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Trudeau exaggerated FLQ crisis

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Van Hayden

Jan 6, 2001, 10:31:42 PM1/6/01
On Sat, 06 Jan 2001 13:51:23 -0500, wrote:

>Trudeau exaggerated FLQ crisis

>PM told British 'no conspiracy' behind October Crisis: newly
>declassified files
>Bruce Wallace
>The Ottawa Citizen
>LONDON -- Canada's federal government confided to the British
>government during the 1970 October Crisis it had "no evidence of an
>extensive and co-ordinated FLQ conspiracy," despite public
>declarations at home that the extraordinary police powers of the War
>Measures Act were necessary to fight an "apprehended insurrection."

You convenietly forgot the mention that the Quebec Premier and the
Montreal Police Chief were the first to exaggerate the FLQ Crises in
order to obtain extra powers for the police from the Federal

In the same article Quote" In his October 16 letter to Prime
Minister Trudeu asking Ottawa to grant police extraordinary powers,
Qubec Premier Robert Bourassa declared his province was " facing a
concerted effort to intimidate and overthrow the governmnet and the
demcratic institutions of this province through planned and systematic
illegal action including insurrection."" Unquote.

Quote:" Montreal Police Chief Michel St Pierre also wrote Trudeau
arguing that the kidnappings of Cross and Laporte on Oct 10
represented " the lauching by this movement of their seditious
projects and acts leading the the overthrow of the state." Unquote.

This article also stated that Sharp is recorded as saying " the War
Measures Act was clearly to broad in its effect", which is why Ottawa
was then in the process of introducing a less draconian public order
law.... " Unquote

London. By Bruce Wallace - Vancouver Province January 6, 2001 Page A6.

Based on these facts it is very apparent that Trudeu acted as he did
at the urging of both the Quebec Government and the Montreal Police
Chief and the War Measures Act was the only tool that Trudeau had to
grant the requested powers to Quebec and the police.

So I would strongly suggest that you and all the other separatists get
your facts right and consider your very own Provincial Governments
role in this matter and stop blaming the Federal Government who
reacted to a provincial request. So you see once again Rogers getst
caught in his his attempt to revise history by conveniently omitting
basic and important facts. But hey what else is new.


Van Hayden

Jan 6, 2001, 10:51:06 PM1/6/01
On Sat, 06 Jan 2001 13:51:23 -0500, wrote:

>Trudeau exaggerated FLQ crisis

Time lines of the crises were:

5 October 1970 - Cross and Laporte kidnapped.

15 October 1970 - Quebec Premier Bourassa wrote Trudeu claiming an
insurrection amonst other things and requested Canadian Armed Forces
to supplement the local police. Montreal Police Chief also writes
Truedeau claiming the same thing.

16 October 1970 - Federal Governmnet proclaims the War Measures Act.

17 October 1970 - Laporte's body found in a car trunk.

Early December 1970 - the Cell holding James Cross was discovered and
his release was negoiated.

December 1970 - The War Measures Act was replaced by the Public Order
( Temporary Measures) act.

Early January 1971 - the second cell responsible fro the kidnapping
and murder of Laporte was located and arrested.

30 April 1971 - The Public Order ( Temporary Measures) Act lapsed.

This confirms the Bruce Wallace articles previously quoted.


Clem _

Jan 6, 2001, 11:54:39 PM1/6/01
On Sun, 07 Jan 2001 03:31:42 GMT, (Van Hayden)


Van Hayden ,,,,

Thanks for all these words ,,!
so you're just making it clear
these guys were True Patriots

Bourrassa ,,,,, went on the wrong way ...
It's only that much ,,!

old clem_


Jan 7, 2001, 12:05:51 AM1/7/01
In article <3a57dcb3...@>, (Van Hayden) wrote:

> >LONDON -- Canada's federal government confided to the British
> >government during the 1970 October Crisis it had "no evidence of an
> >extensive and co-ordinated FLQ conspiracy," despite public
> >declarations at home that the extraordinary police powers of the War
> >Measures Act were necessary to fight an "apprehended insurrection."
> You convenietly forgot the mention that the Quebec Premier and the
> Montreal Police Chief were the first to exaggerate the FLQ Crises in
> order to obtain extra powers for the police from the Federal
> Government.

Bullshit! It is someone from the federal that came to Québec and directed
the letter that Bourassa wrote! Of course, Bourassa was an asshole to accept!
But hey... federalists walk hand in hand, when it is time to screw


«Je déteste les victimes quand elles aiment leurs maîtres» - Jean-Paul

Sent via

Yanik Crepeau

Jan 7, 2001, 12:23:12 AM1/7/01
En fait, M. Trudeau n'a pas fait qu'exagérer la "crise d'Octobre", c'est
faire injure à son intelligence que de croire que les demandes de la Ville
de Montréal et du Gouvernement du Québec étaient la seule motivation pour
décréter la loi sur les mesures de guerre.

Monsieur Trudeau A UTILISÉ la "crise d'Octobre" pour se faire du capital
politique. Deux ans plus tôt, en juin 1968, vingt-quatre heures avant son
élection, il avait fait de la provocation en allant s'assoir à la tribune
d'honneur durant le défilé de la Saint-Jean Batiste. Les quelques bouteilles
qui ont été lancées sur la tribune officielle lui ont bien servi. On peut
facilement croire que le premier ministre du Canada s'est bien amusé durant
le "crise d'Octobre" tout comme il s'était bien amusé le soir de la
Saint-Jean quand il assistait à la charge menée par la Cavalerie de la
Police de Montréal contre quelques "séparatistes" turbulents.



Jan 7, 2001, 2:23:19 AM1/7/01
"Manou" <> wrote in message

> In article <3a57dcb3...@>,
> (Van Hayden) wrote:
> > >LONDON -- Canada's federal government confided to the British
> > >government during the 1970 October Crisis it had "no evidence of an
> > >extensive and co-ordinated FLQ conspiracy," despite public
> > >declarations at home that the extraordinary police powers of the War
> > >Measures Act were necessary to fight an "apprehended insurrection."
> >
> > You convenietly forgot the mention that the Quebec Premier and the
> > Montreal Police Chief were the first to exaggerate the FLQ Crises in
> > order to obtain extra powers for the police from the Federal
> > Government.
> Bullshit! It is someone from the federal that came to Québec and directed
> the letter that Bourassa wrote! Of course, Bourassa was an asshole to
> But hey... federalists walk hand in hand, when it is time to screw
> Québécois!

The only bullshit are your constant posts on how everyone is screwing
Quebec. Sorry sweetie but Quebec just isn't that important to get so much
attention and screwing. I suggest you get over your obsession and get on
with your life.

Don't bother with any of your infamous flaming replies. I won't be checking
back to read it. Of course, I have no doubt at all that you will reply as
you're so full of spite and anger, you'd throw your own mother off a bridge
and blame it on federalist Canada.


Jan 7, 2001, 5:20:46 AM1/7/01
> Bullshit! It is someone from the federal that came to Québec and directed
> the letter that Bourassa wrote! Of course, Bourassa was an asshole to
> But hey... federalists walk hand in hand, when it is time to screw
> Québécois!

You're pathetic, simply pathetic.


Jan 7, 2001, 10:59:40 AM1/7/01
Très juste comme message, par ailleurs, je suis convaincus que les membres
du KKK s'amusait royalement au cours du milieu du siècle dernier.

«Dans l'histoire de l'humanité, l'holocauste est l'exemple le plus
monstrueux, unique, de la barbarie d'un état à l'égard d'un peuple dont on a
programmé l'extinction. Cela dit, il n'exclut pas la souffrance horrible de
d'autres peuples victimes de génocide et de cruauté de la part d'États
Yves Michaud

Yanik Crepeau a écrit dans le message ...


Jan 7, 2001, 12:48:08 PM1/7/01
In article <ndX56.2560$>,
bla bla bla

And you are an idiot.



Jan 7, 2001, 12:47:20 PM1/7/01
In article <HPU56.235204$>,

"Don" <> wrote:
> "Manou" <> wrote in message
> news:938tfc$s07$
> > In article <3a57dcb3...@>,
> > (Van Hayden) wrote:
> >
> > > >LONDON -- Canada's federal government confided to the British
> > > >government during the 1970 October Crisis it had "no evidence of an
> > > >extensive and co-ordinated FLQ conspiracy," despite public
> > > >declarations at home that the extraordinary police powers of the War
> > > >Measures Act were necessary to fight an "apprehended insurrection."
> > >
> > > You convenietly forgot the mention that the Quebec Premier and the
> > > Montreal Police Chief were the first to exaggerate the FLQ Crises in
> > > order to obtain extra powers for the police from the Federal
> > > Government.
> >
> > Bullshit! It is someone from the federal that came to Québec and directed
> > the letter that Bourassa wrote! Of course, Bourassa was an asshole to
> accept!
> > But hey... federalists walk hand in hand, when it is time to screw
> > Québécois!
> The only bullshit are your constant posts on how everyone is screwing
> Quebec. Sorry sweetie but Quebec just isn't that important

I know that!

>to get so much attention and screwing. I suggest you get over your obsession and get on
> with your life.

You owe us BILLIONS of dollars, sweetie... Of COURSE it does not bother you
that MY people had to pay for YOUR peoples's debts!

> Don't bother with any of your infamous flaming replies.

Typical canadian democracy... I will answer when I want and if I want... :-p

> I won't be checking back to read it. Of course, I have no doubt at all that you will reply as
> you're so full of spite and anger,

I am full of passion and love. :-D

> you'd throw your own mother off a bridge
> and blame it on federalist Canada.

That is one of the most stupid thing I heard in here.






Jan 6, 2001, 11:34:58 PM1/6/01
the governement in place in 1970 were the liberal...under bourassa... so
whats new about boths working together?

forgot to mention it maybe?

"Van Hayden" <> a écrit dans le message news:


Jan 7, 2001, 11:18:39 PM1/7/01
You're ignorant, simply a foolish ignorant.

"HG" <> a écrit dans le message news:


Jan 7, 2001, 11:23:19 PM1/7/01
méchant anglo-typique ce Don, après ça,

ça se demande pourquoi on veut faire du Québec, un pays...

une de ces raisons est le genre de commentaires insipide basé sur une
propagande haineuse envers les "fucking frogs", que je lis jours après jours
sur ce forum et, bien sur, can.politics et leur versions provinciales... Je
veux rien avoir a faire avec cet bande d'auto-suffisants racistes

Vive le Québec Libre! Nous Vaincrons!

Souverainement vôtre,

"Le préalable de l'indépendance est le refus de toutes négociations" -
Albert Camus

"Manou" <> a écrit dans le message news:


Jan 8, 2001, 4:44:00 AM1/8/01
> You're ignorant, simply a foolish ignorant.

As long as you people continue to feel sorry for yourselves and claim that
the rest of Canada is out to get you, I will call you pathetic.


Jan 8, 2001, 9:52:16 AM1/8/01
In article <MMf66.3171$>,

You reduce the problem, you make it look simple and stupid, so it becomes
possible for you to call us pathetic. Poor strategy.

Clem _

Jan 7, 2001, 10:36:31 PM1/7/01

>In article <MMf66.3171$>,
> "HG" <> wrote:
>> > You're ignorant, simply a foolish ignorant.
>> As long as you people continue to feel sorry for yourselves and claim that
>> the rest of Canada is out to get you, I will call you pathetic.

No wonder you feel , you are to take care of us
And the question should rather be
Who's pathetic

We don't need , we don't want you
to take care of us

You've been doing it , too long already
No hardfeelings ,,,! Come on ,,!



Jan 8, 2001, 11:18:14 AM1/8/01
chemo a écrit dans le message ...

>méchant anglo-typique ce Don, après ça,
>ça se demande pourquoi on veut faire du Québec, un pays...
>une de ces raisons est le genre de commentaires insipide basé sur une
>propagande haineuse envers les "fucking frogs", que je lis jours après
>sur ce forum et, bien sur, can.politics et leur versions provinciales... Je
>veux rien avoir a faire avec cet bande d'auto-suffisants racistes
>Vive le Québec Libre! Nous Vaincrons!
>Souverainement vôtre,
Mais jamais notre Danièlle va dénoncer ça..... sa promiscuité salynienne
est trop évidente......

«Dans l'histoire de l'humanité, l'holocauste est l'exemple le plus
monstrueux, unique, de la barbarie d'un état à l'égard d'un peuple dont on a
programmé l'extinction. Cela dit, il n'exclut pas la souffrance horrible de
d'autres peuples victimes de génocide et de cruauté de la part d'États
Yves Michaud


Clem _

Jan 7, 2001, 11:33:20 PM1/7/01

>>"Le préalable de l'indépendance est le refus de toutes négociations" -
>>Albert Camus

Ca alors , je ne l'avais pas encore entendu celle-là ,!

How righhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhht ,,,,!



Jan 8, 2001, 1:13:17 PM1/8/01
Non, c'est toi petite qui est une pauvre petite CONNE.... a écrit dans le message ...
> Dénoncer quoi au juste ? Je dénonce ceux qui s'attaquent à moi
>comme toi tu viens d' essayer une fois de plus de le faire ! Depuis le
>temps.. tous savent pourquoi ton Maître à penser Gil Morisset [Gilmo]
><>] alias [] alias
>[] alias [] aime s'en prendre
>aux SOUVERAINISTES.. facile à comprendre, sa frustration d'avoir une
>FILLE FEDERALISTE l'a rendu FOU ! Merci de me donner l'occasion de
>montrer aussi sur can.politics que V. Kate Morisset. fille de Gilmo
>est une fervente admiratrice de Pierre E Trudeau et c'est son droit !

