ANNOUNCE: Facter 1.5.9 Final!

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Jacob Helwig

May 20, 2011, 6:48:19 PM5/20/11
Facter 1.5.9 is a maintenance release containing fixes and updates.

This release contains several fixes, and updated facts, as well as
adding some new facts. These include enhancements with Facter & EC2,
additional memory facts for OS X, and better Ruby 1.9 support.

As always, please let us know if you run into any problems with any of
the release candidates.

This release is available for download at:

See the Verifying Puppet Download section at:

Please report feedback via the Puppet Labs Redmine site, using an
affected version of 1.5.9:

Revision log:

024f7c9 Update CHANGELOG for 1.5.9
4de8b20 Updated CHANGELOG for 1.5.9rc6
cc67a01 Removed inappropriately uncredited Ohai method from ec2 fact
69f98da Add facter test for ticket 7039
f91c120 downcase arp output so that the ec2 arp is matched
a75f0f9 (#7039) Pre-load all facts when requesting a single fact
6b97242 Update CHANGELOG for 1.5.9rc5
acf0bb2 Ensures that ARP facts are returned only on EC2 hosts
76f544b Updated CHANGELOG for 1.5.9rc4
09b9f9b (#6795) Update tests to reflect changed exec
3db1cd0 Updated CHANGELOG for 1.5.9rc3
def3322 (#6795) xendomains: Ignore error output from xm list
f39d487 (#6763) Use Facter::Util::Resolution.exec for arp
3eb9410 arp: Cleanup indendation
50b9b3f Updated CHANGELOG for 1.5.9rc2
2fb8316 Clean up indentation, and alignment in macaddress_spec.rb
3f0a340 (#6716) fix facter issues on OSX with ipv6 in macaddress.rb.
43f82ef Update CHANGELOG for 1.5.9rc1
d62e079 Fixed #2346 - A much cleverer EC2 fact
0411d2e Fixed #2346 - Part 1: Added arp fact for Linux
5b6f4fa Discussion on ec2 facts - #2346
e917e1a Fixed #3087 - Identify VMWare
d0f0f63 (#6327) Memory facts should be available on Mac Darwin
458a22d Incremented release to 1.5.9
4eb64fe Fixed #6719 Typo
ffd80ac (#5011) Adds swap statistics for OSX
1207765 (#6719) Restricts virtualization types for zones
8d71db3 Fixed #6616 - Stubbing in VMware tests on Linux
aa959df Remove Solaris from the list of confined systems. It won't get the original lsb facts, and it's nonsensical too.
2e48e18 Fixed #6695 - Updated id fact for Darwin et al
d718af4 Fix #6679 - Added Scientific Linux to operatingsystem fact
dea6f78 Further fix to #5485 - SELinux facts
6d6d8da (#2721) Merged patch from Brane GraAnar
868e7ba (#5485) Made selinux_mode fact work
214da73 Fixed #5485 - Updated selinux_mode fact
ba2601f Fix for #6495 - Updated interface detection
93461d9 Fixed #5950 - Solaris ipaddress incorrect after bonding failure
2e06cdc (#6615) fix missing stub calls in loader specs
3c7841e (#5666) windows support for facter/id.rb
dd5d5bf (#4925) - MS Windows doesn't do man pages
52026ee Fixed #5699 - Added processorcount support for S390x
7dd730d Fixed #5699 - Added virtual support for s390x/Zlinux
d6ce08a Fixed #6611 - Fixed broken HPVM test and rationalised test structure
84fa3c4 (#6525) change semicolons to 'then' in case statement for ruby 1.9.2 compatibility
3e6217d Fixes #6521 and other Ruby 1.9 issues
eb5d6fc Fixed #6525 - Test failures on Ruby 1.9.x
cb25119 (#2270) add testing for the new ipaddress6 feature
ea29483 (#2270) add IPv6 support to facter core.
77eb512 (#2270) Remove DWIM code from ipaddress on Darwin.
f5bf0f5 (#6360) Flush Facter top level cache before every test case.
0d7a2e6 Fix #4755: add support for GNU/kFreeBSD platform where missing.
b88a088 (#5510) Facter should load custom fact definitions in filename order.
7a8be16 Refactor #6044 -- use _spec.rb as the pattern for spec tests.
b39f892 Refactor #6044 -- require spec_helper with a consistent path.
a4fe459 Refactor #6044 -- port testing to rspec2
af9134c (#5086) Try using kstat before falling back to 'who -b' to determine uptime.
cbbfe55 Refactor util/uptime.rb tests to reduce duplication using contexts
f0cc2c0 (#4575) win32 support for manufacturer, productname, & serialnumber
c40fc07 (#1423) Memory facts for Solaris
1985528 (#4754) Change is_virtual logic to not enumerate virtual types
739040f (#4754) Add support for Darwin and Parallels VM to "virtual" fact
9332f8a (#5325) Add tests for SPARC manufacturer and product name
5b561e3 (#5325) Manufacturer and product name on SPARC
9d99079 maint: Fix spec failures caused by having a space in the path to facter's source
89da001 maint: require rubygems so hudson can run the specs
1eef842 Maint: add "Local-branch:" info to mails sent by "rake mail_patches"
f007a9d (#4989) Add xendomains fact
1fa87a9 JSON support. Works in 1.9.1. Warnings in 1.9.2. LoadError on 1.8.7 for some reason
43e203c (#5040) fact virtual should detect hpvm
7cec60a (#5016) is_virtual should be true on solaris zones
f2e66b6 (#5031) Remove redundant puts from RDoc.usage
f4da528 maint: Fix merge error
d62b013 Issue #4889 Fact values should all be strings
07f186d [#4552] Updating --timing to report in milliseconds instead of seconds
1f387a5 [#4552] Apply patch from Dean Wilson
244d2f1 Better fix for Bug 4569: Uptime Fact is incorrect on Windows
11544c1 [#4289] operatingsystemrelease fact for oel, ovs
e6bfdf9 Fix for bug #4569
8c4d0cd (#4558) Fail with message on --help errors
7210429 [#4558] Refactor facter binary using optparse
b5c85de [#4563] Add a --trace option to the binary
ebcb81b [#4558] Refactor facter binary using optparse
b8b7123 (#4567) Remove unnecessary or non-portable redirects
7ecba71 (#4567) Retain detached HEAD state
1125e1e Make sure FreeBSD spec also works on systems that have /proc/cpuinfo.
889e150 Sync rpm spec file from Fedora/EPEL
725dce0 Rename Reductive Labs to Puppet Labs
ff473ef Updated signing rake task
a85f2b0 [#2865] Fix reporting of virtual facts
f67ec05 [#4567] Add ext/facter-diff to compare output of 2 versions
4050acc Removing stupid .DS_Store files :(
016cf03 [#3703] Fix macaddress fact for Darwin

Jacob Helwig

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