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[Ranma][FanFic] Tapestry

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Kevin D. Hammel

Nov 3, 1998, 3:00:00 AM11/3/98


Tapestry, a story which might take place after Bryan Neef's "Can't Win"

By Kevin D. Hammel

Ranma 1/2 is property of Rumiko Takahashi. Publishing rights are held
by Viz in The US and Shogakukan in Japan. My purpose is to honor the
creator and her works. No infringement intended.


Consider two universes, with subtle differences, each a thread of a
larger tapestry. For convenience, we shall call one red and one black.
Sometimes, they follow each other, sometimes intersecting, and often
flying apart. We shall begin this story near its end. Here the red and
black nearly intersect, but in their differences lies the tale.

Nabiki's Office, an intersection near the end

Nerima, Tokyo, Japan

Tendou Nabiki paused for a moment in her labors. What had once been a
guest room in the Tendou home now served as her office. As her "day
job" involved running the dojo downstairs, she usually restricted her
trading to early morning and late evening, thus the European and
American markets were her new playground.

A disruption in the satellite link to New York had given her a few
moments respite. As she often did at such times, she opened the top
drawer of her desk. It contained only one thing, a photograph she dared
not leave out. Nabiki regarded the photograph. It was a picture of five
women, a man and a young girl. The problem with the photograph was that
three of the women were dead, including both the child's parents.

The Photograph, a divergence near the end


In the center of the photograph, there was a young couple and their
child. A woman with red hair held the smiling baby toward the camera,
while her spouse, a woman with short, black hair, stood with her left
arm draped around the redhead.


In the center of the photograph, there was a young couple and their
child. A woman with black hair held the smiling baby toward the camera,
while her spouse, a woman with red hair, stood with her right arm
draped around the black haired woman.

The Beginning, an intersection

Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan

The month she had not worn the ring was over. Ranko called Akane and
Nodoka, their mother over so they could share this moment together. The
water on the stove was certainly hot enough to effect the change all
three anxiously awaited.

Ranko was dressed only in a bathrobe and a pair of boxer shorts
purchased for the occasion. Akane brought the water from the stove.
Ranko stood over the sink and poured the water over her head.

Hot Water, the first divergence


The change the three expected did not occur. The hot water ran down the
sink and was joined by the warm water of Ranko's tears, which flowed
freely. "I'm sorry, Akane. I wanted this so you could be happy. I guess
I'm like this forever."

"I've told you, I don't care what you look like, I'll never leave the
person I love," replied Akane, hugging her fiancee.

"I suppose we should consult Cologne on this...development," offered

"Didn't she already leave for China? At least that's what I thought
Kasumi said in her letter," replied Akane.

Ranko thought for a moment. "Akane, if I'm going to be a woman for the
rest of my life, I'd rather we live, all three of us, in a village of
women. Cologne can see to it that we're left alone."

Akane looked concerned, "are you sure, what about Shampoo?"

Ranko smiled, "like I said, Cologne can take care of things. Besides, I
don't think Shampoo was looking for love as much as someone to make
little amazons with, and I no longer qualify!"

Nodoka smiled, hugging her daughter. "I'll make the arrangements

"Thanks, mom," echoed the younger women.


When she was hit with the water, Ranko changed. The hot water ran down
the sink and was joined by the warm water of Ranko's tears, which
flowed freely.

Akane embraced her fiancee from behind. "Oh Ranma, I am so happy to
have you back."

The man turned and kissed his fiancee. They broke the kiss. "I will be
like this when you want me to be Akane, but I am no longer Ranma. My
name is Ranko."

Ranko turned to his mother, who was in tears.

Nodoka embraced her child. "I am sorry my son, what have I done to

He returned the embrace. "Mother, you have freed Akane and I from all
of the engagements which resulted from Father's stupidity and Ranma's
indecision. You have taught me how to love my fiancee, Akane in a way I
never could as Ranma. The price I have paid is small, if you will still
have me, Akane..."

"Of course, Ranko! I will love you no matter what." She kissed him

"Akane, is it OK if I change back now?"

"Yes, of course!"

Ranko turned on the cold water tap and felt so much better.

Joketsuzoku, the red thread diverges

Joketsuzoku Village, China

Ranko was amazed at how much faster it was to get around if you paid
for transportation, rather than walk. They had been in Japan only three
days ago, now they were on a bus heading for Joketsuzoku, and see if
they would be welcomed there.

With some help from Tendou Kasumi, Nodoka had been able to get a hold
of a fair amount of funds from the Saotome estate, which had been
converted to hard currency, which she carried. She hoped to use these
funds as a nest egg, once they moved into the village.

Ranko could understand the bus driver well enough to recognize that
this was where they got off. "OK, I guess we're here. Let's get our
things together."


They reached the top of the hill, and beheld the village. It was much
more primitive than either Nodoka or Akane expected, but the people
seemed happy. A sentry came over to them.

"We here to see Cologne," Ranko said as well as she could.

The sentry turned around and barked a command at another. Soon, a
familiar form was moving toward them.

