SQLAlchemy Setup (Response to "ANN: Pylons 0.9.4 Released")

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Mar 23, 2007, 10:37:19 PM3/23/07
to pylons-discuss
Note: I couldn't reply directly to the original message[1] in the
group, so I'm creating a new post.


On Dec 30 2006, 12:56 am, Ben Bangert <b...@groovie.org> wrote:
> On Dec 29, 2006, at 11:08 PM, Jose Galvez wrote:
> > Any chance we could get a short example showing how to use the new
> >sqlalchemyfeatures
> Sure, the two methods of interest are in pylons.database here:http://pylonshq.com/docs/0.9.4/module-pylons.database.html#create_enginehttp://pylonshq.com/docs/0.9.4/module-pylons.database.html#make_session
> Since aSQLAlchemyengine is a pooled connection, only one of them
> needs to be created for your application. The create_engine stores
> the connection pool in your 'g' object.

>From my reading of the code, ``create_engine`` *doesn't* store the
connection pool in ``g`` but ``make_session`` does. Also, from what I
can tell from your example, you never use ``create_engine`` (the one
from pylons.database), and it's not clear where you create your

I think that's because when pylons.database is imported,
``pylons.database.session_context`` is automatically created and in
the process calls ``make_session``, which in turn calls
``create_engine``. That engine is accessible by doing something like

from pylons.database import session_context
engine = session_context.current.bind_to

I do that in my model so I can call metadata.connect(model.engine) in
my ``BaseController`` (aside: Elixir's metadata currently requires
doing this).

It seems like (in a basic setup) all you have to do is import
at some point during app initialization (probably in your model) and
``pylons.database.session_context.current`` on every request, using
one of
these methods:

pylons.database.session_context.current = make_session()

# This next one is suggested by pjenvey in this post:
# http://groups.google.com/group/pylons-discuss/msg/0fb2b9f789b341ea
# It has the advantage of not having to import
# ``pylons.database.make_session``
del pylons.database.session_context.current

# May be slower than the two above

You can import ``session_context`` in your ``models.__init__`` to make
things a little simpler. This is what my current setup looks like:

# development.ini
# other stuff
sqlalchemy.dburi = mysql://wyatt:password@localhost/wyatt_dev
sqlalchemy.echo = true

# models/__init__.py
from pylons.database import session_context
from elixir import metadata
engine = session_context.current.bind_to
class SomeEntity(Entity):
has_field('title', String)
# etc.

# lib/base.py
def __call__(self, environ, start_response):
del model.session_context.current
return WSGIController.__call__(self, environ, start_response)

And that's everything I have related to setting up SQLAlchemy for use
in my app. I struggled with this a bit, so I hope this helps somebody
(and I hope it really works!). Any corrections appreciated.


> I primarily useSQLAlchemywith the SessionContext plugin, which is
> what the QuickWiki example uses. I also use the assign_mapper plugin
> so that I don't need to use methods off the session directly, and can
> just query my model classes like so:
> c.violation = model.Violation.get_by(code=code)
> I'm using the ORM capability of SA, if you're not, the create_engine
> function should still come in handy.
> So first, here's how I setup my models, it's pretty easy to deviate
> from this as desired. I've put the SA metadata in its own module to
> avoid circular import issues since the other models all need the
> app's metadata object. It also makes it easier to cut-down on the
> imports in the individual model modules. I rather like having each
> model with its table in its own module as my ORM classes grow rather
> large with various methods to retrieve different sets of data. If you
> have more basic models, I'd suggest throwing them all in one module.
> models/
> __init__.py
> metadata.py
> restaurants.py
> violations.py
> # __init__.py
> # import the ctx and meta here so its in the controllers under model.
> from metadata import ctx, meta
> from restaurants import Restaurant
> from violations import Violation
> # metadata.py
> fromsqlalchemyimport *
> fromsqlalchemy.ext.assignmapper import assign_mapper
> from pylons.database import create_engine, session_context
> meta = MetaData()
> ctx = session_context
> # restaurants.py
> from metadata import *
> from inspections import Inspection, inspection_table,
> inspectionviolations_table
> from violations import Violation, violation_table
> restaurant_table= Table('restaurants', meta,
> Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
> Column('name', String(200), nullable=False),
> Column('address1', String, nullable=False),
> ...
> Column('franchise_id', Integer, ForeignKey('franchises.id')),
> )
> class Restaurant(object):
> def __init__(self, name, in_store=False, **kargs):
> self.name = name
> self.in_store = in_store
> for k, v in kargs.iteritems():
> if k in self.c.keys():
> setattr(self, k, v)
> assign_mapper(ctx, Restaurant, restaurant_table, properties=dict(
> inspections=relation(Inspection, lazy=False, cascade="all,
> delete-orphan",
> order_by=desc(Inspection.c.date), backref="restaurant"),
> )
> )
> # violations.py
> from metadata import *
> violation_table = Table('violations', meta,
> Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
> Column('code', String(10), nullable=False),
> Column('description', String, nullable=False),
> Column('correction', String),
> Column('county', String),
> )
> class Violation(object):
> def __init__(self, code, description, correction, county):
> self.code = code
> self.description = description
> self.correction = correction
> self.county = county
> assign_mapper(ctx, Violation, violation_table)
> So that's all the model files, with the assign_mapper plugin. This
> works with the assumption that you define your SA connection in your
> config ini file as 'sqlalchemy.dburi', also note that you can set
> 'sqlalchemy.echo = True' in your ini file to have all the SQL echoed
> to the console while you're running the app (rather handy).
> Several people noted on the mail list that aSQLAlchemysession is
> persistent and needs to be cleared every request. Alternatively, you
> can create a new SA session every request, which according to Mike
> Bayer is slightly faster. This is what my BaseController looks like:
> # add to the imports:
> from pylons.database importmake_session
> class BaseController(WSGIController):
> def __call__(self, environ, start_response):
> c.model = model
> model.ctx.current =make_session()
> return WSGIController.__call__(self, environ, start_response)
> At this point, you're ready to go with accessing your models while
> your app is running. For example, here's one of my controllers:
> class RestaurantController(BaseController):
> def detail(self, id):
> c.restaurant = model.Restaurant.get_by(id=id)
> if not c.restaurant:
> return render_response('/restaurant/notfound.html')
> return render_response('/restaurant/detail.html')
> For reference, here are the 2SQLAlchemyplugins being used:http://www.sqlalchemy.org/docs/plugins.myt#plugins_sessioncontexthttp://www.sqlalchemy.org/docs/plugins.myt#plugins_assignmapper
> Finally, you will want to create your tables during websetup.py.
> Here's what my websetup.py looks like:
> fromsqlalchemyimport *
> import YOURPROJ.models as model
> from paste.deploy import appconfig
> def setup_config(command, filename, section, vars):
> app_conf = appconfig('config:'+filename)
> if not app_conf.has_key('sqlalchemy.dburi'):
> raise KeyError("Nosqlalchemydatabase config found!")
> print "Connecting to database %s..."%repr(app_conf
> ['sqlalchemy.dburi'])
> engine = create_engine(app_conf['sqlalchemy.dburi'])
> model.meta.drop_all(engine)
> print "Creating tables"
> model.meta.create_all(engine)
> print "Successfully setup"
> You should be set from here on out.
> Cheers,
> Ben