Jan 8, 2001, 3:33:59 PM1/8/01
On Mon, 8 Jan 2001 13:13:17 -0500, "Le_Verseau"
<> ver sot wrote:

>"Le_Verseau" <> ver sot

>Non, c'est toi petite qui est une pauvre petite CONNE....

Pourquoi tu coupes le bout du message où sont tes mots à toi
et ce à quoi je répondais ? Tu devrais regarder TES MOTS où tu t'en
prends à MOI dans une enfilade où je n'étais même pas présente.
Revoici tes mots, ver sot:

|||"Le_Verseau" <> ver sot

|||Mais jamais notre Danièlle va dénoncer ça..... sa promiscuité salynienne
|||est trop évidente......

Et j'ai mis ceci comme réponse à ton message:


|>> Dénoncer quoi au juste ? Je dénonce ceux qui s'attaquent à moi
|>>comme toi tu viens d' essayer une fois de plus de le faire ! Depuis le
|>>temps.. tous savent pourquoi ton Maître à penser Gil Morisset [Gilmo]
|>><>] alias [] alias
|>>[] alias [] aime s'en prendre
|>>aux SOUVERAINISTES.. facile à comprendre, sa frustration d'avoir une
|>>FILLE FEDERALISTE l'a rendu FOU ! Merci de me donner l'occasion de
|>>montrer aussi sur can.politics que V. Kate Morisset. fille de Gilmo
|>>est une fervente admiratrice de Pierre E Trudeau et c'est son droit !
|> >Danièlle

Maintenant cette image montrant les hommages que la fille de
Gil Morisset [Gilmo] rendait à Pierre E Trudeau se trouve sur mon site

Si montrer que moi j'aime mieux rendre hommage à René
Lévesque.. fait de moi une CONNE comme tu dis.. j'accepte ce
compliment venant de toi, ver sot !

Voici ce qu'est ma vision de MON PAYS.. le QUEBEC !

Fichier sous format FLASH environ 700 Kb
Gens du PAYS de Gilles Vigneault:

Quand toi "Le_Verseau" <> ver sot, tu
seras capable d'affirmer avec ta vraie identité toutes les sottises
que tu viens écrire ici.. peut-être que tu pourras te permettre de
cracher sur mon option POLITIQUE qui est l'indépendance du Québec.
Plus je te regarde aller, toi et la p'tite gang de sots.. je vois que
votre but n'est que de nuire à l'indépendance du Québec ! Lâchez pas..
vous êtes après réussir !


Jan 8, 2001, 3:28:57 PM1/8/01
On Mon, 8 Jan 2001 13:13:17 -0500, "Le_Verseau"
<> ver sot wrote:

>"Le_Verseau" <> ver sot

>Non, c'est toi petite qui est une pauvre petite CONNE....

Pourquoi tu coupes le bout du message où sont tes mots à toi
et ce à quoi je répondais ? Tu devrais regarder TES MOTS où tu t'en
prends à MOI dans une enfilade où je n'étais même pas présente.
Revoici tes mots, ver sot:

|||"Le_Verseau" <> ver sot

|||Mais jamais notre Danièlle va dénoncer ça..... sa promiscuité salynienne
|||est trop évidente......

Et j'ai mis ceci comme réponse à ton message:


|>> Dénoncer quoi au juste ? Je dénonce ceux qui s'attaquent à moi
|>>comme toi tu viens d' essayer une fois de plus de le faire ! Depuis le
|>>temps.. tous savent pourquoi ton Maître à penser Gil Morisset [Gilmo]
|>><>] alias [] alias
|>>[] alias [] aime s'en prendre
|>>aux SOUVERAINISTES.. facile à comprendre, sa frustration d'avoir une
|>>FILLE FEDERALISTE l'a rendu FOU ! Merci de me donner l'occasion de
|>>montrer aussi sur can.politics que V. Kate Morisset. fille de Gilmo
|>>est une fervente admiratrice de Pierre E Trudeau et c'est son droit !
|> >Danièlle

Van Hayden

Jan 8, 2001, 10:52:08 PM1/8/01
On Sat, 6 Jan 2001 23:34:58 -0500, "chemo" <> wrote:

>the governement in place in 1970 were the liberal...under bourassa... so
>whats new about boths working together?
>forgot to mention it maybe?

No not at all. I was talking about the article. Rogers didn't quote
the all the article.

There is no proof that that the provincial Liberals and the feds were
working togeather. Show me the proof.


Marc Dufour

Jan 8, 2001, 10:53:01 PM1/8/01

==============================================================, le Mon, 08 Jan 2001 15:28:08 -0500
à écrit à propos de "Re: Trudeau exaggerated FLQ crisis - hommage_trudeau.gif"

>On Mon, 8 Jan 2001 13:13:17 -0500, "Le_Verseau"
><> ver sot wrote:
>>"Le_Verseau" <> ver sot

>>Non, c'est toi petite qui est une pauvre petite CONNE....

> Pourquoi tu coupes le bout du message où sont tes mots à toi
>et ce à quoi je répondais ? Tu devrais regarder TES MOTS où tu t'en
>prends à MOI dans une enfilade où je n'étais même pas présente.

Oh, écoute, Pétassine, tu n'amuse plus qui que ce soit, avec tes giries.

Alors, s.v.p., écrase, tu veux?

-- Marc Dufour ---------- -------- --
Le Canada a deux langues officielles: l'anglais et le français.
Canada has one official language: english.

Van Hayden

Jan 8, 2001, 10:52:09 PM1/8/01
On Sun, 07 Jan 2001 05:05:51 GMT, Manou <>

>In article <3a57dcb3...@>,
> (Van Hayden) wrote:
>> >LONDON -- Canada's federal government confided to the British
>> >government during the 1970 October Crisis it had "no evidence of an
>> >extensive and co-ordinated FLQ conspiracy," despite public
>> >declarations at home that the extraordinary police powers of the War
>> >Measures Act were necessary to fight an "apprehended insurrection."
>> You convenietly forgot the mention that the Quebec Premier and the
>> Montreal Police Chief were the first to exaggerate the FLQ Crises in
>> order to obtain extra powers for the police from the Federal
>> Government.
>Bullshit! It is someone from the federal that came to Québec and directed
>the letter that Bourassa wrote! Of course, Bourassa was an asshole to accept!
> But hey... federalists walk hand in hand, when it is time to screw

Oh Please Manou. Get real and stop revising history you are getting as
bad as Rogers at revising the truth to suit your own little agenda.
Who the hell was screwing who manou when the FLQ were blowing up mail
boxes and maiming and murderineg people. Give me a break.


Marc Dufour

Jan 8, 2001, 10:52:21 PM1/8/01

==============================================================, le Mon, 08 Jan 2001 12:49:56 -0500

à écrit à propos de "Re: Trudeau exaggerated FLQ crisis - hommage_trudeau.gif"

>FILLE FEDERALISTE l'a rendu FOU ! Merci de me donner l'occasion de

Oh, écrase, tu veux, Pétassine???

Marc Dufour

Jan 8, 2001, 10:48:32 PM1/8/01

============================================================== (Van Hayden), le Sun, 07 Jan 2001 03:31:42 GMT
à écrit à propos de "Re: Trudeau exaggerated FLQ crisis" :

>On Sat, 06 Jan 2001 13:51:23 -0500, wrote:

>>LONDON -- Canada's federal government confided to the British
>>government during the 1970 October Crisis it had "no evidence of an
>>extensive and co-ordinated FLQ conspiracy," despite public
>>declarations at home that the extraordinary police powers of the War
>>Measures Act were necessary to fight an "apprehended insurrection."
>You convenietly forgot the mention that the Quebec Premier and the
>Montreal Police Chief were the first to exaggerate the FLQ Crises in
>order to obtain extra powers for the police from the Federal

Big deal! Both Bourassa and Drapeau were liberals, so, therefore, totally
subordinated to the power central in Ottawa...

Van Hayden

Jan 8, 2001, 10:52:11 PM1/8/01
On Sun, 07 Jan 2001 13:21:36 -0500, wrote:

>>In article <HPU56.235204$>,
>> "Don" <> wrote:
>>> "Manou" <> wrote in message
>>> news:938tfc$s07$
>>> > In article <3a57dcb3...@>,
>>> > (Van Hayden) wrote:
>>> > Bullshit! It is someone from the federal that came to Québec and directed
>>> > the letter that Bourassa wrote! Of course, Bourassa was an asshole to
>>> accept!

>Robert Bourassa was leading a COLLABORATION government.
>He was executing the colonizers' directives as any lackey is expected

Provide the proof. Also provide the proof that the Montreal Police
Chief was also a lacky while you are at it.


Van Hayden

Jan 8, 2001, 10:52:10 PM1/8/01
On Sun, 07 Jan 2001 17:47:20 GMT, Manou <>

>In article <HPU56.235204$>,
> "Don" <> wrote:
>> "Manou" <> wrote in message
>> news:938tfc$s07$
>> > In article <3a57dcb3...@>,
>> > (Van Hayden) wrote:
>> >
>> > > >LONDON -- Canada's federal government confided to the British
>> > > >government during the 1970 October Crisis it had "no evidence of an
>> > > >extensive and co-ordinated FLQ conspiracy," despite public
>> > > >declarations at home that the extraordinary police powers of the War
>> > > >Measures Act were necessary to fight an "apprehended insurrection."
>> > >
>> > > You convenietly forgot the mention that the Quebec Premier and the
>> > > Montreal Police Chief were the first to exaggerate the FLQ Crises in
>> > > order to obtain extra powers for the police from the Federal
>> > > Government.
>> >
>> > Bullshit! It is someone from the federal that came to Québec and directed
>> > the letter that Bourassa wrote! Of course, Bourassa was an asshole to
>> accept!
>> > But hey... federalists walk hand in hand, when it is time to screw
>> > Québécois!
>> The only bullshit are your constant posts on how everyone is screwing
>> Quebec. Sorry sweetie but Quebec just isn't that important
>I know that!

If you know that you are full of bullshit then why do you insist in
coming back for more.

>>to get so much attention and screwing. I suggest you get over your obsession and get on
>> with your life.
>You owe us BILLIONS of dollars, sweetie... Of COURSE it does not bother you
>that MY people had to pay for YOUR peoples's debts!

We owe you sweet fuck all my fine feather separatist twit. Your people
did not pay our debts because they haven't been paid off yet. Good
greif sometimes your comments are so stupid and ignorant and without
FACT. DO YOU GET IT MANOU . You are all bullshit.

>> Don't bother with any of your infamous flaming replies.
>Typical canadian democracy... I will answer when I want and if I want... :-p

Then expect the same shit back

>> you'd throw your own mother off a bridge
>> and blame it on federalist Canada.
>That is one of the most stupid thing I heard in here.

Not any more stupid then some of your remarks. He is just making a
valid comment because the separartits including you blame everything
that is wrong wrong with Quebec on the ROC.


Marc Dufour

Jan 8, 2001, 10:51:52 PM1/8/01

Clem _ <>, le Sun, 07 Jan 2001 23:33:20 -0500

à écrit à propos de "Re: Trudeau exaggerated FLQ crisis" :

> Ca alors , je ne l'avais pas encore entendu celle-là ,!
> How righhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhht ,,,,!
> clem_

(J'ai cru, un moment, voir un message de Peter-le-Sale qui aurait échappé à ma

Marc Dufour

Jan 8, 2001, 11:00:58 PM1/8/01

"Don" <>, le Sun, 07 Jan 2001 07:23:19 GMT

à écrit à propos de "Re: Trudeau exaggerated FLQ crisis" :

>The only bullshit are your constant posts on how everyone is screwing
>Quebec. Sorry sweetie but Quebec just isn't that important to get so much
>attention and screwing. I suggest you get over your obsession and get on
>with your life.

One thing I would like to understand is why do you want so much to keep us
within canada? If we are so insignificant or such a burden on your finances,
why don't you kick us out?

And, judging by the way you hate us, why are you so intent in "saving" us from
the "financial doom" that your propaganda keeps spewing forth???

Inquiring minds needs to know.

Peter S. Saly

Jan 9, 2001, 12:01:17 AM1/9/01

"Marc Dufour" <> wrote in message

> ==============================================================
> Clem _ <>, le Sun, 07 Jan 2001 23:33:20 -0500
> à écrit à propos de "Re: Trudeau exaggerated FLQ crisis" :
> --------------------------------------------------------------
> > Ca alors , je ne l'avais pas encore entendu celle-là ,!
> >
> > How righhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhht ,,,,!
> >
> > clem_
> (J'ai cru, un moment, voir un message de Peter-le-Sale qui aurait échappé
à ma
> killfile)...

Pour quelqu'un qui ne rien savoir de moi..
Tu passes beaucoup de ton temps a parler de moi..
Et plus drole encore, tu passes beaucoup de ton temps a me repondre..

Clem _

Jan 8, 2001, 12:03:47 PM1/8/01

Marc Dufour avait écrit ..

>>"Le préalable de l'indépendance est le refus de toutes négociations" -
>>Albert Camus
Clem a répondu ,,

>> Ca alors , je ne l'avais pas encore entendu celle-là ,!
>> How righhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhht ,,,,!
>> clem_
Marc Dufour explique

>(J'ai cru, un moment,
> voir un message de Peter-le-Sale qui aurait échappé à ma killfile)...
>-- Marc Dufour -------

Clem revient ,,

Marc Dufour , vous n'aviez pas inclus la fameuse phrase
Je l'ai replacée en haut ,, puis la voici encore
Rien de moins , rien de plus ...


>>"Le préalable de l'indépendance est le refus de toutes négociations"

>>Albert Camus
Merci Marc Dufour ,,,

Clem _

Jan 8, 2001, 12:10:32 PM1/8/01
On Tue, 09 Jan 2001 03:52:09 GMT, (Van Hayden)


Come on Van Hayden

Things got to start somewhere ,,!

