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Seth MacFarlane's Cavalcade of Cartoon Comedy . . .

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Antonio E. Gonzalez

Sep 17, 2008, 2:02:47 PM9/17/08
Sponsored by BK, it's basically those non sequitur asides on Family
Guy getting the full show treatment as skits . . .:




Derek Janssen

Sep 17, 2008, 3:34:00 PM9/17/08
Antonio E. Gonzalez wrote:

> Sponsored by BK, it's basically those non sequitur asides on Family
> Guy getting the full show treatment as skits . . .:

And a version of "Robot Chicken", for those who get their Seths confused.

Derek Janssen (like Family Guy had plots anyway...But at least
*recognizing* non-sequitirs is the first therapeutic step)

Antonio E. Gonzalez

Sep 17, 2008, 5:36:11 PM9/17/08
On Wed, 17 Sep 2008 19:34:00 GMT, Derek Janssen
<> wrote:

>Antonio E. Gonzalez wrote:
>> Sponsored by BK, it's basically those non sequitur asides on Family
>> Guy getting the full show treatment as skits . . .:
>And a version of "Robot Chicken", for those who get their Seths confused.

Considering how good Robot Chicken is at what it does, that's quite
a compliment . . .

>Derek Janssen (like Family Guy had plots anyway...But at least
>*recognizing* non-sequitirs is the first therapeutic step)

Oh, Family Guy very much has plots, sometimes very good ones.
("Stewie Kills Lois/Lois Kills Stewie")

. . . and we already have Family Guy without the non-sequiturs:
it's called American Dad, with The Cleveland Show likely to follow

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