"So, the dead have chosen to walk the earth. Welcome, my three
daughters. Since we have returned to China, I have told Shampoo and
Mousse everything. They will be happy to see you, Ranko and Akane."

"Cologne, even after a month, it seems that I cannot change back. Can
you offer any hope?"

"I am sorry, Ranko. It appears the ring's magic is stronger than
Jusenkyo's. Until I know more, I can do nothing to return you to what
you were before."

"Then, can the three of us stay here? I was hoping you might accept us
as members of your tribe."

Cologne could not believe her ears. The defiant young woman, who
refused her earlier invitation, sought solace in the village she
claimed to hate. "Of course, granddaughter. The three of you are always
welcomed here."

Marriage, parallel events, though different


Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan

Nodoka watched Ranko and Akane leave. They made each other so happy.
She wondered when, or if, their relationship would attain its next

Ranko looked at Akane. He had waited for this day for quite a while.
"Akane, I waited too long to ask you this before, so I must ask you
now. Will you marry me?"

Akane looked into Ranko's eyes and replied "Of course, Ranko."

"I will try to be the best husband I can, Akane, even when I'm a

"I know, Ranko. And I promise to be the best wife I can."


The marriage was a simple civil "ceremony", involving mere imprints on
a form. Neither the bride nor the groom paid any attention to the names
on the marriage license, because who they were had nothing to do with
what a document said. At last, overcoming incredible obstacles, Akane
and Ranko were wed.


Joketsuzoku Village, China

It was almost like old times in Nerima, but with dire consequences.
Each day, new challengers came to win the hand of one of the exotic and
powerful newcomers in combat. Today looked like one of them might win.

Akane was nearly exhausted, and her opponent still looked fresh. If she
lost this combat...her hope of a life with Ranko would be destroyed.
There was still one trick left up her sleeve. She called on her mallet
and spent the last of her energies pummeling her opponent. He passed
out. She turned and collapsed in Ranko's arms.

A few minutes later, Ranko hovered over Akane, a concerned look on her
face. Akane stirred. "Well I won...this time."

"Yes, you did. I think you might be safe for a few days.

"Ranko, I have some things to think about. Please don't follow me."

"A-are you sure? If it involves me, tell me!"

Akane smiled, kissing her lover on the lips. "It does, love. Don't
worry, it has to do with making our own future."

Ranko watched her retreating fiancee, wanting to go with her, but her
trust and love would not permit her to follow.


Akane was going to visit Shampoo. Back in Japan, she NEVER would have
done such a thing, but this was not Japan, and more to the point, Ranko
was not Ranma. Shampoo lost all interest in Ranma as a husband when the
curse could not be unlocked. She treated Ranko and Akane like sisters,
and Akane found the girl easy to like. Her new friendship had also
taught Akane why Ranma had found it so hard to say no to Shampoo, whose
affections were given freely and without condition. Akane regretted the
fact she had not been more observant back in Tokyo, but then, she
regretted many things. She thought of Ranko, and the regrets vanished.
Despite the situation, Akane smiled.

Akane's arrival at the house Shampoo and Mousse shared brought her
thoughts back to the present...

"I sorry Akane, you good martial artist, but men too strong. You loose
someday. Ranko very sad, Akane very sad, Shampoo very sad." Shampoo
began to cry. Mousse comforted her.

"I am sorry, Akane. We love you and Ranko, but the law is clear. If a
man defeats you, you are his wife. There is nothing we can do to help."

Akane thought for a moment, then the horrible solution came to her...
"Perhaps there is." Akane swallowed. This would be the most difficult
conversation of her life...


Her fiancee had been gone almost all day since her near-defeat. Ranko
saw Akane, Mousse, and...Shampoo? walking toward her. Ranko had to
laugh, since Akane was dressed almost like Ranma used to, her clothes
looked way too big. Shampoo and Mousse had their hands behind their
backs for some reason. "Hey, Akane, where were you today?"

"I was busy, Ranko." Akane bent down to kiss her fiancee.

Shampoo quickly threw a bucket of water on Akane, who, to Ranko's
horror, changed before her eyes. "I challenge you to combat, for your
hand in marriage."

In shock Ranko shook her head no. In four seconds, an unconscious Ranko
was at Akane's feet. Mousse had some hot water, which he poured on
Akane. It also revived Ranko.

"Akane, I just had the wildest dream..."

"It wasn't a dream, Ranko." They kissed like they never had before.

Cologne was surprised by her new great granddaughter. She had not
foreseen this turn of events, though she now realized that with Ranko
and Akane married, the leadership of her tribe would be secured well
into the next millennium. Shampoo would make a great Chieftain with
those two at her side.

"Akane, did you really?"

"Yes, I did not know how much longer I could hold out against the
suitors. I am not as strong in the Art as you, so I had to resort to
underhanded tactics to defeat you. I am sorry."

"So I am your wife now? I'm happy, we're married at last! I love you,
Akane." Ranko cried tears of joy.

"Do you think we can have a family, Ranko?"

"Uh...yeah...I guess."

"I feel the same way, but I hope we can."

