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Just moved to Portland.

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не прочитано,
20 авг. 2003 г., 02:43:3320.08.2003
Hey everyone, I just moved to the Portland area from back east. I'm a
computer nerd so USENET groups were my first stop for personals:~)

Quickie Background:

Age 27
Run my own company and work a second job as well.
Never married, was engaged... that didn't work (which is why I'm here).
No kids, although I love 'em.
Just trying to get my feet back on the ground again. Have been out of the
dating scene for almost four months. I haven't been "single" for about ten
years now and figured I should take some time out to figure out what the
hell I want outta life before I jump right back in. I'm figuring all of that
out now and think I'm ready to start dating again (have been on a couple
dates already).

So I'm just saying 'hi' and making my tiny introduction. I am a forum host
on many very large forums, so I kinda know what I'm doing with the group.

Kind regards,

sonic (real name - Shane, I'm "sonic" on every board I participate in)

Randal L. Schwartz

не прочитано,
20 авг. 2003 г., 06:18:3720.08.2003
>>>>> "socialkat" == socialkat <> writes:

socialkat> So I'm just saying 'hi' and making my tiny introduction. I
socialkat> am a forum host on many very large forums, so I kinda know
socialkat> what I'm doing with the group.

No mention at all if Male or Female!

socialkat> sonic (real name - Shane, I'm "sonic" on every board I participate in)

Shane is still ambiguous, from what I recall.


Randal L. Schwartz - Stonehenge Consulting Services, Inc. - +1 503 777 0095
<> <URL:>
Perl/Unix/security consulting, Technical writing, Comedy, etc. etc.
See for onsite and open-enrollment Perl training!


не прочитано,
20 авг. 2003 г., 09:17:0420.08.2003
"socialkat" <> wrote in

> Hey everyone, I just moved to the Portland area from back east. I'm a
> computer nerd so USENET groups were my first stop for personals:~)

Hi there, Shane. Everyone except me has been pretty quiet recently.
They must have JOBS. hehehe

> Quickie Background:

Very informative and thanks. What kind of biz do you have? That plus a
side job must keep you pretty busy. That's usually a Good Thang except
when the weather's as lovely as it's been lately. Then it's just less
of a Good Thang.

I'm trishah, am old enough to be your mom, am currently employed by
Uncle Sam, and am hosting a get together for on Saturday,
Sept. 13th. It's my first. The other posts have more info and you're
more than welcome to join us.

> So I'm just saying 'hi' and making my tiny introduction.

Well done!

remove MYPANTS to reply

Kris Hasson-Jones

не прочитано,
20 авг. 2003 г., 10:09:4320.08.2003
On Wed, 20 Aug 2003 10:18:37 GMT, (Randal L.
Schwartz) submitted the following for your consideration:

>>>>>> "socialkat" == socialkat <> writes:
>socialkat> So I'm just saying 'hi' and making my tiny introduction. I
>socialkat> am a forum host on many very large forums, so I kinda know
>socialkat> what I'm doing with the group.
>No mention at all if Male or Female!
>socialkat> sonic (real name - Shane, I'm "sonic" on every board I participate in)
>Shane is still ambiguous, from what I recall.

This is not a criticism of your post, Randall, just an observation.

This reminds me of a conversation some time ago with a friend who
insisted that members of the appropriate sex should make clear
immediately whether they were single or in a relationship so he or she
wouldn't have to waste time talking to them if they weren't available.
Like, their first words ought to be "Hi, I'm married." Or they should
wear nametags, since not even everyone who is married (let alone those
in non-marriage but long-term/permanent relationships) wears an
obvious wedding ring.
Kris Hasson-Jones
There are 10 kinds of people in the world:
those who can count in binary, and those who can't.

Kris Hasson-Jones

не прочитано,
20 авг. 2003 г., 10:11:2520.08.2003
On Wed, 20 Aug 2003 06:43:33 GMT, "socialkat"
<> submitted the following for your

>Hey everyone, I just moved to the Portland area from back east. I'm a

>computer nerd so USENET groups were my first stop for personals:~)

I like that. Welcome to Portland, I hope you enjoy it here.

