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[PATCH] @directive -> :directive

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Jonathan Scott Duff

no leída,
11 oct 2005, 2:21:3911/10/05
Here's a patch that converts from the @-style directives to the :-style
through out the entire parrot source tree including documentation.
Notable files that I didn't change are:

imcc/imcc.l # gotta leave this one alone :)

editor/ # not interested in syntax hilighting

A couple of files that use .pcc_sub look weird with the :-style
directives. To wit:

.pcc_sub :main main:

but the tests worked as expected, so I guess there's no problem with it.
Anyway, I've attached the patch and here are all the files that changed:

M runtime/parrot/library/Digest/MD5.pir
M runtime/parrot/library/Test/Builder.pir
M runtime/parrot/library/Test/Builder/Tester.pir
M runtime/parrot/library/Test/Builder/TestPlan.pir
M runtime/parrot/library/Test/Builder/Test.pir
M runtime/parrot/library/Test/Builder/Output.pir
M runtime/parrot/library/ncurses.pasm
M runtime/parrot/library/SDL/Surface.imc
M runtime/parrot/library/SDL/Button.imc
M runtime/parrot/library/SDL/Constants.imc
M runtime/parrot/library/SDL/StopWatch.imc
M runtime/parrot/library/SDL/Rect.imc
M runtime/parrot/library/SDL/Color.imc
M runtime/parrot/library/SDL/EventHandler.imc
M runtime/parrot/library/SDL/App.imc
M runtime/parrot/library/SDL/Event.imc
M runtime/parrot/library/SDL/LCD.imc
M runtime/parrot/library/SDL/Image.imc
M runtime/parrot/library/SDL/Sprite.imc
M runtime/parrot/library/SDL/Font.imc
M runtime/parrot/library/SDL.imc
M runtime/parrot/library/ncurses.imc
M runtime/parrot/library/Stream/Sub.imc
M runtime/parrot/library/Stream/Base.imc
M runtime/parrot/library/Stream/Lines.imc
M runtime/parrot/library/Stream/Replay.imc
M runtime/parrot/library/Stream/Writer.imc
M runtime/parrot/library/Stream/Combiner.imc
M runtime/parrot/library/Stream/ParrotIO.imc
M runtime/parrot/library/Stream/Filter.imc
M runtime/parrot/library/Stream/Coroutine.imc
M runtime/parrot/library/Getopt/Long.pir
M runtime/parrot/library/postgres.pasm
M runtime/parrot/library/parrotlib.imc
M runtime/parrot/library/Data/Replace.imc
M runtime/parrot/library/PGE/Hs.pir
M runtime/parrot/library/PGE/RegCounter.pir
M runtime/parrot/library/PGE/Class.pir
M runtime/parrot/library/postgres.imc
M src/packfile.c
M docs/compiler_faq.pod
M docs/pmc/subs.pod
M docs/tests.pod
M docs/intro.pod
M tools/dev/bench_op.imc
M tools/dev/
M imcc/docs/calling_conventions.pod
M imcc/docs/operation.pod
M imcc/t/syn/op.t
M imcc/t/syn/file.t
M imcc/t/syn/pod.t
M imcc/t/syn/bsr.t
M imcc/t/syn/eval.t
M imcc/t/syn/objects.t
M imcc/t/syn/tail.t
M imcc/t/syn/clash.t
M imcc/t/syn/macro.t
M imcc/t/syn/keyed.t
M imcc/t/syn/labels.t
M imcc/t/syn/pcc.t
M imcc/t/syn/scope.t
M imcc/t/imcpasm/opt1.t
M imcc/t/imcpasm/pcc.t
M imcc/t/reg/spill.t
M imcc/t/reg/alloc.t
M imcc/parser_util.c
M editor/
M editor/pir-mode.el
M compilers/pge/PGE.pir
M classes/sub.pmc
M t/pmc/perlint.t
M t/pmc/mmd.t
M t/pmc/pmc.t
M t/pmc/freeze.t
M t/pmc/eval.t
M t/pmc/perlstring.t
M t/pmc/sub.t
M t/pmc/integer.t
M t/pmc/fixedpmcarray.t
M t/pmc/iter.t
M t/pmc/config.t
M t/pmc/builtin.t
M t/pmc/perlhash.t
M t/pmc/io.t
M t/pmc/complex.t
M t/pmc/sys.t
M t/pmc/resizablepmcarray.t
M t/pmc/perlnum.t
M t/pmc/hash.t
M t/pmc/object-meths.t
M t/pmc/objects.t
M t/pmc/n_arithmetics.t
M t/pmc/pair.t
M t/pmc/exception.t
M t/pmc/coroutine.t
M t/pmc/nci.t
