Why the light is invariant one, by Romano Amodeo

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Aug 17, 2008, 12:49:07 PM8/17/08
to physics science of RA
The light speed is invariant because is the reaction to the magnetic
wave action of our life.

The light speed was defined "ABSOLUTE" because it cannot be increased
or decreased.
Or emitted by a fast airplane or by a standing lamp, the observer
measures its speed arriving always at the fix numbers of 299.792.458 m/
It is easy to respond. Our soul exists as magnetism, that is seen
really how its inverse: the light. So we have, existing, this speed,
and so it doesn't depends on the speed of the fast airplane or of the
motionless lamp, that cannot accelerate o decelerate... "our live".
Our Holy Spirit perceives going on centripetally and simultaneously -
how magnetism - in the 3 directions xyz that amass the mass. For the
Third Principle of the Dynamic Law, we can perceive only the direction
"equal and contrary to the action", and so we can perceive only what
is equal and contrary to our fast magnetism, having that speed.
Consequently, the electricity of the light appears to have that same
speed because it is the speed of our magnetic to be, that goes on
centripetally and induces us to see the light going out centrifugally
by every light-point.

If we (the living observers) had not this centripetal speed, we'd not
see the light to go centrifugally out of the light-points. If we'd be
the electrical flow we'd not see any movement of the light, having we
that same speed in the same direction. We'd go on the same light wave
as we'd "surfing"!! Only because this "SURF" happens on the magnetic
wave, the light appears to run in the vacuum at that speed equal and
contrary one to the speed of our SURFING.

So the true reason of the invariance of the light is that noting can
accelerate o decelerate our life and our presence-point. Everything is
on the same magnetic wave, everything is "surfing" with us, and what
has more speed of ours is seen in movement only in the transversal
space of the electromagnetic flow of the advancing time.

Also we are the cause of this speed measured 299.792.458 m/s instead
of the exact and absolute 300.000.000, without any reference to 1 m/s.
To can measure in unitary way, we extrapolate 1 m/s from the
300.000.000. These do not remain 299.999.999 because 1 m of
advancement in the line of the flow regards the transversal area
having all the number lacking. 207.542 is the linear parameter of the
area advancing. It is the number equal to the unitary tie. In fact
200.000 is the ideal complete movement of the electromagnetic worth
10^5, advancing of 10^5 in 10^10 Å. While 7.000 is the complete
movement of 3 10^3 of mass in the reality 10^4. While 500 is the
complete electricity (or magnetism) in 10^3 masses. While 40 is the
reality 4 in 10 unitary cycles, and, finally, 2 m is the complete
advancement of 1 m.

The instantaneous transversal presence of a time space volume, and the
apparent disorder of the electron (the light matter particle) since
perceived through itself.

While we are surfing on one imaginary magnetic wave of antimatter, all
the real electric and material volume of the Universe that we see
instantaneously to exist in the present time, even if it has the 4
dimensions of the reality, is contained in the 2 only electromagnetic
dimensions of the transversal area of the flow in direction z. In this
transversal section, the time exists in the space distance. So the
distance Sun-Earth is also time of distance and we really now see the
Sun of 8 minutes ago.
We can observe 4 dimensions in the 2 of the area of the instantaneous
presence of the flow because we divide the transversal area xy in the
complex +x +y and -x -y.
The trigonometric quadrant all negative (-x -y, red colored in the
animation) is not perceptible one, how if we had cut it and afterwards
we had closed the hole, through 3 pleats at right angle and the
movement that you see here represented.

Now in the animation by simplicity I have cut the quadrant of 90
degrees red colored. In Trigonometry every degree can be reduced to
this first quadrant of 90 degrees, that so it is the "present time" of
the others three, one after the other and being always 2/1, two planes
everyone time.

I have cut away this "present time" arbitrarily, because really this
disappeared red quadrant all negative as space (and so appearing
through the inverse form of the passing time existing between 2
"fotogramas") has not been cut away! It too has been folded at 90
degrees, in way to be covered - one after the other - by the 3 space
planes of the cubic representation of the plane. In this way the
simultaneous presence of 2 faces creates the angular time of
difference, the cinematic effect how in the cinema and the
stereoscopic perception equal to the three-dimensional effect..