I hope Usenet stays useful for a long time, as I much prefer it to
weblogs, LiveJournal, or web-based discussion boards.


не прочитано,
20 авг. 2003 г., 11:22:1620.08.2003
what business do you run? Curious for a couple of reasons. Also, where back
East? I'm from PA.
I'm also straight, but you'll find more than your share that aren't here.
I am just sort of looking for someone to possibly work on a side project as
a sort of hobby that could lead to big $$.
Finally, why here? I hear that Georgia is where al the gorgeous single women
are hehe

"socialkat" <> wrote in message

Randal L. Schwartz

не прочитано,
20 авг. 2003 г., 13:03:5020.08.2003
>>>>> "Kris" == Kris Hasson-Jones <> writes:

Kris> This is not a criticism of your post, Randall, just an observation.

Who is "Randall"?

Kris> This reminds me of a conversation some time ago with a friend who
Kris> insisted that members of the appropriate sex should make clear
Kris> immediately whether they were single or in a relationship so he or she
Kris> wouldn't have to waste time talking to them if they weren't available.
Kris> Like, their first words ought to be "Hi, I'm married." Or they should
Kris> wear nametags, since not even everyone who is married (let alone those
Kris> in non-marriage but long-term/permanent relationships) wears an
Kris> obvious wedding ring.

How does it remind you of that?

I actually pointed this out because I was curious about two things:

(1) whether Shane is in fact a man or woman
(2) how many people here presumed *one* or the *other*, and failed to
notice that the information was in fact not included


не прочитано,
20 авг. 2003 г., 13:25:2520.08.2003
Randal L. Schwartz wrote: Kris writes:

> Kris> This is not a criticism of your post, Randall, just an observation.
> Who is "Randall"?

Just a gentle reminder that you continue to mis-spell your first name! ;)

R U showing up for the "food fest" on Sept.13th?


Kris Hasson-Jones

не прочитано,
20 авг. 2003 г., 13:27:3220.08.2003
On Wed, 20 Aug 2003 17:03:50 GMT, (Randal L.

Schwartz) submitted the following for your consideration:

>>>>>> "Kris" == Kris Hasson-Jones <> writes:

>Kris> This is not a criticism of your post, Randall, just an observation.
>Who is "Randall"?

The imaginary person in my head that I make up to talk to, when I
thought I was talking to you. Strangely, when people address me as
"Chris" or "Cris" I manage to decipher that they mean "Kris" and
respond without bothering to correct them; it must be really important
to you to get your name spelled right, and it's not that important to
me. Heck, sometimes people even refer to me as a man, and I'm not
offended by that.

>Kris> This reminds me of a conversation some time ago with a friend who
>Kris> insisted that members of the appropriate sex should make clear
>Kris> immediately whether they were single or in a relationship so he or she
>Kris> wouldn't have to waste time talking to them if they weren't available.
>Kris> Like, their first words ought to be "Hi, I'm married." Or they should
>Kris> wear nametags, since not even everyone who is married (let alone those
>Kris> in non-marriage but long-term/permanent relationships) wears an
>Kris> obvious wedding ring.
>How does it remind you of that?

Insisting on having a specific piece of information about another
person before interacting with them.

>I actually pointed this out because I was curious about two things:
>(1) whether Shane is in fact a man or woman
>(2) how many people here presumed *one* or the *other*, and failed to
> notice that the information was in fact not included

What about the people who didn't presume either? I haven't a clue
whether Shane is male, female, or transgendered, and I don't think any
of those matter to how I would respond to the message. Do they matter
to your response?

Of course, I'm different from you in a very important way: I'm
married, so whether Shane is male, female, or something else, I'm not
going to be interested in dating him/her. But I am still interested
in whether we might be friends, because I like making new friends.
And I know other single people, both male and female, heterosexual and
otherwise, so even though I'm married I'm not a complete loss to a
single person.