M t/pmc/delegate.t
M t/pmc/bigint.t
M t/dynclass/gdbmhash.t
M t/dynclass/pyclass.t
M t/dynclass/pybuiltin.t
M t/dynclass/pycomplex.t
M t/dynclass/pyint.t
M t/dynclass/foo.t
M t/dynclass/pyfunc.t
M t/src/compiler.t
M t/tools/pbc_merge.t
M t/library/streams.t
M t/library/getopt_long.t
M t/library/yaml_parser_syck.t
M t/library/pcre.t
M t/library/data_escape.t
M t/library/dumper.t
M t/native_pbc/header.t
M t/op/spawnw.t
M t/op/gc.t
M t/op/string_cs.t
M t/op/integer.t
M t/op/string_cclass.t
M t/op/lexicals.t
M t/op/string.t
M t/op/calling.t
M t/op/literal.t
M languages/punie/PunieGrammar.pir
M languages/punie/punie.pir
M languages/m4/src/eval.c
M languages/m4/src/m4.pir
M languages/python/
M languages/BASIC/compiler/RT_initialize.imc
M languages/unlambda/unl.pir
M languages/bc/
M languages/perl6/P6C/
M languages/parakeet/parakeet.imc
M languages/parrot_compiler/t/basic/hello.t
M languages/parrot_compiler/parrot_compiler.imc
M languages/Zcode/zops.pir
M languages/Zcode/z3.pir
M languages/Zcode/z3main.pir
M languages/lisp/lisp.imc
M languages/lazy-k/lazy.pir
M languages/regex/02_date.imc
M languages/regex/lib/Regex/
M languages/regex/01_basic.imc
M languages/regex/regex-compiler.imc
M examples/assembly/md5sum.imc
M examples/assembly/queens_r.imc
M examples/assembly/ncurses_life.imc
M examples/assembly/pcre.imc
M examples/assembly/sudoku.pir
M examples/sdl/lcd/clock.imc
M examples/sdl/minesweeper/mines.imc
M examples/sdl/minesweeper/eventhandler.imc
M examples/sdl/minesweeper/field.imc
M examples/sdl/raw_pixels.imc
M examples/sdl/move_parrot_logo.imc
M examples/sdl/blue_font.imc
M examples/sdl/bounce_parrot_logo.imc
M examples/sdl/tetris/block.imc
M examples/sdl/tetris/tetris.imc
M examples/sdl/tetris/blocks.imc
M examples/sdl/tetris/eventhandler.imc
M examples/sdl/tetris/app.imc
M examples/sdl/tetris/boarddata.imc
M examples/sdl/tetris/blockdata.imc
M examples/sdl/tetris/board.imc
M examples/sdl/blue_rect.imc
M examples/sdl/anim_image_dblbuf.imc
M examples/sdl/anim_image.imc
M examples/library/getopt_demo.imc
M examples/io/pipe2.imc
M examples/io/pipe3.imc
M examples/io/httpd.imc
M examples/benchmarks/overload.imc
M examples/benchmarks/array_access.imc
M examples/streams/Writer.imc
M examples/streams/Replay.imc
M examples/streams/SubHello.imc
M examples/streams/ParrotIO.imc
M examples/streams/Bytes.imc

Jonathan Scott Duff


Leopold Toetsch

no leída,
11 oct 2005, 10:13:5211/10/05
Jonathan Scott Duff wrote:
> Here's a patch that converts from the @-style directives to the :-style
> through out the entire parrot source tree including documentation.
> Notable files that I didn't change are:
> imcc/imcc.l # gotta leave this one alone :)
> editor/ # not interested in syntax hilighting
> editor/pir-mode.el

I've applied it in several smaller pieces (r9447 - r9455). Some chunks
did fail. I saw e.g. also \@main => \:main inside perl code. This needs
of course no escaping anymore. I did not investigate the failing chunks

I have not applied the languages part. First language maintainers should
have a look at the code. When we get really into deprecation phase. we
can still clean it up.

> A couple of files that use .pcc_sub look weird with the :-style
> directives. To wit:
> .pcc_sub :main main:

Yeah, doesn't look really pretty, but PASM is for silicon based
lifeforms anyway. I can also imagine to unify the .sub syntax a bit more.

Thanks for the patch,

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