According to this page, the Google Reader integration has been completed:
Correct. Thought the 30 minute number is probably not accurate. I
think it depends on how frequent your feed updates and how many
subscribers you have?
> Also, shouldn't I be able to see publisher diagnostics at
> for the Feedburner feed? It
> cannot find the record despite Google Reader being a subscriber.
To see those diagnostics you need to know the subscriber's specific
parameters, such as callback URl and shared secret. You don't have
those, so you can't get the debug information. However, you could set
up your own subscription to the same feed using your own code and then
debug delivery in that way to see what the delay is from when the pipe
gets new info to when feedburner sends the pings through.
Sent from my iPad
Pings to the hub regarding feeds with no subscribers are ignored (in
other words, the hub will not check the feed for new posts when
receiving a ping if it knows it isn't going to distribute the new
posts to anywhere). This should not affect subscriptions, otherwise
there could be no "first" subscription and nobody would ever be able
to subscribe to the feed. :)
Is the source code available somewhere? Should be simple enough to
deploy a few more instances of this app?
Google Reader does not care where the hub is located, it will
subscribe as per the protocol.