Randal, you're famous, you know that already. I have on a dozen or so
occasions heard you mentioned by friends (all over the country; I was
in New York City and Washington DC in June, and a friend in Seattle
knew you *way back*) and it's always a bit of a thrill to mention that
I know you from a singles group, and tell them how nice you are and
what fun to be with, from back in the day when I went to a lot of
group events.
Kris Hasson-Jones
"War is the remedy that our enemies have chosen, and I say let us give them all
they want." - General William T. Sherman

Randal L. Schwartz

не прочитано,
20 авг. 2003 г., 21:18:3420.08.2003
>>>>> "Stan" == Stan <> writes:

Stan> R U showing up for the "food fest" on Sept.13th?

On September 13th, I'll be boarding a cruise ship leaving the port of
Seattle, along with Linus Torvalds and others on the 17th GeekCruise
(, this time about Linux. I'll be spending a week
along the Alaskan inside passage, including giving a full day of
instruction on an intro to Perl based on my wildly popular book,
"Learning Perl". On this particular trip, my brother and mom are also
going along, on what is essentially my mom's first vacation in a few

Long answer. Short answer, "no". :)

Glenna Rose

не прочитано,
20 авг. 2003 г., 22:16:2120.08.2003 writes:
>So I'm just saying 'hi' and making my tiny introduction. I am a forum host
>on many very large forums, so I kinda know what I'm doing with the
> group.

LOL, Shane. You'll soon see that is *not* like any other
singles group with which you've been associated.




не прочитано,
21 авг. 2003 г., 00:00:5421.08.2003
>>>>>>>"socialkat" == socialkat <> writes:
>>socialkat> sonic (real name - Shane, I'm "sonic" on every board I participate in)

> (Randal L. Schwartz) submitted

> the following for your consideration:

>>Shane is still ambiguous, from what I recall.

Kris Hasson-Jones wrote:
> This is not a criticism of your post, Randall, just an observation.
> This reminds me of a conversation some time ago with a friend who
> insisted that members of the appropriate sex should make clear
> immediately whether they were single or in a relationship so he or she
> wouldn't have to waste time talking to them if they weren't available.
> Like, their first words ought to be "Hi, I'm married." Or they should
> wear nametags, since not even everyone who is married (let alone those
> in non-marriage but long-term/permanent relationships) wears an
> obvious wedding ring.

IMHO, Randal expressed in many more words than needed; "A/S/L?"



не прочитано,
21 авг. 2003 г., 01:28:0721.08.2003
In article <>, (Randal L. Schwartz) wrote:

> >>>>> "Stan" == Stan <> writes:
> Stan> R U showing up for the "food fest" on Sept.13th?
> On September 13th, I'll be boarding a cruise ship leaving the port of

> Seattle, along with Linus Torvalds and others...

Ran across something he would get a kick out of, if he hasn't seen
it already...the Nigerian SCO scam...see:

Tell him hi from a fan.

>I'll be spending a week along the Alaskan inside passage,

You won't give that up for some home cookin'?

Have fun...maybe at the October get-together, huh?


James Branch

не прочитано,
22 авг. 2003 г., 12:17:5422.08.2003
Kris Hasson-Jones <> wrote in message news:<>...

> This reminds me of a conversation some time ago with a friend who
> insisted that members of the appropriate sex should make clear
> immediately whether they were single or in a relationship so he or she
> wouldn't have to waste time talking to them if they weren't available.
> Like, their first words ought to be "Hi, I'm married." Or they should
> wear nametags, since not even everyone who is married (let alone those
> in non-marriage but long-term/permanent relationships) wears an
> obvious wedding ring.

First, thanks for coming back Kris, it's good to see you posting here

Second, this thought provoked another thought: I used to have a
similar way of thinking (wanting to know if females were married; ring
or not).

However, the reasoning behind my wanting to know, is at the time, my
mindset was that I could "relax and be myself" around married women,
but if they were single I had to behave differently or I'd scare them
off (even as friends).

For the sake of this discussion let us go on the thought that she's
happily married. I would typically ignore any attraction and have
wonderful conversations. For some reason, when a woman was single
"read: available" I always felt that I had to promote the good and
hide the bad.