Nodoka stared speechless at the sight in front of her. She had seen all
that had happened, and fully understood the significance of the events
which occurred. She was proud of these two children.

The Letter and Preparations, an intersection

Nerima, Tokyo, Japan

Nabiki entered the house from the dojo. She was hot and sweaty from a
long day of teaching classes and training. She saw Kasumi and her
father reading a letter and crying. Wondering what it said, she asked
Kasumi "What is the letter about?"

Kasumi quickly folded the letter and tried to hide it. "Nothing."

"Nothing, my ass! It seems half the letters that come here are about
'nothing'! Will you tell me what is going on?"

"Nabiki, do you think you could take a few days off? To travel with
us?" Kasumi finally asked.

"I guess so. Why the rush?"

"We'll tell you when we get there. Please hurry, and don't tell

"What about the Dojo?"

"Some things in life are worth a risk, this is one!" Her father told
her. "I'm sure your assistants can take over, tell them it was a family

Preparations stopped for a few minutes while Nabiki called her
assistants, who were happy to put in a few more hours of work.

Kasumi looked thoughtful. "Nabiki, do you think you could bring some of
your camera equipment?"

Nabiki smirked at her sister. "That'll cost 'ya. Let me see..."

Kasumi interrupted her sister's train of thought. "Let's discuss terms
of payment AFTER you complete the job."

"I usually charge extra for deferred payments, but I'll waive it for
family!" Nabiki hurriedly threw some clothes, video and still cameras,
and photo equipment in her suitcase and raced off to follow her father
and sister.

The Trip, a divergence


After a long train ride, they got off in Sapporo. Kasumi seemed to know
where to go. After taking a couple of busses, they came to a small
house. Kasumi knocked on the door, which opened to reveal a ghost.
Nodoka looked with surprise, then joy, at Nabiki.

"Mrs. Saotome?"

"That name means nothing to us anymore. We are sorry not to have told
you. Come, Nabiki."

They went to another room, flooded with sunlight. It was a nursery
where, to her astonishment, Nabiki saw her younger sister. "AKANE, is
that your daughter?"

"Yes, Nabiki. We are sorry we didn't tell you."

"Who is the father?"

"I am."

Nabiki turned to see Ranko. She broke down in tears.


Nabiki had never been to China before. It seemed that they had reached
the most isolated part. After being let off the bus, they walked up a
hill. As they reached the top, three figures from her past resolved
themselves. Her sister Akane, Akane's fiancee Ranko, and Ranko's mother
Nodoka. She saw those names whenever she visited the cemetery. Nabiki
dropped her bags and RAN. As she got closer, she saw Ranko was holding
a baby.

"And this is your Aunt Nabiki!" Ranko said to the child.

"Who is the mother?" Nabiki asked Ranko, fiercely.

"I am" Ranko replied, glowing.

"I'm the father, Nabiki," Akane proudly added.

Nabiki was shocked for a moment, but then considered all she had seen
in the last few years. Nabiki embraced her sister, and could not hold
tears back any longer.

Taking the Picture, similar locales, similar images

Finding a clear white wall inside the house, Nabiki set up two lights
and a still camera. She also let a video camera on a tripod run. She
had the mother hold the child, and the "father" stand behind the pair.
Kasumi and Soun stood behind Akane, and Nodoka behind Ranko. A timer
let Nabiki join the picture. She took three exposures.

They talked for a while after the pictures were taken.

"I can't believe the lengths you went to have a baby." Soun said to the
baby's mother.

"It's not as strange as you think. Think what it would have taken for
HER to have the baby!" She indicated her partner.

Nabiki looked at Kasumi, "there will be no charge for the photos..."

"Thank you!" Kasumi said with a smile.

"THIS time!" Nabiki finished.

Everyone laughed.

Return to Nabiki's Office, the end of the tale

Nabiki closed the drawer again. She thought about all the changes since
that fateful night, years ago. She knew her life would not have taken
the course it had, absent the suicides. But the Art had healed her
wounded soul, and given her more peace and joy than she had ever known.
And, as one of the many who sent those two down the path of death and
rebirth, she could not deny some responsibility in her own lot. She
wished she could visit Akane, Ranko, and their family again. She knew
she would, soon.

The screen blinked to life, and New York came back on line. It was time
to catch up on some trading.



Without Ms. Takahashi, I wouldn't have much to write about. The
characters are hers, as is the village which seems to make its way into
a lot of my stories. Bryan Neef wrote "Can't Win". It's a good idea to
read it to fully understand what's going on in this story. Obviously
this story wouldn't exist without Bryan's tale either.

The idea for this story came to me early one morning. I got out of bed,
started typing, then forgot about it for a while (There were THREE
threads at the time... don't ask!). When Bryan added Nabiki to the
mourners in v 1.2, the story just wrote itself.

Bryan Neef provided excellent C&C on the story. I don't know if its
really 'finished' at this point, but I thought others might like to
read it.

I am working on a sequel, but don't hold your breath.

Thanks for reading,

Kevin D. Hammel

Kevin D. Hammel

Nov 5, 1998, 3:00:00 AM11/5/98
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