]

Mousse: Are you expecting someone to join you?

Hitomi: [sighs] Hai.

Mousse: Would you like something while you wait?

Hitomi: [hesitatingly] I guess it won't hurt... [pauses] Can I have just a
cup of sake?

Mousse: Hai.

[Mousse walks down the bar, taking orders. Once he arrives at the other end of
he begins filling orders. He then starts walking to Hitomi, passing around
drinks. Once he arrives at Hitomi's seat, he places a mug of sake in front of
Hitomi, who simply stares in amazement.]

Hitomi: [blinks] Isn't this quite a bit?

Mousse: [peers through glasses] Oh! You didn't order a beer, did you, Sakamoto?

Hitomi: [blinks then shakes head] No, no, this'll be fine. Doumo.

[Mousse nods and enters the kitchen. Hitomi eyes her mug for a moment, then
takes a small drink. A short while later, Shampoo exits the kitchen. She sees
Hitomi and immediately walks over to her.]

Shampoo: You Akiyama Hitomi?

Hitomi: [blinks] Hai. What do you want?

Shampoo: Shampoo want nothing. Have message for you. [hands note to Hitomi]
Tall man left note here earlier, say he very busy and please give to

Hitomi: Oh... a-arigato...

[Shampoo smiles, then walks back into the kitchen. As Hitomi opens the note and
quickly scans it, her expression becomes pale and her smile fades. She reaches
over and takes a BIG drink of sake from her mug, then re-reads the note. She
then puts the note on the bar and looks up at the ceiling, wiping away a tear,
then quickly looks around the Nekohanten to see if anyone's paying attention to
her. As she's looking around the bar, Lardizabal sits down next to her.]

Lardizabal: Konbanwa!

[Hitomi almost falls off her stool. She wheels around to see Lardizabal
reaching for her mug of sake. She snaps it away from him and drains it quickly
before he can do anything.]

Hitomi: [hiccups] What do you want?

Lardizabal: [grins] Nothing! I... uh... hey, don't I know you from somewhere?
[scratches head]

Hitomi: [blinks] Um... I don't know. Do you?

Lardizabal: Hmm. [snaps fingers] Hai! You're that waitress over at the other
place! [disgusted] The place that doesn't serve alcohol...

Hitomi: Hey! Chez Funsui is a respectable kissaten!

Lardizabal: [under his breath] For a bijin kissaten, maybe...

Hitomi: Nani?

Lardizabal: Uh... I was just wondering if... ah... [glances around quickly]
you'd like another drink? It's on me...

Hitomi: [looks at her now-empty mug] Sure. Why not.

Lardizabal: Great! [loudly] Oi! Where's the service?

[Mousse casually walks in from the kitchen, sees Lardizabal, and just as
casually walks back into the kitchen. Both Lardizabal and Hitomi blink several
times, then look at each other.]

Lardizabal: [even louder] Oi! Can we have some service here?

Shampoo's voice: [from kitchen] You have money?

Lardizabal: Hai! I have a lot of money today!

[Shampoo appears out of nowhere in front of Lardizabal and Hitomi, the kitchen
door swinging back and forth on its hinges.]

Shampoo: Show money first.

[Lardizabal sighs, then pulls out a credit card.]

Shampoo: Credit no good.

[Lardizabal pulls out a checkbook.]

Shampoo: Check no good.

[Lardizabal pulls out a piggy bank. Shampoo eyes the piggy bank skeptically,
then pulls out a bonbori and smashes it. Money falls out.]

Shampoo: [smiling] What Shampoo get?

Lardizabal: A nice WARM bottle of sake, and TWO cups.

Shampoo: [looks at Hitomi's mug] You want more beer?

Hitomi: [hiccups] Actually, your bartender decided to serve me sake in this,
for some reason...

Shampoo: [glances at kitchen] Oh? Shampoo understand.

[Shampoo quickly disappears and reappears with a bottle of sake and a cup. She
pours sake into the cup and hands it to Lardizabal, then half-fills Hitomi's
mug with sake before disappearing back into the kitchen.]

Hitomi: [motioning at mug] Hey, wait, that's not what I meant...

[Hitomi and Lardizabal look at each other again. Lardizabal then takes the mug,
and hands Hitomi the cup. They drink.]

Lardizabal: [putting down his mug] Tell me, what's a girl like you...

Hitomi: [rolling her eyes] Can't a guy be more original than that?

Lardizabal: [blinking] Well, excuse me!

Hitomi: [drinking again] Y-you men are all alike... wine them, dine
them, give them flowers... then leave them! For another woman so
you can do it all over again!

Lardizabal: [holding up hands] Now wait a minute...

Hitomi: Get outta here!

[Hitomi slaps Lardizabal HARD. Lardizabal nearly falls off the stool, then
catches himself.]

Lardizabal: Che... what are you doing?