Talk about putting the fun in dysfunctional :-)

I have since come to realize that if I "scare them off" or if they
ignore me when I say I just want to be friends or I kid them about
something and they believe that I am using the joke as a veiled
request, they might just not want to be people I want in my life after
all. There are enough twisted individuals out there to ensure I'll
never be lonely or alone.

Today, I'm James, 24-7. Those who like it end up a part of my life and
those who don't leave with my wishes that they find what they are
seeking (in friendship and life). I no longer am a screen for their



не прочитано,
22 авг. 2003 г., 12:51:0622.08.2003
James Branch wrote some insightful stuff and then said:

> Today, I'm James, 24-7. Those who like it end up a part of my life and
> those who don't leave with my wishes that they find what they are
> seeking (in friendship and life). I no longer am a screen for their
> projections.

Bravo!! What a wonderful post. Truly! And what a great reminder, too.

By the way, are you planning what you're going to cook for us in a few

Kris Hasson-Jones

не прочитано,
22 авг. 2003 г., 13:08:0922.08.2003
On 22 Aug 2003 09:17:54 -0700, (James
Branch) submitted the following for your consideration:

>Kris Hasson-Jones <> wrote in message news:<>...
>> This reminds me of a conversation some time ago with a friend who
>> insisted that members of the appropriate sex should make clear
>> immediately whether they were single or in a relationship so he or she
>> wouldn't have to waste time talking to them if they weren't available.
>> Like, their first words ought to be "Hi, I'm married." Or they should
>> wear nametags, since not even everyone who is married (let alone those
>> in non-marriage but long-term/permanent relationships) wears an
>> obvious wedding ring.
>First, thanks for coming back Kris, it's good to see you posting here

I'm not single, but I have been in the past. <g>

>However, the reasoning behind my wanting to know, is at the time, my
>mindset was that I could "relax and be myself" around married women,
>but if they were single I had to behave differently or I'd scare them
>off (even as friends).


>I have since come to realize that if I "scare them off" or if they
>ignore me when I say I just want to be friends or I kid them about
>something and they believe that I am using the joke as a veiled
>request, they might just not want to be people I want in my life after
>all. There are enough twisted individuals out there to ensure I'll
>never be lonely or alone.

Right! Be who you are all the time. Why would you want to hang out
with people who like the role you're playing? Plus it's a lot of
work; I used to get exhausted pretending to be someone I wasn't.

Also, it's insulting to the other person. You're robbing them of the
chance to decide for themselves whether they like you for who you are.
It's manipulative. It's not good for your character.

James Branch

не прочитано,
22 авг. 2003 г., 18:24:0222.08.2003
trishah <> wrote in message news:<Xns93DF642C5EB07MY...@>...

Thank you <big smile>


I dunno, what do you think I SHOULD cook in order to be most popular?


Honestly, I haven't thought that far ahead. I've been modifying my
diet for the last month, so my previously popular preparerd pork
(roast) is out (I won't prepare what I won't eat LOL).

I just picked up a veggietarian cookbook, so tentatively pencil me in
for a side dish to be named later.


Kris Hasson-Jones

не прочитано,
22 авг. 2003 г., 18:35:0822.08.2003
On 22 Aug 2003 15:24:02 -0700, (James
Branch) submitted the following for your consideration:

>> By the way, are you planning what you're going to cook for us in a few

>> weeks?
>Thank you <big smile>
>I dunno, what do you think I SHOULD cook in order to be most popular?

Chili cheese dip. You make it good.

>I just picked up a veggietarian cookbook, so tentatively pencil me in
>for a side dish to be named later.

They make vegetarian chili. Or are you going vegan?

Sara Running

не прочитано,
22 авг. 2003 г., 18:50:0122.08.2003
In article <>, Kris Hasson-Jones

>On 22 Aug 2003 15:24:02 -0700, (James
>Branch) submitted the following for your consideration:
>>trishah <> wrote in message
>>> By the way, are you planning what you're going to cook for us in a few
>>> weeks?
>>Thank you <big smile>
>>I dunno, what do you think I SHOULD cook in order to be most popular?
>Chili cheese dip. You make it good.
>>I just picked up a veggietarian cookbook, so tentatively pencil me in
>>for a side dish to be named later.
>They make vegetarian chili. Or are you going vegan?

vegan chili is pretty easy--just don't add cheese.

