Can some one help me with Flex debugging?
Previously if I recall correctly the adding %option debug in imcc.l use
to spit out debug information to the console. This does not seem to work
Am I doing something wrong?
$ info flex
`-d, --debug, `%option debug''
makes the generated scanner run in "debug" mode. Whenever a
pattern is recognized and the global variable `yy_flex_debug' is
non-zero (which is the default), the scanner will write to
`stderr' a line of the form:
i.e. differently to previous versions, `yy_flex_debug' also needs turning on,
which could probably done along with turning on 'yydebug' with the -y
commandline switch. While above states that `yy_flex_debug' would be turned
on by default, a 'find ... grep' shows no indications for that.
*But* trying that [1], it seems that it's just not working.
> -Vishal
[1] the patch w/o func proto