Hitomi: [hiccuping] BARTENDER! MORE SAKE!

Lardizabal: Hey, if you want more... [starts to pull out a bottle from his


Lardizabal: [eyes widening, stuffs bottle back in shirt] Uh... ja mata...

[Lardizabal gets off the stool and leaves the bar in a hurry. Mousse comes out
of the kitchen, picks up Lardizabal's mug, and fills it with beer.]

Mousse: Here you go, Tanaka-san.

[Hitomi glares at Mousse...]


[Hitomi splashes Mousse with the beer, grabs the bottle of sake left on the
bar, and storms out. Behind her...]

MuuMuu-chan: Quack?

* * *

[Hitomi leans against the wall outside the Nekohanten, drinking from the
bottle. Ranma comes whistling down the street. He halts as he sees Hitomi.]

Hitomi: [slurring] Ranma-kun! Konban(hic)wa! Whatcha doing out?

Ranma: [haltingly, as he watches Hitomi sways against the wall] Konbanwa,
Hitomi-chan! Just finished... studying at Ucchan's... and I was... on
my way to... meet you... for dinner.

[Hitomi giggles.]

Ranma: [baffled look] What's wrong with you?

Hitomi: [slurring] Oh, I'm just holding up the wall... wanna help?

Ranma: Um... are you drunk, Hitomi-chan?

Hitomi: [shakes head vigorously sideways] Nope! Nopenopenopenope! [pauses]
I don't think so. [pauses] Nope! Nopenopenopenope! [giggles]

Ranma: Right. [rolls eyes] Maybe we should get you back to Maison Sabaku and
you can sleep it off?

Hitomi: But the wall needs me... [giggles]

Ranma: I think the wall can do just fine without you, Hitomi-chan.

Hitomi: Welllll... ok. [takes step forward and stumbles] Wow... now the
sidewalk needs me...

Ranma: ... Give me that bottle.

[Ranma grabs the bottle and tosses it into a trash can. Then he grabs Hitomi
and half-carries, half-drags Hitomi away from the wall. Ranma supports a
staggering Hitomi, as they walks away from the Nekohanten.]

* * *

Ranma: C'mon, Hitomi-chan, [grunts] you're not helping me here...

[Ranma and Hitomi have stopped on their way back to Maison Sabaku. Hitomi has
all but passed out in Ranma's arms.]

Hitomi: [murmurs] I don't feel so good.

Ranma: Che. I believe it. How much did you have to drink tonight?

Hitomi: [louder] I don't feel so good.

Ranma: [sighs] C'mon. We're almost home. Just another couple of blocks more.

Hitomi: [very loudly] I feel sick...

Ranma: It's not that far, reall... sick? [blinks]

[Hitomi suddenly lurches away from Ranma and bends over a nearby trash can.
Ranma turns away and looks skyward.]

Ranma: Oh... sick.

* * *

[Ranma staggers up the walk to Maison Sabaku with Hitomi on his back. As he
gets to the front door, he pauses, trying to fish for his keys while not
dropping Hitomi. Just as he finds them, the door opens.]

Kazuyo: Saotome-san! What happened?

Ranma: [shrugs] I have no idea. She was drunk when I got to the Nekohanten.

Kazuyo: Here. Let me have her. You go on up, Saotome-san. Arigato for bringing
Hitomi home.

Ranma: [rubbing his head] No problem. Well... ja ne!

[Ranma bounds upstairs. Kazuyo sighs, then drags her burden to Hitomi's
apartment. Letting herself in with the master key, Kazuyo puts Hitomi to bed.
As she prepares to leave, Kazuyo catches sight of the yellow rose that Hitomi
had placed in a prominent position on a table. She sighs.]

Kazuyo: [shaking her head] A yellow rose... for friendship.

[Kazuyo closes the door, leaving the apartment dark.]

* * *

[It is about 1 am at night. Akane puts away her math book she has been
studying from.]

Akane: I feel like I'm forgetting something.

[She glances over at Ranma-chan, who is sprawled out on the futon.]

Akane: [counting on fingers] Washed the dishes. Cleaned apartment. Found
magazines. Malleted Ranma. Splashed Ranma. Math's done. That's all!
[smiles] Now I... [eyes widens] The rent payment! Che! I almost forgot
to pay the rent!

[She hurriedly writes out a check and puts it into an envelope, then sprints
out the door and down the stairs to Kazuyo's apartment door, sliding the
envelope under the door. Then she hears footsteps heading up the stairs.]

Akane: Who could that be?

[Akane flashes back to watching the news report on a string of recent
residential burglaries.]

Akane: Che... and Ranma...

[A mental image forms, of burglars walking past the unconscious Ranma-chan,
hefting their television, and sneaking out, pausing to steal Ranma-chan too.]

Akane: Grrr... Not in my house they won't.

