Download compressed Prototype: (14.4kb gzipped, 19.6kb pressed)

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Mar 9, 2007, 12:10:50 PM3/9/07
to Prototype: Core
Release info:

New Protopressed release! (14.4kb gzipped, 19.6kb pressed)
Download (

This release includes Prototype versions 1.4, 1.5rc0, 1.5rc1, and 1.5

The scripts are organized by type: original, formatted (proper
semicolons n' such), compressed, and ultraCompressed.

For each type there is also a "gzipped" folder containing gzipped
forms of each file.

When using these compressed/ultraCompressed files make sure you use
the charset "iso-8859-1"

< script type="text/javascript" charset="iso-8859-1"
src="prototype.js">< / script>


I know that most devs currently using Prototype, don't care about its
file size. However, I have noticed that a lot of new devs are turned
off of Prototype because they read from others that it is 'bloated'
and has a big footprint. Those devs then choose another framework and
rarely give Prototype a second glance.

I created this compressed collection of Prototype libraries to help
evangelize Prototype.

A framework is only as strong as the users and dev team around it.
Prototypes "community" presence is probably the weakest out of all the
popular JavaScript frameworks (Prototype's blog hasn't been updated
since Feb 1st). With a lot of devs leaving Prototype for mooTools and
cross collaborations such as Jack Slocum of YUI-Ext and John Resig of
jQuery, I wonder if Prototype is loosing its ground.

Previous Posts:


Mar 9, 2007, 3:41:34 PM3/9/07
to Prototype: Core
I have quickly tested this without using the charset "iso-8859-1" and
all seemed to work.
The chars used are printable and most range from charCode 0-255, some
though are higher.
I would only set it to "iso-8859-1" only if you have issues.

Mislav Marohnić

Mar 9, 2007, 5:23:36 PM3/9/07
On 3/9/07, jd <> wrote:

A framework is only as strong as the users and dev team around it.
Prototypes "community" presence is probably the weakest out of all the
popular JavaScript frameworks (Prototype's blog hasn't been updated
since Feb 1st). With a lot of devs leaving Prototype for mooTools and
cross collaborations such as Jack Slocum of YUI-Ext and John Resig of
jQuery, I wonder if Prototype is loosing its ground.

Far from truth. Check the blog again ;)


Mar 9, 2007, 6:20:03 PM3/9/07
to Prototype: Core
Awesome news!. I will format it this weekend. 8)

Tom Gregory

Mar 9, 2007, 6:34:09 PM3/9/07
I get a chuckle out of the notion that the lack of a formal update in the previous month denotes an archaic, dying system.  Isn't that supposed to be an indicator of a strong, stable software library?



Mar 9, 2007, 7:15:46 PM3/9/07
to Prototype: Core
Hi Tom,

No, as I mentioned it's an indicator of the "community presence", not
the quality of the software.
Also, I was talking about the blog not the code release.

For example others have posts about other devs using their framework
or some cool new additions they are working on.
Other frameworks have the emails of their creator/dev team listed and
seem to accommodate the end user with properly formatted code that is
easy to compress and what not.

I know everyone is working full time jobs and working on the framework
when they can.
It has to be tough trying to find the time. I understand.

On another note, wow this new release candidate has tons of changes
8). I can't wait to dig in.


Mar 9, 2007, 9:03:02 PM3/9/07
to Prototype: Core

Of all the days for me to bring this up.
Now there is a "who's using" and "core dev bios" on the Prototype
homepage with links to their own projects and blogs!

Well done 8).

That is very cool.
Very much appreciated.


Mar 10, 2007, 4:56:12 AM3/10/07
to Prototype: Core
Is anybody having trouble downloading this? When I click on the
download link, I am taken back to this message.

Mislav Marohnić

Mar 10, 2007, 7:12:43 AM3/10/07
On 3/10/07, Тома <> wrote:

Is anybody having trouble downloading this? When I click on the
download link, I am taken back to this message.

Both download links in the article are correct and point to the static file. Please comment on the article if you find some links broken


Mar 11, 2007, 4:30:17 PM3/11/07
to Prototype: Core
Updated Protopress package to v2b.
Now all compressed scripts work in Safari and Omniweb.
Also I added another compression option "no white-space" and this
gives a new smallest Prototype 1.5 final (13.0kb) gzipped.

Other than gzip this file is not compressed and should experience no
ms delay.
There is now a total of 5 compression options per Prototype version +
the gzipped versions of all of them, wew.

I am currently working on the new release candidate 1.5.1 and have
gotten it to compress via Packer, but not Memtronics yet.


Mar 11, 2007, 10:12:46 PM3/11/07
to Prototype: Core
This is very nice. That way people can't complain that Prototype's
huge. What's silly is that there's still people running around telling
other people not to use Prototype because it messes up
Object.prototype. This hasn't been the case ever since 1.4.

Another interesting note:
You can also remove whitespace from code and make it compressor-
friendly easily by wrapping it around with an anonymous function in
Firefox, then call the function's toSource() method. Of course, the
extraneous "(function () {" and "})" has to be removed manually,
although you can write a regular expression to remove that too.

- kourge

Mislav Marohnić

Mar 12, 2007, 4:33:14 AM3/12/07
On 3/12/07, kourge <> wrote:

Another interesting note:
You can also remove whitespace from code and make it compressor-
friendly easily by wrapping it around with an anonymous function in
Firefox, then call the function's toSource() method.

An interesting cleanup method. Thanks for the tip!


Mar 14, 2007, 6:02:31 PM3/14/07
to Prototype: Core
The compressed versions (not gzip) doesn't seem to work on safari

I get a syntax error- parse error


Mar 15, 2007, 9:23:16 AM3/15/07
to Prototype: Core
Hiya bms,

I am have had some people mention that. You can use the "nowhitespace"
js versions still and the gzipped form of it is actually the smallest
at 13kb. I am upgrading to OSX 10.4 sometime this week or early next
week and will fix the issues at that time. I have also compressed
v1.5.1rc2 and its in the Protopressed v2c.

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