Modern Psychology

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E. .

23 May 2011, 17:51:2623/05/2011

Does anyone know of a work on comparison of modern psychology, what is being taught in universities today, with scholastic thomistic psychology? I know an FSSP priest wrote a newer book, but it is expensive. Has anyone read it, and does it give glimpse into modern psych, and a comparison?

With thanks,


24 May 2011, 12:49:0424/05/2011
to Quaestiones Disputatae: The Ite ad Thomam Forum
Yes, that book is worth every penny you pay for it (If you are
referring to Fr. Ripperger's book, the Introduction to the Science of
Mental Health). Yes, he does treat modern psychology in addition to
Thomistic Psychology. Another Good source on modern psychology is E.
Michael Jones (Please no flame wars). Read Libido Dominandi and
Degenerate Moderns. The Fraternity priest references both of these
works in his.


1 Jun 2011, 20:10:0601/06/2011
to Quaestiones Disputatae: The Ite ad Thomam Forum
Volume II of the book to which you are probably referring, was written
by Fr. Chad Ripperger, whom Francisco Romero told me is the "Star
Theologian" of the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter. Vol II was
originally sold by itself in paperback and is apparently different to
find, used. Vol II goes over the spirual life: the infused virtues
and gifts, the fruits of the Holy Ghost, the sacraments, the demonic
and how to oppose it. I've seen most of the material elsewhere before
but in Vol II, it is presented to train the therapist to best help his
therapent and might even be of help to the therapent himself. All my
copies are lent out or I would offer to lend it to you through the

Couldn't tell you about Vol I and III, though I looked at them. There
is a helpful and wll done diagram of the passive and possible
intellects in the back of the one volume version of the series of

Here are my hypotheses about some of the differences you're inquiring
about (not necessarily all based on the book discussed above): Modern
psychology denies the existence of the human soul. Modern psychology
is materialist. Modern psychology denies the existence of free will
and a non-material intellect. Modern psychology asserts that all
mental acts are acts of the brain, or brain processes. Modern
psychology would have us believe that men are deterministic systems
(at least in the probablistically deterministic sense of physicists).
Of especial importance: Modern psychology denies the existence of the
demonic, and demonic causes of mental illness. Perhaps 80% of mental
illness is demonically caused, at least in part. Modern psychology
almost always recommends exactly the actions on the part of the
therapent (really he should be called the "victim") that will make his
condition worse, as when a psychiatrist recommends giving in to sexual
passion to, say, a homosexual therapent. (Someone should initiate a
class action lawsuit on behalf of all the homosexual men who died and
are going to die of AIDS because of the politically-correct decision
of one group of psychologies and/or psychiatrists to re-label
homosexuality as "not a mental illness". Any takers?) Modern
psychology is a money making machine for psychologists, psychiarists,
and pharmaceutical companies (though Fr. Ripperger acknowledges that
the psychotropic drugs can provide a crude sort of help in some
cases). Modern psychology denies the value of things like the
Sacraments, holy hours, prayer, the Rosary, penance, or simply being
Roman Catholic (that is, a member of the only true religion),
recommending instead the opposite actions, and even, in some cases,
using such religious acts as evidence of mental illness.

God bless,

Daniel Offutt


1 Jun 2011, 22:47:1801/06/2011
to Quaestiones Disputatae: The Ite ad Thomam Forum
Here is information on the book:
It seems very good; I know some secular philosophers who consider St.
Thomas (probably along with St. Augustine, too) a great psychologist.

On Jun 1, 5:10 pm, "DANIEL M. OFFUTT"


4 Jun 2011, 18:14:3404/06/2011
to Quaestiones Disputatae: The Ite ad Thomam Forum
One who promotes Modern psychology is one who promotes the homosexual
But one who promotes the homosexual agenda is one who causes deaths by
Consequently one who promotes Modern psychology is one who causes
deaths by AIDS.

But one who opposes scholastic psychology is one who promotes Modern
Consequently one who opposes scholastic psychology is one who causes
deaths by AIDS.

But all Modernists and most Catholic seminaries oppose scholastic


12 Jun 2011, 23:53:5812/06/2011
to Quaestiones Disputatae: The Ite ad Thomam Forum
On Jun 1, 5:10 pm, "DANIEL M. OFFUTT"
<> wrote:
> Francisco Romero told me is the "Star Theologian" of the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter.

Who would be the "star theologian" of the Institute of Christ the
King? Or of the Dominicans right now? Thanks

Alan Aversa

7 Aug 2012, 15:56:4807/08/2012
Yes, E. Michael Jones is good.
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