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Alex Hillman

Feb 9, 2011, 5:45:45 PM2/9/11
to PHL Nightowls
We've got a couple of logistics to sort:

1) Someone needs to be willing to let people in the door. That means
sitting at the front desk, or letting us point the buzzer to your cell
phone. We're long overdue for getting a cordless phone at the front
desk, so I've started the search for a good one tonight.

2) I think it's fair to take the 6pm-2am stretch and split it into 2
"shifts", an early one and a late one. That means that one person
isn't always tied to the phone or keeping an eye on things, and can
make use of some productive time themselves - or they can split out
earlier/come in later if that's more conducive to their schedule.
Thoughts on this? We'd want people to either sign up in advance for
multiple weeks/shifts, so we can easily schedule a few of these out.

3) Cost - I'm thinking, at least to start, we make the night-owls
shifts available to all members at no additional cost. My hope is that
this will get more people into the Indy Hall fold, which is a good
thing for everyone. That means you need at least a basic membership
($25/month) to attend. We could then open up to non-members at a drop-
in rate, but then we end up with some security concerns that I'm not
sure that we're ready to address. This isn't a permanent decision,
mind you, we just want to keep things rolling nice and smooth - and
keeping additional transactions out of the night shift makes things
easier for everyone.

I'm looking for feedback and thoughts on these points - if we can come
to some basic agreements and get some commitments on shifts from
people, I'd love to get this rolling as soon as next week!


Lauren Ancona (Lala)

Feb 9, 2011, 6:13:08 PM2/9/11
to PHL Nightowls
1) I am willing to commit to Wednesdays ad infinitum. Or at least as
far out as you're interested in scheduling, a month at a time?

2) Early shift, say, 6-10pm? I could start next Wednesday if this

3) Sweet.


Alex Hillman

Feb 9, 2011, 11:51:40 PM2/9/11
to phl-ni...@googlegroups.com
I went ahead and picked up a new cordless phone for the front desk tonight. We'll have that installed later this week, making it easier for someone to keep an eye on the front without needing to BE at the front.

Lauren's in for the 6-10pm shift. Who's in for 10-whenever?


coworking in philadelphia

Jason Tremblay

Feb 10, 2011, 12:37:15 PM2/10/11
to phl-ni...@googlegroups.com
I'd be glad to take the later shift... maybe not every week, but maybe every-other week?  When is the first one?


Alex Hillman

Feb 13, 2011, 10:38:32 PM2/13/11
to phl-ni...@googlegroups.com
How do you guys feel about doing one this week?

Lauren, Jason, are you both in? If so we can work on getting someone else to pick up the alternating later shift.


coworking in philadelphia

Lauren Ancona

Feb 13, 2011, 11:14:43 PM2/13/11
to phl-ni...@googlegroups.com
I was just thinking about this, wondering if we're on. I'm in for this Wednesday. Thanks, Alex.


Jason Tremblay

Feb 14, 2011, 10:59:54 AM2/14/11
to phl-ni...@googlegroups.com
Yep, I'm in for the late-night shift.  What time should I arrive?  What procedures do I need to know (i.e. how do I buzz people in? how do I keep track of who shows up?)


Alex Hillman

Feb 14, 2011, 11:07:38 AM2/14/11
to phl-ni...@googlegroups.com
Sweet. We'll announce the nightowls from 6pm-2am this Wednesday night.

Jason, I'd say anytime before 10pm would be ideal for a handoff that lets Lauren get home.

I'm going to make it RSVP required and members only to start so that we don't have any confusion about who's there after hours - we'll do a shared google doc spreadsheet for marking people down. Buzzing people in is easy, we got 2 new cordless phones at the end of last week. We'll have instructions for the buzzer taped to the handset.

Any other questions before I post this to basecamp?


coworking in philadelphia

Jason Tremblay

Feb 14, 2011, 11:11:01 AM2/14/11
to phl-ni...@googlegroups.com
Nope, I'm good.
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