Mar 23, 2007, 10:41:26 PM3/23/07
to pylons-discuss
Uh, for some reason, the first line of my response got pushed up so
that it looks like part of Ben's message. So, in case it's not clear,
my response starts at "From my reading of the code, ``create_engine``
*doesn't* store the...".


On Mar 23, 7:37 pm, "__wyatt" <wyatt.lee.bald...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Note: I couldn't reply directly to the original message[1] in the
> group, so I'm creating a new post.

> [1]http://groups.google.com/group/pylons-discuss/browse_frm/thread/1f05f...

> On Dec 30 2006, 12:56 am, Ben Bangert <b...@groovie.org> wrote:
> > On Dec 29, 2006, at 11:08 PM, Jose Galvez wrote:
> > > Any chance we could get a short example showing how to use the new
> > >sqlalchemyfeatures

> > Sure, the two methods of interest are in pylons.database here:http://pylonshq.com/docs/0.9.4/module-pylons.database.html#create_eng...

> #http://groups.google.com/group/pylons-discuss/msg/0fb2b9f789b341ea

> > For reference, here are the 2SQLAlchemyplugins being used:http://www.sqlalchemy.org/docs/plugins.myt#plugins_sessioncontexthttp...


Mar 26, 2007, 6:21:14 AM3/26/07
to pylons-discuss
On Mar 23, 7:37 pm, "__wyatt" <wyatt.lee.bald...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Note: I couldn't reply directly to the original message[1] in the
> group, so I'm creating a new post.
> [1]http://groups.google.com/group/pylons-discuss/browse_frm/thread/1f05f...

> On Dec 30 2006, 12:56 am, Ben Bangert <b...@groovie.org> wrote:
> > On Dec 29, 2006, at 11:08 PM, Jose Galvez wrote:
> > > Any chance we could get a short example showing how to use the new
> > >sqlalchemyfeatures
> > Sure, the two methods of interest are in pylons.database here:http://pylonshq.com/docs/0.9.4/module-pylons.database.html#create_eng...
> #http://groups.google.com/group/pylons-discuss/msg/0fb2b9f789b341ea

Elixir has its own SessionContext that it uses with assign_mapper [1],
and what I wrote above doesn't seem to work very well with Elixir
(i.e., objects aren't refreshed). Here's what seems to be working now
(showing only the relevant parts):

> # old models/__init__.py

> from pylons.database import session_context
> from elixir import metadata
> engine = session_context.current.bind_to
> class SomeEntity(Entity):
> has_field('title', String)
> # etc.

# new & improved models/__init__.py
from elixir import metadata, objectstore
session_context = objectstore.context

class SomeEntity(Entity):
has_field('title', String)
# etc.

> # old lib/base.py

> def __call__(self, environ, start_response):
> del model.session_context.current
> model.metadata.connect(model.engine)
> return WSGIController.__call__(self, environ, start_response)

# new & improved lib/base.py
from pylons.database import make_session
def __call__(self, environ, start_response):
db_session = make_session()
session_context.current = db_session


[1] http://elixir.ematia.de/elixir/entity.py.html#165

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