The unitary system of measurement lacks in precision and "gets in" true mestakes, by Romano Amodeo

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Aug 17, 2008, 12:54:02 PM8/17/08
to physics science of RA
The measurement unitary system lacks in precision and "gets in" true

The PHYSICAL CONSTANTS haven't "in absolute" the worth that now is
This actual worth is only the relative one, being really counted in m/
s, or in other similar ratios, through real experiments. Now this
actual "unitary worth" is not only approximated one, but it really IS
WRONG (even if it is wrong only for same decimal parts).
For example: the electron exact mass is 0,00054000 a.m.u. (atomic mass
units) and not 0,00054 and other infinite decimals, how to day is
known. In kg it is exactly 9,0000 times 10^-31 kg, and not the
9,109... that is lacking just in the matter regarding the "Physics
Let you note: I don't say that the results of the relative
measurements are wrong, but that "the system" of the unitary
measurement induces inevitably REAL MISTAKES.
This "discover" is fruit of the "Epistemology", that analyzes the
"full reason or not" of every process acted by the intelligence. The
new "discover" is that when an absolute worth is counted in the
unitary internal numerical ratio, it happens always a mistake.
I offer to your kind attention the sequent case, that reveals all the
relative and "real injustice".

We have to imagine that "in absolute" there were only A NUMBER
(absolute) of apples and A NUMBER (absolute) of boys, in way that it
was impossible to have one apple or boy "out" of these ABSOLUTE
NUMBERS. Our real problem now is to divide "EXACTLY" the apples among
the boys, with real justice.
To can do it, before we must know these NUMBERS. So we enact the
relative unitary count and confide in its mathematical justice. We
take (away from its NUMBER) 1 apple, and use it to count the residual
ones, discovering that they are 99 times the apple-champion, so 99/1
is the unitary number. Afterwards we keep (away from its NUMBER) 1 boy
and use him to well count the residual quantity, so we know that we
have only 1 times the boy-champion, so 1/1 is the unitary number. We
haven't done any mistake! 99 times 1 is the NUMBER of the apples and 1
time 1 is the NUMBER of the boys.
Now, if we divide 99/1 : 1/1 we have how result 99/1 times 1/1 (the
unitary ratio 1/1 "apple/boy"). Every boy ought have 99 apples, but we
haven't 99+99 apples! We have 100 in TOTAL, in ABSOLUTE.
This "unitary" case is JUST ONE only if the boy-champion has 1 apple
while the other has 99 apples... with absolute INJUSTICE! So we have
extrapolate the unitary ratio 1 apple/boy (how in other cases 1 m/s)
to count the different ratio, and this system "POINTS precisely" on
this unitary difference between 1/1 and the DIFFERENT N/1 , to
have this different number N of 1.

With this system of calculus the INJUSTICE is the SAME "NECESSARY
RULE" to can number the injustice.
Why is this accepted? Because when we have 100 apples and 2 boys
multiplied by 100, these 10.000 apples and 200 boys are measured
9.999/1 and 199/1, and 9.999:199 = 50,2462... and it is almost the
exact and absolute 50 that results from the "absolute" calculus
10.000:200, that adds also the unit that was taken away to can count
in units. Multiplying 100 and 2 by 1.000, the division 99.999:1.999
gets 50,02451... and the mistake becomes littler and "almost
insignificant", but it is always in act. I have discovered that this
"real mistake" is always equal to the "geometrical tie". This
geometrical TIE represents in facts the "virtual geometrical section"
of the quantitative unitary flow. In length of flow it is 1 m/s, and
in the section we have the TIE presence.

* In the case of 100 and 2, we can see how 99:1 = 99 reveals the
difference of +49/1 as the unitary TIE, because 49+1=50.
* In the case of 10.000 and 200, we can see how 9.999:199 =
50,2464 reveals this 0,2464 how the unitary TIE of 2^10=1.024 (as the
24 decimal hours of all the rotation of the binary mass 10^3=1.000),
+2^6 (the binary complex volume) at the real dimension 10^-4... and
this because the 10.000 apples are how the absolute reality 10^4,
while the 200 boys are how all the two faces 10x10 of a plane. So,
dividing the ABSOLUTE real quantity 10^4 by the binary absolute area,
the TIE is properly this: in the 10^-2 dimension the TIE is all the
quantity of the 24 hours present in 2^10; in the 10^-4 dimension the
TIE is all the quantity 2^3 x 2^3 = 2^6 of the complex volume on the
binary base.
* If we multiply 100 and 2 x 10^10 we have and So 999.999.999.999:19.999.999.999=
50,0000000024.5000000012.2500000006 reveals this very clear
geometrical TIE: 24 x 10^-10 (the 24 hours of 2^10) +5x10^-11 (the
power 5 of the electro-magnetism at the dimension 10+1 of the real
measurement 1 of the cycle 10) +12x10^-20 (only "1/2" of 24, at the
"double" power 10+10) +25 x10^-22 (the 1/4 real time of the section
10x10, at the 22° power of the 22 cycles 10 as the... 220 "voltage"),
+6x10^-30 (all the complex space +x+y+z-x-y-z at the dimension 10^30
that presents all the Å, the atomic units of the space that are
contained in 1 m^3)

In Nature, when we use 1 m and 1 s, to measure OTHER m and s, all is
all right, but when we take 1 kg to measure an atomic particle, we can
measure it only through itself. We haven't the real possibility to
enter in this dimension, and to operate distinctions.
We are exactly how when we measure the time: while 1 hour of the clock
passes, simultaneously also 1 hour of time is passing. If we think
that is JUST to number the hours of one day how 23 times the hour-
champion, and do not add also the hour-champion... we are really doing
a big mistake.
On the contrary, when we use 1 kg to measure the electron mass, and
obtain 9,109389754 times 10^-31 kg, we haven't add the simultaneous
quantity of its unit, and it appears as the presence of a geometrical
tie, similar to the lever, that must absolutely cut away to not change
the real quantities in itself SEE. The mistake is JUST this decimal
quantity 0,109... (how in the example of 9.999:199=50,2462... the
mistake was the decimal part 0,2462...), because the JUST division is
only the 9 that is the exact ratio E/m between the energy and the
mass, when all is resting in the quiet.
In the quiet 1 m^3 (formed by 10^3 dm^3) contains 10^2 = 100 dm^3 as
the red colored base of the m^3, and (when they are 100 dm^3 of water)
a balance measures it exactly as 100 kg of mass (directly in
gravitation over the plat of the balance).
The other 9 quantities over this first layer (green colored) are
energies in pound pressing on the first layer that touches the
balance. For this balance 900 kg is all the energy that is added over
the layer of the directly counted 100 kg of mass.

So the ratio E/m is 900 kg/100 kg = 9/1 pure number, because kg/kg are
dimensions unified ad reciprocally annulled.

In the water, the H20 molecule has (2+16) p.a. / 2 p.a. = 9/1 pure
number, between the tie energy H-O of H and the only p.a. of H, so the
water is the JUST body to number the mass, because it confirms the
same E/m = 9, existing in our champions m^3 and dm^3, because also 900
dm^3 /100 dm^3 = 9/1 pure number.

Romano Amodeo
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