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Drupal wants a PostgreSQL maintainer

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Josh Berkus

не прочитано,
4 сент. 2007 г., 18:05:1304.09.2007

Apparently some developers of Drupal are advocating for going MySQL-only
because they haven't had a reliable PostgreSQL mainainer in some time:

Surely there's someone in our community who uses Drupal and could give them
a hand?

This seems to be part of a disturbing trend in which the size of the
PostgreSQL+PHP community is shrinking and not growing. We also need PHP
driver maintainers and other projects.


Josh Berkus
PostgreSQL @ Sun
San Francisco

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Bill Moran

не прочитано,
4 сент. 2007 г., 18:10:4804.09.2007
In response to Josh Berkus <>:

> All,
> Apparently some developers of Drupal are advocating for going MySQL-only
> because they haven't had a reliable PostgreSQL mainainer in some time:
> Surely there's someone in our community who uses Drupal and could give them
> a hand?

Well, if they stop supporting PostgreSQL, I'll stop using Drupal.

Unfortunately, I can't dedicate much time to testing, but I can probably
put some in.

> This seems to be part of a disturbing trend in which the size of the
> PostgreSQL+PHP community is shrinking and not growing. We also need PHP
> driver maintainers and other projects.

Huh? What's wrong with the PHP drivers? Please point me to specifics
and I'll try to jump in and help out. I've been through the PHP driver
code enough times that I should be able to make some sort of difference.

Bill Moran

Penny Leach

не прочитано,
4 сент. 2007 г., 19:37:4404.09.2007
I was concerned to read this and joined #drupal on freenode to find out more.

Disclaimer - I am *not* a drupal developer, but the company I work for
does a lot of drupal work and we use postgres almost exclusively.

On 9/5/07, Josh Berkus <> wrote:
> Apparently some developers of Drupal are advocating for going MySQL-only
> because they haven't had a reliable PostgreSQL mainainer in some time:

Apparently that is just the view of *one* of the developers and
doesn't speak for the entire community.

They also say that they're going to have PDO support for Drupal 7
which is due out sometime next year.

> Surely there's someone in our community who uses Drupal and could give them
> a hand?

I'm rallying some troops here at Catalyst to see if we can jump in.

> This seems to be part of a disturbing trend in which the size of the
> PostgreSQL+PHP community is shrinking and not growing. We also need PHP
> driver maintainers and other projects.

Is there a central place to keep track of projects that need help with
porting? WIkipage? Something?


context: || ||

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TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
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Joshua D. Drake

не прочитано,
4 сент. 2007 г., 19:57:1104.09.2007
Hash: SHA1

Josh Berkus wrote:
> All,
> Apparently some developers of Drupal are advocating for going MySQL-only
> because they haven't had a reliable PostgreSQL mainainer in some time:
> Surely there's someone in our community who uses Drupal and could give them
> a hand?

I find this odd as Drupal 6 (to my knowledge) has a completely new db
access layer that should make postgresql support zero effort.

> This seems to be part of a disturbing trend in which the size of the
> PostgreSQL+PHP community is shrinking and not growing. We also need PHP
> driver maintainers and other projects.

Well to be fair, most of the Drupal people out there that I have met are
pro MyISAM ;)

Joshua D. Drake


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TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

Greg Sabino Mullane

не прочитано,
4 сент. 2007 г., 20:58:0104.09.2007

Hash: RIPEMD160

> Is there a central place to keep track of projects that need help with
> porting? WIkipage? Something?

It's pretty new, so please expand it by creating new pages (e.g. Drupal)

- --
Greg Sabino Mullane
PGP Key: 0x14964AC8 200709042057



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TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

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