[She sneaks up the stairs. When she reaches the top, she sees Choji with
a woman who looks to be about forty or so, in a well-cut red dress. Akane

Akane: [whispering] She... she's twice his age.

[The woman says something quiet, and Choji laughs nervously. Then they go into
his room together.]

Akane: I'd better tell Kanrinin-san about this in the morning. [yawns]
And I'd better get some sleep... [sighing]

[Akane goes back into the apartment. She blinks once at Ranma-chan's sleeping
form, then pushes Ranma-chan off the futon, and drops a blanket over her. She
stands for a few minutes watching Ranma-chan's sleeping form.]

Akane: [whispering] Konbanwa, you hentai.

[Akane crawls into the futon and goes to sleep.]

* * *

[The next morning, Kazuyo is sweeping the porch as Akane comes jogging

Kazuyo: Ohayo gozaimasu!

Akane: Ohayo! [starts to run off, then stops.] Kanrinrin-san...

[Kazuyo stops sweeping the porch, and looks up.]

Akane: [fidgeting] I just have a moment, but I saw something last night I
needed to tell you about.

Kazuyo: Nan desu ka?

Akane: Choji... he...

Kazuyo: [slightly exasperated] Nan desu ka?

Akane: He's got a woman twice his age living with him!

Kazuyo: [smiling] It's only temporary.

Akane: know about this?

Kazuyo: [nodding] He asked me if it was okay. I said hai, of course.

Akane: I... uh... see. Right. Well, just thought I'd make sure you knew.

Kazuyo: Choji is not half as sneaky as you think he is, Akane. Or at least not
as good as he thinks he is.

Akane: [puzzled look] Hai...
[shrugs] I must be going! [sprints off.]

Kazuyo: Why is Akane taking this so strangely? Young folk these days.
[laughs a little] Oh my, I sound like Toshi.

* * *

[Around 10 am, Toshi and Choji step out of their rooms at the same time. Choji
looks over, sees Toshi and ducks back into his room.]

Toshi: [muttering] What is it with that boy? There's something wrong
with him.

[He heads down the hallway. Hearing a door starting to open, Toshi looks back.
Choji's door slams shut, and Toshi hears faint voices from behind the door.]

Toshi: [grumbling] Must be the radiation from all that ecchi videotape
watching. Driven him mad, that's what! Probably wears aluminum foil
under his hat to keep out the alien mind control rays. Crazy kids!

[Toshi heads off muttering and grumbling as Choji's door slowly creeps open

* * *

[Room 5. Ranma is doing stretching exercises, while Akane is in the shower.
The doorbell rings.]

Ranma: [answering door] Ohayo!

[Hitomi, looking refreshed and perky, bursts in and gives Ranma a big hug.]

Hitomi: Ohayo! Just wanted to say arigato, for helping me home last night.

Ranma: [grins and places a hand behind his head] No problem, no problem!

Hitomi: Yeah... [looking down]

Ranma: Things didn't go too well with Oono-san, huh?

[Behind Ranma, Akane starts to enter from the kitchen. Seeing Hitomi, she ducks
back behind the doorway and listens.]

Hitomi: Nooo... [frowning] He's interested in someone else...
[looks up at Ranma] But who cares? You're much better than that baka,
any day!

Ranma: [nervous laugh] Well, you... er, he doesn't know what he's missing, ne?

Akane: [clenching her fists behind the doorway, thinking] Who does that playboy
think he is?

Hitomi: [smiling] Arigato! [grabs Ranma's hand] Akane's lucky to have you!

Ranma: Heh... yeah well...

Hitomi: Well, I got to go! Ja ne! [slowly lets go of Ranma's hand as she leaves]

Ranma: [leaving his hand hanging in the air, nervously laughing] Jeez, she
looks much better this morning. Kawaii...

Akane: Kawaii, eh?

[Ranma starts. Akane's leaning in the doorway.]

Ranma: [holding up his hands] T-that wasn't what it looks like.

Akane: [crossing arms] Ok, what was it?

Ranma: Ah... heh heh... er... she was just thanking me for helping her home
last night.

Akane: Last... night. [starts glowing blue] So... you hentai... not only do you
sneak around reading ecchi magazines, but you're out late at nights...

Ranma: Wait... wait...

Akane: [picking up bokken] ... doing who knows what...!!!

Ranma: [backing up, holding his hands up] Wait...! Can't I even explain?

Akane: [swinging bokken]... with Hitomi...!!!

Ranma: [ducking and sidestepping the bokken] WAIT!!!

Akane: RANMA NO BAKA!!! [pulls back fist]

Ranma: WAIIIIIIIIIT!!! ....

* * *

[Outside Maison Sabaku.]

Hitomi: [looking up at Ranma and Akane's apartment window] Yeah... Akane's
lucky to have Ranma.

[Sighing, Hitomi turns to start walking to Chez Funsui, completely missing the
airborne Ranma crashing through the window behind her.]