They only killed one dirty fed

Was it by mistake ,,,???

Aren't you trying to revise history , yourself ,?


Clem _

Jan 8, 2001, 12:21:27 PM1/8/01
On Tue, 09 Jan 2001 03:52:10 GMT, (Van Hayden)

>On Sun, 07 Jan 2001 17:47:20 GMT, Manou <>


Robert Bourassa a toujours fait , ce que lui disait Ottawa
C'est son bon côté ,, il a ainsi acheté la paix

Il n'a jamais été MON homme ,,, mais il a acheté la paix

Au référendum , lui savait ce qui se passerait avec un OUI
Il était convaincu , qu'Ottawa envahirait le Québec

Arrêterait l' Assemblé Nationale ,, comme traîtres
Lui le savait ,, alors il a fait ce qu'on lui disait

Ce fut ainsi , jusqu'à l'échec de sa vie
Le Canada , et le Québec disent NON

Alors là , il comprend ,, et parle
Pour la première fois , il dit publiquement

Sa fameuse phrase ,, était-ce ,,? --------

Quoi que l'on dise , quoi que l'on fasse
Le Québec est libre de choisir seul son destin
Etc , etc , etc ,,,,,

Venant de cet homme ....
C'était , et c'est encore beaucoup
Lui ,,, ne pouvait faire plus

C'est donc encore , et encore
une chose à revoir ,,,


Clem _

Jan 8, 2001, 12:24:06 PM1/8/01
On Tue, 09 Jan 2001 03:52:11 GMT, (Van Hayden)

>On Sun, 07 Jan 2001 13:21:36 -0500, wrote:


Van Hayden ,,,

I admit ,, F.L.Q. existed , and were active
On the other hand , you must admit

that all of this CRISIS ,, was nothing
but Ottawa ,, framing Québécois


Clem _

Jan 8, 2001, 12:39:20 PM1/8/01
On Mon, 8 Jan 2001 23:01:17 -0600, "Peter S. Saly" <>


On est pas encore à couper les ponts
Voilà l'explication ,, ça viendra cependant

La plus élémentaire cellule sur terre
--- va vers son bonheur

Pourquoi douterions-nous de vos intentions
vous essayez de vous faire aimer ,,,
comme tout être humain ,!

Seulement ,,,
Vous vous prenez pas de la bonne façon

Regardez ,, moi je ne vous dis pas de bêtises
Rappelez-vous votre jeunesse ,,,,
Vous n'aviez pas juste le mal dans la tête
du moins ,, je l'espère ,,,!

Si vous le vouliez , vous pourriez être meilleur
Allez ,,, faites un effort



Jan 9, 2001, 4:40:18 AM1/9/01
> >The only bullshit are your constant posts on how everyone is screwing
> >Quebec. Sorry sweetie but Quebec just isn't that important to get so
> >attention and screwing. I suggest you get over your obsession and get on
> >with your life.
> One thing I would like to understand is why do you want so much to keep us
> within canada? If we are so insignificant or such a burden on your
> why don't you kick us out?

Since when do countries kick out "insignificant" or "burdensome" regions?

> And, judging by the way you hate us, why are you so intent in "saving" us
> the "financial doom" that your propaganda keeps spewing forth???
> Inquiring minds needs to know.

No one hates anyone here. Firstly, you don't represent the people of
Quebec - secondly, you should learn to take criticism without getting overly
emotional and calling it hate.


Jan 9, 2001, 4:44:00 AM1/9/01

Marc Dufour <> wrote in message

> ==============================================================
> (Van Hayden), le Sun, 07 Jan 2001 03:31:42 GMT
> à écrit à propos de "Re: Trudeau exaggerated FLQ crisis" :
> --------------------------------------------------------------
> >On Sat, 06 Jan 2001 13:51:23 -0500, wrote:
> >>LONDON -- Canada's federal government confided to the British
> >>government during the 1970 October Crisis it had "no evidence of an
> >>extensive and co-ordinated FLQ conspiracy," despite public
> >>declarations at home that the extraordinary police powers of the War
> >>Measures Act were necessary to fight an "apprehended insurrection."
> >
> >You convenietly forgot the mention that the Quebec Premier and the
> >Montreal Police Chief were the first to exaggerate the FLQ Crises in
> >order to obtain extra powers for the police from the Federal
> >Government.
> Big deal! Both Bourassa and Drapeau were liberals, so, therefore, totally
> subordinated to the power central in Ottawa...

Very very lame response.


Jan 9, 2001, 4:42:57 AM1/9/01

Manou <> wrote in message

> In article <MMf66.3171$>,
> "HG" <> wrote:
> > > You're ignorant, simply a foolish ignorant.
> >
> > As long as you people continue to feel sorry for yourselves and claim
> > the rest of Canada is out to get you, I will call you pathetic.
> >
> You reduce the problem, you make it look simple and stupid, so it becomes
> possible for you to call us pathetic. Poor strategy.

Reduce what problem? You stated that federalists walk hand in hand and want
to screw Quebec - if you truly believe that federalists want to screw
Quebec, then, yes, you are pathetic.


Jan 9, 2001, 4:51:03 AM1/9/01

Clem _ <> wrote in message

Killing a federalist is okay... a new addition to the list of Quebec
Separatist bigots on Usenet:

1. Rodgers
2. Dufour
3. Clem

Ivan Gowch

Jan 9, 2001, 5:21:43 AM1/9/01
On Tue, 09 Jan 2001 04:00:58 GMT, Marc Dufour <>

==>>The only bullshit are your constant posts on how everyone is screwing
==>>Quebec. Sorry sweetie but Quebec just isn't that important to get so much
==>>attention and screwing. I suggest you get over your obsession and get on
==>>with your life.

==>One thing I would like to understand is why do you want so much to keep us
==>within canada?

Because you folks represent English Canada's only reliable source of

==> If we are so insignificant or such a burden on your finances,
==>why don't you kick us out?

Because English-Canadians know well that although they may have a
stranglehold on Canada's political and economic power, Quebec is the
repository of the nation's soul.

Without Quebec, Canada is just a tedious collection of bankers with
crypto-Scottish accents and long-term memberships in Club Med.

==>And, judging by the way you hate us, why are you so intent in "saving" us from
==>the "financial doom" that your propaganda keeps spewing forth???

You are wrong, mon ami. Anglo Canadians don't hate you. They are,
however, jealous as hell of you because they suspect -- rightly, I
reckon -- that Quebecois have far more fun than they do.

That's why Quebecers, if they're still pissed off over that business
on the Plains of Abraham, shouldn't separate, they should stick around
and continue to rub their Anglo brothers' noses in it for as long as


"Twenty times in the course of my late reading, have I been upon
the point of breaking out, 'This would be the best of all possible
worlds, if there were no religion in it!'"
-John Adams.

- Ivan Gowch <>


Jan 9, 2001, 8:02:29 AM1/9/01
> "Don" <>, le Sun, 07 Jan 2001 07:23:19 GMT
> à écrit à propos de "Re: Trudeau exaggerated FLQ crisis" :
> --------------------------------------------------------------
> >The only bullshit are your constant posts on how everyone is screwing
> >Quebec. Sorry sweetie but Quebec just isn't that important to get so
> >attention and screwing. I suggest you get over your obsession and get on
> >with your life.
> One thing I would like to understand is why do you want so much to keep us
> within canada? If we are so insignificant or such a burden on your
> why don't you kick us out?
> And, judging by the way you hate us, why are you so intent in "saving" us
> the "financial doom" that your propaganda keeps spewing forth???
> Inquiring minds needs to know.

A Vulcan you would never make. Your logic is unfounded. Nowhere did I say
that I hate Quebecers or want Quebec out. My comments were directed at one
single individual. Where is it written that I must like or agree with

Some inquiring minds only hear what they want to.


Jan 9, 2001, 8:04:31 AM1/9/01
> >> >LONDON -- Canada's federal government confided to the British
> >> >government during the 1970 October Crisis it had "no evidence of an
> >> >extensive and co-ordinated FLQ conspiracy," despite public
> >> >declarations at home that the extraordinary police powers of the War
> >> >Measures Act were necessary to fight an "apprehended insurrection."
> >>
> >> You convenietly forgot the mention that the Quebec Premier and the
> >> Montreal Police Chief were the first to exaggerate the FLQ Crises in
> >> order to obtain extra powers for the police from the Federal
> >> Government.
> >
> >Bullshit! It is someone from the federal that came to Québec and
> >the letter that Bourassa wrote! Of course, Bourassa was an asshole to
> > But hey... federalists walk hand in hand, when it is time to screw
> >Québécois!
> Oh Please Manou. Get real and stop revising history you are getting as
> bad as Rogers at revising the truth to suit your own little agenda.
> Who the hell was screwing who manou when the FLQ were blowing up mail
> boxes and maiming and murderineg people. Give me a break.

As long as French Seperatists are doing the killing, Manou is all for it.

Peter S. Saly

Jan 9, 2001, 12:50:12 AM1/9/01

"Clem _" <> wrote in message

Apparently, according to clem it's perfectly OK to kill "a dirty fed"..
That's so typical..
According to the SS, it was OK to kill a "dirty jew" or a "dirty gypsy"..
According to the Serbs, it was OK to kill "a dirty croat" or "a dirty
According to the Khmer Rouge, it was OK to kill "a dirty intellectual"..
According to the Tutsi, it was OK to kill " a dirty Hutu".
According to the Hutus, it was OK to kill " a dirty Tutsi"
And we are not going to get into what was OK to kill under the communists in
Russia, China, Korea, and many other

And now clem comes with another variant of this barbaric justification
About the killing of Pierre Laporte by the FLQ,

Peter S. Saly

Jan 9, 2001, 1:21:33 AM1/9/01

"Clem _" <> wrote in message

Mainteannt les separa-tatas comme clem vont essayer de nous faire croire que
la FLQ etait une branche du federal...
PAs surpris que ce pauvre con imagnine que 1999= 2000 et que le 2ieme
millenaire s'est termine le 31 Decembre 1999...

Mais c'est vrai qu'il existe du monde assez stupide pour avaler n'importe
quelles betises...


Jan 9, 2001, 9:21:27 AM1/9/01
J'ai reçu un message dans ma boite de courrier, et cet internaute ne
comprenait le sens de ma réplique. Je vais être plus explicite. Il avait
écrit :
>Yanik Crepeau a écrit dans le message ...
>>En fait, M. Trudeau n'a pas fait qu'exagérer la "crise d'Octobre", c'est
>>faire injure à son intelligence que de croire que les demandes de la Ville
>>de Montréal et du Gouvernement du Québec étaient la seule motivation pour
>>décréter la loi sur les mesures de guerre.
>>Monsieur Trudeau A UTILISÉ la "crise d'Octobre" pour se faire du capital
>>politique. Deux ans plus tôt, en juin 1968, vingt-quatre heures avant son
>>élection, il avait fait de la provocation en allant s'assoir à la tribune
>>d'honneur durant le défilé de la Saint-Jean Batiste. Les quelques
>>qui ont été lancées sur la tribune officielle lui ont bien servi. On peut
>>facilement croire que le premier ministre du Canada s'est bien amusé
>>le "crise d'Octobre" tout comme il s'était bien amusé le soir de la
>>Saint-Jean quand il assistait à la charge menée par la Cavalerie de la
>>Police de Montréal contre quelques "séparatistes" turbulents.

Et j'avais répondu :
>Très juste comme message, par ailleurs, je suis convaincus que les membres
>du KKK s'amusait royalement au cours du milieu du siècle dernier.
Je pense tout de même que c'est pas difficile à comprendre. Tu écris : "On
facilement croire que le premier ministre du Canada s'est bien amusé durant
le "crise d'Octobre" tout comme il s'était bien amusé le soir de la
Saint-Jean quand il assistait à la charge menée par la Cavalerie de la
Police de Montréal contre quelques "séparatistes" turbulents"
Pour ma part, je suis tout à fait en accord avec cette affirmation, et je
crois que c'est le cas de tous les despotes et Polpot du monde, de tous les
racistes et en fait de tous les criminels qui s'amuse du sort de leurs
victimes. J'ai pris l'exemple du KKK qui devait s'amuser au milieu du siècle
dernier au dépend des noirs qu'ils suppliciaient, je vais terminer en te
laissant une copie d'un document qui fait parti des archives nationales du
Canada et ça se passe au moment de la déportation des Acadiens :

Lettre du capitaine Alexander Murray au colonel John Winslow,
Fort Edouard, 8 septembre 1755.
"Cher monsieur, - J'accuse réception de votre lettre, et je dois vous dire
que je suis content d'apprendre que tout va bien à la Grand-Prée et que
les pauvres diables sont si résignés. Ceux d'ici (Piziquid, aujourd'hui
Windsor) ont montré plus de patience que j'en attendais de gens dans leur
situation et je suis grandement surpris de constater l'indifférence des
femmes qui sont réellement ou paraissent indifférentes à leur sort.
Quand je pense à ceux d'Annapolis, je me réjouis de les avoir sommés de
venir au rendez-vous. Je crains qu'il y ait des pertes de vie avant que
nous ayons terminé le rassemblement; vous savez que nos soldats les
détestent et qu'ils profiteront de tout prétexte pour les tuer…
Je suis des plus heureux d'apprendre que votre camp est en sûreté et puisse
servir (comme dit le Français) de bonne prison pour les habitants. J'ai
hâte de voir ces pauvres infortunés embarqués et notre tâche terminée;
alors je m'accorderai le plaisir de vous faire une visite et nous boirons à
leur bon voyage.

Peter S. Saly

Jan 9, 2001, 10:43:15 AM1/9/01

"HG" <> wrote in message

Isn't it interesting how people like manou have to believe that they are
It appears that that is the only way they can justify their extreme
To put themselves as victims....

