Helmets? Really?

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Mar 17, 2011, 8:05:03 AM3/17/11
to rbw group
Man - I get stuck in work and class all day, and alluvasudden, we've got a
helmet thread going....

Now, I do realize that it's a serious winter in most places, and there are
some pretty soul-numbing issues going on in the world right now. So, maybe
it's a calming distraction of sorts to hammer on a subject which gets
covered, regularly and relentlessly on the interwebs.

I do want to commend nearly everyone for maintaining a civil tone in what is
easily the most contentious discussion that gets held on bicycling
discussion groups. It says a lot about the quality of the individuals on
this list that it, generally speaking, did not devolve into name calling and
personal attacks. Thank you to those who focused on the subject.

I would like to ask everyone to let this one float downstream now. I do
realize how it started, and recognize that it's a difficult nosedive to
recover from once begun. But, again, it's at least the nicest helmet thread
I've ever read.

It's getting a bit cyclical now, however. So, if we could move on now, I'd
appreciate it.

- Jim / list admin

Jim Edgar

David Faller

Mar 17, 2011, 2:11:55 PM3/17/11
to rbw-owne...@googlegroups.com
Thanks for stepping in, Jim. The words "Grant said" or "Grant wrote"
seems to throw the door wide open for all sorts of things that really
don't fit the spirit of the list.

Rick Houston

Mar 17, 2011, 2:51:05 PM3/17/11
to RBW Owners Bunch
Jim, I'd like to second what you said: this was the nicest, most
civil, thread on helmets I've ever read; to that end, let me add that
whether one is for or against the topic, the commonality would seem to
be that (1) we all care deeply about cycling; (2) we want more people
to ride; and (3) we want everyone to ride as safely as possible in
hopes of having those people enjoy another day of being on their

Group hug, everyone.

> Cyclofi...@earthlink.net
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