PyScripter-Portable.exe vs. /App/PyScripter.exe

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May 21, 2009, 5:18:14 AM5/21/09
to PortablePython

I'm just trying Portable Python as I'd like to use the same python
environment from a USB stick over several machines, some running WinXP
and some xubuntu linux with wine. The inclusion of PyScripter my
favorite Python IDE was a great plus.

My Question:
What is the difference between PyScripter-Portable.exe in the Portable
Python home directory and PyScripter.exe in the App directory?

When I run PyScripter-Portable.exe with wine 1.0.1 under xubuntu 8.10
pyscipter takes a long time to start and loads the /App/Pyscripter.exe
file into the IDE editor! (as odd looking gibberish of course)

The /App/PyScripter.exe runs fine, starts quickly and so far I can't
see any problems running it instead.

Any reason why I should run PyScripter-Portable.exe ?

cheers Eleanor

Perica Zivkovic

May 21, 2009, 7:41:33 AM5/21/09
to PortablePython
Hi Eleanor,

very interesting to hear that you are running PP on linux with
wine. :-)

PyScripter-Portable.exe is just a shortcut for the PyScripter.exe so
there is no reason not to use PyScripter.exe. Shortcuts are there for
the convenience so you can start all IDE's/tools from one place. I
guess "extracting" the shortcut and passing parameters goes wrong on
wine so you see gibberish (PyScripter.exe loads in PyScripter :) ).

cheers and keep pythoning!!



May 23, 2009, 6:07:35 AM5/23/09
to PortablePython
> PyScripter-Portable.exe is just a shortcut for the PyScripter.exe

Just out of curiosity, why make the former an EXE then; wouldn't it be
easier (and more transparent) to create a batch file like so:
START App/PyScripter.exe
(It's been a while since I've done this sort of thing on Windows, so I
might be wrong.)

-- F.

Perica Zivkovic

May 23, 2009, 9:04:03 AM5/23/09
to PortablePython
Well you are not wrong, it would be easy to do that but I wanted that
bit of extra that I can add icon to the shortcut and also splash
screen. And those two things you don't get with batch file.

Moving this way to make PP more style of application.
So that "shortcut application" will then in future also handle default
application settings flie and other stuff - according to the specificaiton.

keep pythoning!



May 26, 2009, 4:06:56 AM5/26/09
to PortablePython
> Well you are not wrong, it would be easy to do that but I wanted that
> bit of extra that I can add icon to the shortcut and also splash
> screen. And those two things you don't get with batch file.

Ah, that makes sense - thanks.

-- F.
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