Peter S. Saly

Jan 9, 2001, 10:43:56 AM1/9/01

"HG" <> wrote in message

Another form of the professional victim mentality..

Marc Dufour

Jan 9, 2001, 12:52:13 PM1/9/01

============================================================== (Van Hayden), le Tue, 09 Jan 2001 03:52:08 GMT

à écrit à propos de "Re: Trudeau exaggerated FLQ crisis" :

>On Sat, 6 Jan 2001 23:34:58 -0500, "chemo" <> wrote:
>>the governement in place in 1970 were the liberal...under bourassa... so
>>whats new about boths working together?
>>forgot to mention it maybe?
>No not at all. I was talking about the article. Rogers didn't quote
>the all the article.
>There is no proof that that the provincial Liberals and the feds were
>working togeather. Show me the proof.

The proof is in the pudding!

For the last 40 years, the provincial liberals have worked hand-in-hand with
the federal liberals.

Marc Dufour

Jan 9, 2001, 12:52:42 PM1/9/01

============================================================== (Van Hayden), le Tue, 09 Jan 2001 03:52:11 GMT

à écrit à propos de "Re: Trudeau exaggerated FLQ crisis" :

>Provide the proof. Also provide the proof that the Montreal Police

>Chief was also a lacky while you are at it.

He actually was bought by the mob with a 36" color TV...

Marc Dufour

Jan 9, 2001, 12:56:45 PM1/9/01

Ivan Gowch <>, le Tue, 09 Jan 2001 10:21:43 GMT

à écrit à propos de "Re: Trudeau exaggerated FLQ crisis" :

>On Tue, 09 Jan 2001 04:00:58 GMT, Marc Dufour <>

>==>One thing I would like to understand is why do you want so much to keep us

>==>within canada?
>Because you folks represent English Canada's only reliable source of

Excuse me, but if you go in downtown Ottawa, you will find at the corner of
Kent and Slater streets (just besides the Canadian Tire store) a very reliable
chipwagon (operated by vietnamese), that dutifully dole out a perfectly
respectable poutine to passerbys.

>==> If we are so insignificant or such a burden on your finances,
>==>why don't you kick us out?


>==>And, judging by the way you hate us, why are you so intent in "saving" us from
>==>the "financial doom" that your propaganda keeps spewing forth???
>You are wrong, mon ami. Anglo Canadians don't hate you. They are,
>however, jealous as hell of you because they suspect -- rightly, I
>reckon -- that Quebecois have far more fun than they do.

So, if you don't have so much fun, why don't you become french?

>That's why Quebecers, if they're still pissed off over that business
>on the Plains of Abraham, shouldn't separate, they should stick around
>and continue to rub their Anglo brothers' noses in it for as long as

That could be done far more effectively if we were an independent country.

Marc Dufour

Jan 9, 2001, 12:58:28 PM1/9/01

"Don" <>, le Tue, 09 Jan 2001 13:02:29 GMT

à écrit à propos de "Re: Trudeau exaggerated FLQ crisis" :

>A Vulcan you would never make. Your logic is unfounded. Nowhere did I say

>that I hate Quebecers or want Quebec out. My comments were directed at one
>single individual. Where is it written that I must like or agree with

Oh, Sorry. I should have precised that the "you" was not aimed in your
particular direction, but in the general direction of the ROC(tm).

That's the problem with english who has only one form of "you", compared to
french who has two forms (singular/casual and plural/formal).

Marc Dufour

Jan 9, 2001, 12:59:57 PM1/9/01

============================================================== (Van Hayden), le Tue, 09 Jan 2001 03:52:09 GMT

à écrit à propos de "Re: Trudeau exaggerated FLQ crisis" :

>Oh Please Manou. Get real and stop revising history you are getting as
>bad as Rogers at revising the truth to suit your own little agenda.
>Who the hell was screwing who manou when the FLQ were blowing up mail
>boxes and maiming and murderineg people. Give me a break.

The FLQ was heavily infiltrated by the RCMP since it's beginnings. That
handful of "terrorists" were well known and COULD have been stopped in time.

In fact, the RCMP even performed several terrorist acts in the name of the

Marc Dufour

Jan 9, 2001, 1:00:27 PM1/9/01

"HG" <>, le Tue, 9 Jan 2001 04:44:00 -0500

à écrit à propos de "Re: Trudeau exaggerated FLQ crisis" :

>Marc Dufour <> wrote in message
>> ==============================================================
>> (Van Hayden), le Sun, 07 Jan 2001 03:31:42 GMT
>> à écrit à propos de "Re: Trudeau exaggerated FLQ crisis" :
>> --------------------------------------------------------------
>> >On Sat, 06 Jan 2001 13:51:23 -0500, wrote:
>> >>LONDON -- Canada's federal government confided to the British
>> >>government during the 1970 October Crisis it had "no evidence of an
>> >>extensive and co-ordinated FLQ conspiracy," despite public
>> >>declarations at home that the extraordinary police powers of the War
>> >>Measures Act were necessary to fight an "apprehended insurrection."
>> >
>> >You convenietly forgot the mention that the Quebec Premier and the
>> >Montreal Police Chief were the first to exaggerate the FLQ Crises in
>> >order to obtain extra powers for the police from the Federal
>> >Government.
>> Big deal! Both Bourassa and Drapeau were liberals, so, therefore, totally
>> subordinated to the power central in Ottawa...
>Very very lame response.

Very very poor counter-"argument".

Peter S. Saly

Jan 9, 2001, 2:46:16 PM1/9/01

"Marc Dufour" <> wrote in message

> ==============================================================
> (Van Hayden), le Tue, 09 Jan 2001 03:52:08 GMT
> à écrit à propos de "Re: Trudeau exaggerated FLQ crisis" :
> --------------------------------------------------------------
> >On Sat, 6 Jan 2001 23:34:58 -0500, "chemo" <> wrote:
> >
> >>the governement in place in 1970 were the liberal...under bourassa... so
> >>whats new about boths working together?
> >>
> >>forgot to mention it maybe?
> >
> >No not at all. I was talking about the article. Rogers didn't quote
> >the all the article.
> >
> >There is no proof that that the provincial Liberals and the feds were
> >working togeather. Show me the proof.
> The proof is in the pudding!
> For the last 40 years, the provincial liberals have worked hand-in-hand
> the federal liberals.

That's NO proof..

Too bad your soooo stupid that you consider your own declarations as some
kind of proof.
The ONLY thing it proves, is that your an idiot...
But that has been obvious for a VERY long time

Peter S. Saly

Jan 9, 2001, 2:46:57 PM1/9/01

"Marc Dufour" <> wrote in message

> ==============================================================
> (Van Hayden), le Tue, 09 Jan 2001 03:52:11 GMT
> à écrit à propos de "Re: Trudeau exaggerated FLQ crisis" :
> --------------------------------------------------------------
> >Provide the proof. Also provide the proof that the Montreal Police
> >Chief was also a lacky while you are at it.
> He actually was bought by the mob with a 36" color TV...

Yah !
And if dufuss declares it.
It's GOT to be true..

Peter S. Saly

Jan 9, 2001, 2:50:27 PM1/9/01

"Marc Dufour" <> wrote in message

> ==============================================================
> "Don" <>, le Tue, 09 Jan 2001 13:02:29 GMT
> à écrit à propos de "Re: Trudeau exaggerated FLQ crisis" :
> --------------------------------------------------------------
> >A Vulcan you would never make. Your logic is unfounded. Nowhere did I
> >that I hate Quebecers or want Quebec out. My comments were directed at
> >single individual. Where is it written that I must like or agree with
> >everyone?
> Oh, Sorry. I should have precised that the "you" was not aimed in your
> particular direction, but in the general direction of the ROC(tm).
> That's the problem with english who has only one form of "you", compared
> french who has two forms (singular/casual and plural/formal).

Mustn't forget that since dufuss declares it, it MUST be true..

Nove why don't you give us some EVIDENCE to support your claim that the Rest
of Canada (ROC) hates Quebec and Quebecois...

Peter S. Saly

Jan 9, 2001, 2:51:30 PM1/9/01

"Marc Dufour" <> wrote in message

No need to "counter" a NON-argument, that a dufuss like you imagines having
some credibility.

Van Hayden

Jan 9, 2001, 5:16:57 PM1/9/01
On Tue, 09 Jan 2001 17:52:13 GMT, Marc Dufour <>


> (Van Hayden), le Tue, 09 Jan 2001 03:52:08 GMT
>à écrit à propos de "Re: Trudeau exaggerated FLQ crisis" :
>>On Sat, 6 Jan 2001 23:34:58 -0500, "chemo" <> wrote:
>>>the governement in place in 1970 were the liberal...under bourassa... so
>>>whats new about boths working together?
>>>forgot to mention it maybe?
>>No not at all. I was talking about the article. Rogers didn't quote
>>the all the article.
>>There is no proof that that the provincial Liberals and the feds were
>>working togeather. Show me the proof.
>The proof is in the pudding!
>For the last 40 years, the provincial liberals have worked hand-in-hand with
>the federal liberals.

Now that is a crock of shit. The Quebec Liberals were never "hand in
hand". In fact this fairy tail is only a figment of the Separatist


Van Hayden

Jan 9, 2001, 5:19:29 PM1/9/01
On Tue, 09 Jan 2001 17:59:57 GMT, Marc Dufour <>


> (Van Hayden), le Tue, 09 Jan 2001 03:52:09 GMT
>à écrit à propos de "Re: Trudeau exaggerated FLQ crisis" :
>>Oh Please Manou. Get real and stop revising history you are getting as
>>bad as Rogers at revising the truth to suit your own little agenda.
>>Who the hell was screwing who manou when the FLQ were blowing up mail
>>boxes and maiming and murderineg people. Give me a break.
>The FLQ was heavily infiltrated by the RCMP since it's beginnings. That
>handful of "terrorists" were well known and COULD have been stopped in time.
>In fact, the RCMP even performed several terrorist acts in the name of the

About the only thing that has been rpoven is the Barn Burning. The
rest was the work of your little FLQ Bastards that even killed their
own fellow Francophones in stupid attempts to get at the Federal


Van Hayden

Jan 9, 2001, 5:24:26 PM1/9/01
On Tue, 09 Jan 2001 14:15:42 -0500, wrote:

>On Tue, 09 Jan 2001 17:59:57 GMT, Marc Dufour <>

>> (Van Hayden), le Tue, 09 Jan 2001 03:52:09 GMT
>>à écrit à propos de "Re: Trudeau exaggerated FLQ crisis" :
>>>Oh Please Manou. Get real and stop revising history you are getting as
>>>bad as Rogers at revising the truth to suit your own little agenda.
>>>Who the hell was screwing who manou when the FLQ were blowing up mail
>>>boxes and maiming and murderineg people. Give me a break.
>>The FLQ was heavily infiltrated by the RCMP since it's beginnings. That
>>handful of "terrorists" were well known and COULD have been stopped in time.
>>In fact, the RCMP even performed several terrorist acts in the name of the

>Thousands and thousands of pages written on the subject since and the
>bozo confirms himself to have remain as ignorant of the case as he was
>on day one. Now, what is revisionism to one so ignorant if not the

Whatever!! I was there you asshole and was on patrol during that time
so don't give me any of your separatist bullshit. Hey in order to
catch a terrorist one must act like one. Good for the RCMP. To bad
they didn't blow the terrorist bastards up when they blew up the barn/
The Airforce should has pushed them out of the airplane wiothout
parachutes. But alas Canadians are to nice to do such things.


Van Hayden

Jan 9, 2001, 5:28:57 PM1/9/01
On Tue, 09 Jan 2001 14:09:45 -0500, wrote:

>On Tue, 09 Jan 2001 17:52:42 GMT, Marc Dufour <>

>> (Van Hayden), le Tue, 09 Jan 2001 03:52:11 GMT
>>à écrit à propos de "Re: Trudeau exaggerated FLQ crisis" :
>>>Provide the proof. Also provide the proof that the Montreal Police
>>>Chief was also a lacky while you are at it.

>As early as 1964, for lack of trust for what he regarded as Duplessis'
>police, Jean Lesage brought in RCMP constables to head the SQ. Later,
>the very same treatment was served to the Montreal Police. By early
>1970, all of Quebec strategic infrastructures were heavily infiltrated
>by Quebec's most notorious ennemy English Canada's political police
>proved to be. Colonialism at its best...

You still ahven't answered the question. Show the fucking proof that
the Montreal Police Chief was Treudeus lacky as you separatists claim.

>That you still ignore so much on a question you never miss an occasion
>to commit yourself to, should tell you the time has come for you to
>read: "Men in The Shadows: The RCMP Security Service" by John
>Sawatsky, as well as other good books on the distastefull history of
>that political police's role which comes too close to that of other
>totalitarian States to be treated lightly.

Show the prrof. So far you haven't done absolutely one thing except to
provide a bunch tripe. How about hard poof that the Montreal Police
Chief was in The Feds pocket.



Jan 9, 2001, 6:38:37 PM1/9/01

"Marc Dufour" <> wrote in message

> ==============================================================
> "Don" <>, le Tue, 09 Jan 2001 13:02:29 GMT
> à écrit à propos de "Re: Trudeau exaggerated FLQ crisis" :
> --------------------------------------------------------------
> >A Vulcan you would never make. Your logic is unfounded. Nowhere did I
> >that I hate Quebecers or want Quebec out. My comments were directed at
> >single individual. Where is it written that I must like or agree with
> >everyone?
> Oh, Sorry. I should have precised that the "you" was not aimed in your
> particular direction, but in the general direction of the ROC(tm).
> That's the problem with english who has only one form of "you", compared
> french who has two forms (singular/casual and plural/formal).

