School of the Mathematical Future: January summary, April plans

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Maria Droujkova

Apr 13, 2011, 12:56:53 PM4/13/11

School of the Mathematical Future started 8 classes in January 2011:
About 110 people total participated in the endeavor, though it is hard to count, since courses are open. Two of the courses had some activities for 2 weeks, two for 4 weeks, two for 5 weeks, one for 6 weeks and one is still running (as a semester-long course). Leaders of five out of eight courses report that courses helped them identify partners for continuing collaborations, whether potential, or already ongoing.

Three courses are planned for April, with identified leaders and course projects. 

I picked out some of the features that add energy/mana/health to courses:
- Connections with multiple event-based and forum-based open education communities
- Continuing recruiting of participants throughout the course
- Connections to projects people are already doing, and making these projects a part of the course

Maria Droujkova

Make math your own, to make your own math.

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