Card of the Day for November 18 - Six of Pentacles

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Nov 18, 2011, 10:33:48 AM11/18/11
to Opentarot Group, Google Opentarotnexus


Attribution - Moon in Taurus

Lord of Success

The suit of Pentacles represents the element earth. This is the suit through which we can appreciate what we have been given and it shows how we experience the external world.

Pentacles can represent money matters, resources, security, material concerns, prosperity, wealth, service, status, and physical experiences in the body.

Sixes represent harmony within flux. Equilibrium, fairness, balance restored, peace, reward, values, benefits from past behaviour. Sixes indicate a search for harmony, the feminine, beauty, choice, decision.

Rider-Waite Imagery

The Pictorial Key to the Tarot by Arthur Edward Waite (1911)

A person in the guise of a merchant weighs money in a pair of scales and distributes it to the needy and distressed. It is a testimony to his own success in life, as well as to his goodness of heart.

Divinatory Meanings

Upright: Presents, gifts, gratification another account says attention, vigilance now is the accepted time, present prosperity, etc.

Reversed: Desire, cupidity, envy, jealousy, illusion.

Some Additional Meanings of the Lesser Arcana

Six: The present must not be relied on. Reversed: A check on the Querent’s ambition.


Kindness of the heart; it will bring wealth and success in business.

Be generous in all aspects of your life.

Income, security, success.

Obstacles removed.

The importance of self-evaluation; when we use our skills, we should receive something in return.

Sharing good fortune with others.

Social responsibility.

Making donations.

Affluence is a measure of contentment, not currency. (Kat Black)

Charitable institutions.

Help from a generous friend.

Gifts are given and money is shared with everyone.

Something that belongs to you is lost but you will soon get it back.

Repayment of debts.

Return on investments.

An inheritance coming to you.

A buyer.

One who loans money.

Charity, gifts.

Mentoring, helping others.

Promotion, bonus.

Being productive and generous, feeling prosperous, accomplished.

You have produced something tangible and now you are feeling it is time to give back.


Feeling cheated.

Envy, greed.

Squandering your money or resources.

Distribution of an estate is handled unfairly.

Not a time to be spending money, invest it wisely instead.

Gifts with ulterior motives.

Being overly generous to the point of putting yourself at a disadvantage.

Financial manipulation.

Loss sustained through the actions of others.

Lack of generosity.

Bonus is not as large as hoped for.

Unfair business practices.

Investments may have lost value.

Selling personal goods to pay debts.

Biting the hand that feeds you.

Laundered money.

Refusing to share.

Loan has come due.

Those who owe money.

1. Robin Wood
2. Mythic
3. Morgan Greer
4. Olympus
5. Shadowscapes
6. Alleged


Feb 9, 2012, 10:13:32 AM2/9/12
to Opentarot Group, Google Opentarotnexus,


Apr 11, 2012, 10:09:51 AM4/11/12
to Group, Google Opentarotnexus, hathor
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