Raven running in Azure

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Mark Rendle

Jul 30, 2010, 10:30:36 AM7/30/10
to ravendb

After a bit of struggling, I have succeeded in getting RavenDB to run
on a Worker role in Windows Azure.

Worker roles don't allow HttpListener, so I forked the project and
added a TCP-based implementation of Ayende's IHttp* abstractions.
Fortunately, thanks to those abstractions, I didn't have to make
changes anywhere other than the HttpServer.

There is an instance running (as at 30 July 2010) at
http://ravenworker.cloudapp.net:8080/raven/index.html which I'll leave
active until I need the role for something else.

My fork of RavenDB, with the Cloud project in the Samples solution, is
at http://github.com/markrendle/ravendb

Right. Now for some serious testing.



Jul 30, 2010, 8:08:37 PM7/30/10
to ravendb
This is great. It would be excellent to have this in the product

Thanks for the great work, Mark.

On Jul 30, 7:30 am, Mark Rendle <m...@markrendle.net> wrote:
> Hi.
> After a bit of struggling, I have succeeded in getting RavenDB to run
> on a Worker role in Windows Azure.
> Worker roles don't allow HttpListener, so I forked the project and
> added a TCP-based implementation of Ayende's IHttp* abstractions.
> Fortunately, thanks to those abstractions, I didn't have to make
> changes anywhere other than the HttpServer.
> There is an instance running (as at 30 July 2010) athttp://ravenworker.cloudapp.net:8080/raven/index.htmlwhich I'll leave
> active until I need the role for something else.
> My fork of RavenDB, with the Cloud project in the Samples solution, is
> athttp://github.com/markrendle/ravendb

Julien Brunet

Jul 31, 2010, 6:00:38 AM7/31/10
to ravendb

This is really interesting, but as far as i know from ravendb it still
stores for now its data/indexes to the local filesystem - and because
of this it is unable to run in azure, let me explain:

Despite numerous similarities, azure instance management is not
designed like amazon ec2 : you don't explicitly allocate named
instances in azure, you only can ask for "give me N instances for this

So from there it is almost impossible to have a controlled sharding
strategy. But things are worst:
azure cloud design delivers global availability of your services by
redounding instances and automatically restore them in case of
failure. And by restoring we mean a blank, fresh local file system,
probably on a different virtual machine -> say by bye to anything
stored locally

Hence as long as ravendb cannot write its data/indexes to one the
azure persistent storage subsystems (blobs/tables/queues/sql), it WILL
fail on azure.

disclaimer : i am not stating that either azure or ravendb are badly
designed - only that there is a strong incompatibility between the
two, for now. And the problem is exactly the same with mongodb.

On 30 juil, 16:30, Mark Rendle <m...@markrendle.net> wrote:
> Hi.
> After a bit of struggling, I have succeeded in getting RavenDB to run
> on a Worker role in Windows Azure.
> Worker roles don't allow HttpListener, so I forked the project and
> added a TCP-based implementation of Ayende's IHttp* abstractions.
> Fortunately, thanks to those abstractions, I didn't have to make
> changes anywhere other than the HttpServer.
> There is an instance running (as at 30 July 2010) athttp://ravenworker.cloudapp.net:8080/raven/index.htmlwhich I'll leave
> active until I need the role for something else.
> My fork of RavenDB, with the Cloud project in the Samples solution, is
> athttp://github.com/markrendle/ravendb

Ayende Rahien

Jul 31, 2010, 6:18:50 AM7/31/10
to rav...@googlegroups.com
As I understand this, you can allocate a disk to an Azure instance, and then you run Raven on that disk.
Azure will instance instance + disk.

Julien Brunet

Jul 31, 2010, 8:17:40 AM7/31/10
to ravendb
ah, it all make sense with Azure VHDs, yes. Thanks!

On 31 juil, 12:18, Ayende Rahien <aye...@ayende.com> wrote:
> As I understand this, you *can* allocate a disk to an Azure instance, and

Mark Rendle

Jul 31, 2010, 1:01:31 PM7/31/10
to ravendb
Yes, the Sample I have made uses an Azure CloudDrive for the Raven
data files. You can download the VHD from blob storage for backup.


Ayende Rahien

Aug 1, 2010, 5:00:17 AM8/1/10
to rav...@googlegroups.com
Can you create a blog post describing the steps to set this up?
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