* * *

[Afternoon, Ranma and Akane's room. A bandaged Ranma is trying to catch up on
homework, while Akane practices some lines with her partner, Keiko, from a
scene she has to do for an acting class.]

Keiko: [reading from script] "But Sue Ellen, what will your husband think
about this?"

Akane: [reading from another script] "Well, Pam, he'll never know! I love
Michael much more than ever I loved him. Even if I can't afford to
divorce him."

Ranma: [thinking] Identify the Thesis of "Some Prefer Nettles."
[writing] "Life is boring, so cheat on your wife or whine about your
husband. Keep doing this for far too many pages."

Ranma: [pausing to scratch his head] I wish I knew why I'm having so much
trouble in this composition class.

[There is a knock on the door.]

Ranma: Come in!

[Kazuyo enters. Her eyes wander briefly to the broken window that Akane
knocked Ranma out through earlier.]

Akane: [still reading lines] "Why, I've already been with Michael three times
and he has no idea whatsover I'm cheating on him." [glares at Ranma]

[Kazuyo looks over at Akane with a slightly shocked look.]

Ranma: [glancing over from his paper] She's reading lines from some gaijin
play or something.

Kazuyo: [looking at Akane quizzically] You're playing an adulterous wife,

[Akane blushes.]

Akane: Uh, hai. [looks down to avoid Kazuyo's eyes]

Kazuyo: [changing attitudes] You've got quite a dramatic range! [smiles] Well,
anyway, I came to invite you and Ranma to dine with me tonight. I've
invited Choji and his guest, Makoto-san, to dine with us tonight.

Ranma: [nodding] Sounds good to me.

Akane: [thinking] She even knows the name of that woman... Doesn't she care
what Choji is doing? [to Kazuyo] We... uh... we'll be there.

Kazuyo: Good! See you at seven. [starts to leave, then pauses.]
By the way, Akane, Ranma... [motions at broken window, and raises an

Akane: Oh... umm. [nervous laughter] We'll fix it, Kanrinrin-san...

[Kazuyo smiles, and closes the door. Ranma shrugs and turns back to his paper.
Akane and Keiko continue practicing their scene, reading their lines.]

Keiko: "But still, it's not right! What about your son?"

Akane: [eyes moving to Ranma] "But does John Ross really love me?"

Keiko: "Of course your husband loves you. Everyone knows that...
it's why he stays with you!"

Akane: "Go home, Pam. I need to think."

Keiko: "But... but don't you need to talk about..."

Akane: "Go home!"

[Akane and Keiko look up from their scripts.]

Keiko: [swinging her fist and winking] All right! We're going to kick butt!

Akane: [looking at Ranma's back, thinking] Talk to someone...

* * *

[Kazuyo is straightening the paintings on the walls in her apartment. There's
a knock at the door.]

Kazuyo: Just a minute!

[Kazuyo makes a final adjustment to the painting, and then walks over to open
the front door.]

Kazuyo: Ohayo, Akane-san!

Akane: Kanrinrin-san... I need to talk to you.

Kazuyo: Of course. Come in, dear.

[Akane enters, and Kazuyo closes the door.]

Akane: Kanrinrin-san...

[Akane blinks, as Kazuyo grabs Akane's hands.]

Kazuyo: You mustn't feel poorly! Saotome-san loves you, anyone can see that.
Don't lose heart.

Akane: Y-you think so?

Kazuyo: I know so!

Akane: [weak smile] Arigato... [blinks] How did you know... what I was going
to talk to you about?

Kazuyo: [smiling] I've seen the way Hitomi looks at Ranma. I know they came
home late last night, but it wasn't Ranma's fault. Hitomi was...
[frowning] in trouble. Saotome-san was kind enough to help her.

Akane: I didn't know...

Kazuyo: [smiling] I had arguments with my husband all the time too.
Tohru was... stubborn. And I was stubborn in those days too.
[looks at Akane] But we learned...

[Kazuyo looks up at the wall. Akane's eyes follow to a small shrine with a
picture of a face with strong features.]

Akane: [whispering] I'm sorry.

Kazuyo: [looking at Akane and smiling] Don't be.

Akane: [fidgeting] I... uh, think I should be leaving. Arigato...
[she starts to turn to leave, then hesitates]
Uh... do you want me to help you prepare dinner?

Kazuyo: [smile freezing] Oh... I'm fine, dear. I can handle it.

Akane: You sure?

Kazuyo: Hai, I'm sure. I'd go talk to Ranma-san, if I were you. I think you
need to be having this talk with him.

[Akane frowns. Kazuyo crosses her arms and waits. Slowly, Akane's frown
lifts, and becomes a weak smile.]

Akane: H-Hai! I'll... I'll go talk to Ranma.

Kazuyo: And dear? Don't criticize him. Just talk to him.