That's pretty petty but I am not surprised that you resort to personal
attacks. Such is typical of an extremist. Your post was in direct response
to mine. In any language, your grammar would be suspect.

Marc Dufour

Jan 9, 2001, 10:04:30 PM1/9/01

============================================================== (Van Hayden), le Tue, 09 Jan 2001 22:24:26 GMT

à écrit à propos de "Re: Trudeau exaggerated FLQ crisis" :

>Whatever!! I was there you asshole and was on patrol during that time
>so don't give me any of your separatist bullshit. Hey in order to

Oh, on patrol and in uniform.

A clown on the beat.

The police don't stop to think, adding wear and tear to their overworked

They just execute orders.


Marc Dufour

Jan 9, 2001, 10:02:42 PM1/9/01

"Don" <>, le Tue, 09 Jan 2001 23:38:37 GMT

à écrit à propos de "Re: Trudeau exaggerated FLQ crisis" :

>"Marc Dufour" <> wrote in message
>> ==============================================================
>> "Don" <>, le Tue, 09 Jan 2001 13:02:29 GMT
>> à écrit à propos de "Re: Trudeau exaggerated FLQ crisis" :
>> --------------------------------------------------------------
>> >A Vulcan you would never make. Your logic is unfounded. Nowhere did I
>> >that I hate Quebecers or want Quebec out. My comments were directed at
>> >single individual. Where is it written that I must like or agree with
>> >everyone?
>> Oh, Sorry. I should have precised that the "you" was not aimed in your
>> particular direction, but in the general direction of the ROC(tm).
>> That's the problem with english who has only one form of "you", compared
>> french who has two forms (singular/casual and plural/formal).
>That's pretty petty but I am not surprised that you resort to personal
>attacks. Such is typical of an extremist. Your post was in direct response
>to mine. In any language, your grammar would be suspect.

???? You didn't get your cup of tea tonite???

Clem _

Jan 9, 2001, 10:22:05 PM1/9/01
On Tue, 9 Jan 2001 04:51:03 -0500, "HG" <> wrote:

>Clem _ <> wrote in message


>> On Tue, 09 Jan 2001 03:52:09 GMT, (Van Hayden)
>> wrote:
>> >On Sun, 07 Jan 2001 05:05:51 GMT, Manou <>
>> >wrote:
>> >

>> >>In article <3a57dcb3...@>,

>> >> (Van Hayden) wrote:
>> >>
>> >>> >LONDON -- Canada's federal government confided to the British
>> >>> >government during the 1970 October Crisis it had "no evidence of an
>> >>> >extensive and co-ordinated FLQ conspiracy," despite public
>> >>> >declarations at home that the extraordinary police powers of the War
>> >>> >Measures Act were necessary to fight an "apprehended insurrection."
>> >>>
>> >>> You convenietly forgot the mention that the Quebec Premier and the
>> >>> Montreal Police Chief were the first to exaggerate the FLQ Crises in
>> >>> order to obtain extra powers for the police from the Federal
>> >>> Government.
>> >>

>> >>Bullshit! It is someone from the federal that came to Québec and
>> >>the letter that Bourassa wrote! Of course, Bourassa was an asshole to

>> >> But hey... federalists walk hand in hand, when it is time to screw
>> >>Québécois!
>> >

>> >Oh Please Manou. Get real and stop revising history you are getting as
>> >bad as Rogers at revising the truth to suit your own little agenda.
>> >Who the hell was screwing who manou when the FLQ were blowing up mail
>> >boxes and maiming and murderineg people. Give me a break.
>> >>

>> >Cheers
>> >Van
>> >
>> >
>> ====================================================================
>> Come on Van Hayden
>> Things got to start somewhere ,,!
>> They only killed one dirty fed
>> Was it by mistake ,,,???
>> Aren't you trying to revise history , yourself ,?
>> clem_

>Killing a federalist is okay... a new addition to the list of Quebec
>Separatist bigots on Usenet:
>1. Rodgers
>2. Dufour
>3. Clem

This is great honour ,,,!



Clem _

Jan 9, 2001, 10:38:41 PM1/9/01

Peter Saly wrote

>Isn't it interesting how people like manou have to believe that they are
>It appears that that is the only way they can justify their extreme
>To put themselves as victims....

How nice of you Peter Saly
,,, and how stupid ,!


Van Hayden

Jan 9, 2001, 10:52:44 PM1/9/01
On Wed, 10 Jan 2001 03:04:30 GMT, Marc Dufour <>

> (Van Hayden), le Tue, 09 Jan 2001 22:24:26 GMT

>à écrit à propos de "Re: Trudeau exaggerated FLQ crisis" :

>>Whatever!! I was there you asshole and was on patrol during that time

>>so don't give me any of your separatist bullshit. Hey in order to
>Oh, on patrol and in uniform.
>A clown on the beat.
>The police don't stop to think, adding wear and tear to their overworked
>They just execute orders.

I find absolutely it funny that twits like you and other separatists
like call the Armed Forces members clowns even when they come to
Quebec's aid everytime they are asked to by the Quebec Government
because the Quebec Government can't handle the situation. Just to
refresh your memory remember the, October Crisises, Oka, The Ice
Storm and the Floods. I wonder how brave and if you had the guts to
repeat your words directly to a soldier is about to save your life the
next time they are called out to Quebec during a disaster. None I bet
What a hypocrite.



Jan 9, 2001, 10:44:04 PM1/9/01
In article <3a5a85b7...@>, (Van Hayden) wrote:

> >> >
> >> > Bullshit! It is someone from the federal that came to Québec and directed
> >> > the letter that Bourassa wrote! Of course, Bourassa was an asshole to
> >> accept!
> >> > But hey... federalists walk hand in hand, when it is time to screw
> >> > Québécois!
> >>

> >> The only bullshit are your constant posts on how everyone is screwing
> >> Quebec. Sorry sweetie but Quebec just isn't that important
> >

> >I know that!
> If you know that you are full of bullshit then why do you insist in
> coming back for more.

I know that Québec is not very important for a lot of you, that is what I
meant. You are not very fast in your mind, are you. :-p

> >>to get so much attention and screwing. I suggest you get over your obsession and get on
> >> with your life.
> >

> >You owe us BILLIONS of dollars, sweetie... Of COURSE it does not bother you
> >that MY people had to pay for YOUR peoples's debts!
> We owe you sweet fuck all my fine feather separatist twit. Your people
> did not pay our debts because they haven't been paid off yet. Good
> greif sometimes your comments are so stupid and ignorant and without
> FACT. DO YOU GET IT MANOU . You are all bullshit.

When our two peoples united, we have no debts, you had for about 6,000,000 of
dollars. Can you imagine what it means TODAY.

> >> Don't bother with any of your infamous flaming replies.
> >
> >Typical canadian democracy... I will answer when I want and if I want... :-p
> Then expect the same shit back

What I say is not shit, is the truth.
> >> you'd throw your own mother off a bridge
> >> and blame it on federalist Canada.
> >
> >That is one of the most stupid thing I heard in here.
> Not any more stupid then some of your remarks. He is just making a
> valid comment because the separartits including you blame everything
> that is wrong wrong with Quebec on the ROC.
> Cheers
> Van
And that is PURE BULLSHIT too... We denounce what we have to denounce,
we don't INVENT things, and what is wrong in Québec because of US is not wrong
because of YOU and we NEVER pretend such silly thing.

You are so full of yourself, but so empty with FACTS. :-D

-- Manou

«Je déteste les victimes quand elles aiment leurs maîtres» - Jean-Paul

Sent via


Jan 9, 2001, 10:49:34 PM1/9/01
In article <3a5a84da...@>, (Van Hayden) wrote:
> On Sun, 07 Jan 2001 05:05:51 GMT, Manou <>
> wrote:
> >In article <3a57dcb3...@>,

> > (Van Hayden) wrote:
> >
> >> >LONDON -- Canada's federal government confided to the British
> >> >government during the 1970 October Crisis it had "no evidence of an
> >> >extensive and co-ordinated FLQ conspiracy," despite public
> >> >declarations at home that the extraordinary police powers of the War
> >> >Measures Act were necessary to fight an "apprehended insurrection."
> >>
> >> You convenietly forgot the mention that the Quebec Premier and the
> >> Montreal Police Chief were the first to exaggerate the FLQ Crises in
> >> order to obtain extra powers for the police from the Federal
> >> Government.
> >
> >Bullshit! It is someone from the federal that came to Québec and directed
> >the letter that Bourassa wrote! Of course, Bourassa was an asshole to accept!
> > But hey... federalists walk hand in hand, when it is time to screw
> >Québécois!
> Oh Please Manou. Get real and stop revising history you are getting as
> bad as Rogers at revising the truth to suit your own little agenda.
> Who the hell was screwing who manou when the FLQ were blowing up mail
> boxes and maiming and murderineg people. Give me a break.
> Cheers
> Van
You are so ignorant about the FACTS, and you talk and talk and talk...

It is amazing.

But it wont change THE TRUTH.

This letter was dictated to Bourassa, that even hesitated to sign it. It is
a KNOWN FACT. Also, the measures taken to beat the FLQ were way over the
edge. Innocent people, that had the only fault than being independantist,
were arrested without any accusation, and released sometimes WEEKS after.
People in village were terrorised by the police. It had NOTHING to do with
the FLQ, but was against the independantist movement.

Some people were tortured. Some of our greatest artists went in jail for

You are full of shit and you have no heart not to recognise that unfairness.

There was many victims of the police at that time.

All human beings with family, and children and all that.

You don't give a fucking shit.

You are just unfair and mean and frankly, so ignorant that I wonder why
you bother to discuss.

Peter S. Saly

Jan 9, 2001, 11:43:46 PM1/9/01

"Clem _" <> wrote in message

Pas de surprise la..

Peter S. Saly

Jan 9, 2001, 11:46:03 PM1/9/01

"Clem _" <> wrote in message

You are quite right..
Professional victims la manou are stupid..
Just about as stupid as people who write.

>> Things got to start somewhere ,,!
>> They only killed one dirty fed

But then you're also the idiot who writes that 1 is between 0 and 1...
That's as stupid as saying that Montreal is between Quebec and Montreal...

Clem _

Jan 10, 2001, 1:06:02 AM1/10/01

Peter Saly wrote ,,,
> Clem
>But then you're also the idiot who writes that 1 is between 0 and 1...
>That's as stupid as saying that Montreal is between Quebec and Montreal...

Clem answers ,,, Who is stupid here ,,?


This is -1 , a , 0 . b . 1 ( 5 things)


1) How many UNITS do we have here ?
a) 2 units ,,, a and b

2) What do both UNITS have in common
a) Both start at 0

3) Where both UNITS stop
a) a stops at -1 , b stops at 1

4) Are -1 and 1 include in UNITS
a) No ,, neigther one

5) is 0 include in either one
a) 0 is nothing , cannot be included in anything


Now ,,,


Questions :

6) how many UNITS do we have up here ?
a) two UNITS a and b ...

7) how many separators do we have up here
a) we have three separations

So we do have 1 seperator more than UNITS

8) What can we learn from that
a) first seperator stands for ZERO ( 0 )

Anything in this world , starts at 0
There are nothing but UNITS
And saying THREE , is nothing but three units
Each with ZEROS at both ends ...

8) Why have we , since 1900 jan 01 , at 01:01:01
called all this time twentierth century

a ) Because , it is ,,,! that means
it all started with that very first second
wich is 00:00:00-------first---------00:00:01
wich is 0--------------one-----------------1
When we get to 2000 ,, 2000 years are passed
I sincerly hope , you get to understand that



Jan 10, 2001, 8:00:24 AM1/10/01

"Marc Dufour" <> wrote in message

Sorry Marc, I dont speak Ferengi


Jan 10, 2001, 8:37:00 AM1/10/01
In article <ERA66.3547$>,
"HG" <> wrote:
> Manou <> wrote in message
> news:93ck6r$jo7$
> > In article <MMf66.3171$>,
> > "HG" <> wrote:
> > > > You're ignorant, simply a foolish ignorant.
> > >
> > > As long as you people continue to feel sorry for yourselves and claim
> that
> > > the rest of Canada is out to get you, I will call you pathetic.
> > >
> >
> > You reduce the problem, you make it look simple and stupid, so it becomes
> > possible for you to call us pathetic. Poor strategy.
> Reduce what problem? You stated that federalists walk hand in hand and want
> to screw Quebec - if you truly believe that federalists want to screw
> Quebec, then, yes, you are pathetic.

It is a FACT that in 1970, Bourassa was dictated a letter by Pierre Marchand,
from the FEDERAL governement. He hesitated a bit, then he signed it. That
letter, asking for the "mesures de guerre", made thousands of innocent
victims in Québec. Thousands that saw policemen invade their house, steal
their books and documents. People in small village were terrorised. Some
stayed in jail for weeks, having NO NEWS at all of what was going on outside,
completely cut from the outside world, and were released without any
accusations. Those mesures de guerre were meant against ordinary citizens,
not criminal.

In 1970, Québec was SCREWED by federalists that were walking hand in hand.
And to say the opposite... well... is pure dishonnesty to me. What they
did was WRONG and for you not to notice it is a proof that you care about
justice only when it suits YOU. But when unfair, revolting things happen in
Québec, you don't give a shit.

Do you know that one of our greatest singer, a patriot in heart, a lady...
was GAGGED with her hygienic pad when she was arrested? Do you know that in
Lac St-Jean, some prisonners that had NOTHING to do with FLQ but that were
members of the PQ were shot with unloaded gun? Isn't it a torture worthy of
RUSSIA? Why is it that it does not REVOLT you? Why is it that NEVER, NEVER,
NEVER, as soon as Québec is involved, you can say: oups, this was too much,
maybe it is TRUE that something WRONG happened then? You think that by not
ADMITTING it, it changes the FACTS????

