Angel Paths for October 9 - Four of Cups

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9 okt 2011, 10:04:1409-10-2011
aan Opentarot Group, Google Opentarotnexus

The Four of Cups

The Lord of Luxury is a card with a hidden sting in its tail. On the surface it indicates a wealth of loving affection, showing a person who is lucky enough to receive a great deal of devotion and tenderness.

At first look, you would think we would be all too pleased with this situation wouldn't you? However, the sting is this - sometimes, when we are loved deeply and for a long period of time, we are foolish enough to forget what it feels like when we are lonely and unloved. And as soon as we make that mistake, we start to undervalue the tenderness and emotional investment that others are making in us.

We begin to get careless about the ways in which we treat those people who love us. We may hanker after love from some-one outside our circle, instead of valuing those people closer to hand who love us from the bottom of their hearts.

In other words, we can begin to take love for granted. And there are three things in this world we are all silly to take for granted - love, good health and tranquillity. Every one of them slips away silently if we stop paying it due attention.

So, when the Lord of Luxury appears, whilst you will know that there is a great deal of love in the air, there's also a warning which must be taken on board - count your blessings, reciprocate, and don't get your priorities in a mess. That way you'll carry on being loved for a very long time.

Working with the Four of Cups

The Lord of Luxury, as I said in my first analysis of it, is a card with a sting in the tail. Whilst it indicates a great deal of loving affection surrounding us, it also warns that we stand the very real possibility of committing a great sin - that of taking love for granted.

One thing you might have noticed in life is the strange way in which we value the love of people we feel deeply affectionate toward more highly than the love of people we are less attracted to. From my perspective this is an odd, and rather unkind attitude to have.

It’s natural to want those we love to return our feelings, of course. But just because we do not feel strongly about a person, we may not imagine that the love they offer us is less valuable. If we are careless of their feelings, we will hurt them just as thoroughly as if we were careless of the feelings of our beloved - or they of ours. And there is no justification for such behaviour.

Love is a mighty and precious emotion. It both creates and destroys with ease. That some-one loves us is a priceless gift from the Universe. Whether we necessarily reciprocate in quite the same way is totally irrelevant. This person’s love exists in isolation of our judgement of its importance.

So on a day ruled by the Lord of Pleasure, count the loving feelings that people hold for you. Treasure each and every one of these as the inestimable compliment and treasure it is. Do not stand in judgement. Rather, take a harder look at the people who offer you love, where you may not have sought it. And adjust your view of that love until you respect its worth, even though you may not return it.

Do not fall into the trap of doing things because somebody loves you….simply hold their feelings in the high regard they deserve. And be very grateful and glad to be loved….. There are a great many people out there who never experience the warmth of being held dear and special. And that is a very lonely experience.

And if, for the time, you feel as though you are one of those people who is not loved and held dear, then use this day to seek out at least one place where there is an abundance of love, and go to it……everybody deserves to feel that they are not completely alone. You could do worse than visit the huggy healing forum if you’re in need of a really good hug!!

Affirmation: I see love around me and celebrate its presence.


10 feb 2012, 10:42:1010-02-2012
aan Opentarot Group, Google Opentarotnexus


17 apr 2012, 09:52:0017-04-2012
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30 jun 2012, 10:50:2330-06-2012
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24 dec 2012, 09:09:3724-12-2012
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