Pyramid 1.0 released.

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Chris McDonough

Jan 30, 2011, 7:26:07 PM1/30/11
to pylons-devel
Pyramid 1.0 (final) has been released to PyPI.

It may be installed via:

easy_install pyramid

Existing installs can be updated via:

easy_install -U pyramid

The 1.0 release documentation exists at

for an overview of the difference between Pyramid 1.0 and (the older)
repoze.bfg 1.3.

Thanks to everyone who contributed to making this release possible.

The change log (vs. the previous 1.0b3 release) follows:

1.0 (2011-01-30)


- Fixed bug in ZODB Wiki tutorial (missing dependency on
``docutils`` in "models" step within ````).

- Removed API documentation for ``pyramid.testing`` APIs named
``registerDummySecurityPolicy``, ``registerResources``,
``registerModels``, ``registerEventListener``,
``registerTemplateRenderer``, ``registerDummyRenderer``,
``registerView``, ``registerUtility``, ``registerAdapter``,
``registerSubscriber``, ``registerRoute``, and

- Moved "Using ZODB With ZEO" and "Using repoze.catalog Within
Pyramid" tutorials out of core documentation and into the Pyramid
Tutorials site

- Changed "Cleaning up After a Request" section in the URL Dispatch
chapter to use ``request.add_finished_callback`` instead of
jamming an object with a ``__del__`` into the WSGI environment.

- Remove duplication of ``add_route`` API documentation from URL
Dispatch narrative chapter.

- Remove duplication of API and narrative documentation in
``pyramid.view.view_config`` API docs by pointing to
``pyramid.config.add_view`` documentation and narrative chapter

- Removed some API documentation duplicated in narrative portions of

- Removed "Overall Flow of Authentication" from SQLAlchemy + URL
Dispatch wiki tutorial due to print space concerns (moved to
Pyramid Tutorials site).

Bug Fixes

- Deprecated-since-BFG-1.2 APIs from ``pyramid.testing`` now
properly emit deprecation warnings.

- Added ``egg:repoze.retry#retry`` middleware to the WSGI pipeline
in ZODB templates (retry ZODB conflict errors which occur in
normal operations).

- Removed duplicate implementations of ``is_response``. Two
competing implementations existed: one in ``pyramid.config`` and
one in ``pyramid.view``. Now the one defined in ``pyramid.view``
is used internally by ``pyramid.config`` and continues to be
advertised as an API.

Alexandre Conrad

Jan 30, 2011, 10:11:04 PM1/30/11
Congratulation for such a milestone! The work done so far is amazing,
specially the documentation. This will help grow a community around
the Pylons project. I envision a grand future for it.

You may want to post that announcement to the non-devel mailing list as well.


2011/1/30 Chris McDonough <>:

> --
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Alex |

Mike Orr

Jan 30, 2011, 11:21:58 PM1/30/11
I'm still working on a Pylons-Pyramid migration guide. I should have a
draft out by next weekend.

Mike Orr <>


Jan 31, 2011, 1:23:27 AM1/31/11
Congratulations !! I was waiting for this since last one month .. :)


Jan 31, 2011, 1:50:44 AM1/31/11
Very nice !!! Great work.. 

We already started working on an application using pyramid... expecting the community to grow more.. 


On Mon, Jan 31, 2011 at 11:53 AM, adam <> wrote:
Congratulations !! I was waiting for this since last one month .. :)


Ginés Martínez

Jan 31, 2011, 2:01:04 AM1/31/11
Awesome work, thanks!

Alice Bevan–McGregor

Jan 31, 2011, 2:36:44 AM1/31/11
Congratulations on your final release and the rapid beta release cycle
leading up to it!

— Alice.

Theun de Bruijn

Jan 31, 2011, 2:48:31 AM1/31/11
Awesome work! Thanks so much for all the effort you guys are putting in.

Stefano Mioli

Jan 31, 2011, 3:10:58 AM1/31/11
On 31/01/2011 1.26, Chris McDonough wrote:

> Pyramid 1.0 (final) has been released to PyPI.

Great, congratulations!


Sebastien Douche

Jan 31, 2011, 3:59:43 AM1/31/11
On Mon, Jan 31, 2011 at 01:26, Chris McDonough <> wrote:
> Pyramid 1.0 (final) has been released to PyPI.

Champagne! Great work Chris (and contributors).

Sebastien Douche <>
Twitter: @sdouche (agile, lean, python, git, open source)

Eric Lemoine

Jan 31, 2011, 4:37:51 AM1/31/11
On Mon, Jan 31, 2011 at 1:26 AM, Chris McDonough <> wrote:
> Pyramid 1.0 (final) has been released to PyPI.

Awesome! I'm looking forward to using Pyramid in production.