You are very good to talk about FREEDOM to put signs in english only if it is
the will of anglophones in Québec... But when an ENTIRE people is deprive of
its civil rights, it does not bother you one bit! Shows a lot what touch and
what does not touch you...

Clem _

Jan 10, 2001, 9:06:01 AM1/10/01
On Wed, 10 Jan 2001 13:37:00 GMT, Manou <>


Merci Manou

Se justifier , voire s'expliquer devant ces voisins
est devenu indécent ..

Nous les avons eu NOS réponse
La première : Nous n'existons pas ,!

Quand cesserons-nous de reculer
Nous n'avons plus à nous justifier
mais ,,,

Vous le faites très bien Manou
mais ils ne comprendrons pas ,!

Il n'y a plus rien à sauver dans ce bordel
pour tout Québécois , pour tout Souverainiste



Jan 10, 2001, 12:51:48 PM1/10/01

> I find absolutely it funny that twits like you and other separatists
> like call the Armed Forces members clowns even when they come to
> Quebec's aid everytime they are asked to by the Quebec Government
> because the Quebec Government can't handle the situation.

Wo... Québec is not the only province to call for help at times... And may
I remember you that there are a LOT of Québécois soldiers, and that Québec
PAYS its share for that army, so might as well be a bit usefull.

> Just to refresh your memory remember the, October Crisises,

It was FEDERAL that wanted to bring the army in Québec, and they made
Bourassa signed a letter that was DICTATED by an agent of the federal...


So what?

> The Ice Storm and the Floods.

It was almost comical. They were picking branches in the street. And so
they did in other provinces, and the Québécois soldiers GO THERE as well. So
what is your problem? Québec is still in Canada. And now, it is a FAULT to
use what WE PAY FOR? YOU are the funny one!

> I wonder how brave and if you had the guts to
> repeat your words directly to a soldier is about to save your life the
> next time they are called out to Quebec during a disaster. None I bet
> What a hypocrite.

The army belongs to EVERYONE THAT PAYS FOR IT IN CANADA. We do pay, we can
USE IT. Your point of view is very stupid. And again, many of them are
QUÉBÉCOIS. And do you know that on the military base of Val Cartier in
Québec, they voted YES at 80% at last referendum...

They deal often enough with Canadians to know we would do better without them
I guess...

> Cheers
> Van


Jan 10, 2001, 2:47:57 PM1/10/01

Une grande partie des Forces Armées a été réduite à jouer un rôle de
deuxième ordre durant la crise du verglas et celle du Saguenay à cause
de l'incompétence d'un ministre Québécois.

Prétendre comme tu le fais que les Forces Armées ont seulement ramassé
des branches d'arbres est un mensonge grossier mais ça, tu en es


On Wed, 10 Jan 2001 17:51:48 GMT, Manou <>


Jan 10, 2001, 9:07:16 PM1/10/01
On Wed, 10 Jan 2001 19:47:57 GMT, (edgars)

>Une grande partie des Forces Armées a été réduite à jouer un rôle de
>deuxième ordre durant la crise du verglas et celle du Saguenay à cause
>de l'incompétence d'un ministre Québécois.
>Prétendre comme tu le fais que les Forces Armées ont seulement ramassé
>des branches d'arbres est un mensonge grossier mais ça, tu en es

Prétendre que Manou fait dans le mensonge grossier et totalement

mais c,est vrai que toi comme fédéraliste, t'as tous les droits!

Georges-André Asselin ICQ 23275654
Opinions et Spiritualité
L'Écrit des hommes

Van Hayden

Jan 10, 2001, 10:18:31 PM1/10/01
On Wed, 10 Jan 2001 03:44:04 GMT, Manou <>

>In article <3a5a85b7...@>,
> (Van Hayden) wrote:

>> Not any more stupid then some of your remarks. He is just making a
>> valid comment because the separartits including you blame everything
>> that is wrong wrong with Quebec on the ROC.

>And that is PURE BULLSHIT too... We denounce what we have to denounce,

>we don't INVENT things, and what is wrong in Québec because of US is not wrong
>because of YOU and we NEVER pretend such silly thing.

>You are so full of yourself, but so empty with FACTS. :-D

Whats the matter Manou, The truth hurst does it and all you can say is
that I am full of myself. If you care to review this thread you will
see that I have provided more facts then any of you Separtists. The
only time I haven't is when I was pulling your chain.

Btw what is this about Bouchard resigning?


Van Hayden

Jan 10, 2001, 10:36:01 PM1/10/01
On Wed, 10 Jan 2001 03:49:34 GMT, Manou <>

Who dictated it Manou. In fact if you knew anything aboiut Government
you would know that most letters are drafted by some beaucrat for
signature. I am sure that since this is a well known fact I am sure
you can come up with the drafter.

> Also, the measures taken to beat the FLQ were way over the
>edge. Innocent people, that had the only fault than being independantist,
>were arrested without any accusation, and released sometimes WEEKS after.
>People in village were terrorised by the police. It had NOTHING to do with
>the FLQ, but was against the independantist movement.

The FLQ was the independant movement at the time you twit. You are
right the War Measures act was too stringent. That is why it was
replaced in December1970 by the Temporary Measures Act as I have
mentioned previously in my time line thread. There were some 450
people were detained.

>Some people were tortured. Some of our greatest artists went in jail for

Provide the proof. How were they tortured. Who tortured them. You made
the statement provide the proof. If the Artists were advocating a
overthrow of the governmnet then they should have been detained. We
do know that Laporte was tortured by your great and wionderful killing
bastards now don't we.

>You are full of shit and you have no heart not to recognise that unfairness.

Hey wahts thew matter can't face the truth about your beloved FLQ
killers and terrorists.

>There was many victims of the police at that time.

Accvording to all accounts about 450 people were detained by the

>All human beings with family, and children and all that.

>You don't give a fucking shit.

>You are just unfair and mean and frankly, so ignorant that I wonder why
>you bother to discuss.

Look Manou I call a spade a spade andthe FLQ cells that kidnapped
Cross and killed laport are nothing more then the lowest scum on
earth. They are cowards and deserve nothing except contempt. I really
could care less if you think my view of these scum is unfair and mean.
The fact remains they are killers and killers should be put down like
the mad dogs they are. You get righteous all you want and play the
victim all you wnat it still does change the facts. Besides what the
hell do you know about the October Crisies anyways. You admitted
preveiously that you were too young to remember the details. You
forget that I WAS THERE and I LIVED IT. So get a life


Van Hayden

Jan 10, 2001, 10:41:44 PM1/10/01
On Wed, 10 Jan 2001 13:37:00 GMT, Manou <>

>In 1970, Québec was SCREWED by federalists that were walking hand in hand.
>And to say the opposite... well... is pure dishonnesty to me. What they
>did was WRONG and for you not to notice it is a proof that you care about
>justice only when it suits YOU. But when unfair, revolting things happen in
>Québec, you don't give a shit.

How the hell would you know? You were to young to remember. YOu
received you knowledge second hand.

>Do you know that one of our greatest singer, a patriot in heart, a lady...
>was GAGGED with her hygienic pad when she was arrested? Do you know that in
>Lac St-Jean, some prisonners that had NOTHING to do with FLQ but that were
>members of the PQ were shot with unloaded gun? Isn't it a torture worthy of
>RUSSIA? Why is it that it does not REVOLT you? Why is it that NEVER, NEVER,
>NEVER, as soon as Québec is involved, you can say: oups, this was too much,
>maybe it is TRUE that something WRONG happened then? You think that by not
>ADMITTING it, it changes the FACTS????

I see that the Quebec Police haven't cganged there ways. Why are you
blaming the ROC for that? Why don't you put the blame where it belongs
that is at the feet you YOUR QUEBEC GOVERNMNT OF TH DAY and the QUEBEC

>You are very good to talk about FREEDOM to put signs in english only if it is
>the will of anglophones in Québec... But when an ENTIRE people is deprive of
>its civil rights, it does not bother you one bit! Shows a lot what touch and
>what does not touch you...

The civil rights of ALL Qubecers was affected Manou. Not only the


Peter S. Saly

Jan 10, 2001, 10:59:04 PM1/10/01

"Manou" <> wrote in message
> members of the PQ were shot with unloaded gun? .......

I can only pray, that if ever I'm to be shot..
It's with an unloaded gun...

Van Hayden

Jan 10, 2001, 11:01:04 PM1/10/01
On Wed, 10 Jan 2001 19:47:57 GMT, (edgars)


>Une grande partie des Forces Armées a été réduite à jouer un rôle de
>deuxième ordre durant la crise du verglas et celle du Saguenay à cause
>de l'incompétence d'un ministre Québécois.
>Prétendre comme tu le fais que les Forces Armées ont seulement ramassé
>des branches d'arbres est un mensonge grossier mais ça, tu en es

Thank you Edgers. Perhaps the likes of Manou and Dufour will undestand
the role of the Armed Forces in times of disasters when it stated in

>On Wed, 10 Jan 2001 17:51:48 GMT, Manou <>

>>> I find absolutely it funny that twits like you and other separatists
>>> like call the Armed Forces members clowns even when they come to
>>> Quebec's aid everytime they are asked to by the Quebec Government
>>> because the Quebec Government can't handle the situation.
>>Wo... Québec is not the only province to call for help at times... And may
>>I remember you that there are a LOT of Québécois soldiers, and that Québec
>>PAYS its share for that army, so might as well be a bit usefull.

Never said Quebec was. I was addressing Dufours insulting comment
about our Armed Forces Personal which btw included an insult to the
Frncophone soldiers as well.

>>> Just to refresh your memory remember the, October Crisises,
>>It was FEDERAL that wanted to bring the army in Québec, and they made
>>Bourassa signed a letter that was DICTATED by an agent of the federal...

Tha is a lie. Bourassa and the Montreal Plice Chief requested Armed
Forces help.

>>So what?

Again the CAF was requested by a Quebec Provincila Governmnet because
the Quebec Police couldn't handle the crises. That is so what.

>>> The Ice Storm and the Floods.
>>>>It was almost comical. They were picking branches in the street. And so
>>they did in other provinces, and the Québécois soldiers GO THERE as well. So
>>what is your problem? Québec is still in Canada. And now, it is a FAULT to
>>use what WE PAY FOR? YOU are the funny one!

Like Edgras said it was an incompetant Quebec Provincial Minister who
was to blame for that. Sometime Manou you make such a fool fo yourself
with your dumb comments. Where in the Hell did I say that it was
Quebec's Fault to use the services of the Armed Forces? Show me !!!!
You won' find it because I never said that. Stop putting words into my
mouth and start reading my commnets again before you start spewing a
bunch of LIES!!!

>>> I wonder how brave and if you had the guts to
>>> repeat your words directly to a soldier is about to save your life the
>>> next time they are called out to Quebec during a disaster. None I bet
>>> What a hypocrite.

>>The army belongs to EVERYONE THAT PAYS FOR IT IN CANADA. We do pay, we can
>>USE IT. Your point of view is very stupid. And again, many of them are
>>QUÉBÉCOIS. And do you know that on the military base of Val Cartier in
>>Québec, they voted YES at 80% at last referendum...

You are right tha the army belongs to everyone in CANADA including
Quebec. Nice to see that you admit that Quebec is still part of
Canada. So am I supppose to get upset that you claim that Val Cartier
voted 80% Yes? I am not. For one thing ecah base are made up of more
then just the service men and women so you can not prove that the
military personal voted the way you calim. Just like I can not prove
they didn't.

>>They deal often enough with Canadians to know we would do better without them
>>I guess...

More wishful thinking on your part I suspect. Your comment speaks
volumes about your ignorance of the military and service life itself.
I know when I was in the service that the Majority of Francrophones I
worked with had no intentions of ever returing to Quebec because of
the political separtist unrest.


Marc Dufour

Jan 10, 2001, 11:06:28 PM1/10/01

============================================================== (Van Hayden), le Wed, 10 Jan 2001 03:52:44 GMT

à écrit à propos de "Re: Trudeau exaggerated FLQ crisis" :

>I find absolutely it funny that twits like you and other separatists
>like call the Armed Forces members clowns even when they come to
>Quebec's aid everytime they are asked to by the Quebec Government
>because the Quebec Government can't handle the situation. Just to
>refresh your memory remember the, October Crisises, Oka, The Ice
>Storm and the Floods. I wonder how brave and if you had the guts to
>repeat your words directly to a soldier is about to save your life the
>next time they are called out to Quebec during a disaster. None I bet
>What a hypocrite.

I finf absolutely funny that twits like you and other federalists laugh when
Québec calls for the army to help it in emergency situations, that army that

What a hypocrite.

Peter S. Saly

Jan 11, 2001, 12:31:31 AM1/11/01

"Clem _" <> wrote in message

> Peter Saly wrote ,,,
> >
> > Clem
> >But then you're also the idiot who writes that 1 is between 0 and 1...
> >That's as stupid as saying that Montreal is between Quebec and
> >
> =======================================================================
> Clem answers ,,, Who is stupid here ,,?
> |--------------a--------------0--------------b--------------1
> This is -1 , a , 0 . b . 1 ( 5 things)
> Questions
> 1) How many UNITS do we have here ?
> a) 2 units ,,, a and b

OK So ?

> 2) What do both UNITS have in common
> a) Both start at 0

Not quite correct..
Under normal standards, you travel in one direction or the other, with left
to right being the default...
In which case, the firs unit starts at -1 and ends a 0..

But once again.. SO ?

> 3) Where both UNITS stop
> a) a stops at -1 , b stops at 1

See 2...

