Din pataniile tinerilor care ajung in America

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16.7.2009 klo 0.17.4716.7.2009
vastaanottaja Ortodoxia
"Students being raped, placed in the homes of convicted felons, placed
in the homes of registered sex offenders, come to the United States
and lose 20, 30, 40 pounds."




Within weeks, approximately 30,000 students between the age of 15-18
will soon arrive in the United States. While often a life changing
experience; for many it is life changing in the worst possible way.
These unfortunate students return home with dark secrets they may be
too scared or ashamed to share, feeling they have let down their
country, family and school having become v victims of abuse.

Students arrive in America forced to sleep on couches and pool tables
in musty garages; sleeping bags in dark, cold basements and cramped
campers. Others were given hammocks. Students have been raped,
molested and faced with every type of extortion one can unfortunately
imagine. It is common for students to be placed with families so poor
that they've had to buy their own food, which the family stole.

A retired parole officer from Oregon contacted Grijalva. Over a three-
year period he encountered five convicted sex offenders who gained
access to new victims by hosting overseas students. One was convicted
of molesting a 16-year-old Japanese girl. Another was accused of
raping a 17-year-old Japanese boy who fled for home before the man
could be charged. Another convicted rapist hosted an 18-year-old girl
who stayed in his home only a few days before her vulnerability was
reported to authorities. During that time, he had groomed, molested
and raped her. A year later, the same man hosted a 16-year-old Thai
girl. By a fortuitous accident, the parole officer found out and
informed the host organization. Another convicted sex offender was
accepted as a host.


U.S. Targets Sex Abuse Of Exchange Students
By Robin Wright and Lori Aratani

Responding to public outcry about sexual abuse of foreign students in
the United States, the Bush administration is today proposing new
rules to screen host families and regulate agencies that sponsor some
28,000 high school exchange students, almost all minors, every year.

Gaithersburg High School biology teacher Andrew Powers sneaked into
the bedroom of the 17-year-old German girl living with his family in
the middle of the night last December and tried to get her to perform
oral sex, according to a police affidavit. When his wife wasn't home,
Powers also "frequently" roamed the house naked in front of the
student, the affidavit adds. Powers, who has resigned, is to be
sentenced next week after pleading guilty to second-degree assault and
fourth-degree sexual offenses.

Foreign students are among the most vulnerable minors because they
usually do not know U.S. laws, are unfamiliar with customs, are
dependent on host families or sponsors, don't know what to do when
abused or are afraid to act, according to Lt. Frank Baker of the
Allegan County Sheriff's Office, who has been involved in the Michigan
"For a predator, this is the ideal situation," Baker said.

Spokane _ A woman charged in the kidnapping and rape of female
Japanese exchange students told authorities she and two male
accomplices were planning a third abduction before police arrested
them Nov. 18.
Ball is the former president and co-founder of a bondage and
sadomasochist group that has an estimated 250 members throughout the
All three were part of the "Spokane Power Exchange," which uses its
Internet site to list weekly events, members' birthdays and e-mail

The sadomasochist group holds regular meetings on Saturdays. The two
abductions occurred on Saturdays -- Oct. 28 and Nov. 11.
In the first incident, two Japanese students from EWU accepted a ride
and were taken to an isolated area on Cement Pipe Co. property in
Spokane, where they were shocked with a stun guIn the Mukogawa
incident, three female students were picked up at a bus stop near the
school. Investigators say one woman was released and two were taken to
Vickery and Dailey's home at 12910 E. Broadway, where police believe
they were raped and assaulted over a seven-hour period.
The two women told police the suspects informed them that they were
being filmed during their abduction.
The women said they were told if they reported the incident, the
videos would be sent to their parents, Steinmetz said.
Vickery told police Ball destroyed the tape after news of the
abduction became public.


16.7.2009 klo 0.15.5416.7.2009
vastaanottaja Ortodoxia
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