Akane: Uh... hai. Arigato... [bowing]

[Akane leaves. Kazuyo smiles... then shakes her head, and looks up at the

Kazuyo: [crossing her arms] Those two have a lot to work out.

* * *

[*CRACK* Ranma's pencil breaks.]

Ranma: ARGH! I HATE HOMEWORK!!! [grabs a new pencil]

[Akane enters. Ranma turns to look at her warily. Akane walks into the kitchen.
As Ranma turns back to his homework, Akane hestitatingly comes out of the
kitchen and watches Ranma for a while. Ranma, feeling Akane's eyes on him,
turns around.]

Ranma: Nan desu ka?

Akane: Oh... er... still trying to catch up with homework?

Ranma: [turning back to his homework] Yeah. I gotta finish this paper
somehow. What a boring book... this is WORSE than Kunou making me
engrave that novel... what was it... _The Five Rings_?...
for him on his bokken collection.

Akane: [crossing arms] Well, it serves you right for making that bet!
What made you think you could've won?

Ranma: [disgusted look] It was _KUNOU_, for crying out loud! I could've taken
him in my sleep!

Akane: You're getting soft, then.

Ranma: And what about you?

Akane: I could take HIM on anytime...

[Akane stops.]

Kazuyo's voice: Don't criticize. Just talk to him.

Akane: [sighs] Ranma...I just wanted to say... [gathering breath, then speaks,
barely audible] i'msorry.

Ranma: Nani? [blinking] What DID you say?

Akane: I said... [clenching fists] I'm sorry.

[Ranma blinks. Then he points a finger and starts to say something. Then he
closes his mouth, as Akane glares at him. Akane takes a deep breath.]

Akane: I'm sorry... for knocking you out the window. I... I should have
talked to you first.

Ranma: [blinks] You mean... you're going to actually let me explain?

Akane: H-hai.

Ranma: [warily] Hitomi was drunk. [Akane says nothing.]
[stammering] I-I had to help her home.

Akane: I... know. I talked to Kanrinrin-san. [looking downcast] I'm sorry.
I'll... get the window fixed.

[Akane starts to retreat into the kitchen. Ranma is about to turn back to his
homework, but pauses, and looks over at Akane.]

Ranma: Hey Akane? [Akane stops.]
Shouldn't we get ready for dinner with Kanrinrin-san first?

Akane: [blinking] H-hai!

[Akane smiles, and changes directions, heading for the bathroom. Ranma looks
after Akane with bemusement, then grabs a new pencil, and returns to work.]

* * *

[Late afternoon, Nekohanten.]

Hitomi: Bartender! More sake!

Mousse: Coming up!

[Mousse whips out a chain, which wraps around a bottle of sake. He then whips
the chain towards Hitomi. Hitomi grabs the bottle.]

Hitomi: Arigato!

[Hitomi sits, and broods over her bottle. Lardizabal enters the restaurant.
Seeing Hitomi, he blinks, and considers. He shrugs, and slides onto the seat
next to her.]

Lardizabal: Hey, bartender! The usual!

Mousse: Hai!

[Mousse whips out a chain, which wraps around a customer sitting near the edge
of a bar. He then whips the chain towards Lardizabal. The customer comes
sliding down the counter. Lardizabal stands and watches him fly off the
counter and land with a *THUD!* on the wall.]

Lardizabal: Another one!

[Mousse, looking elsewhere, whips out another chain, and this time manages to
grab a bottle of vodka, which he whips towards Shampoo. Shampoo, taking an
order, casually grabs the bottle out of the air, and tosses it at Lardizabal.]

Lardizabal: [grabbing the bottle out of the air as he looks at Hitomi] So, what
brings you back? [wary look] You're not going to go psycho on me
again, are you?

Hitomi: Konban(hic)wa. No... just drowning my sorrows.

Lardizabal: [chugging the bottle] Whatsa matter?

Hitomi: I'm sick of men. The only available ones aren't worth having.

Lardizabal: Nani? What's wrong with me?

Hitomi: [looking skeptically at Lardizabal] I've only seen you a few times.
I don't _know_ you.

Lardizabal: [nettled] Well, I don't _know_ you either!

Hitomi: [holding bottle protectively] Good. You're not getting my sake.

[Lardizabal frowns.]

Lardizabal: How am I supposed to get to know you if you...

[A cheery voice interrupts Lardizabal. Lardizabal turns to face the voice.]

Makiko: Konbanwa! Tanaka-kun! What are you doing?

Lardizabal: [glaring at Hitomi] Nothing. [looking at Makiko] Nothing at all.

Makiko: [eyeing Hitomi] Good! You want to check out the virtual reality center?

Lardizabal: A virtual reality center... [looks at Hitomi] Ah hell with it.
There's nothing going on here anyway. [downing bottle] Sure.

