MPBE #19

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Jun 12, 2009, 1:43:16 PM6/12/09
Montague Phantom Brain Exchange #19
Wednesday, June 24th, 9pm Five Bucks!
at the Rendezvous
78 3rd St
Turners Falls, MA 01376

Lyn Goeringer
lecture & DJ Bex Taylor
video by Overture Brown

June being the month of stretched time & light, and with time being
this concept that may or may not exist within the next couple of
years, and light being impossible to capture, i couldn't think of a
better, brighter moment that of the auspicious day of June 24th to
unleash these talents. read on:

Epicureans are a hot nu jazz trio from East of Beanville featuring
David Gross (sax/voice), Ricardo Donoso (drums),
& Ryan Mcguire (bass). Cultivating their quiet riot on a fertile plot
of hurt, The Epicureans grow their own delectables utilizing a wide
improvisational vocabulary from lower case insinuation to full-on
tumultuous bombast. Their debut CD is out now on Semata Productions.

Lyn Goeringer sculpts invisible rube goldberg machines of glitchy
goodness triggered & manipulated by theremin, computer, glitterbox, &
other hand made electronics. The Providence-based artist keeps busy
with a bunch of collaborative projects including East of Borneo, K +
M, and in a duo with Brandon Vaccaro. She has an excellently
entrancing solo release on noisician Shawn Greenlee's IYNGES web
label. Check it out here:

Local DJ hero Bex Taylor will be continuing our
music-book-report-series-within-a-series (started last year by Byron
Coley), lecturing on a book about the Riot Grrl movement. Taylor DJs
under a fake last name to protect the innocent. Back in the day, she
was the record buyer at Main St Records ( in Northampton) & burned
minds on the FM dial with her awesome show, the Ludovico Technique.
As a pimply teen, i fondly recall nervously buying my first Minutemen
LP from her intimidatingly badass self! Her current music gig is
co-DJing Rockitqueer - the monthly Rendezvous dance party. She
sometimes moonlights on 88.5 WFCR, but that's only to keep up her punk
rock street cred. Nothing says punk rock more than NPR. Lucky for us,
she'll be spinning righteous selections of grrl powered postpunk & the

Overture Brown's sumptuous psychedelic forrest creatures will dance
upon our screen in a batik-y swirl of magnificently rendered pixels.
The wildly colorful Overture B universe comes from the heads/hands of
Aya & Jason Brown, who will be present to absorb your adorations.

Lastly, remember, the door to submit material for the MPBE Paper
Program is always open - writings, images, & the like are always
welcome & usually get somehow added into the collaged product. Get up
in it!

Montague Phantom Brain Exchange is a place where bodied & disembodied
brains & nonbrains can safely gather to deconstruct solutions & create
problems while soaking in an envigorating bath of provocative
entertainments. Last wednesday of every month, 9pm to midnight, at the
Rendezvous (bar with food!) 78 3rd St Turners Falls, MA. A typical
evening will include 2 - 3 performing acts, a 15 minute lecture and a DJ.

Yeay! Cassettes
PO Box 7
TurnersFalls, Ma
01376 USA


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