> 4) Are -1 and 1 include in UNITS
> a) No ,, neigther one

Actually that ALSO depends on the definiton..
In most cases people don't start counting a 0
The start counting a 1...

Like in 1 tomato
2 tomatoes
3 tomatoes..
They really do NOT start by saying Zero tomatoes..
Now do they ??

> 5) is 0 include in either one
> a) 0 is nothing , cannot be included in anything

Acutally that is wrong also..
0 is something..
That is why there exists a 0..
To represent a something that has a VALUE of nothing..
But that makes zero a "something"..

> ======================================================
> Now ,,,
> |____________a___________|__________b___________|
> Questions :
> 6) how many UNITS do we have up here ?
> a) two UNITS a and b ...

Again incorrect...
If the unit of measure is the same..
Then since a and b are the same size, it would be more correct to say taht
you have 2 units of a or 2a, or 2 units of b or 2b, and that they represent
the same quantity..

> 7) how many separators do we have up here
> a) we have three separations
> So we do have 1 seperator more than UNITS

So ?

> 8) What can we learn from that
> a) first seperator stands for ZERO ( 0 )

No necesarily true..

As a matter of fact it is simply beacause YOU define the first separator to
be Zero, that it is Zero..
In the same way in the gregorian calendar the firs separator IS DEFINED as
They do NOT have Zero as the first separator...

Which destroy YOUR claim that the first separator has to be or is always

Tooo bad....

> Anything in this world , starts at 0
> There are nothing but UNITS
> And saying THREE , is nothing but three units
> Each with ZEROS at both ends ...

This is absolute NONSENSE....

> 8) Why have we , since 1900 jan 01 , at 01:01:01
> called all this time twentierth century

You are confusing your numeric defintions..
And once again your are ignoring the SIMPLE FACT that the gregorian calendar
iIS DEFINED to start at 1..
And all your hair-splittin nonsense will IN NO WAY change that defintion to
suit your need to WRONG claim that the second millenium ended December 31
1999, instead of the correct date of December 31 2000...

> a ) Because , it is ,,,! that means
> it all started with that very first second
> wich is 00:00:00-------first---------00:00:01
> wich is 0--------------one-----------------1
> When we get to 2000 ,, 2000 years are passed
> -
> -

Too bad that you have so conveniently forgotten your rule 5 in which YOU

> 5) is 0 include in either one
> a) 0 is nothing , cannot be included in anything

And then a few lines later, you make a liar of yourself by claiming EXACTLY
the opposite and trying to include the Zero in the count..

You can't have it both ways, to suit the result you WANT to achieve..

> I sincerly hope , you get to understand that
> clem_

Too bad you are too stupidly pig-headed to understand a very simple thing..

The gregorian calendar begins on January 1, year 1...POINT a la LIGNE....

Ce qui veut dire que le 1ier millenaire s'est termine le 31 Decembre 1000.
Le 2ieme millenaire s'est termine le 31 Decembre 2000.
Et le 3ieme millenaire a commence le 1 Janvier 2001..

Et TOUTES tes inventions creatives de nouvelles defintions de regles de
"mathematiques" (et je suis tres genereux avec l'usage de ce terme dans le
contexte de tes divaguations, ne changeront RIEN au fait que tu est


Jan 11, 2001, 3:23:12 AM1/11/01
edgars a écrit dans le message <>...

>Une grande partie des Forces Armées a été réduite à jouer un rôle de
>deuxième ordre durant la crise du verglas et celle du Saguenay à cause
>de l'incompétence d'un ministre Québécois.
>Prétendre comme tu le fais que les Forces Armées ont seulement ramassé
>des branches d'arbres est un mensonge grossier mais ça, tu en es

Mais alors ! Ils ont fait quoi à ton avis ?


Jan 11, 2001, 6:30:17 AM1/11/01

> > Lac St-Jean, some prisonners that had NOTHING to do with FLQ but that
> > members of the PQ were shot with unloaded gun? .......
> >
> I can only pray, that if ever I'm to be shot..
> It's with an unloaded gun...

LOL - I just fell off my chair!


Jan 11, 2001, 9:49:51 AM1/11/01
In article <3a5d2562...@>, (Van Hayden) wrote:
> On Wed, 10 Jan 2001 03:44:04 GMT, Manou <>
> wrote:
> >In article <3a5a85b7...@>,
> > (Van Hayden) wrote:
> >
> >> Not any more stupid then some of your remarks. He is just making a
> >> valid comment because the separartits including you blame everything
> >> that is wrong wrong with Quebec on the ROC.
> >And that is PURE BULLSHIT too... We denounce what we have to denounce,
> >we don't INVENT things, and what is wrong in Québec because of US is not wrong
> >because of YOU and we NEVER pretend such silly thing.
> >You are so full of yourself, but so empty with FACTS. :-D
> Whats the matter Manou, The truth hurst does it and all you can say is
> that I am full of myself.

O no that is not what I had to say. What I say is we talk about FACTS. You
let your PREJUDICES talk...

> If you care to review this thread you will
> see that I have provided more facts then any of you Separtists.


> The only time I haven't is when I was pulling your chain.

Yeah right!

> Btw what is this about Bouchard resigning?

What do you think?
> Cheers
> Van


Jan 11, 2001, 9:58:04 AM1/11/01
In article <3a5d2a53...@>, (Van Hayden) wrote:
> On Wed, 10 Jan 2001 13:37:00 GMT, Manou <>
> wrote:
> >In 1970, Québec was SCREWED by federalists that were walking hand in hand.
> >And to say the opposite... well... is pure dishonnesty to me. What they
> >did was WRONG and for you not to notice it is a proof that you care about
> >justice only when it suits YOU. But when unfair, revolting things happen in
> >Québec, you don't give a shit.
> How the hell would you know? You were to young to remember. YOu
> received you knowledge second hand.

A lot of litterature on it... And the fact that STILL TODAY federal does not
want to show all the documents they have... despite the right to

In "Last Stop: Paris" (Michael McLoughlin. Penguin Group, 1998... McLoughlin
works for Washington TV (WPTZ), McLoughlin shows with official documents of
Trudeau's governement intitled "Operation Whitelaw", that they gave an order
to KILL the felquiste Bachand that was then in Paris... That order came from
Trudeau! According to McLoughlin, Bachand was about to discover that the
felquiste cell of Alger was one of the GRC... Of course, that must be plain
bullshit, isn't it!

> >Do you know that one of our greatest singer, a patriot in heart, a lady...
> >was GAGGED with her hygienic pad when she was arrested? Do you know that in
> >Lac St-Jean, some prisonners that had NOTHING to do with FLQ but that were
> >members of the PQ were shot with unloaded gun? Isn't it a torture worthy of
> >RUSSIA? Why is it that it does not REVOLT you? Why is it that NEVER, NEVER,
> >NEVER, as soon as Québec is involved, you can say: oups, this was too much,
> >maybe it is TRUE that something WRONG happened then? You think that by not
> >ADMITTING it, it changes the FACTS????
> I see that the Quebec Police haven't cganged there ways. Why are you
> blaming the ROC for that?

8-o INCREDIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>Why don't you put the blame where it belongs
> that is at the feet you YOUR QUEBEC GOVERNMNT OF TH DAY and the QUEBEC


That was FEDERAL matters, and FEDERAL = ENGLISH CANADA! It is not because
they put francophone MUPPETS there that it does not come from the pressures
of a people on ANOTHER PEOPLE. The goal was to kill the independantist
movement in Québec. You think that it comes from Québécois??? It came to the
one that are SOLD to the english power! You are BLIND, so BLIND it is

> >You are very good to talk about FREEDOM to put signs in english only if it is
> >the will of anglophones in Québec... But when an ENTIRE people is deprive of
> >its civil rights, it does not bother you one bit! Shows a lot what touch and
> >what does not touch you...
> The civil rights of ALL Qubecers was affected Manou. Not only the
> Francrophones.

Does it make it more ACCEPTABLE??? And may I tell you that no perquisitions
was done in allophone or anglophones houses???? We, francophones, suffer the
most of it even if we were not the only one to suffer! You are not adressing
the issue here, AGAIN!

I am fed up with you. You are so..... dishonest........... it is incredible.
> Cheers
> Van

Peter S. Saly

Jan 11, 2001, 10:41:11 AM1/11/01

"HG" <> wrote in message

That is surely a manou classic..

I could only wish that ALL the innocent people of the world that will be
shot sould be shot with an unloaded gun...


Jan 11, 2001, 10:34:45 AM1/11/01
In article <3a5d261c...@>, (Van Hayden) wrote:

> >This letter was dictated to Bourassa, that even hesitated to sign it. It is
> Who dictated it Manou. In fact if you knew anything aboiut Government
> you would know that most letters are drafted by some beaucrat for
> signature. I am sure that since this is a well known fact I am sure
> you can come up with the drafter.

Was Marc Lalonde.

"Les textes disent que ce fut Robert Bourassa qui fit la demande
d'intervention de l'armée canadienne, mais en poussant un peu plus loin les
recherches, ce fut plutôt Marc Lalonde, du cabinet du premier ministre
fédéral, qui dicta la demande que le premier ministre du Québec devait faire.
En effet, c'est en compagnie de Julien Chouinard, secrétaire du gouvernement
du Québec (le plus haut fonctionnaire de celui-ci) et aussi proche de Marc
Lalonde, qu'il a rédigé la fameuse lettre où Bourassa demandait à Trudeau de
promulguer la Loi sur les mesures de guerre."

> > Also, the measures taken to beat the FLQ were way over the
> >edge. Innocent people, that had the only fault than being independantist,
> >were arrested without any accusation, and released sometimes WEEKS after.
> >People in village were terrorised by the police. It had NOTHING to do with
> >the FLQ, but was against the independantist movement.
> The FLQ was the independant movement at the time you twit.

What a gentleman you are... but very ignorant. THE PQ was the
independantist party that was uniting the sovereignists of Québec in 1970!
It was a POLITICAL party, that took the place of the RIN, another
independantist party ! Gee. Before you say to someone "twit", you better
assure yourself you are not the one! It is incredible, really incredible, how
your ignorance does not stop you to make assumptions... that are so totally
false! You should try to LEARN sometimes, instead of saying what you wish or
think it is!

> Right be You are right the War Measures act was too stringent. That is why it was

> replaced in December1970 by the Temporary Measures Act as I have
> mentioned previously in my time line thread. There were some 450
> people were detained.

Too late, the harm was done, isn't it! There was also THOUSANDS of
perquisitions... Stolen documents... You know, it is stupid, but someone I
know was stolen at that time, among other papers, a collection of stambs that
came for his grand-father... He tried to recuperate it but never could...
everything was burned... A lot of small and big pains for some people at
that time, isn't it! Of course, you will laugh at that stamb's collection I
believe... But this guy... still think about it at times. It was a family
treasure, very valuable. Gone. For what?

> >Some people were tortured. Some of our greatest artists went in jail for
> >weeks.
> Provide the proof. How were they tortured.

Shot with blank balls!!! I know PERSONNALY a guy that it happened to him,
okay? But he is Québécois, francophone, and independantist... he must be a
fucking bullshiter, isn't it! Then why is it I can feel his revolt and his
pain thirty years after??????? You are.... a very low person, Van Hayden.
Very low.................. I almost have nausea right now........ to see
your so total dishonesty...

> Who tortured them. You made the statement provide the proof.


> If the Artists were advocating a overthrow of the governmnet then they should have been detained.

You are a monster. She was a PATRIOTIC singer!!!! What crime is it to be one?

> We do know that Laporte was tortured by your great and wionderful killing
> bastards now don't we.

People WENT THROUGH those torture and they brought their experience to us!
What do you think? That I INVENT that? Did you ever notice that as soon as
something is not GREAT for Canada, you ALWAYS systematically DENY it??????
And again... if you don't know the context that was prevailing in Québec at
that time, you don't know ANYTHING. Those "killers" were not monsters...
They were regular and honest workers and students that were pushed to the
edge by the society that we lived in... A society where anglophones were
ruling EVERYTHING while we were exploited like hell.

> >You are full of shit and you have no heart not to recognise that unfairness.
> Hey wahts thew matter can't face the truth about your beloved FLQ
> killers and terrorists.

You are stupid here... Just plainly stupid here. But I guess you know that.

> >There was many victims of the police at that time.
> Accvording to all accounts about 450 people were detained by the
> police.

500. FOR NOTHING! The goal was to TERRORIZE Québécois in general and
independantists in particular. Everyone knows that... but you, maybe...

>And the thousands of searches were not a party, of what I heard... What do you think? In small villages,

army or policeman invading lil houses... sometimes bringing people,
sometimes just making a mess in their papers... you think it is not a

> >All human beings with family, and children and all that.
> >You don't give a fucking shit.
> >You are just unfair and mean and frankly, so ignorant that I wonder why
> >you bother to discuss.
> Look Manou I call a spade a spade andthe FLQ cells that kidnapped
> Cross and killed laport are nothing more then the lowest scum on
> earth.

ooo I guess it was worse than what happened to Jewish, and in Rwanda,
and it Pologne, and in Tchétchénie, and in Israel, so on, and so on...

> They are cowards and deserve nothing except contempt.

We are talking about the INNOCENTS that paid for it! AGAIN you are not
adressing the ISSUE here!!!

> I really could care less if you think my view of these scum is unfair and mean.

You don't care about much thing except to protect the image of your

> The fact remains they are killers and killers should be put down like
> the mad dogs they are.

They were not mad dog. Your analyse is short, and so is your brain and heart.

> You get righteous all you want and play the
> victim all you wnat it still does change the facts. Besides what the
> hell do you know about the October Crisies anyways. You admitted
> preveiously that you were too young to remember the details.