Eric Lemoine

Camptocamp France SAS
Savoie Technolac, BP 352
73377 Le Bourget du Lac, Cedex

Tel : 00 33 4 79 44 44 96
Mail :

Marius Gedminas

Jan 31, 2011, 10:21:35 AM1/31/11
to pylons-devel
On Sun, Jan 30, 2011 at 07:26:07PM -0500, Chris McDonough wrote:
> Pyramid 1.0 (final) has been released to PyPI.


> - Changed "Cleaning up After a Request" section in the URL Dispatch
> chapter to use ``request.add_finished_callback`` instead of
> jamming an object with a ``__del__`` into the WSGI environment.

I think I owe you a beer for that.

Marius Gedminas
You'll find creativity working hand in hand with engineering. It will feel
strange and you might feel like things are out of control. Relax - they are.
-- Richard Gabriel on software


Alex Clark

Jan 31, 2011, 10:47:36 AM1/31/11
On 1/30/11 7:26 PM, Chris McDonough wrote:
> Pyramid 1.0 (final) has been released to PyPI.

Yes! What inspiring work. Thank you Chris, all!

Alex Clark �


Jan 31, 2011, 4:06:20 AM1/31/11
to pylons-devel
Congrats on this announcement.

I've been using Pyramid for a month now, and it has been working
great, even in alpha stages.

I'm in the process of releasing 2 new sites using Pyramid, so this is
great news.

On Jan 31, 2:26 am, Chris McDonough <> wrote:
> Pyramid 1.0 (final) has been released to PyPI.
> It may be installed via:
>   easy_install pyramid
> Existing installs can be updated via:
>   easy_install -U pyramid
> The 1.0 release documentation exists at
> See

Jim Washington

Jan 31, 2011, 11:42:06 AM1/31/11
to pylons-devel
On Jan 31, 4:37 am, Eric Lemoine <> wrote:

> Awesome! I'm looking forward to using Pyramid in production.

One of my sites went live today:

ZODB + Pyramid + Pyjamas + PureMVC.

I'm wowed with how easily it all went together.

Kudos to Chris and the Pyramid team!

Jim Washington

Matin Tamizi

Jan 31, 2011, 1:52:08 PM1/31/11
wow!  That was wicked fast.

Congrats and great work.

Stéphane Klein

Feb 1, 2011, 4:42:23 AM2/1/11
Le 31/01/2011 17:42, Jim Washington a �crit :

> On Jan 31, 4:37 am, Eric Lemoine<> wrote:
>> Awesome! I'm looking forward to using Pyramid in production.
> One of my sites went live today:
> ZODB + Pyramid + Pyjamas + PureMVC.

I'm curious about "Pyjamas + PureMVC". Can you say more about your
utilization of this tools ?

Thanks for your feedback.

St�phane Klein <> - French

Jim Washington

Feb 1, 2011, 11:40:05 AM2/1/11
On Tue, 2011-02-01 at 10:42 +0100, St�phane Klein wrote:
> Le 31/01/2011 17:42, Jim Washington a �crit :
> > ZODB + Pyramid + Pyjamas + PureMVC.
> I'm curious about "Pyjamas + PureMVC". Can you say more about your
> utilization of this tools ?
> Thanks for your feedback.

Hi, St�phane

I presume you ask three questions:
Pyramid + Pyjamas
Pyramid + JSON-RPC (server communication for Pyjamas)
Pyjamas + PureMVC (PureMVC in Pyjamas on the client side)

Apologies for the length of this message.

Disclaimer: I am a Pyjamas developer, and I am posting this partly
because we can always use more smart and able developers using and
contributing to the project, and providing easy usage methodology helps
with that idea.

Pyjamas: (use the git repository):

I use Pyjamas because my application is very dynamic. There are a lot of
widgets, and a lot of data updates, and I can update the data in any
particular widget without refreshing the entire page. Plus, my Pyjamas
code is all python. Python on the server + Python on the client =
bliss. The application feels very application-like instead of
web-page-like, but I can use css for styling and widget placement.

Pyjamas is very easy to use with Pyramid. Each Pyjamas app just needs
to reside somewhere static: e.g., static/app1/App1.html I set the
--output to that directory for the pyjsbuild command in the Pyjamas
app's file. I let nginx or apache serve static.


