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Chowder - Too Real!

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Antonio E. Gonzalez

Feb 15, 2009, 11:50:16 PM2/15/09
"Hot Date" was the standard Valentine's Day episode, but the second
half titled "Shopping Spree" was the winner!

In a show that seems to delight in oddity and whimsy, this one took
yet another step. Besides the puppet close-up of Sick Truffles, we
got another surprise. Chowder's done regular animation, stop-motion
animation, puppetry/marination, and now . . . live-action actors!

The characters spend so much money, there's none left for
animation. We end up cutting to a shot of Dwight Schultz, Tara
Strong, John DiMaggio, and Nicky Jones in a recording studio doing
their lines! This may actually be only for show, as traditional
Western voice-over is done by individual actors, though I wouldn't be
surprised if the unorthodox Chowder does it this way. Of course, they
do a car wash fund-raiser, and the episode is ended with "proper"

I don't know how much more they can do with this show, but I eagerly
await the third season just to see!


- ReFlex76

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