Sara, who will *never* be a vegan since she won't give up dairy.

Sara Running
Not speaking for my employer
History doesn't necessarily repeat, but it does rhyme

Kris Hasson-Jones

не прочитано,
22 авг. 2003 г., 19:05:5122.08.2003
On 22 Aug 2003 15:50:01 -0700, Sara Running <>

submitted the following for your consideration:

>vegan chili is pretty easy--just don't add cheese.

But you can't make chili cheese dip vegan. The cheese is an integral
part of the dip.

>Sara, who will *never* be a vegan since she won't give up dairy.

I find it giggle-worthy that Jimbo is looking vegetarian, when one of
the first things he liked about me was (at the beer festival) when I
went to get a bratwurst to soak up some of the beer in my tummy.

James Branch

не прочитано,
22 авг. 2003 г., 21:41:3522.08.2003

"Kris Hasson-Jones" <> wrote in message

> On 22 Aug 2003 15:24:02 -0700, (James
> Branch) submitted the following for your consideration:
> >trishah <> wrote in message
> >> By the way, are you planning what you're going to cook for us in a few
> >> weeks?
> >
> >Thank you <big smile>
> >
> ><goofy>
> >
> >I dunno, what do you think I SHOULD cook in order to be most popular?
> >
> ></goofy>
> Chili cheese dip. You make it good.

I suppose I could go with ground turkey and not feel too guilty....

> >I just picked up a veggietarian cookbook, so tentatively pencil me in
> >for a side dish to be named later.
> They make vegetarian chili. Or are you going vegan?

Actually, pardon the therapyspeak, but I'm kinda "grocery shopping" my
nutrition nowadays.

About 1/4 to 1/3 Raw/Organic
About 1/4 to 1/2 "normal minus beef and pork"
And the rest can be attributed to pre-and post workout shakes and bars.

Speaking of the brewer's fest, I was at the "Pied Cow" last weekend.


ObOtherTopic: I'll have to make two batches of chili-cheese dip, so most can
enjoy it.

James (who remembers making "mild" chili and almost killing a father-in-law)

James Branch

не прочитано,
22 авг. 2003 г., 21:55:2322.08.2003

"Kris Hasson-Jones" <> wrote in message

> On 22 Aug 2003 09:17:54 -0700, (James
> Branch) submitted the following for your consideration:
> >Kris Hasson-Jones <> wrote in message
> >> This reminds me of a conversation some time ago with a friend who
> >> insisted that members of the appropriate sex should make clear
> >> immediately whether they were single or in a relationship so he or she
> >> wouldn't have to waste time talking to them if they weren't available.
> >> Like, their first words ought to be "Hi, I'm married." Or they should
> >> wear nametags, since not even everyone who is married (let alone those
> >> in non-marriage but long-term/permanent relationships) wears an
> >> obvious wedding ring.
> >
> >First, thanks for coming back Kris, it's good to see you posting here
> >again.
> I'm not single, but I have been in the past. <g>

<Mock disappointment>

> >However, the reasoning behind my wanting to know, is at the time, my
> >mindset was that I could "relax and be myself" around married women,
> >but if they were single I had to behave differently or I'd scare them
> >off (even as friends).
> [...]
> >I have since come to realize that if I "scare them off" or if they
> >ignore me when I say I just want to be friends or I kid them about
> >something and they believe that I am using the joke as a veiled
> >request, they might just not want to be people I want in my life after
> >all. There are enough twisted individuals out there to ensure I'll
> >never be lonely or alone.
> Right! Be who you are all the time. Why would you want to hang out
> with people who like the role you're playing? Plus it's a lot of
> work; I used to get exhausted pretending to be someone I wasn't.
> Also, it's insulting to the other person. You're robbing them of the
> chance to decide for themselves whether they like you for who you are.
> It's manipulative. It's not good for your character.