Pyjamas uses JSON-RPC for communication with the server. The following
can probably be adapted for any JSON-RPC client, and maybe for non-ZODB
models. For JSON-RPC on the server side, I use lovely.jsonrpc.

from lovely.jsonrpc import JSONRPCDispatcher

For any ZODB location I wish to directly access without special
permissions, I set a view config in my Pyramid app's

@view_config(context="myapp.models.MyClass", request_method="POST")
def my_class_rpc(request):
context = request.context
resp = JSONRPCDispatcher(context).dispatch(body)
# resp is the JSON-RPC response for the context's method.
# Fail if the method returns something that is
# not representable in JSON.
r = Response(resp, content_type='application/json')
r.cache_control = 'no-cache'
r.pragma = 'no-cache'
return r

The above allows all methods in any MyClass object to the client's
JSON-RPC implementation. This simplifies operations while developing the
app. Client's JSONProxy uses http:// mySite/path/to/object as its url.
If I want different methods and permissions for the view, I make a view

class MySpecialView(object):
"""do something silly"""
def __init__(self, context):
self.context = context

def _private_method(self, param):
resp = self.context.twiddle_param(param)
# context returns something JSON-representable
return resp

def some_method(self, some_param):
intermediate, OK = self.context.safe_method(some_param)
if not OK:
return self._private_method(intermediate)
return intermediate

And then my view config looks like:

@view_config(context="myapp.models.MyClass", request_method="POST",
def my_class_rpc(request):
context = MySpecialView(request.context)
resp = JSONRPCDispatcher(context).dispatch(body)
r = Response(resp, content_type='application/json')
r.cache_control = 'no-cache'
r.pragma = 'no-cache'
return r

In this case, JSON-RPC from the client only has
MySpecialView.some_method available to use. If I wanted to use "Zope
Component Architecture", MySpecialView would be an adapter.

If I want the request url to end in something other than '/':
the view_config can look like

@view_config("jsonrpc", context="myapp.models.MyClass",
request_method="POST", permission="some.permission")

and the client's JSONProxy's url would be

PureMVC :

PureMVC has a pure python implementation, which imports into Pyjamas
without any trouble. See the Pyjamas EmployeeAdmin example within the
Pyjamas source for example usage.

I use PureMVC as an organizational tool for developing the client-side
app, and its notification (event) oriented nature simplifies
between-widget and app-to-server coordination. It also reduces the
potential for circular imports, which Pyjamas does not handle well.

I had a jargon hurdle to overcome with PureMVC, but my understanding of
it is as follows:

For PureMVC, I work with five modules, "components", "controller",
"consts", "model", and "view". These may be split up into sub-modules,
and may be enhanced with objects from other modules, but for simplicity,
I will refer only to these five modules.

The objects in the "view", "model", and "controller" modules are
registered and looked up by name, which is a string. Notifications are
also named as strings, but ordinarily are held in the "consts" module to
reduce the possibility of typographical errors in my code.

For the following, when I refer to "view" objects, they are actually
"Mediator" objects, and when I refer to "model" objects, they are
actually "Proxy" objects. Methods in the "controller" are actually
"Command" objects. Forget that jargon for the moment. I simplify a bit
in the following.

The "components" module has the Pyjamas application, with all of its ui

The "view" module has objects that can listen for "onXXX" events
belonging to particular widgets within the app. A "view" object's
"onRegister" method sets up the listeners for the widget's "onXXX"
methods. When the "view" object hears an event, it can send
notifications for other "view" objects or "controller" methods, and can
call methods on "model" objects. "View" objects also listen for
particular notifications sent by other "view" objects, "model" objects,
and "controller" methods, so that the widget in the app can be queried
or updated.

The "model" module holds the business data. The objects here can
communicate with the server and send notifications for "view" objects or
"controller" methods to handle. For example, when data is received from
the server, a notification may be sent.

The "controller" module holds methods that are invoked upon
notification. These methods can send notifications, and can call methods
on objects in the "model" and "view" modules.

The app itself can be pretty dumb, and is unaware that it is used in a
PureMVC system. It may be developed separately, and the PureMVC system
can be "bolted on" later.

The above sounds complicated, but at least I did not throw "Command" ,
"Proxy", and "Mediator" around to confuse the description. :)

Maybe a data path will help explain how PureMVC simplifies things.

Here is a sample data path through a PureMVC pyjamas app:

o User clicks a button in the app.
o The app may directly handle the onClick event with some visual cue.
o A "view" object also handles the onClick event by looking up a
particular "model" object by name and calling a method on that object
with some data. The data may come from a different widget in the app,
and may be requested from that widget's "view" object, which can ask the
widget for the data.
o The "model" object has a method that makes a JSON-RPC call to the
server with the data as a parameter.
o When the server responds, the "model" object stores the data and sends
a notification that new data has been received. The data may be sent as
part of the notification.
o Any "controller" method or "view" object listening for that
notification handles the "model" object's notification appropriately, by
updating widgets in the app and maybe sending additional notifications.

I probably have a few details a bit wrong, but hopefully the general
idea is understandable.

- Jim Washington

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