RBW Owners Bunch

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RBW Owners Bunch - Dedicated to the discussion of Rivendell Bicycles and products
Ride reports encouraged, as is a respectful, supportive and polite tone in all posts.
This group is not endorsed by Rivendell Bicycle Works.
  You don't need to own one - just an interest in RBW designs is enough to join in.

Membership and Posting:
A Common Question is "Where's my post?" ... (scroll down for enlightenment)
All new members are moderated.  It can take ~ 30 days sometimes, and "test posts" just make it worse. High quality posts/comments speed things up. The best way to gain this privilege is to share knowledge and comment thoughtfully on conversational threads. Or post a ride report. We love ride reports.
In other words, there is a bottleneck for new members. One benefit is that it traps spammers, and also limits simply folks who may not have an interest in adding to the quality of our Rivendell Bicycle Works-centric conversation, and might only want swerve the discussion OT or provide flippant responses. The downside to a slower entry orbit is that it may be a few times before your "posts moderated" condition gets changed. An email to me (the list admin) at cyclofiend at gmail can speed this up.
Also - to be clear, "For Sale" posts from new members* are not passed through (more on that below). If that is what you posted, please do not expect to see it. 

If you are looking for general technical cycling help,  there are other lists more suited for general bicycling questions or general discussions of bicycles and non-RBW items. (iBob, for example)

Once in while, there are few google-group-system-based issues related to posts not showing up. If you aren't seeing your posts, please feel free to contact me (the list admin) at cyclofiend@gmail.com - there are some known glitches for mobile devices, which you can research.

*UPDATED POLICY - For Sale Posts are allowed for "active" members:
GROUP POLICY CHANGE (5/24): Selling/Trading in this group is limited to contributing members. If you do not have a history of active and supportive posts within this group, any item listing that lands in the moderation queue will be deleted. That means if you join and immediately post your garage sale list, or even your cool Rivendell cap from 2012, it will not be passed through. This has been implemented due to recent scam attempts which are becoming more pervasive across online cycling communities. 

Please include a specific price on any "For Sale" post. "Make me an offer posts" will not be passed through the moderation queue and may be removed. 

Please note - this list is admin'd by an actual human. So, if you have extenuating circumstances, follow the instructions above to contact the human admin'ing this list.  

Thanks for your patience and your contributions!