No, but I read, I listen to the witnesses of that time, and I learn. Which
is a thing you obviously never do.

>You forget that I WAS THERE and I LIVED IT. So get a life

You were in Québec? Did you get to jail?

I have a life... and I want to live it in a FREE QUÉBEC!

The more I read you... the strongest it becomes. Who wants someone like you
under its roof!


> Cheers

f... you... :-D

> Van


Jan 11, 2001, 10:40:07 AM1/11/01
In article <>, (edgars) wrote:
> Manou
> Une grande partie des Forces Armées a été réduite à jouer un rôle de
> deuxième ordre durant la crise du verglas et celle du Saguenay à cause
> de l'incompétence d'un ministre Québécois.

Peux-tu m'expliquer en quoi?

> Prétendre comme tu le fais que les Forces Armées ont seulement ramassé
> des branches d'arbres est un mensonge grossier mais ça,

Mais franchement, même les médias en parlaient à l'époque, on ne les voyait
faire que ça... tu ne t'en souviens pas?

> tu en es habituée.

Des exemples? Je suis toujours honnête quand j'écris... Et je pense que
toi-même, tu le sais.

Sinon, donne-moi des exemples de mes "mensonges" habituels...

Car ce que tu dis est complètement faux, et le fait que nous soyions des
adversaires politiques ne rend pas la chose plus acceptable.

> Edgars


Jan 11, 2001, 10:47:56 AM1/11/01
In article <3a5d2bfc...@>, (Van Hayden) wrote:
> >>> I find absolutely it funny that twits like you and other separatists
> >>> like call the Armed Forces members clowns even when they come to
> >>> Quebec's aid everytime they are asked to by the Quebec Government
> >>> because the Quebec Government can't handle the situation.
> >>
> >>Wo... Québec is not the only province to call for help at times... And may
> >>I remember you that there are a LOT of Québécois soldiers, and that Québec
> >>PAYS its share for that army, so might as well be a bit usefull.
> Never said Quebec was. I was addressing Dufours insulting comment
> about our Armed Forces Personal which btw included an insult to the
> Frncophone soldiers as well.

It is just your arrogant way to write I guess...

> >>> Just to refresh your memory remember the, October Crisises,
> >>
> >>It was FEDERAL that wanted to bring the army in Québec, and they made
> >>Bourassa signed a letter that was DICTATED by an agent of the federal...
> Tha is a lie. Bourassa and the Montreal Plice Chief requested Armed
> Forces help.

Marc Lalonde... Does it bring any memory to you, dear...

> >>>Oka,
> >>
> >>So what?
> Again the CAF was requested by a Quebec Provincila Governmnet because
> the Quebec Police couldn't handle the crises. That is so what.

In the october events, it was dictated by the federal... the fact that you
deny it does not change that fact... :-D

> >>> The Ice Storm and the Floods.
> >>>>It was almost comical. They were picking branches in the street. And so
> >>they did in other provinces, and the Québécois soldiers GO THERE as well. So
> >>what is your problem? Québec is still in Canada. And now, it is a FAULT to
> >>use what WE PAY FOR? YOU are the funny one!
> Like Edgras said it was an incompetant Quebec Provincial Minister who
> was to blame for that.

Ooo and you don't ask for PROOF!!!! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!! See how you
gobble anything if it suits your lil full of prejudices mind! Do you know
that story? Tell us about the incompetent Québécois. Come on. Tell us, Van


> Sometime Manou you make such a fool fo yourself
> with your dumb comments.

HA HA HA HA HA! Here! Take this mirror!

> Where in the Hell did I say that it was Quebec's Fault to use the services of the Armed Forces? Show me !!!!

No no, you did not say that... it is, again, your arrogant way to write...

> You won' find it because I never said that. Stop putting words into my
> mouth and start reading my commnets again before you start spewing a
> bunch of LIES!!!

You talk like if Canada GIVES this service to poor Québec, dear. Your
language is arrogant.

> >>> I wonder how brave and if you had the guts to
> >>> repeat your words directly to a soldier is about to save your life the
> >>> next time they are called out to Quebec during a disaster. None I bet
> >>> What a hypocrite.
> >>The army belongs to EVERYONE THAT PAYS FOR IT IN CANADA. We do pay, we can
> >>USE IT. Your point of view is very stupid. And again, many of them are
> >>QUÉBÉCOIS. And do you know that on the military base of Val Cartier in
> >>Québec, they voted YES at 80% at last referendum...
> You are right tha the army belongs to everyone in CANADA including
> Quebec. Nice to see that you admit that Quebec is still part of
> Canada.

Of course it is. In my heart, no, but in fact, yes... :-D I can't wait we
are independant...

> So am I supppose to get upset that you claim that Val Cartier
> voted 80% Yes? I am not. For one thing ecah base are made up of more
> then just the service men and women so you can not prove that the
> military personal voted the way you calim. Just like I can not prove
> they didn't.

We know, poll by poll, the results of the vote. The result of Val Cartier
was around 80%. :-)

> >>They deal often enough with Canadians to know we would do better without them
> >>I guess...
> More wishful thinking on your part I suspect.

Just read you and you will understand what I mean! If a lot of Canadians are
like you, how the hell people knowing those Canadians well would not want to
split from them!

>Your comment speaks volumes about your ignorance of the military and service life itself.
> I know when I was in the service that the Majority of Francrophones I
> worked with had no intentions of ever returing to Quebec because of
> the political separtist unrest.

LMAO!!! Good. Then we keep only the independantists ones... They won't
SHOOT when you will ask them!


Jan 11, 2001, 11:06:50 AM1/11/01
On Thu, 11 Jan 2001 15:40:07 GMT, Manou <>

>> (edgars)

>> Prétendre comme tu le fais que les Forces Armées ont seulement >>ramassé des branches d'arbres est un mensonge grossier mais ça,

>> tu en es habituée.

>Manou <>

>Mais franchement, même les médias en parlaient à l'époque, on ne les >voyait faire que ça... tu ne t'en souviens pas?

J'étais dans le triangle de GLACE et je peux t'assurer que les
Forces Armées n'ont pas fait "que ramasser des branches d'arbres". Ils
sont arrivés avec le même genre d'équipement de secours comme tu vois
dans les autres pays quand il y a une catastrophe. Ils passaient de
maison en maison pour s'assurer que tout allait bien, sinon ils
transportaient les gens aux abris prévus pour ça. Les génératrices,
les tentes, les lits de camp, les cafétérias mobiles, les urgences et
le côté médical etc.. étaient du ressort de l'armée pour plusieurs
jours et semaines. Même Lucien Bouchard qui se présenta à Granby
durant la CRISE DU VERGLAS.. félicita devant moi et des centaines de
personnes, ces gens de l'armée canadienne ! Sans EUX.. nous aurions
été pas mal plus en détresse dans ma région qui est Granby !


Clem _

Jan 11, 2001, 11:38:45 AM1/11/01
On Thu, 11 Jan 2001 15:47:56 GMT, Manou <>


Ouais ,,,!

Juste Oka 's où ,,!


Marc Dufour

Jan 11, 2001, 2:17:23 PM1/11/01

==============================================================, le Thu, 11 Jan 2001 11:06:50 -0500

à écrit à propos de "Re: Trudeau exaggerated FLQ crisis" :

>personnes, ces gens de l'armée canadienne ! Sans EUX.. nous aurions

>été pas mal plus en détresse dans ma région qui est Granby !

Tu habites au zoo???

Jan 11, 2001, 9:30:44 PM1/11/01
On Thu, 11 Jan 2001 19:17:23 GMT, Marc Dufour <>


>>personnes, ces gens de l'armée canadienne ! Sans EUX.. nous aurions
>>été pas mal plus en détresse dans ma région qui est Granby !

> Marc Dufour <>
>Tu habites au zoo???

Pas loin.. va voir la vue que j'ai de ma cage !

Van Hayden

Jan 12, 2001, 1:26:55 AM1/12/01
On Thu, 11 Jan 2001 14:58:04 GMT, Manou <>

>In article <3a5d2a53...@>,
> (Van Hayden) wrote:
>> On Wed, 10 Jan 2001 13:37:00 GMT, Manou <>
>> wrote:
>> >In 1970, Québec was SCREWED by federalists that were walking hand in hand.
>> >And to say the opposite... well... is pure dishonnesty to me. What they
>> >did was WRONG and for you not to notice it is a proof that you care about
>> >justice only when it suits YOU. But when unfair, revolting things happen in
>> >Québec, you don't give a shit.
>> How the hell would you know? You were to young to remember. YOu
>> received you knowledge second hand.
>A lot of litterature on it... And the fact that STILL TODAY federal does not
>want to show all the documents they have... despite the right to
>In "Last Stop: Paris" (Michael McLoughlin. Penguin Group, 1998... McLoughlin
>works for Washington TV (WPTZ), McLoughlin shows with official documents of
>Trudeau's governement intitled "Operation Whitelaw", that they gave an order
>to KILL the felquiste Bachand that was then in Paris... That order came from
>Trudeau! According to McLoughlin, Bachand was about to discover that the
>felquiste cell of Alger was one of the GRC... Of course, that must be plain
>bullshit, isn't it!
>> >Do you know that one of our greatest singer, a patriot in heart, a lady...
>> >was GAGGED with her hygienic pad when she was arrested?

Did that woman sue the police? If she didn't, she should have as this
ca\kind of action can not be tolerated.

>>> Do you know that in
>> >Lac St-Jean, some prisonners that had NOTHING to do with FLQ but that were
>> >members of the PQ were shot with unloaded gun?

How can someone be shot with an unloaded gun? Unloaded guns do not
shoot. Did you mean threatened? Who threatened them.

>Isn't it a torture worthy of
>> >RUSSIA? Why is it that it does not REVOLT you?

It does if it did happen. Again the parties should have went to court
for abuse of power. Did they do it? If not why not?

>>> Why is it that NEVER, NEVER,
>> >NEVER, as soon as Québec is involved, you can say: oups, this was too much,
>> >maybe it is TRUE that something WRONG happened then? You think that by not
>> >ADMITTING it, it changes the FACTS????

As usual you missed my point totally. But hey, what else is new.

>> I see that the Quebec Police haven't changed there ways. Why are you

>> blaming the ROC for that?
>8-o INCREDIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes it is incredible!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. You would think the Quebec
Government would have cleaned it up by now.

>>Why don't you put the blame where it belongs
>> that is at the feet you YOUR QUEBEC GOVERNMNT OF TH DAY and the QUEBEC

No, just making an honest statement.
Whats the matter? Can't stand reality. Too bad.

>That was FEDERAL matters, and FEDERAL = ENGLISH CANADA! It is not because
>they put francophone MUPPETS there that it does not come from the pressures
>of a people on ANOTHER PEOPLE. The goal was to kill the independantist
>movement in Québec. You think that it comes from Québécois??? It came to the
>one that are SOLD to the english power! You are BLIND, so BLIND it is

Oh I see it was the English that made all the Francrophone leaders.
Whay kind of bullshit are you trying to spew now. It was the Liberals
that voted them as leaders because they know that in order to become
the Governmnat and Prime Minister is to have a Bilingual Frncrophone
leader from Quebec. That is reality.

Whats the matter with the goal of killing the indendents? Isn't that
what the Separatists are trying to do with the Federalists in Quebec?
Tell me Manou. What the hell is the difference. Sorry Lady you are the
blind one and that is your blindness of hatred you have for English
Canada. You usually hide your hatred well but every once and while to
creeps out.

>> >You are very good to talk about FREEDOM to put signs in english only if it is
>> >the will of anglophones in Québec... But when an ENTIRE people is deprive of
>> >its civil rights, it does not bother you one bit! Shows a lot what touch and
>> >what does not touch you...
>> The civil rights of ALL Qubecers was affected Manou. Not only the
>> Francrophones.
>Does it make it more ACCEPTABLE???

Good god woman!! get with it will you. Once again where in the hell
did I say invoking the War Measures Act was good. I was pointing out
a fact to you but you seem to be so stupid that it went right over
your head. If you are an example of the best of the Separatist
movement then it is in trouble. You know you are becoming a real
asshole by putting words in to my mouth or tryinmg to turn my words
around to suit your own little selfesh point of view.

And may I tell you that no perquisitions
>was done in allophone or anglophones houses???? We, francophones, suffer the
>most of it even if we were not the only one to suffer! You are not adressing
>the issue here, AGAIN!

>I am fed up with you. You are so..... dishonest........... it is incredible.

Just because you Manou the next biggest liar to Rogers calling me
dishonest.what a joke. Just look in the Moirror lady and see who is
calling the kettle black. If you are so fed up with me so much then
you to can go to hell and good riddance. I pray that you will put me
in your kill file so I don;t have to read your shit. But have a nice
life anyways.


Van Hayden

Jan 12, 2001, 1:56:50 AM1/12/01
On Thu, 11 Jan 2001 04:06:28 GMT, Marc Dufour <>


> (Van Hayden), le Wed, 10 Jan 2001 03:52:44 GMT
>à écrit à propos de "Re: Trudeau exaggerated FLQ crisis" :
>>I find absolutely it funny that twits like you and other separatists
>>like call the Armed Forces members clowns even when they come to
>>Quebec's aid everytime they are asked to by the Quebec Government
>>because the Quebec Government can't handle the situation. Just to
>>refresh your memory remember the, October Crisises, Oka, The Ice
>>Storm and the Floods. I wonder how brave and if you had the guts to
>>repeat your words directly to a soldier is about to save your life the
>>next time they are called out to Quebec during a disaster. None I bet
>>What a hypocrite.
>I finf absolutely funny that twits like you and other federalists laugh when
>Québec calls for the army to help it in emergency situations, that army that
>What a hypocrite.

Is that the best you can do?


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