Be aware that there has been a change in the way the the _doc_
property is implemented in Python 2.6.3 which breaks PythonOgre..
The boost svn version has this fixed so use it in your builds.
On 10/14/09, Ivan Vučica <> wrote:
> You may remember that I reported a bug that manifests in fullscreen when
> packaging with py2app when launching from Finder. No keyboard input was
> received, and mouse move was only received if left mouse button was held.
> Bug originated in Ogre3d C++ code.
> The resolution was a bit tricky since the functions used in C++ code are not
> wrapped in Python. I have posted details and code in the wiki article. It
> uses a chunk of pyglet code, which uses ctypes to load the carbon framework
> dynamically.
> See info here:
> --
> Regards,
> Ivan Vučica
> >
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