Couldn't find 'devise_install' generator

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1 Feb 2011, 4:17:02 pm1/2/11
to Devise
I'm trying to follow the instructions for installing devise 1.0.9 on a
Rails 2.3.8 app. I have device 1.0.9 installed as well as 1.1.x
versions for Rails 3 apps. I have the following in environment.rb:

config.gem 'warden'
config.gem 'devise', :version=>'1.0.9'

When I run:

ruby script/generate devise_install

I get:

Couldn't find 'devise_install' generator

$ gem list | grep devise
devise (1.1.5, 1.1.4, 1.1.3, 1.0.9)

$ ./script/generate


Installed Generators
Rubygems: acts_as_taggable_on_migration, acts_as_xapian,
audited_migration, background, crondonkulous, culerity,
exception_notifier, facebook, facebook_controller, facebook_publisher,
facebook_scaffold, form, formtastic, formtastic_stylesheets, gruff,
paperclip, publisher, session, tagging, validatious, web_service,
xapit, xd_receiver
Builtin: controller, helper, integration_test, mailer, metal,
migration, model, observer, performance_test, plugin, resource,
scaffold, session_migration


José Valim

1 Feb 2011, 4:22:02 pm1/2/11
to Devise
It is probably trying to load the generators from 1.1.x versions.
Please uninstall all 1.1.x versions and it should work again. Fwiw,
this is a Rails bug (fixed in Rails 3 :D)
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