Ok, so it took me 41 years or so to figure it all out :-)

Ironically, I have better conversations being myself than I ever had trying
to be something I thought "she" would want. Seems like I'm a terrible

For the record, I'm talking about general conversation. When it comes to
"picking up" or "making moves" I have no idea how "being me" is going to
work. Haven't tried it yet (ok Kris don't faint, I've traded in my rocket
ship for a chair that's comfortable to read in).


Kris Hasson-Jones

не прочитано,
23 авг. 2003 г., 22:07:0623.08.2003
On Sat, 23 Aug 2003 01:55:23 GMT, "James Branch"
<> submitted the following for your

>For the record, I'm talking about general conversation. When it comes to

>"picking up" or "making moves" I have no idea how "being me" is going to
>work. Haven't tried it yet (ok Kris don't faint, I've traded in my rocket
>ship for a chair that's comfortable to read in).

Too late...I'm having the vapours...get me the smelling salts, Nellie!

I hope it works out better for you than your previous techniques did.
(Not that you had bad relationships--ours was great while it
lasted--but I suspect you want one that lasts longer.)

James Branch

не прочитано,
24 авг. 2003 г., 01:09:5324.08.2003

"Kris Hasson-Jones" <> wrote in message

> On Sat, 23 Aug 2003 01:55:23 GMT, "James Branch"
> <> submitted the following for your
> consideration:
> >For the record, I'm talking about general conversation. When it comes to
> >"picking up" or "making moves" I have no idea how "being me" is going to
> >work. Haven't tried it yet (ok Kris don't faint, I've traded in my rocket
> >ship for a chair that's comfortable to read in).
> Too late...I'm having the vapours...get me the smelling salts, Nellie!

I knew I should have led into that one... You'll get over it, I know I did

> I hope it works out better for you than your previous techniques did.
> (Not that you had bad relationships--ours was great while it
> lasted--but I suspect you want one that lasts longer.)

Your suspicions are correct again.

However, until I'm healthy on all levels, I doubt I can do better than we
did, and maybe a couple others.

My previous techniques were great if all I wanted was three to six months of
great sex and a cloud of dust ;-)

I'd better quit before it looks like I'm bragging ;-)



не прочитано,
25 авг. 2003 г., 06:16:0825.08.2003
On Thu, 21 Aug 2003 01:18:34 GMT, (Randal L.
Schwartz) wrote:

>>>>>> "Stan" == Stan <> writes:
>Stan> R U showing up for the "food fest" on Sept.13th?
>On September 13th, I'll be boarding a cruise ship leaving the port of
>Seattle, along with Linus Torvalds and others on the 17th GeekCruise
>(, this time about Linux. I'll be spending a week
>along the Alaskan inside passage, including giving a full day of
>instruction on an intro to Perl based on my wildly popular book,
>"Learning Perl". On this particular trip, my brother and mom are also
>going along, on what is essentially my mom's first vacation in a few
>Long answer. Short answer, "no". :)

Y'know, I really need to do this. Umm, that's the cruise, not the food
fest. Not because I care about Perl, or Linux, and if I meet Linus
I'll only care about it if he buys me a beer. I just don't care about
OS wars, I program down at the metal level where there is no OS, all
the religious wars only affect me as a user. None of these geeks can
make the motors move, the lights light, the sensors sense, which is
what I do.

No, I need to do it because it's a cheeeep cruise !!!!

Ghod knows, it's a geek cruise, so there won't be any women. And I
ain't goin' to frickin Alaska (unless I do it on the motorcycle), I'm
signing up for the next Caribbean cruise!


James Branch

не прочитано,
25 авг. 2003 г., 09:48:4825.08.2003

"kamazon" <> wrote in message

> On Sat, 23 Aug 2003 01:41:35 GMT, "James Branch"
> <> wrote:
> >Actually, pardon the therapyspeak, but I'm kinda "grocery shopping" my
> >nutrition nowadays.
> >
> >About 1/4 to 1/3 Raw/Organic
> >About 1/4 to 1/2 "normal minus beef and pork"
> >And the rest can be attributed to pre-and post workout shakes and bars.
> So are you feeling better?
> Kat

I feel much better, thanks. I tried using a juicer over the weekend and felt
like someone had given me a handfull of uppers minus the jittery effect.

