The Queen of Cups - Water of Water

Yametazamwa mara 8
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31 Ago 2011, 09:06:3331/08/2011
kwa Opentarot Group,Google Opentarotnexus


Within the Suit of Cups, the card associated with PISCES is the Queen (sometimes also referred to as the Queen of the Thrones of the Waters). This card belongs to the Court Cards of the Tarot and is known to be The Feeler or The Sensate One. It is the watery quality of water, typifiying this element's passive, reflective and receptive quality, illustrated by the fact that the figure of the Queen is almost invisible as she is enveloped by shadowy reflections. This card is indicative of a dreamy and romantic who gives free rein to emotions. In short, the Queen of Cups embodies the Mother Spirit. The individual represented by this card will be a reflection of others, lending an illusion of dreaminess and tranquility. The Queen of Cups gives and receives all without being emotionally affected. As such, she represents the pinnacle of emotional maturity and balance...she nourishes the needy. This card emphasizes the need of individuals to open up and allow true feelings to show through. Although there may be those who do not understand, there should be committment and sharing with those who do. The Queen of Cups speaks of emotional balance where both lust and love are necessary. However, they should be balanced...the instinct of harmony with the transcendent. Of all the cards within the Suit of Cups, it is the Queen which is most concerned with human emotions and the fickleness which often accompanies such characteristics. The Queens of the Tarot represent not only women but anyone...male or female...who has reached a level of growth and maturity on both the spiritual and material paths. Queens are representative of power, authority, fulfillment and competency. They are the highest of the Court Cards having attained the loftiest of qualities symbolized within the Major Aracana. Each Queen is depicted seated upon a throne which bears the emblem of her respective Suit.

The hidden nature of the figure depicted on this card is symbolic of the inability to understand on an intellectual level what can only be felt. The lotus blossom represents a loving and compassionate disposition...altruistic love...and the two lotuses themselves represent emotional balance. The blue light is the light of enlightenment...a light of emotional transformation...while the depth of the water is indicative of emotional maturity, as well as the depths of human emotions. The reflective nature of the Queen represents awareness, honesty and an openness of emotions. The stork is indicative of fertility while the shell cup contains Cancer...the crab which is a symbol of domesticity.

In a Tarot reading, this card indicates an individual who is easily influenced by who is dreamy, imaginative and affectionate. This will be a person who experiences emotions on a deep level while allowing others to feel their own. It suggests tenderness and artistic ability. It may also be representative of a woman in love.

Reversed, it indicates frustration in love or romance...a suggestion that emotions are exaggerated and superficial. It may also be representative of an individual caught up in romance and seduction. In classical mythology and lore, the Queen of Cups is associated with Helen of Troy, wife of the Spartan King, Melelaus, and sister to Castor and Pollux (the twins of Gemini). Credited with being the most beautiful woman in the Ancient World, Helen was the cause of the Trojan War.

Much of the tarot information found on this page is taken from "The Royal Road," a manual authored by Lady Shyra and used with permission provided such credit is given.

All featured tarot card designs are from "The Book of Thoth" deck designed by Aleister Crowley and painted by Lady Frieda Harris.


10 Nov 2011, 09:32:3510/11/2011
kwa Opentarot Group,Google Opentarotnexus
Queen of Cups


12 Feb 2012, 10:35:0812/02/2012
kwa Opentarot Group,Google Opentarotnexus


28 Apr 2012, 10:29:3528/04/2012
kwa Group,Google Opentarotnexus


18 Jul 2012, 11:51:1018/07/2012
kwa Group,Google Opentarotnexus
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