that's a difficult bike to NOT notice.
hopefully someone will find it soon.
Big bummer, but there's a fair chance of getting it back - i recovered
3 stolen bikes last year. Grant (or John) has already posted a notice
to Craigslist here, that's a good step.
There's a joke in there somewhere about delivering some lugged steel
justice, but i can't quite work it out...
Bill Connell
St. Paul, MN
I believe the last time I looked:
fixed was the old fixed
mixte was the new fixed
touring is the new mixte
but in general a bike is worth at least two doses of your drug of choice.
You don't need to know anything other than that you want your fix.
> Is there a CSI Twin Cities?
The Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension making Minnesota's
criminals nervous since 1949.
I know the neighborhood where Ms. Petersen's bike was stolen quite
well, having lived a few blocks away for about 5 years and having
friends down the street. I wouldn't have thought of it as a hotbed
of cycle theft, but there is a lot of college rental in the area
(Macalaster College is about two blocks away) and I suppose that the
neighborhood ends up being a target for bike thieves as a result.
I should post an announcement to Minneapolis Bike Love, if that
hasn't already been done.
I put a note up there yesterday. For those not in the Twin Cities,
this is a great centralized resource of our bike culture here, and a
generally great bunch of folks.