I've also (brace yourselves) not had a beer in almost two months, and a
bottle of wine (when I'm not entertaining) lastes me about two to three

I haven't noticed a difference between organic and non-organic veggies
(other than my wallet), but am taking on faith that organic is the way. I
need to hit a farmer's market, I hear that's a good place to get veggies.

Namaste & Thanks :-)

Randal L. Schwartz

не прочитано,
25 авг. 2003 г., 13:18:3025.08.2003
>>>>> "Jeff" == Jeff <> writes:

Jeff> No, I need to do it because it's a cheeeep cruise !!!!

Jeff> Ghod knows, it's a geek cruise, so there won't be any women. And I
Jeff> ain't goin' to frickin Alaska (unless I do it on the motorcycle), I'm
Jeff> signing up for the next Caribbean cruise!

The next carib cruise is oct 24, and is a digital photography and
Illiad (of "User Friendly" fame) cruise. I'll be teaching an
intro-to-Perl class. We'll be going to St. Maarten and Nassau, as
well as Holland America's private island (HalfMoon Cay).

And yes, rooms on carib trips are actually far cheaper than trips to
Alaska. Oh well. :) :)

And yes, there's still room... sign up and join us.


не прочитано,
25 авг. 2003 г., 18:06:3425.08.2003

Sorry so late.. to respond. .but we were camping last week..<S>


"socialkat" <> wrote in message
> Hey everyone, I just moved to the Portland area from back east. I'm a
> computer nerd so USENET groups were my first stop for personals:~)
> Quickie Background:
> Age 27
> Run my own company and work a second job as well.
> Never married, was engaged... that didn't work (which is why I'm here).
> No kids, although I love 'em.
> Just trying to get my feet back on the ground again. Have been out of the
> dating scene for almost four months. I haven't been "single" for about ten
> years now and figured I should take some time out to figure out what the
> hell I want outta life before I jump right back in. I'm figuring all of
> out now and think I'm ready to start dating again (have been on a couple
> dates already).

> So I'm just saying 'hi' and making my tiny introduction. I am a forum host
> on many very large forums, so I kinda know what I'm doing with the
> group.

> Kind regards,


не прочитано,
26 авг. 2003 г., 01:06:1826.08.2003
On Mon, 25 Aug 2003 17:18:30 GMT, (Randal L.
Schwartz) wrote:

>>>>>> "Jeff" == Jeff <> writes:
>Jeff> No, I need to do it because it's a cheeeep cruise !!!!
>Jeff> Ghod knows, it's a geek cruise, so there won't be any women. And I
>Jeff> ain't goin' to frickin Alaska (unless I do it on the motorcycle), I'm
>Jeff> signing up for the next Caribbean cruise!
>The next carib cruise is oct 24, and is a digital photography and
>Illiad (of "User Friendly" fame) cruise. I'll be teaching an
>intro-to-Perl class. We'll be going to St. Maarten and Nassau, as
>well as Holland America's private island (HalfMoon Cay).
>And yes, rooms on carib trips are actually far cheaper than trips to
>Alaska. Oh well. :) :)
>And yes, there's still room... sign up and join us.

Oooh! Illiad! Yes! Dust Puppy Rules!

Cheaper than Alaska? Cool, if bizarre - what is it that makes people
want to go for the 30 quadrillion pound ice cube? I think I'd prefer
18 year old scotch on a 50,000 ton boat myself.


Randal L. Schwartz

не прочитано,
26 авг. 2003 г., 03:03:2526.08.2003
>>>>> "Jeff" == Jeff <> writes:

Jeff> Cheaper than Alaska? Cool, if bizarre - what is it that makes people
Jeff> want to go for the 30 quadrillion pound ice cube? I think I'd prefer
Jeff> 18 year old scotch on a 50,000 ton boat myself.

It's partially because the Alaska inside passage cannot support as
many cruise ships as the carib ports, and therefore by the supply and
demand curve, tickets are more expensive.

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