Makiko: Great! [grabs Lardizabal's arm] Let's go!

[Lardizabal and Makiko depart, leaving Hitomi all alone at the bar.]

* * *

[It is seven o'clock. Ranma and Akane are standing in the hallway
outside Room 1.]

Ranma: I really should be doing some more studying.

Akane: It won't kill you to spend a little time with me and Kanrinrin-san
and uh...

Ranma: And uh?

Akane: That woman who is living with Choji.

Ranma: [blinks] Makoto-san is a... woman?

Akane: A woman! And she's twice his age!

Ranma: [disbelievingly] Choji... has... a... woman... living... with... him.
[heatedly, waving arms] Is she SANE?!
And Kanrinrin-san knows about this?

Akane: She's inside there with that woman right now!

Ranma: [shaking head] I guess people are full of surprises. [blinks, then
slams his hand into his palm] Hey, maybe that's why Choji gave me
those magazines. So he could hide them from that woman...

Akane: [blinking] You got those magazines from Choji?

Ranma: Hey, he wanted me to hold them for a few days...

[Akane glares at him.]

Ranma: I didn't know what they were till he already left! Honest!

Akane: And why did you say okay to _CHOJI_? [crosses her arms]

Ranma: [stammering] I... er...

[Ranma quickly knocks at the door. Just as Akane is about to say something,
Kazuyo opens the door.]

Kazuyo: Come in!

[Ranma enters quickly, followed by Akane. Dinner is already on the table.
Makoto-san and Choji are already kneeling at the table. Kazuyo bustles about
making last minute preparations.]

Kazuyo: Makoto-san, this is Choji's neighbors Saotome Ranma and Saotome
Akane. They're college students at Mizunoikan.

Ranma: [bowing] Konbanwa.

Akane: [bowing] Uh... nice to meet you...

Kazuyo: Akane, Ranma, this is Ketibeppu Makoto. And you already know Choji,
of course.

Ranma: [thinking] Where have I heard the name Ketibeppu before?

Akane: [looking at Makoto, thinking] I wonder if they're engaged?

[They all sit down to eat.]

Makoto: So what are you two majoring in?

Akane: I'm in Theater Arts.

Ranma: Physical Education. We're going to be running a dojo after we graduate.

Makoto: Very impressive! I guess you've been studying martial arts for a long
time. Ever fought any ninjas?

Ranma: [laughs] None worthy of the name.

Makoto: You must have been too good for them. You look strong.

Ranma: Hai! [smiles as he eats]

Akane: [thinking] Hmph. Isn't one man half her age good enough for her?

Makoto: Are you planning a professional career in theater, Akane, or are
you going to just help Saotome-san run the dojo?

Akane: It's my dojo we'll be running. I'll be inheriting from my father,

Choji: She does martial arts too.

Makoto: Multi-talented! That's very good. I make my living from photography,
just like Choji-chan here.

Akane: [thinking] Che... I hope not just like Choji...-chan? Bleah.

[Choji squirms and looks a bit embarrassed.]

Akane: Uh, how... uh...

Makoto: Yes?

Akane: I mean you two... um...

Makoto: I don't understand.

[Choji looks over at Akane, and suddenly realizes what she must be thinking.]

Choji: [laughs nervously and trying to cover up] She must be doing a
performance for us. What play is that from, Saotome-san?

Akane: [laughs nervously] Why, uh, arigato, Choji. That's from, uh...
"My Husband is a Baka".

[Ranma frowns. Makoto giggles a bit.]

Kazuyo: Is this the same one you were practicing the adultery scene for?

Akane: [blushing] Uh, no.

Makoto: I suppose it must be hard to play an adulteress when you have
such a handsome husband.

[Ranma smiles.]

Akane: [grinding teeth] Why... arigato!
[sourly thinking] She's flirting with my "handsome husband".
[mental sigh] Though she's right... I mean, being an adulteress in a
play when I'm married... does make me uncomfortable.

Kazuyo: So how much longer will you be with us, Makoto-san?

Makoto: I have to go at the end of the week. My husband will be missing me.

[Akane tries not to spew her dinner across the table.]

Akane: [thinking] She just admitted she's having an affair?

Ranma: [thinking] The cooking's pretty good. Wonder why Akane looks sick.

Makoto: Are you all right, Akane-san?

Akane: [trying to control herself] I... uh, hai.

Kazuyo: Are you sure, Akane-san?

Akane: [through clenched teeth] Just. Fine.

Choji: I think something just went down the wrong way, okaa-san.

Akane: [gagging again] She's your MOTHER?

[Everyone blinks, except Kazuyo, who smiles enigmatically.]

Makoto: [blinks] Who did you think I was?

Akane: I... uh... [blushing hard]

Ranma: [starting to laugh] She thought you were living with Choji! As his

[Akane pokes Ranma in the ribs, cutting off his laughter.]

