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Americans want to drink Canada dry

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Mike Duffy

Jun 4, 1996, 3:00:00 AM6/4/96

The following note contains material taken from two articles posted
recently in newsgroups alt.conspiracy, alt.illuminati, and

I have left the usenet Subject: lines intact and ". . ." shows where
I have removed material not related to Quebec. The good (war) stuff
is near the bottom.

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Subject: Bilderbergers Get Big-Time Publicity in Canada!
. . .
learned, through its own sources, that the 1996
Bilderberg Conference will also be discussing
the planned breakup of Canada by way of a 1997
Unilateral Declaration of Independence by Quebec,
with the ultimate goal being Continental Union
by the year 2005;
. . .
Journalists interested in finding additional
documentary sources on Quebec separation, the
planned breakup of Canada, and the continent-reshaping
elite-sponsored James Bay-U.S. GRAND CANAL water
diversion scheme will find these archived at Jeff
Koftinoff's GRAND CANAL Web site at:
. . .
Please note that, after sustained Internet exposure of the
secret GRAND CANAL project during the last Quebec
referendum, Premier Jaques Parizeau announced that the
final, necessary, expansion of the James Bay dam
system was "cancelled". A subsequent Quebec Hydro Press
Release, however, declared it only "postponed until after
2005" - the projected date for Canada-U.S. Continental
Union! The GRAND CANAL project will turn Canada's fresh
water resources into a river of "liquid gold" for its
elite backers, some of whom are Bilderberg members.
. . .

. . .
As reported in our previous Press Releases, THE NEW WORLD
ORDER INTELLIGENCE UPDATE has also learned from its own sources
that one of the items on the agenda of this year's Bilderberg
Conference is a prearranged Unilateral Declaration of
Independence by Quebec, leading to the breakup of Canada and
its eventual absorbtion into Continental Union with the United
States by the year 2005. We anticipate, for a variety of reasons,
that this UDI will be declared between February and April, 1997.

When we first shared information on the planned destruction of
Canada with Canadian journalists and media outlets, over three
years ago, it was greeted with incredulity. However, since then
our assertions have been confirmed in virtually every detail
from an entirely unexpected direction.

Lansing Lamont, for 10 years Managing Director of the Canadian
Desk of the Americas Society [a Rockefeller organization]
published a 1994 book entitled BREAKUP: THE COMING END OF CANADA
he confirmed to the last detail every one of our prior assertions,
which had been drawn from other, unimpeachable private sources.

The scenario basically is as follows:

* Quebec declares UDI. This removes the impediment otherwise faced
in attempting to merge a bi-lingual country [Canada] with a
uni-lingual one [the U.S.], even as it provides the trigger for
the catastrophic and irreversible breakup of Canada.

* the Cree indians, unwilling to remain in an independent Quebec,
rise up in the Ungava Rebellion, appeal to the Canadian government
to honour Crown treaties with the Cree, and attempt to retain their
lands and loyalty to Canada.

* a three-way civil war erupts, involving the Cree, Quebec and
Canadian Forces. The Cree seize the massive James Bay hydro-
generating facilities in Northern Quebec and sabotage them,
causing massive power outages in Quebec which ripple through
the grid down the entire east coast of North America.
* the U.S. government, under heavy pressure at home, sends the U.S.
Army's 10th Mountain Division, a crack 10,000 shock assault Division
permanently stationed at Fort Drum, N.Y., just south of the
international bridge near Cornwall, Ontario, into Canada to "assist"
the overwhelmed Canadian forces and to "re-take" James Bay.
* at the conclusion of the conflict, the massive James Bay fresh-water

reservoir [which at 500 miles by 121 miles, fed by 20 Arctic rivers,

is the largest in the world] and the huge hydroelectrical generating

facilities are purchased from the Cree, on whose land they are, for

"pennies on the dollar" by the elite-backed GRAND CANAL CORPORATION,

some of whose owners are Bilderbergers.

* Canadians, dispirited by a shattered country, are offered a new
"National Dream" - the construction of the massive GRAND CANAL
infrastructure, which will channel James Bay fresh water to the
Great Lakes, from there to go down the Mississippi and other river
systems to Texas and northern Mexico; a second section will funnel
water out of Lake Superior westward to Lake Diefenbaker and the
Rafferty-Almeda dams, from where it will be piped down to the dry
southwestern states. The continuing profits will be astronomical.

* Canada, by now broken up into regions, will slowly drift into the
embrace of the United States by 2005, in full Continental Union.
The crippling public debt associated with GRAND CANAL construction
will have impoverished the nation indescribably and will have led to

a series of financial crises.

Though he was apparently careful not to mention the massive GRAND
CANAL project and its backers, Lamont confirmed the outline above in
every other key detail.

Since the NEW WORLD ORDER INTELLIGENCE UPDATE editor extensively
publicized this huge secret water-diversion scheme on the Internet,
during the last Quebec Referendum campaign, the elite appear to have
modified their strategy. As one of his last official acts before
resigning, Quebec Premier Jacques Parizeau announced that the final,
essential dam project in the James Bay reservoir system had been
cancelled. A subsequent Hydro Quebec Press Release later modified that

statement by saying that it had been "postponed until after 2005."

Those recipents of the printed edition of this Press Release who
still find this too incredible to believe should examine with care
the accompanying maps of the entire GRAND CANAL project drawn from
ex-Quebec Premier Robert Bourassa's book, POWER FROM THE NORTH.
Bourassa was reported by the reliable WASHINGTON OBSERVER NEWSLETTER
to have attended the 1971 Bilderberg Conference at the Rockefeller-
owned Woodstock Inn, in Vermont, along with Prime Minister Pierre
Trudeau. His book appeared after that meeting.

Interested journalists can find background documents and interviews
on the GRAND CANAL project and the breakup of Canada archived at Jeff
Koftinoff's excellent GRAND CANAL web site at:
. . .
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Jun 4, 1996, 3:00:00 AM6/4/96

Funny, I always thought they preferred Coke or Pepsi.

telnetting from McGill University
Montreal, Quebec

Michel Catudal

Jun 5, 1996, 3:00:00 AM6/5/96

Canada Dry is very popular around here for the booze. The price is good
and the stuff is better than the store brand.


Michel Catudal

Fier d'être membre de Team OS/2 USA
Miembro orgulloso del Team OS/2 USA
Proud member of Team OS/2 USA


Brian Allardice

Jun 5, 1996, 3:00:00 AM6/5/96

In article <>, Neil <neil...@U.Arizona.EDU> says:
>Funny, I always thought they preferred Coke or Pepsi.

You have obviously never heard of KIK COLA............


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