In facts, these 4 pleats at right angle get in the same involution
that our brain shows, on the base of the 2 only planes of the
presence, seen through our 2 eyes and having both the same angular
difference that is existing in the animated example that I'm doing. In
facts, we perceive only 2 frontal plate planes, and the distance
between our 2 eyes, put in a relative angle between the 2 different
axes of our vision, that is different and this difference depend on
the distance of the point that we are putting in the focus. When the
angle between the two axis of the complex view is of 90 degrees, our
brain represents exactly the cut of the 1/4 red colored that I have
done in my representative example. The "three-dimensional effect" of
our brain derives through the completive Trigonometric valuation in
"sine" and "cosine" really acted by our true and proper "personal
computer".The same representative involution named "stereoscopy" and
acted by our brain is just that I have really represented simply
showing the 3 faces of the imaginary cube, in its shape of volume when
1/4 of the area virtually disappears, becoming the "time" between the
2 planes placed at 90° of angular distance. In this way we are in the
section of the electromagnetic flow and see "only" that area, having
all the same time, but through the two Trigonometric quadrants having
90 degrees of angular distance, we perceive that temporal section how
the three-dimensional universe. The absolute speed of the light depend
on the impossibility, of the present time, to perceive what is not
belonging in that transversal section. The absolute speed is that
which realizes instantaneously all the transversal plane, in way that
the space that really appears, appears in function of the relative
magnetic flow in the invisible direction z, of the time. In this way
the Sun, that is at the time distance of 8 prime minutes, belongs to
the transversal plane of our ideal flow how it was 8 minutes before.
In this way the distance in space is the same of distance in time, and
we have the three-dimensional vision of the space-time.

The multiplication 10x10x10 that gets in the volume (... of the past)
is a linear combination that in the area takes 2 lines of 10 dates
and, with a pleat at right angle, show it like the coordinates xy that
have the 100 unitary visible combinations of the design. This shows
the indetermination of Heisemberg, relative to one electron turn. We
have this elementary turn of matter and - perceiving every atom by it
- its regular turn isn't determinable, how the rotation of a wheel
when we have a film made in 1/16 of seconds (the same time of the
reality 2^4=16) and we assist to the disordered representation of its
turn (it appears to stop, to run inversely, and again it runs
regularly, it stops... how if it was not in normal rotation). The
electron used to perceive other electrons is how the astronauts in
free gravitational fall when they are moving in orbit: every object
falls with them and its fall cannot be perceived if not in the
disordered way showing that object to go here and there...
"statistically" in all the possible volume.

Now this 100 that you see has the perimeter squared that can become
360 degrees of circumference only considering its 1/10 time how the
presence of the ratio 9/1 assumed by the 10. In this way 400 - 400/10
= 360 of the perceptible circumference how the potential ratio 9/1 of
the exponent ratio 400/40, where 10^400 : 10^40 = 10^360. In this way
the subtraction 400 -40 is a real division of the 400 on the base of
its numerical cycle and 40 on the same base. Ir is a division that
present the 10^400 in the number of the "time" 10^40, that - how time
- become invisible, being the action that allows the reaction of the
exponent 360 of the turn angle.
In this way, what in general happens to the 4 dimensions, when use 1/4
of 4 to become the 4 -1 = 3 parameters of the space, is the same that
happens to 400 when uses 1/10 of 400 to show only the space 360.
In this way it is evident that 360 degrees of circumference are the
absolute ratio 9/1 of 10, existing in absolute in the General
The lamping that we see in the 100 unitary areas contained in the
square 10x10, that evidences the Heisemberg indetermination, for the
electron is appearing on the circumference, but this disorder is only
the fruit that we, going on a electron to perceive the electron
movement, see that they are relatively stopped, and they all appear
(because thy must appear) in the characteristic disorder of the
"orbital" at the place of a regular "orbit".

Romano Amodeo
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