Makoto: [laughing a little] My sweet, innocent son wouldn't have a live-in
girlfriend. We raised him right.

[Choji blushes. Ranma tries not to fall over laughing. Kazuyo smiles faintly.]

Akane: I... uh... guess not.

[A phone call saves Akane from trying to explain. Excusing herself, Kazuyo goes
off to answer the phone. Akane chuckles nervously and tries to busy herself
with her bowl. Makoto smiles at Choji and puts more food in his bowl. Ranma
nearly chokes watching Choji's expression.]

Kazuyo: [returning] Oh dear. Hitomi-chan is at the Nekohanten. Saotome-san,
would you please...

[Kazuyo pauses, and looks at Akane. Akane's face is tense. She then looks at
Ranma, whose cheeks are puffed full of food as he looks up at her. Then she
looks at Choji, who has a pleading expression on his face as his mother beams
and pats his hair.]

Kazuyo: Gomen, gomen. I need a favor. Choji-san, can you please pick up Hitomi
at the Nekohanten?

Choji: [jumping up] Hai! I'll go pick her up! [bowing to Makoto] I'll be back,
okaa-san! Konbanwa, everyone!

[Choji nearly bowls over Ranma in his rush to get out the door. Kazuyo hides a
smile, and turns to Makoto.]

Kazuyo: Arigato! [smiles] He's such a helpful fellow.

Makoto: Hai! Isn't he well-behaved? [smiles]

[Ranma nearly chokes on his food again. Akane merely smiles at Kazuyo in
grateful thanks.]

* * *

[Choji enters the Nekohanten.]

Voices: CHOJI!

Choji: [grinning and waving] Hey, anyone seen Akiyama-san?

[Shampoo motions towards the bar. Choji looks up, and his mouth drops.
Hitomi is lying flat on her back on the bar, singing sad songs. Mousse is
throwing his chains everywhere as he tries to serve drinks above Hitomi. Choji
starts to drool as he notices Hitomi's unbuttoned the top of her blouse.]

Choji: Sweet-o!

[Choji starts to walk over, then pauses, as images of both his mother and
Kazuyo come to mind, both of whom are looking at him disapprovingly.]

Choji: [sighs] I'm going to hate myself for this...

[He pulls off his jacket. Then he pulls Hitomi off the bar. Still singing,
Hitomi barely registers Choji as he hesitatingly puts his jacket on her.]

Customers: Aw!!!

Choji: Gomen, that's all for tonight. Konbanwa!

[Waving, he escorts Hitomi out of the Nekohanten. Outside, the fresh air
revives Hitomi.]

Hitomi: [groggily] N-nani...? [looks up and sees Choji] Oh, Kettibeppu-san...

[Hitomi looks down... and then notices her blouse is unbuttoned.]

Hitomi: Waaah! [yanks away from Choji and then kicks him in the shin.]

[Choji yelps and grabs his shin. Hitomi kicks his other shin, sending him
crashing to the ground.]


Choji: [holding shins] Hey, waitaminute! Kanrinrin-san sent me to take you

Hitomi: Oh... good. [collapses onto her knees as her adrenaline levels drops]

Choji: Aw... no. [struggles to get up.] Come on, get up. Kazuyo'll have my hide
on a platter if anything happened to you.

[Choji struggles over, and manages to get Hitomi up. Staggering together, they
start walking home.]

Choji: What were you doing drinking anyway? I didn't think you were the type...

Hitomi: *hic* [staggers against Choji] Men are such jerks.

Choji: Er... what happened?

Hitomi: I got dumped. Thrown over for another girl. It's over, finished. My
life is over.

Choji: [blinking] A cute girl like you? What an idiot. [eyes wander down
Hitomi's front]

Hitomi: *hic* Yeah? Eyes front, hentai.

[Choji snaps his head up and stares straight ahead.]

Hitomi: But... [smiles] arigato.

[Choji looks over and smiles at Hitomi.]

Choji: You're welcome.

[A suddenly pale Hitomi gives a sickly smile in return... then hiccups. Her
eyes widen, she clasps her hands over her mouth, and dashes over to a nearby
trash can.]

Choji: [blinking] Eeew. Sick.

* * *

[Choji manages to stagger up the stairs of Maison Sabaku. Looking fearfully
across the hallway at Kazuyo's apartment, Choji starts to search Hitomi for her
keys. Just before he starts patting Hitomi's personal areas, Hitomi manages to
hold up her keys. Choji blinks, gives a sigh of disaapointment, and takes the
keys. He manages to drag Hitomi to her bed. Just before Choji is about to leave
Hitomi on the bed, she glomps onto his arm, almost semiconsciously.]

Hitomi: Don't go... please. Stay here with me. [removes the jacket Choji gave

[Stars burst in Choji's eyes.]

Choji: [thinking] Can it be...?

