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Synopsis 26

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Damian Conway

22. nov 2006, 23:18:0422.11.06
Many thanks to all those who offered feedback on the first draft, as a result
of which you will see that there have been some major adjustments and some
important simplications to the new Perl mark-up notation.

The first release of (a Perl 5 implementation of) the parser is close to
ready...within a week if life doesn't "happen" too much. I also have a
prototype Pod-to-XHTML module implemented, in earnest whereof I have attached
a Pod-to-XHTML'd version of the synopsis.


PS: As a few of you are already aware, I am in the midst of health crisis
within my immediate family. This is likely to be on-going for the next
month or more, so please accept my apologies in advance if my
response-time is frustratingly slow.

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