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Jun 25, 2008, 4:43:42 AM6/25/08
to physics science of RA

It cannot be obtained through real measurement because the real
electromagnetic front of the electric flow of light ISN'T exactly ONE
in the quantity of the area. So if this area is more than 1 the speed
is smaller, while if the area is less of 1 the speed is major. Nobody
can really measure this front. But we can obtain it in the conceptual
way. The concept is about "the unitary advancement, at every
dimension". This "concept", is the "geometrical tie", and I am able to
quantify all these ties:

+1 m. There is also -1 m in line, so all this linear movement is of m
1 x 2 = 2 m
+10 m. This cycle, being a circle existing in a "square", is right as
the "square" perimeter having the side 10, or - if you prefer - it is
like the full reality at 4 real dimensions: 1 of time and 3 of space.
All its real quantity is so of m 10 x 4 = 40 m
+100 m. The "cycle" 10x10 is absolute "volume", has 4 plane parameters
(+x+y-x-y) +1 of time (+z). So it is of m 100 x 5 = 500 m.
+1000 m. This absolute mass has (in 10) the 7 liberties of the volume
at 3 dimensions. They are the 6 movements +1x, +1y, +1z, -1x, -1y, -1z
and the movement +1t in the real positive time. All its run is m 1000
x 7 = 7.000 m.
+10.000 m. It is all the space-time reality 10^4. Being "all how
presence", its movement is null, is 0 m.
+100.000 m. The 10^10 Å of 1 m go from -10^5 (magnetic) to +10^5
(electric). The total is 100.000 m x 2 = 200.000 m.
All the movement, in all the linear dimensions, is the sum m (2 +40
+500 +7000 +0 +200.000) = 207.542 m
By proof: 300.000.000 m is the absolute STATE every s, that I say.
300.000.000 -207.542 m = 299.792.458 m, is so the speed, "smaller" of
300.000.000, in the only one line "z" of the flow, because 207.542 m
are run in the transversal area xy... and 299.792.458 m/s is
properly the light speed (of the frontal area) as really it is
measured in the vacuum.

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