RealXtend Tundra 2.3.1 is released!

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Jukka Jylänki

Mar 25, 2012, 12:15:16 PM3/25/12
The new 2.3.1 version of Tundra is out. It focuses on bug fixes,
performance improvements and code cleanup. A notable addition is that we
have implemented a maintainable build pipeline for Mac OS X as well, so
now both Windows and Mac builds can be released from the core codebase.



v2.3.1 -
Note: The numbers with # signs refer to github issue tracker numbers, e.g.
#314 -> .
- Migrated to a new build system on Windows, which builds nearly all
dependencies for Tundra automatically. As a result, updated a lot of 3rd
party libraries to newer versions: (#415)
- Qt 4.7.4
- Bullet 2.78
- Boost 1.49
- kNet: latest stable tag (will automatically pick up and rebuild when
a new stable is out)
- qtscriptgenerator: latest master (identifies itself as 0.2)
- ogre-safe-nocrashes: Pulled to latest trunk at each build and
rebuilt. Based on 1.8.0-unstable (Byatis)
- RenderSystem_NULL: Unknown.
- SkyX: 0.2.1 (?) modified with our custom changes
- Hydrax: 0.5.1 modified with our custom changes
- OpenAL: Summer 2009 : Version (?) ( )
- Ogg: 1.3.0
- Vorbis: 1.3.3
- Theora: 1.1.1
- Speex: latest trunk, due to VS2008 and VS2010 build scripts not
existing for the latest tag.
- QtPropertyBrowser: latest trunk, versioned 2.6
- Server object now has 'port' and 'protocol' member properties.
- Deprecated server.GetPort() and server.GetProtocol() member functions.
- Server object now has 'UserConnections()' member function, which
returns a list of all connected user connections.
- Server object now has 'AuthenticatedUsers()' member function, which
returns a list of all connected and authenticated user connections.
- Deprecated server.GetConnectionIDs(). Call server.AuthenticatedUsers()
- Fixed various asset transfer handling bugs in Asset API.
- Deprecated Client::GetConnectionID. Use client.connectionID and
Client::ConnectionID() instead.
- Deprecated Client::GetLoginProperty function. Use
client.LoginProperty(key) and Client::LoginProperty(QString key) instead.
- Added a new script profiler tab to the Profiler window to allow
profiling script memory consumption. (#403)
- Optimized ray-mesh triangle intersection by caching the mesh data into
a kD-tree in OgreMeshAsset. (#416)
- Added support to profiler to refresh the profiler window at manual
- Reimplemented threshold logging to print results immedately to console
window, instead of writing to file.
- Optimized Asset API internals to speed up asset loading locally and
from the network.
- Optimized Asset API disk I/O usage for loading assets.
- Enabled Tundra to show timing information from inside Ogre, SkyX and
Hydrax if built with ogre-safe-nocrashes branch.
- Fixed a crash in CAVEStereModule StereoController.
- Disabled Asset liveupdate for all assets outside storages registered to
Tundra due to performance reasons. If you want to use liveupdate, make
sure the asset is in a known asset storage.
- Improved MumblePlugin UI.
- Fixed a problem with improper case sensitive string checks that caused
materials of some meshes to not load in EC_Mesh.
- Deprecated scene.GetEntity() and scene.GetEntityByName() in favor of
more explicit scene.EntityByName() and scene.EntityById().
- Deprecated scene.GetEntitiesWithComponent() in favor of
scene.EntitiesWithComponent() function.
- Added EC_Hydrax::HeightAt(worldPos) helper function to query the water
height below a given world point.
- Added a script API to query mesh triangle data from script:
OgreMeshAsset::NumSubmeshes(), OgreMeshAsset::NumTris() and
- Implemented support for making Mac app bundles and .dmg installers from
a Tundra build.
- Added new 'ogreProf' console command to enable the Ogre profiler
overlay, if Ogre was built with profiling enabled.
- Fixed Entity parenting when entity IDs are to be generated while
instantiating the entities. (#431)
- Fixed a crash bug when trying to open an unloaded asset to the asset
editor. (#400)
- Other closed issues:
- #151, #153, #249, #338, #404, #410, #413, #417
- Note: PythonScriptModule is not enabled for this build: see issue #434.


Tundra 2.3.1 and the previous 2.3.0 versions should be network-compatible.

Report bugs to

Have fun,


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