[Intriguing images of Hitomi flitters through his mind... which are quickly
stamped "CENSORED" by a giant hand. Then the giant hand turns towards Choji and
stamps "HENTAI!" on his head. Choji blinks and shakes his head.]

Choji: I've got to go.

Hitomi: B-but...

Choji: I... I gotta go!

[Choji grabs his jacket and dashes out. Hitomi curls up into a ball on the bed
and cries.]

* * *

[Choji enters Kazuyo's apartment.]

Choji: Kanrinrin-san...? I... I think Hitomi needs you.

Kazuyo: Oh... [gets up] Forgive me, Makoto-san.

Makoto: [waving] That's all right.

Akane: [standing] Hai... we have to be going. [pokes Ranma's side with her foot]

Ranma: Uh? Oh yeah. [gets up] Arigato, Kanrinrin-san, for the meal! [bowing]

[Akane and Ranma leave. Makoto stands up and starts to clear the dishes.
Kazuyo leaves for Hitomi's apartment. Choji sighs.]

Makoto: Choji-chan... will you help me, please?

Choji: Hai, okaa-san. I'll be there in a minute. I need to... go outside a

Makoto: Hurry back.

[Choji leaves the apartment and walks outside. He turns around the corner to go
to the back of the house. There is a brief pause, as the wind rustles the
falling leaves. Then a loud scream and thudding sounds are heard, as Choji
starts banging his head on the house.]

Choji's voice: BAKABAKABAKA! You blew it! BAKA!!!

* * *

[Kazuyo enters Hitomi's bedroom. Seeing her curled up, Kazuyo reaches out
and places a hand on Hitomi's shoulder. Hitomi looks at Kazuyo with tearful
eyes. Kazuyo opens her arms. Hitomi, with a sob, grabs Kazuyo and holds on
tightly. Kazuyo merely holds her, as Hitomi cries.]

* * *

[Next morning, Makoto, Choji, and Kazuyo are on the porch saying their
farewells, as a taxi-cab awaits.]

Makoto: ... and arigato gozaimasu for a lovely time, Kazuyo-san!

Kazuyo: [bowing] It was my pleasure.

Makoto: Take care of my sweet son for me, will you, Kazuyo-san?

Kazuyo: I will. [smiles]

Makoto: [turning to Choji] Now, be a good boy, and mind Kazuyo, will you?

Choji: [stammering] H-hai, okaa-san.

Makoto: Excellent!

[Makoto turns and gets into the taxi as Choji and Kazuyo waves goodbye. The
taxi starts to spin off, then halts. Makoto rolls down the window, and calls
out to Choji.]

Makoto: And when will you get married? Find yourself a nice girl!

[Kazuyo hides a smile behind her hand.]

Choji: [blushing] Hai, okaa-san! [smiles unconvincingly]

Makoto: Good! Sayonara, Kazuyo-san, Choji-chan!

[The taxi leaves. Choji grimaces, and turns to enter Maison Sabaku, Kazuyo

Choji: Don't say anything, Kanrinrin-san. Just don't say anything.

Kazuyo: I wouldn't dream of it. Pardon me, I have work to do.

Choji: Good. [sticks his hands in his pockets]

[Both of them enter Maison Sabaku. Kazuyo enters the laundry room, as Choji
starts to climb the stairs. Hitomi walks out of her apartment. She stops when
she sees Choji.]

Choji: Ohayo!

[Hitomi sniffs and walks back into her apartment.]

Choji: Che... [starts to turn around to go back up, then pauses.]
[thinking] Nice girl, huh? [casts a speculative eye towards Hitomi's

Kazuyo: [popping up behind Choji] Don't even think about it.

Choji: [recoiling in shock] Yiiii!!! [runs upstairs]

[Kazuyo smiles, picks up the broom propped up against the wall, and walks
outside into the chilly autumn morning to sweep the porch.]


There's word on the street again
The rumours come flyin'
She's up to her old ways again
And another one is cryin'

No-one understands
She's a dif'rent person now
No-one lends a hand
To listen to her now

Days going by, hopelessness in your heart
Never look back, never break apart

Somebody loves you
Now and forever
And you're not alone now
If only you'll remember
That somebody loves you
Waiting patiently
Somebody loves you
Look and you will see
Somebody loves you ...
Somebody like me.


Credits :

Writers..............: David Tai
Paul Gallegos
John Walter Biles

Story Artists........: Anastasia Moreno

DnR Outsider's FAQ...: Jon K. Hayashi

Special Thanks to....: Robert DeLoura
Tanya Mundy

The Tucson Animation Screening Society (TASS)

And of course Rumiko Takahashi

| Copyright (c) 1996 Digital Knight Communications |
| "Ranma 1/2" and its characters Copyright (c) 1996 |
| Viz Communications, Inc., Shogakukan, Kitty Animation |
| and Rumiko Takahashi |


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